use std::time::Instant; use std::collections::hash_map::Entry; use std::collections::HashMap; use message::{Command, Payload}; use message::types::{Ping, Pong}; // delay somewhere near communication timeout const ENORMOUS_PING_DELAY: f64 = 10f64; #[derive(Default, Clone, Debug)] pub struct RunningAverage { count: u64, bytes: u64, } impl RunningAverage { fn new(initial: usize) -> Self { RunningAverage { count: 1, bytes: initial as u64 } } fn add(&mut self, bytes: usize) { self.count += 1; // self.count guaranteed to be at least 1, since self.count min value is 0 and we just added 1 above // so division by zero is impossible; qed // // let x = self.bytes // let y = bytes, y >= 0 // to not overflow, this following be true: // x + (y - x) / c >= 0 // so // y / c >= 0 // which is true by usize definition; // qed self.bytes = (self.bytes as i64 + ((bytes as i64 - self.bytes as i64) / self.count as i64)) as u64; } pub fn val(&self) -> u64 { self.bytes } } #[derive(Default, Clone)] pub struct PeerStats { pub last_send: u32, pub last_recv: u32, pub total_send: u64, pub total_recv: u64, pub avg_ping: f64, pub min_ping: Option, pub send_avg: HashMap, pub recv_avg: HashMap, last_ping: Option, ping_count: u64, } impl PeerStats { pub fn report_send(&mut self, command: Command, bytes: usize) { self.total_send += bytes as u64; self.last_send = ::time::get_time().sec as u32; if command == Ping::command() { self.report_ping_send(); } match self.send_avg.entry(command) { Entry::Occupied(mut avg) => { avg.get_mut().add(bytes); }, Entry::Vacant(entry) => { entry.insert(RunningAverage::new(bytes)); }, } } fn report_ping_send(&mut self) { self.last_ping = Some(Instant::now()); self.ping_count += 1; } fn report_pong_recv(&mut self) { if let Some(last_ping) = self.last_ping { let dur = last_ping.elapsed(); let update = if dur.as_secs() > 10 { ENORMOUS_PING_DELAY } else { // max is 10, checked above, dur.as_secs() as u32 cannot overflow; qed f64::from(dur.as_secs() as u32) + f64::from(dur.subsec_nanos()) / 1e9 }; self.min_ping = Some(self.min_ping.unwrap_or(ENORMOUS_PING_DELAY).min(update)); self.avg_ping += (update - self.avg_ping) / (self.ping_count as f64); } } pub fn report_recv(&mut self, command: Command, bytes: usize) { self.total_recv += bytes as u64; self.last_recv = ::time::get_time().sec as u32; if command == Pong::command() { self.report_pong_recv(); } match self.recv_avg.entry(command) { Entry::Occupied(mut avg) => { avg.get_mut().add(bytes); }, Entry::Vacant(entry) => { entry.insert(RunningAverage::new(bytes)); }, } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::{RunningAverage, PeerStats}; #[test] fn avg() { let mut avg = RunningAverage::new(10); avg.add(12); assert_eq!(avg.bytes, 11); } #[test] fn avg_l() { let mut avg = RunningAverage::new(10); avg.add(12); avg.add(20); avg.add(28); avg.add(12); assert_eq!(avg.bytes, 16); } #[test] fn smoky() { let mut stats = PeerStats::default(); stats.report_send("ping".into(), 200); assert_eq!(stats.send_avg[&"ping".into()].val(), 200); ::std::thread::sleep(::std::time::Duration::from_millis(50)); stats.report_recv("pong".into(), 50); assert!(stats.avg_ping > 0.03); assert!(stats.avg_ping < 0.1); } }