name: pbtc version: "0.1.0" author: Parity Technologies about: Parity zcash client args: - testnet: long: testnet help: Use the test network (Testnet3). - regtest: long: regtest help: Use a private network for regression tests. - connect: short: c long: connect value_name: IP help: Connect only to the specified node. takes_value: true - host: short: h long: host value_name: HOST help: Listen for connections on HOST. takes_value: true - seednode: short: s long: seednode value_name: IP help: Connect to a seed-node to retrieve peer addresses, and disconnect. takes_value: true - port: long: port value_name: PORT help: Listen for connections on PORT. takes_value: true - quiet: short: q long: quiet help: Do not show any synchronization information in the console. - data-dir: short: d long: data-dir value_name: PATH help: Specify the database and configuration directory PATH. takes_value: true - db-cache: long: db-cache value_name: SIZE help: Sets the database cache size. takes_value: true - only-net: long: only-net value_name: NET help: Only connect to nodes in network version (ipv4 or ipv6). takes_value: true - no-jsonrpc: long: no-jsonrpc help: Disable the JSON-RPC API server. - jsonrpc-port: long: jsonrpc-port help: Specify the PORT for the JSONRPC API server. takes_value: true value_name: PORT - jsonrpc-interface: long: jsonrpc-interface help: The hostname portion of the JSONRPC API server. takes_value: true value_name: INTERFACE - jsonrpc-cors: long: jsonrpc-cors help: Specify CORS header for JSON-RPC API responses. takes_value: true value_name: URL - jsonrpc-apis: long: jsonrpc-apis help: Specify the APIs available through the JSONRPC interface. APIS is a comma-delimited list of API names. Available APIs are blockchain, network, miner, raw. takes_value: true value_name: APIS - jsonrpc-hosts: long: jsonrpc-hosts help: List of allowed Host header values. takes_value: true value_name: HOSTS - blocknotify: long: blocknotify help: Execute COMMAND when the best block changes (%s in COMMAND is replaced by the block hash). takes_value: true value_name: COMMAND - verification-level: long: verification-level help: Sets the Blocks verification level to full (default), header (scripts are not verified), or none (no verification at all). takes_value: true value_name: LEVEL - verification-edge: long: verification-edge help: Non-default verification-level is applied until a block with given hash is met. takes_value: true value_name: BLOCK subcommands: - import: about: Import blocks from a Bitcoin Core database. args: - PATH: required: true help: Path of the Bitcoin Core database. - rollback: about: Rollback the database to given canonical-chain block. args: - BLOCK: required: true help: Either block hash, or block number.