var https = require('https'); var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var async = require('async'); var watch = require('node-watch'); var redis = require('redis'); var dot = require('dot'); var express = require('express'); var bodyParser = require('body-parser'); var compress = require('compression'); var Stratum = require('stratum-pool'); var util = require('stratum-pool/lib/util.js'); var api = require('./api.js'); module.exports = function(logger){ dot.templateSettings.strip = false; var portalConfig = JSON.parse(process.env.portalConfig); var poolConfigs = JSON.parse(process.env.pools); var websiteConfig =; var portalApi = new api(logger, portalConfig, poolConfigs); var portalStats = portalApi.stats; var logSystem = 'Website'; var pageFiles = { 'index.html': 'index', 'home.html': '', 'getting_started.html': 'getting_started', 'stats.html': 'stats', 'tbs.html': 'tbs', 'workers.html': 'workers', 'api.html': 'api', 'admin.html': 'admin', 'mining_key.html': 'mining_key', 'miner_stats.html': 'miner_stats' }; var pageTemplates = {}; var pageProcessed = {}; var indexesProcessed = {}; var keyScriptTemplate = ''; var keyScriptProcessed = ''; var processTemplates = function(){ for (var pageName in pageTemplates){ if (pageName === 'index') continue; pageProcessed[pageName] = pageTemplates[pageName]({ poolsConfigs: poolConfigs, stats: portalStats.stats, portalConfig: portalConfig }); indexesProcessed[pageName] = pageTemplates.index({ page: pageProcessed[pageName], selected: pageName, stats: portalStats.stats, poolConfigs: poolConfigs, portalConfig: portalConfig }); } //logger.debug(logSystem, 'Stats', 'Website updated to latest stats'); }; var readPageFiles = function(files){ async.each(files, function(fileName, callback){ var filePath = 'website/' + (fileName === 'index.html' ? '' : 'pages/') + fileName; fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf8', function(err, data){ var pTemp = dot.template(data); pageTemplates[pageFiles[fileName]] = pTemp callback(); }); }, function(err){ if (err){ console.log('error reading files for creating dot templates: '+ JSON.stringify(err)); return; } processTemplates(); }); }; // if an html file was changed reload it /* requires node-watch 0.5.0 or newer */ watch(['./website', './website/pages'], function(evt, filename){ var basename = path.basename(filename); if (basename in pageFiles){ readPageFiles([basename]); logger.special(logSystem, 'Server', 'Reloaded file ' + basename); } }); portalStats.getGlobalStats(function(){ readPageFiles(Object.keys(pageFiles)); }); var buildUpdatedWebsite = function(){ portalStats.getGlobalStats(function(){ processTemplates(); var statData = 'data: ' + JSON.stringify(portalStats.stats) + '\n\n'; for (var uid in portalApi.liveStatConnections){ var res = portalApi.liveStatConnections[uid]; res.write(statData); } }); }; setInterval(buildUpdatedWebsite, websiteConfig.stats.updateInterval * 1000); var buildKeyScriptPage = function(){ async.waterfall([ function(callback){ var client = redis.createClient(portalConfig.redis.port,; client.hgetall('coinVersionBytes', function(err, coinBytes){ if (err){ client.quit(); return callback('Failed grabbing coin version bytes from redis ' + JSON.stringify(err)); } callback(null, client, coinBytes || {}); }); }, function (client, coinBytes, callback){ var enabledCoins = Object.keys(poolConfigs).map(function(c){return c.toLowerCase()}); var missingCoins = []; enabledCoins.forEach(function(c){ if (!(c in coinBytes)) missingCoins.push(c); }); callback(null, client, coinBytes, missingCoins); }, function(client, coinBytes, missingCoins, callback){ var coinsForRedis = {}; async.each(missingCoins, function(c, cback){ var coinInfo = (function(){ for (var pName in poolConfigs){ if (pName.toLowerCase() === c) return { daemon: poolConfigs[pName].paymentProcessing.daemon, address: poolConfigs[pName].address } } })(); var daemon = new Stratum.daemon.interface([coinInfo.daemon], function(severity, message){ logger[severity](logSystem, c, message); }); daemon.cmd('dumpprivkey', [coinInfo.address], function(result){ if (result[0].error){ logger.error(logSystem, c, 'Could not dumpprivkey for ' + c + ' ' + JSON.stringify(result[0].error)); cback(); return; } var vBytePub = util.getVersionByte(coinInfo.address)[0]; var vBytePriv = util.getVersionByte(result[0].response)[0]; coinBytes[c] = vBytePub.toString() + ',' + vBytePriv.toString(); coinsForRedis[c] = coinBytes[c]; cback(); }); }, function(err){ callback(null, client, coinBytes, coinsForRedis); }); }, function(client, coinBytes, coinsForRedis, callback){ if (Object.keys(coinsForRedis).length > 0){ client.hmset('coinVersionBytes', coinsForRedis, function(err){ if (err) logger.error(logSystem, 'Init', 'Failed inserting coin byte version into redis ' + JSON.stringify(err)); client.quit(); }); } else{ client.quit(); } callback(null, coinBytes); } ], function(err, coinBytes){ if (err){ logger.error(logSystem, 'Init', err); return; } try{ keyScriptTemplate = dot.template(fs.readFileSync('website/key.html', {encoding: 'utf8'})); keyScriptProcessed = keyScriptTemplate({coins: coinBytes}); } catch(e){ logger.error(logSystem, 'Init', 'Failed to read key.html file'); } }); }; buildKeyScriptPage(); var getPage = function(pageId){ if (pageId in pageProcessed){ var requestedPage = pageProcessed[pageId]; return requestedPage; } }; var minerpage = function(req, res, next){ var address = req.params.address || null; if (address != null) { address = address.split(".")[0]; portalStats.getBalanceByAddress(address, function(){ processTemplates(); res.end(indexesProcessed['miner_stats']); }); } else next(); }; var payout = function(req, res, next){ var address = req.params.address || null; if (address != null){ portalStats.getPayout(address, function(data){ res.write(data.toString()); res.end(); }); } else next(); }; var shares = function(req, res, next){ portalStats.getCoins(function(){ processTemplates(); res.end(indexesProcessed['user_shares']); }); }; var usershares = function(req, res, next){ var coin = req.params.coin || null; if(coin != null){ portalStats.getCoinTotals(coin, null, function(){ processTemplates(); res.end(indexesProcessed['user_shares']); }); } else next(); }; var route = function(req, res, next){ var pageId = || ''; if (pageId in indexesProcessed){ res.header('Content-Type', 'text/html'); res.end(indexesProcessed[pageId]); } else next(); }; var app = express(); app.use(bodyParser.json()); app.get('/get_page', function(req, res, next){ var requestedPage = getPage(; if (requestedPage){ res.end(requestedPage); return; } next(); }); app.get('/key.html', function(req, res, next){ res.end(keyScriptProcessed); }); //app.get('/stats/shares/:coin', usershares); //app.get('/stats/shares', shares); //app.get('/payout/:address', payout); app.get('/workers/:address', minerpage); app.get('/:page', route); app.get('/', route); app.get('/api/:method', function(req, res, next){ portalApi.handleApiRequest(req, res, next); });'/api/admin/:method', function(req, res, next){ if ( && &&{ if ( === req.body.password) portalApi.handleAdminApiRequest(req, res, next); else res.send(401, JSON.stringify({error: 'Incorrect Password'})); } else next(); }); app.use(compress()); app.use('/static', express.static('website/static')); app.use(function(err, req, res, next){ console.error(err.stack); res.send(500, 'Something broke!'); }); try { if (typeof !== 'undefined' && ! { app.listen(,, function () { logger.debug(logSystem, 'Server', 'Website started on ' + + ':' +; }); } else { var TLSoptions = { key: fs.readFileSync(, cert: fs.readFileSync( }; https.createServer(TLSoptions, app).listen(,, function() { logger.debug(logSystem, 'Server', 'TLS Website started on ' + + ':' +; }); } } catch(e){ console.log(e) logger.error(logSystem, 'Server', 'Could not start website on ' + + ':' + + ' - its either in use or you do not have permission'); } };