import React from 'react'; import { hot } from 'react-hot-loader'; import { Switch, Route, RouteProps, RouteComponentProps, withRouter, matchPath, } from 'react-router'; import loadable from '@loadable/component'; import AuthRoute from 'components/AuthRoute'; import Template, { TemplateProps } from 'components/Template'; import ErrorWrap from 'components/ErrorWrap'; import Loader from 'components/Loader'; import 'styles/style.less'; // wrap components in loadable...import & they will be split // Make sure you specify chunkname! Must replace slashes with dashes. const opts = { fallback: }; const Home = loadable(() => import('pages/index'), opts); const Create = loadable(() => import('pages/create'), opts); const CreateRequest = loadable(() => import('pages/create-request'), opts); const RequestEdit = loadable(() => import('pages/request-edit'), opts); const ProposalEdit = loadable(() => import('pages/proposal-edit'), opts); const Proposals = loadable(() => import('pages/proposals'), opts); const Proposal = loadable(() => import('pages/proposal'), opts); const Archived = loadable(() => import('pages/archived'), opts); const Guide = loadable(() => import('pages/guide'), opts); const Ccr = loadable(() => import('pages/ccr'), opts); const Auth = loadable(() => import('pages/auth')); const SignOut = loadable(() => import('pages/sign-out'), opts); const Profile = loadable(() => import('pages/profile'), opts); const Settings = loadable(() => import('pages/settings'), opts); const Exception = loadable(() => import('pages/exception'), opts); const Tos = loadable(() => import('pages/tos')); const ProposalTutorial = loadable(() => import('pages/proposal-tutorial')); const About = loadable(() => import('pages/about'), opts); const Privacy = loadable(() => import('pages/privacy'), opts); const Kyc = loadable(() => import('pages/kyc'), opts); const Contact = loadable(() => import('pages/contact'), opts); const CodeOfConduct = loadable(() => import('pages/code-of-conduct'), opts); const VerifyEmail = loadable(() => import('pages/email-verify'), opts); const Callback = loadable(() => import('pages/callback'), opts); const RecoverEmail = loadable(() => import('pages/email-recover'), opts); const UnsubscribeEmail = loadable(() => import('pages/email-unsubscribe'), opts); const ArbiterEmail = loadable(() => import('pages/email-arbiter'), opts); const RFP = loadable(() => import('pages/rfp'), opts); const RFPs = loadable(() => import('pages/rfps'), opts); interface RouteConfig extends RouteProps { route: RouteProps; template: TemplateProps; requiresAuth?: boolean; onlyLoggedIn?: boolean; onlyLoggedOut?: boolean; } const routeConfigs: RouteConfig[] = [ { // Homepage route: { path: '/', component: Home, exact: true, }, template: { title: 'Home', isHeaderTransparent: true, isFullScreen: true, }, }, { // Create request route: { path: '/create-request', component: CreateRequest, }, template: { title: 'Create a Request', }, onlyLoggedIn: true, }, { // Request edit page route: { path: '/ccrs/:id/edit', component: RequestEdit, }, template: { title: 'Edit Request', isFullScreen: true, hideFooter: true, }, onlyLoggedIn: true, }, { // Request view page route: { path: '/ccrs/:id', component: Ccr, }, template: { title: 'View Request', isFullScreen: true, hideFooter: true, }, onlyLoggedIn: true, }, { // Create proposal route: { path: '/create', component: Create, }, template: { title: 'Create a Proposal', }, onlyLoggedIn: true, }, { // Browse proposals route: { path: '/proposals', component: Proposals, exact: true, }, template: { title: 'Browse proposals', }, }, { // Proposal edit page route: { path: '/proposals/:id/edit', component: ProposalEdit, }, template: { title: 'Edit proposal', isFullScreen: true, hideFooter: true, }, onlyLoggedIn: true, }, { // Proposal archive page route: { path: '/proposals/:id/archive', component: Archived, }, template: { title: 'Archived', }, }, { // Proposal detail page route: { path: '/proposals/:id', component: Proposal, }, template: { title: 'Proposal', }, }, { // RFP list page, route: { path: '/requests', component: RFPs, exact: true, }, template: { title: 'Requests', }, }, { // RFP detail page route: { path: '/requests/:id', component: RFP, }, template: { title: 'Request', }, }, { // Self profile route: { path: '/profile', component: Profile, exact: true, }, template: { title: 'Profile', }, onlyLoggedIn: true, }, { // Settings page route: { path: '/profile/settings', component: Settings, exact: true, }, template: { title: 'Settings', }, onlyLoggedIn: true, }, { // Terms of Service page route: { path: '/tos', component: Tos, exact: true, }, template: { title: 'Terms of Service', }, onlyLoggedIn: false, }, { // Terms of Service page route: { path: '/guide', component: Guide, exact: true, }, template: { title: 'Guide', }, onlyLoggedIn: false, }, { // Terms of Service page route: { path: '/proposal-tutorial', component: ProposalTutorial, exact: true, }, template: { title: 'Proposal Tutorial', }, onlyLoggedIn: false, }, { // About page route: { path: '/about', component: About, exact: true, }, template: { title: 'About', }, onlyLoggedIn: false, }, { // Privacy page route: { path: '/kyc', component: Kyc, exact: true, }, template: { title: 'KYC', }, onlyLoggedIn: false, }, { // Privacy page route: { path: '/privacy', component: Privacy, exact: true, }, template: { title: 'Privacy Policy', }, onlyLoggedIn: false, }, { // Contact page route: { path: '/contact', component: Contact, exact: true, }, template: { title: 'Contact', }, onlyLoggedIn: false, }, { // Code of Conduct page route: { path: '/code-of-conduct', component: CodeOfConduct, exact: true, }, template: { title: 'Code of Conduct', }, onlyLoggedIn: false, }, { // User profile route: { path: '/profile/:id', component: Profile, }, template: { title: 'Profile', }, }, { // Sign out route: { path: '/auth/sign-out', component: SignOut, exact: true, }, template: { title: 'Signed out', }, }, { // Sign in / sign up / recover (nested routes) route: { path: '/auth', component: Auth, }, template: { title: 'Sign in', }, onlyLoggedOut: true, }, { // Verify email route: { path: '/email/verify', component: VerifyEmail, exact: true, }, template: { title: 'Verify email', }, }, { // Recover email route: { path: '/email/recover', component: RecoverEmail, exact: true, }, template: { title: 'Recover email', }, }, { // Unsubscribe email route: { path: '/email/unsubscribe', component: UnsubscribeEmail, exact: true, }, template: { title: 'Unsubscribe email', }, }, { // Arbiter email route: { path: '/email/arbiter', component: ArbiterEmail, exact: true, }, template: { title: 'Unsubscribe email', }, }, { // oauth callbacks route: { path: '/callback', component: Callback, }, template: { title: 'OAuth Callback', }, }, { // 404 route: { path: '/*', render: () => , }, template: { title: 'Page not found', }, }, ]; type Props = RouteComponentProps; class Routes extends React.PureComponent { render() { const { pathname } = this.props.location; const currentRoute = routeConfigs.find(config => !!matchPath(pathname, config.route)) || routeConfigs[routeConfigs.length - 1]; const routeComponents = => { const { route, onlyLoggedIn, onlyLoggedOut } = config; if (onlyLoggedIn || onlyLoggedOut) { return ( ); } else { return ; } }); return ( ); } } const RouterAwareRoutes = withRouter(Routes); export default hot(module)(RouterAwareRoutes);