var Stratum = require('stratum-pool'); var Vardiff = require('stratum-pool/lib/varDiff.js'); var net = require('net'); var MposCompatibility = require('./mposCompatibility.js'); var ShareProcessor = require('./shareProcessor.js'); module.exports = function(logger){ var poolConfigs = JSON.parse(process.env.pools); var portalConfig = JSON.parse(process.env.portalConfig); var forkId = process.env.forkId; var pools = {}; var proxyStuff = {} //Handle messages from master process sent via IPC process.on('message', function(message) { switch(message.type){ case 'blocknotify': var pool = pools[message.coin.toLowerCase()] if (pool) pool.processBlockNotify(message.hash) break; case 'switch': var newCoinPool = pools[message.coin.toLowerCase()]; if (newCoinPool) { var oldPool = pools[proxyStuff.curActivePool]; oldPool.relinquishMiners( function (miner, cback) { // relinquish miners that are attached to one of the "Auto-switch" ports and leave the others there. cback(typeof(portalConfig.proxy.ports[miner.client.socket.localPort]) !== 'undefined') }, function (clients) { newCoinPool.attachMiners(clients); proxyStuff.curActivePool = message.coin.toLowerCase(); } ) } break; } }); Object.keys(poolConfigs).forEach(function(coin) { var poolOptions = poolConfigs[coin]; var logSystem = 'Pool'; var logComponent = coin; var logSubCat = 'Fork ' + forkId; var handlers = { auth: function(){}, share: function(){}, diff: function(){} }; var shareProcessing = poolOptions.shareProcessing; //Functions required for MPOS compatibility if (shareProcessing && shareProcessing.mpos && shareProcessing.mpos.enabled){ var mposCompat = new MposCompatibility(logger, poolOptions) handlers.auth = function(workerName, password, authCallback){ mposCompat.handleAuth(workerName, password, authCallback); }; handlers.share = function(isValidShare, isValidBlock, data){ mposCompat.handleShare(isValidShare, isValidBlock, data); }; handlers.diff = function(workerName, diff){ mposCompat.handleDifficultyUpdate(workerName, diff); } } //Functions required for internal payment processing else if (shareProcessing && shareProcessing.internal && shareProcessing.internal.enabled){ var shareProcessor = new ShareProcessor(logger, poolOptions) handlers.auth = function(workerName, password, authCallback){ pool.daemon.cmd('validateaddress', [workerName], function(results){ var isValid = results.filter(function(r){return r.response.isvalid}).length > 0; authCallback(isValid); }); }; handlers.share = function(isValidShare, isValidBlock, data){ shareProcessor.handleShare(isValidShare, isValidBlock, data); }; } var authorizeFN = function (ip, workerName, password, callback) { handlers.auth(workerName, password, function(authorized){ var authString = authorized ? 'Authorized' : 'Unauthorized '; logger.debug(logSystem, logComponent, logSubCat, authString + ' ' + workerName + ':' + password + ' [' + ip + ']'); callback({ error: null, authorized: authorized, disconnect: false }); }); }; var pool = Stratum.createPool(poolOptions, authorizeFN, logger); pool.on('share', function(isValidShare, isValidBlock, data){ var shareData = JSON.stringify(data); if (data.solution && !isValidBlock) logger.debug(logSystem, logComponent, logSubCat, 'We thought a block solution was found but it was rejected by the daemon, share data: ' + shareData); else if (isValidBlock) logger.debug(logSystem, logComponent, logSubCat, 'Block solution found: ' + data.solution); if (isValidShare) logger.debug(logSystem, logComponent, logSubCat, 'Valid share of difficulty ' + data.difficulty + ' by ' + data.worker + ' [' + data.ip + ']' ); else if (!isValidShare) logger.debug(logSystem, logComponent, logSubCat, 'Invalid share submitted, share data: ' + shareData); handlers.share(isValidShare, isValidBlock, data) }).on('difficultyUpdate', function(workerName, diff){ handlers.diff(workerName, diff); }).on('log', function(severity, text) { logger[severity](logSystem, logComponent, logSubCat, text); }); pool.start(); pools[] = pool; }); if (typeof(portalConfig.proxy) !== 'undefined' && portalConfig.proxy.enabled === true) { proxyStuff.curActivePool = Object.keys(pools)[0]; proxyStuff.proxys = {}; proxyStuff.varDiffs = {}; Object.keys(portalConfig.proxy.ports).forEach(function(port) { proxyStuff.varDiffs[port] = new Vardiff(port, portalConfig.proxy.ports[port].varDiff); }); Object.keys(pools).forEach(function (coinName) { var p = pools[coinName]; Object.keys(proxyStuff.varDiffs).forEach(function(port) { p.setVarDiff(port, proxyStuff.varDiffs[port]); }); }); Object.keys(portalConfig.proxy.ports).forEach(function (port) { proxyStuff.proxys[port] = net .createServer({allowHalfOpen: true}, function(socket) { console.log(proxyStuff.curActivePool); pools[proxyStuff.curActivePool].getStratumServer().handleNewClient(socket); }).listen(parseInt(port), function(){ console.log("Proxy listening on " + port); }); }); } };