var redis = require('redis'); var Stratum = require('stratum-pool'); module.exports = function(logger){ var poolConfigs = JSON.parse(process.env.pools); Object.keys(poolConfigs).forEach(function(coin) { SetupForPool(logger, poolConfigs[coin]); }); }; function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions){ var coin =; var processingConfig = poolOptions.shareProcessing.internal; if (!processingConfig.enabled) return; var logIdentify = 'Payment Processor (' + coin + ')'; var paymentLogger = { debug: function(key, text){ logger.logDebug(logIdentify, key, text); }, warning: function(key, text){ logger.logWarning(logIdentify, key, text); }, error: function(key, text){ logger.logError(logIdentify, key, text); } }; var daemon = new Stratum.daemon.interface([processingConfig.daemon]); daemon.once('online', function(){ paymentLogger.debug('system', 'Connected to daemon for payment processing'); daemon.cmd('validateaddress', [poolOptions.address], function(result){ if (!result[0].response.ismine){ paymentLogger.error('system', 'Daemon does not own pool address - payment processing can not be done with this daemon'); } }); }).once('connectionFailed', function(error){ paymentLogger.error('system', 'Failed to connect to daemon for payment processing: ' + JSON.stringify(error)); }).on('error', function(error){ paymentLogger.error('system', error); }).init(); var redisClient; var connectToRedis = function(){ var reconnectTimeout; redisClient = redis.createClient(processingConfig.redis.port,; redisClient.on('ready', function(){ clearTimeout(reconnectTimeout); paymentLogger.debug('redis', 'Successfully connected to redis database'); }).on('error', function(err){ paymentLogger.error('redis', 'Redis client had an error: ' + JSON.stringify(err)) }).on('end', function(){ paymentLogger.error('redis', 'Connection to redis database as been ended'); paymentLogger.warning('redis', 'Trying reconnection in 3 seconds...'); reconnectTimeout = setTimeout(function(){ connectToRedis(); }, 3000); }); }; connectToRedis(); var checkTx = function(tx, blockHeight){ daemon.cmd('gettransaction', [tx], function(results){ //console.dir(results[0].response.details[0].category); var status = results[0].response.details[0].category; var amount = results[0].response.details[0].amount; if (status !== 'generate') return; var f = 'shares_' + coin + ':round' + blockHeight; console.log(f); redisClient.hgetall('shares_' + coin + ':round' + blockHeight, function(error, results){ if (error || !results) return; console.log('okay ' + JSON.stringify(results)); //get balances_coin from redis for each address in this round //add up total balances //send necessary payments //put left over balances in redis //clean up (move block entry to processedBlocks_coin) so this logic isn't called again }); }); }; setInterval(function(){ redisClient.smembers('blocks_' + coin, function(error, results){ if (error){ logger.error('redis', 'Could get blocks from redis ' + JSON.stringify(error)); return; } results.forEach(function(item){ var split = item.split(':'); var tx = split[0]; var blockHeight = split[1]; checkTx(tx, blockHeight); }); }); }, processingConfig.paymentInterval * 1000); };