defmodule ZcashExplorerWeb.SearchController do use ZcashExplorerWeb, :controller def search(conn, %{"qs" => qs}) do qs = String.trim(qs) # query zcashd to find out if the user has entered a valid resource # Valid resources: # Block - height, hash # Transaction - hash # Address - Transparent , Shielded # If zcashd responds that a resource is valid, we redirect the user # to the appropriate resource view or redirect them to an error view. tasks = [ Task.async(fn -> Zcashex.getblock(qs, 0) end), Task.async(fn -> Zcashex.getrawtransaction(qs, 0) end), Task.async(fn -> Zcashex.validateaddress(qs) end), Task.async(fn -> Zcashex.z_validateaddress(qs) end) ] run = Task.yield_many(tasks, 5000) results =, fn {task, res} -> # Shut down the tasks that did not reply nor exit res || Task.shutdown(task, :brutal_kill) end) # order in which the tasks are above defined matters {:ok, block_resp} =, 0) {:ok, tx_resp} =, 1) {:ok, tadd_resp} =, 2) {:ok, zadd_resp} =, 3) IO.inspect(block_resp) IO.inspect(tx_resp) IO.inspect(tadd_resp) IO.inspect(zadd_resp) cond do is_valid_block?(block_resp) -> redirect(conn, to: "/blocks/#{qs}") is_valid_tx?(tx_resp) -> redirect(conn, to: "/transactions/#{qs}") is_valid_taddr?(tadd_resp) -> redirect(conn, to: "/address/#{qs}") is_valid_zaddr?(zadd_resp) -> redirect(conn, to: "/address/#{qs}") is_valid_unified_address?(zadd_resp) -> redirect(conn, to: "/ua/#{qs}") true -> conn |> put_status(:not_found) |> put_view(ZcashExplorerWeb.ErrorView) |> render(:invalid_input) end end def is_valid_block?({:ok, {:error, "Block not found"}}) do false end def is_valid_block?({:ok, _hex}) do true end def is_valid_block?({:error, _reason}) do false end def is_valid_tx?({:ok, _hex}) do true end def is_valid_tx?({:error, _reason}) do false end def is_valid_taddr?({:ok, %{"isvalid" => true}}) do true end def is_valid_taddr?({:ok, %{"isvalid" => false}}) do false end def is_valid_zaddr?({:ok, %{"isvalid" => true, "type" => "sprout"}}) do true end def is_valid_zaddr?({:ok, %{"isvalid" => true, "type" => "sapling"}}) do true end def is_valid_zaddr?({:ok, %{"isvalid" => true, "type" => "unified"}}) do false end def is_valid_zaddr?({:ok, %{"isvalid" => false}}) do false end def is_valid_unified_address?({:ok, %{"isvalid" => true, "type" => "unified"}}) do true end def is_valid_unified_address?(resp) do false end end