import types from './types'; import { findComment } from 'utils/helpers'; import { Proposal, ProposalComments, ProposalUpdates, Comment } from 'types'; export interface ProposalState { proposals: Proposal[]; proposalsError: null | string; isFetchingProposals: boolean; proposalComments: { [id: string]: ProposalComments }; commentsError: null | string; isFetchingComments: boolean; proposalUpdates: { [id: string]: ProposalUpdates }; updatesError: null | string; isFetchingUpdates: boolean; isPostCommentPending: boolean; postCommentError: null | string; } export const INITIAL_STATE: ProposalState = { proposals: [], proposalsError: null, isFetchingProposals: false, proposalComments: {}, commentsError: null, isFetchingComments: false, proposalUpdates: {}, updatesError: null, isFetchingUpdates: false, isPostCommentPending: false, postCommentError: null, }; function addProposal(state: ProposalState, payload: Proposal) { let proposals = state.proposals; const existingProposal = state.proposals.find( (p: Proposal) => p.proposalId === payload.proposalId, ); if (!existingProposal) { proposals = proposals.concat(payload); } else { proposals = [...proposals]; const index = proposals.indexOf(existingProposal); proposals[index] = payload; } return { ...state, ...{ proposals, }, }; } function addProposals(state: ProposalState, payload: Proposal[]) { return { ...state, proposals: payload, isFetchingProposals: false, }; } function addComments(state: ProposalState, payload: { data: ProposalComments }) { return { ...state, proposalComments: { ...state.proposalComments, []:, }, isFetchingComments: false, }; } function addUpdates(state: ProposalState, payload: ProposalUpdates) { return { ...state, proposalUpdates: { ...state.proposalUpdates, [payload.proposalId]: payload, }, isFetchingUpdates: false, }; } interface PostCommentPayload { proposalId: Proposal['proposalId']; comment: Comment; parentCommentId?: Comment['id']; } function addPostedComment(state: ProposalState, payload: PostCommentPayload) { const { proposalId, comment, parentCommentId } = payload; const newComments = state.proposalComments[proposalId] ? { ...state.proposalComments[proposalId], totalComments: state.proposalComments[proposalId].totalComments + 1, comments: [...state.proposalComments[proposalId].comments], } : { proposalId: payload.proposalId, totalComments: 1, comments: [], }; if (parentCommentId) { const parentComment = findComment(parentCommentId, newComments.comments); if (parentComment) { // FIXME: Object mutation because I'm lazy, but this probably shouldn’t // exist once API hookup is done. We'll just re-request from server. parentComment.replies.unshift(comment); } } else { newComments.comments.unshift(comment); } return { ...state, isPostCommentPending: false, proposalComments: { ...state.proposalComments, [payload.proposalId]: newComments, }, }; } export default (state = INITIAL_STATE, action: any) => { const { payload } = action; switch (action.type) { case types.PROPOSALS_DATA_PENDING: return { ...state, proposals: [], proposalsError: null, isFetchingProposals: true, }; case types.PROPOSALS_DATA_FULFILLED: return addProposals(state, payload); case types.PROPOSALS_DATA_REJECTED: return { ...state, // TODO: Get action to send real error proposalsError: 'Failed to fetch proposal', isFetchingProposals: false, }; case types.PROPOSAL_DATA_FULFILLED: return addProposal(state, payload); case types.PROPOSAL_COMMENTS_PENDING: return { ...state, commentsError: null, isFetchingComments: true, }; case types.PROPOSAL_COMMENTS_FULFILLED: return addComments(state, payload); case types.PROPOSAL_COMMENTS_REJECTED: return { ...state, // TODO: Get action to send real error commentsError: 'Failed to fetch comments', isFetchingComments: false, }; case types.PROPOSAL_UPDATES_PENDING: return { ...state, updatesError: null, isFetchingUpdates: true, }; case types.PROPOSAL_UPDATES_FULFILLED: return addUpdates(state, payload); case types.PROPOSAL_UPDATES_REJECTED: return { ...state, // TODO: Get action to send real error updatesError: 'Failed to fetch updates', isFetchingUpdates: false, }; case types.POST_PROPOSAL_COMMENT_PENDING: return { ...state, isPostCommentPending: true, postCommentError: null, }; case types.POST_PROPOSAL_COMMENT_FULFILLED: return addPostedComment(state, payload); case types.POST_PROPOSAL_COMMENT_REJECTED: return { ...state, isPostCommentPending: false, postCommentError: payload, }; default: return state; } };