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//! This module defines a load-balanced pool of services that adds new services when load is high.
//! The pool uses `poll_ready` as a signal indicating whether additional services should be spawned
//! to handle the current level of load. Specifically, every time `poll_ready` on the inner service
//! returns `Ready`, [`Pool`] consider that a 0, and every time it returns `Pending`, [`Pool`]
//! considers it a 1. [`Pool`] then maintains an [exponential moving
//! average]( over those
//! samples, which gives an estimate of how often the underlying service has been ready when it was
//! needed "recently" (see [`Builder::urgency`]). If the service is loaded (see
//! [`Builder::loaded_above`]), a new service is created and added to the underlying [`Balance`].
//! If the service is underutilized (see [`Builder::underutilized_below`]) and there are two or
//! more services, then the latest added service is removed. In either case, the load estimate is
//! reset to its initial value (see [`Builder::initial`] to prevent services from being rapidly
//! added or removed.
use super::error;
use super::p2c::Balance;
use crate::discover::{Change, Discover};
use crate::load::Load;
use crate::make::MakeService;
use futures_core::ready;
use pin_project::pin_project;
use slab::Slab;
use std::{
task::{Context, Poll},
use tower_service::Service;
mod test;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum Level {
/// Load is low -- remove a service instance.
/// Load is normal -- keep the service set as it is.
/// Load is high -- add another service instance.
/// A wrapper around `MakeService` that discovers a new service when load is high, and removes a
/// service when load is low. See [`Pool`].
pub struct PoolDiscoverer<MS, Target, Request>
MS: MakeService<Target, Request>,
maker: MS,
making: Option<MS::Future>,
target: Target,
load: Level,
services: Slab<()>,
died_tx: tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedSender<usize>,
died_rx: tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<usize>,
limit: Option<usize>,
impl<MS, Target, Request> fmt::Debug for PoolDiscoverer<MS, Target, Request>
MS: MakeService<Target, Request> + fmt::Debug,
Target: fmt::Debug,
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("maker", &self.maker)
.field("making", &self.making.is_some())
.field("target", &
.field("load", &self.load)
.field("services", &
.field("limit", &self.limit)
impl<MS, Target, Request> Discover for PoolDiscoverer<MS, Target, Request>
MS: MakeService<Target, Request>,
MS::MakeError: Into<error::Error>,
MS::Error: Into<error::Error>,
Target: Clone,
type Key = usize;
type Service = DropNotifyService<MS::Service>;
type Error = MS::MakeError;
fn poll_discover(
self: Pin<&mut Self>,
cx: &mut Context<'_>,
) -> Poll<Result<Change<Self::Key, Self::Service>, Self::Error>> {
let mut this = self.project();
while let Poll::Ready(Some(sid)) = this.died_rx.as_mut().poll_recv(cx) {;
tracing::trace!( =,
message = "removing dropped service"
if == 0 && this.making.is_none() {
let _ = ready!(this.maker.poll_ready(cx))?;
tracing::trace!("construct initial pool connection");
if let Level::High = this.load {
if this.making.is_none() {
if this
.map(|limit| >= limit)
return Poll::Pending;
tracing::trace!( =,
message = "decided to add service to loaded pool"
tracing::trace!("making new service");
// TODO: it'd be great if we could avoid the clone here and use, say, &Target
if let Some(fut) = this.making.as_mut().as_pin_mut() {
let svc = ready!(fut.poll(cx))?;
let id =;
let svc = DropNotifyService {
notify: this.died_tx.clone(),
tracing::trace!( =,
message = "finished creating new service"
*this.load = Level::Normal;
return Poll::Ready(Ok(Change::Insert(id, svc)));
match this.load {
Level::High => {
unreachable!("found high load but no Service being made");
Level::Normal => Poll::Pending,
Level::Low if == 1 => Poll::Pending,
Level::Low => {
*this.load = Level::Normal;
// NOTE: this is a little sad -- we'd prefer to kill short-living services
let rm =;
// note that we _don't_ remove from here
// that'll happen automatically on drop
tracing::trace!( =,
message = "removing service for over-provisioned pool"
/// A [builder] that lets you configure how a [`Pool`] determines whether the underlying service is
/// loaded or not. See the [module-level documentation](index.html) and the builder's methods for
/// details.
/// [builder]:
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Builder {
low: f64,
high: f64,
init: f64,
alpha: f64,
limit: Option<usize>,
impl Default for Builder {
fn default() -> Self {
Builder {
init: 0.1,
low: 0.00001,
high: 0.2,
alpha: 0.03,
limit: None,
impl Builder {
/// Create a new builder with default values for all load settings.
/// If you just want to use the defaults, you can just use [`Pool::new`].
pub fn new() -> Self {
/// When the estimated load (see the [module-level docs](index.html)) drops below this
/// threshold, and there are at least two services active, a service is removed.
/// The default value is 0.01. That is, when one in every 100 `poll_ready` calls return
/// `Pending`, then the underlying service is considered underutilized.
pub fn underutilized_below(&mut self, low: f64) -> &mut Self {
self.low = low;
/// When the estimated load (see the [module-level docs](index.html)) exceeds this
/// threshold, and no service is currently in the process of being added, a new service is
/// scheduled to be added to the underlying [`Balance`].
/// The default value is 0.5. That is, when every other call to `poll_ready` returns
/// `Pending`, then the underlying service is considered highly loaded.
pub fn loaded_above(&mut self, high: f64) -> &mut Self {
self.high = high;
/// The initial estimated load average.
/// This is also the value that the estimated load will be reset to whenever a service is added
/// or removed.
/// The default value is 0.1.
pub fn initial(&mut self, init: f64) -> &mut Self {
self.init = init;
/// How aggressively the estimated load average is updated.
/// This is the α parameter of the formula for the [exponential moving
/// average](, and
/// dictates how quickly new samples of the current load affect the estimated load. If the
/// value is closer to 1, newer samples affect the load average a lot (when α is 1, the load
/// average is immediately set to the current load). If the value is closer to 0, newer samples
/// affect the load average very little at a time.
/// The given value is clamped to `[0,1]`.
/// The default value is 0.05, meaning, in very approximate terms, that each new load sample
/// affects the estimated load by 5%.
pub fn urgency(&mut self, alpha: f64) -> &mut Self {
self.alpha = alpha.max(0.0).min(1.0);
/// The maximum number of backing `Service` instances to maintain.
/// When the limit is reached, the load estimate is clamped to the high load threshhold, and no
/// new service is spawned.
/// No maximum limit is imposed by default.
pub fn max_services(&mut self, limit: Option<usize>) -> &mut Self {
self.limit = limit;
/// See [`Pool::new`].
pub fn build<MS, Target, Request>(
make_service: MS,
target: Target,
) -> Pool<MS, Target, Request>
MS: MakeService<Target, Request>,
MS::Service: Load,
<MS::Service as Load>::Metric: std::fmt::Debug,
MS::MakeError: Into<error::Error>,
MS::Error: Into<error::Error>,
Target: Clone,
let (died_tx, died_rx) = tokio::sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel();
let d = PoolDiscoverer {
maker: make_service,
making: None,
load: Level::Normal,
services: Slab::new(),
limit: self.limit,
Pool {
balance: Balance::from_entropy(Box::pin(d)),
options: *self,
ewma: self.init,
/// A dynamically sized, load-balanced pool of `Service` instances.
pub struct Pool<MS, Target, Request>
MS: MakeService<Target, Request>,
MS::MakeError: Into<error::Error>,
MS::Error: Into<error::Error>,
Target: Clone,
// the Pin<Box<_>> here is needed since Balance requires the Service to be Unpin
balance: Balance<Pin<Box<PoolDiscoverer<MS, Target, Request>>>, Request>,
options: Builder,
ewma: f64,
impl<MS, Target, Request> fmt::Debug for Pool<MS, Target, Request>
MS: MakeService<Target, Request> + fmt::Debug,
MS::MakeError: Into<error::Error>,
MS::Error: Into<error::Error>,
Target: Clone + fmt::Debug,
MS::Service: fmt::Debug,
Request: fmt::Debug,
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("balance", &self.balance)
.field("options", &self.options)
.field("ewma", &self.ewma)
impl<MS, Target, Request> Pool<MS, Target, Request>
MS: MakeService<Target, Request>,
MS::Service: Load,
<MS::Service as Load>::Metric: std::fmt::Debug,
MS::MakeError: Into<error::Error>,
MS::Error: Into<error::Error>,
Target: Clone,
/// Construct a new dynamically sized `Pool`.
/// If many calls to `poll_ready` return `Pending`, `new_service` is used to
/// construct another `Service` that is then added to the load-balanced pool.
/// If many calls to `poll_ready` succeed, the most recently added `Service`
/// is dropped from the pool.
pub fn new(make_service: MS, target: Target) -> Self {
Builder::new().build(make_service, target)
type PinBalance<S, Request> = Balance<Pin<Box<S>>, Request>;
impl<MS, Target, Req> Service<Req> for Pool<MS, Target, Req>
MS: MakeService<Target, Req>,
MS::Service: Load,
<MS::Service as Load>::Metric: std::fmt::Debug,
MS::MakeError: Into<error::Error>,
MS::Error: Into<error::Error>,
Target: Clone,
type Response = <PinBalance<PoolDiscoverer<MS, Target, Req>, Req> as Service<Req>>::Response;
type Error = <PinBalance<PoolDiscoverer<MS, Target, Req>, Req> as Service<Req>>::Error;
type Future = <PinBalance<PoolDiscoverer<MS, Target, Req>, Req> as Service<Req>>::Future;
fn poll_ready(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
if let Poll::Ready(()) = self.balance.poll_ready(cx)? {
// services was ready -- there are enough services
// update ewma with a 0 sample
self.ewma = (1.0 - self.options.alpha) * self.ewma;
let discover = self.balance.discover_mut().as_mut().project();
if self.ewma < self.options.low {
if *discover.load != Level::Low {
tracing::trace!({ ewma = %self.ewma }, "pool is over-provisioned");
*discover.load = Level::Low;
if > 1 {
// reset EWMA so we don't immediately try to remove another service
self.ewma = self.options.init;
} else {
if *discover.load != Level::Normal {
tracing::trace!({ ewma = %self.ewma }, "pool is appropriately provisioned");
*discover.load = Level::Normal;
return Poll::Ready(Ok(()));
let discover = self.balance.discover_mut().as_mut().project();
if discover.making.is_none() {
// no services are ready -- we're overloaded
// update ewma with a 1 sample
self.ewma = self.options.alpha + (1.0 - self.options.alpha) * self.ewma;
if self.ewma > self.options.high {
if *discover.load != Level::High {
tracing::trace!({ ewma = %self.ewma }, "pool is under-provisioned");
*discover.load = Level::High;
// don't reset the EWMA -- in theory, poll_ready should now start returning
// `Ready`, so we won't try to launch another service immediately.
// we clamp it to high though in case the # of services is limited.
self.ewma = self.options.high;
// we need to call balance again for PoolDiscover to realize
// it can make a new service
return self.balance.poll_ready(cx);
} else {
*discover.load = Level::Normal;
fn call(&mut self, req: Req) -> Self::Future {
pub struct DropNotifyService<Svc> {
svc: Svc,
id: usize,
notify: tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedSender<usize>,
impl<Svc> Drop for DropNotifyService<Svc> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let _ = self.notify.send(;
impl<Svc: Load> Load for DropNotifyService<Svc> {
type Metric = Svc::Metric;
fn load(&self) -> Self::Metric {
impl<Request, Svc: Service<Request>> Service<Request> for DropNotifyService<Svc> {
type Response = Svc::Response;
type Future = Svc::Future;
type Error = Svc::Error;
fn poll_ready(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
fn call(&mut self, req: Request) -> Self::Future {