config flag for passing regtests

This commit is contained in:
Svyatoslav Nikolsky 2016-12-05 10:13:22 +03:00
parent 2b1fecb286
commit c9605c05bc
2 changed files with 66 additions and 26 deletions

View File

@ -74,10 +74,17 @@ pub fn create_sync_connection_factory(handle: &Handle, network: Magic, db: db::S
use synchronization_client::{SynchronizationClient, SynchronizationClientCore, Config as SynchronizationConfig};
use synchronization_verifier::AsyncVerifier;
let sync_client_config = SynchronizationConfig {
// during regtests, peer is providing us with bad blocks => we shouldn't close connection because of this
close_connection_on_bad_block: network != Magic::Regtest,
// TODO: remove me
threads_num: 4,
let sync_chain = Arc::new(RwLock::new(SyncChain::new(db)));
let sync_executor = SyncExecutor::new(sync_chain.clone());
let sync_server = Arc::new(SynchronizationServer::new(sync_chain.clone(), sync_executor.clone()));
let sync_client_core = SynchronizationClientCore::new(SynchronizationConfig::new(), handle, sync_executor.clone(), sync_chain.clone(), network);
let sync_client_core = SynchronizationClientCore::new(sync_client_config, handle, sync_executor.clone(), sync_chain.clone(), network);
let verifier = AsyncVerifier::new(network, sync_chain, sync_client_core.clone());
let sync_client = SynchronizationClient::new(sync_client_core, verifier);
let sync_node = Arc::new(SyncNode::new(sync_server, sync_client, sync_executor));

View File

@ -242,6 +242,8 @@ pub trait ClientCore : VerificationSink {
/// Synchronization client configuration options.
pub struct Config {
/// If true, connection to peer who has provided us with bad block is closed
pub close_connection_on_bad_block: bool,
/// Number of threads to allocate in synchronization CpuPool.
pub threads_num: usize,
@ -310,6 +312,8 @@ pub struct SynchronizationClientCore<T: TaskExecutor> {
block_speed_meter: AverageSpeedMeter,
/// Block synchronization speed meter
sync_speed_meter: AverageSpeedMeter,
/// Configuration
config: Config,
/// Block headers provider from `headers` message
@ -337,8 +341,10 @@ struct AverageSpeedMeter {
impl Config {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Config {
close_connection_on_bad_block: true,
threads_num: 4,
@ -603,7 +609,12 @@ impl<T> ClientCore for SynchronizationClientCore<T> where T: TaskExecutor {
let unknown_blocks_hashes: Vec<_> = {
let chain =;
.filter(|h| chain.block_state(h) == BlockState::Unknown)
.filter(|h| {
// if we haven't closed connection after receiving dead-end block
// => also process dead-end blocks
let block_state = chain.block_state(h);
block_state == BlockState::Unknown || (block_state == BlockState::DeadEnd && !self.config.close_connection_on_bad_block)
.filter(|h| !self.orphaned_blocks_pool.contains_unknown_block(h))
@ -1018,8 +1029,10 @@ impl<T> VerificationSink for SynchronizationClientCore<T> where T: TaskExecutor
// close connection with this peer
if let Some(peer_index) = self.verifying_blocks_by_peer.get(hash) {
warn!(target: "sync", "Closing connection with peer#{} as it has provided us with wrong block {:?}", peer_index, hash.to_reversed_str());
warn!(target: "sync", "Peer#{} has provided us with wrong block {:?}", peer_index, hash.to_reversed_str());
if self.config.close_connection_on_bad_block {
@ -1103,6 +1116,7 @@ impl<T> SynchronizationClientCore<T> where T: TaskExecutor {
do_not_relay: HashSet::new(),
block_speed_meter: AverageSpeedMeter::with_inspect_items(SYNC_SPEED_BLOCKS_TO_INSPECT),
sync_speed_meter: AverageSpeedMeter::with_inspect_items(BLOCKS_SPEED_BLOCKS_TO_INSPECT),
config: config,
@ -1267,11 +1281,8 @@ impl<T> SynchronizationClientCore<T> where T: TaskExecutor {
assert_eq!(hashes.len(), headers.len());
let mut chain = self.chain.write();
match chain.intersect_with_blocks_headers(&hashes, &headers) {
HeadersIntersection::DeadEnd(dead_block_index) => {
warn!(target: "sync", "Closing connection with peer#{} as it has provided us with dead-end block {:?}", peer_index, hashes[dead_block_index].to_reversed_str());
let intersection_result = chain.intersect_with_blocks_headers(&hashes, &headers);
match intersection_result {
HeadersIntersection::NoKnownBlocks(_) if self.state.is_synchronizing() => {
warn!(target: "sync", "Ignoring {} headers from peer#{}. Unknown and we are synchronizing.", headers.len(), peer_index);
@ -1290,7 +1301,16 @@ impl<T> SynchronizationClientCore<T> where T: TaskExecutor {
| HeadersIntersection::InMemoryForkNewBlocks(new_block_index)
| HeadersIntersection::DbForkNewBlocks(new_block_index)
| HeadersIntersection::NoKnownBlocks(new_block_index) => {
| HeadersIntersection::NoKnownBlocks(new_block_index)
| HeadersIntersection::DeadEnd(new_block_index) => {
if let HeadersIntersection::DeadEnd(dead_block_index) = intersection_result {
warn!(target: "sync", "Peer#{} has provided us with dead-end block {:?}", peer_index, hashes[dead_block_index].to_reversed_str());
if self.config.close_connection_on_bad_block {
// check that we do not know all blocks in range [new_block_index..]
// if we know some block => there has been verification error => all headers should be ignored
// see when_previous_block_verification_failed_fork_is_not_requested for details
@ -1299,10 +1319,14 @@ impl<T> SynchronizationClientCore<T> where T: TaskExecutor {
match block_state {
BlockState::Unknown => false,
BlockState::DeadEnd => {
warn!(target: "sync", "Closing connection with peer#{} as it has provided us with blocks lead to dead-end block {:?}", peer_index, h.to_reversed_str());
warn!(target: "sync", "Peer#{} has provided us with blocks leading to dead-end block {:?}", peer_index, h.to_reversed_str());
if self.config.close_connection_on_bad_block {
} else {
_ => true,
}) {
@ -1342,23 +1366,32 @@ impl<T> SynchronizationClientCore<T> where T: TaskExecutor {
// prepare list of blocks to verify + make all required changes to the chain
let mut result: Option<VecDeque<(H256, IndexedBlock)>> = None;
let mut chain = self.chain.write();
match chain.block_state(&block_hash) {
BlockState::DeadEnd => {
warn!(target: "sync", "Closing connection with peer#{} as it has provided us with dead-end block {:?}", peer_index, block_hash.to_reversed_str());
let block_state = chain.block_state(&block_hash);
match block_state {
BlockState::Verifying | BlockState::Stored => {
// remember peer as useful
BlockState::Unknown | BlockState::Scheduled | BlockState::Requested => {
// check parent block state
match chain.block_state(&block.header().previous_header_hash) {
BlockState::DeadEnd => {
warn!(target: "sync", "Closing connection with peer#{} as it has provided us with dead-end block {:?}", peer_index, block_hash.to_reversed_str());
BlockState::Unknown | BlockState::Scheduled | BlockState::Requested | BlockState::DeadEnd => {
if block_state == BlockState::DeadEnd {
warn!(target: "sync", "Peer#{} has provided us with dead-end block {:?}", peer_index, block_hash.to_reversed_str());
if self.config.close_connection_on_bad_block {
BlockState::Unknown => {
// check parent block state
let parent_block_state = chain.block_state(&block.header().previous_header_hash);
match parent_block_state {
BlockState::Unknown | BlockState::DeadEnd => {
if parent_block_state == BlockState::DeadEnd {
warn!(target: "sync", "Peer#{} has provided us with dead-end block {:?}", peer_index, block_hash.to_reversed_str());
if self.config.close_connection_on_bad_block {
return result;
if self.state.is_synchronizing() {
// when synchronizing, we tend to receive all blocks in-order