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declare module '@ledgerhq/hw-transport-u2f' {
import LedgerTransport, {
} from '@ledgerhq/hw-transport';
import { isSupported, sign } from 'u2f-api';
export default class TransportU2F extends LedgerTransport<null> {
public static isSupported: typeof isSupported;
* @description this transport is not discoverable but we are going to guess if it is here with isSupported()
* @static
* @template Descriptor An array with [null] if supported device
* @returns {Descriptor}
* @memberof TransportU2F
public static list<Descriptor = [null] | never[]>(): Descriptor;
* @description Listen all device events for a given Transport.
* The method takes an Observer of DescriptorEvent and returns a Subscription
* according to Observable paradigm https://github.com/tc39/proposal-observable
* a DescriptorEvent is a { descriptor, type } object.
* Type can be "add" or "remove" and descriptor is a value you can pass to open(descriptor).
* Each listen() call will first emit all potential device already connected and then will emit events can come over times,
* @static
* @template Descriptor
* @template Device
* @template Err
* @param {Observer<
* DescriptorEvent<Device, Descriptor>,
* ErrParam
* >} observer
* @returns {Subscription}
* @memberof TransportU2F
public static listen<Descriptor = undefined, Device = null, Err = TransportError>(
observer: Observer<DescriptorEvent<Device, Descriptor>, Err>,
): Subscription;
* @description static function to create a new Transport from a connected
* Ledger device discoverable via U2F (browser support)
* @static
* @param {*} _
* @param {number} [_openTimeout]
* @returns {Promise<TransportU2F>}
* @memberof TransportU2F
public static open(_?: any, __?: number): Promise<TransportU2F>;
* @description Low level api to communicate with the device.
* @param {Buffer} adpu
* @returns {Promise<Buffer>}
* @memberof TransportU2F
public exchange(adpu: Buffer): Promise<Buffer>;
* @description Set the "scramble key" for the next exchange with the device.
* Each App can have a different scramble key and they internally will set it at instantiation.
* @param {string} scrambleKey
* @memberof TransportU2F
public setScrambleKey(scrambleKey: string): void;
* @description Close the exchange with the device.
* @returns {Promise<void>}
* @memberof TransportU2F
public close(): Promise<void>;