from flask import render_template, Markup, current_app from grant.extensions import mail default_template_args = { 'home_url': '', 'account_url': '', 'email_settings_url': '', 'unsubscribe_url': '', } def signup_info(email_args): return { 'subject': 'Confirm your email on', 'title': 'Welcome to!', 'preview': 'Welcome to, we just need to confirm your email address.', } def team_invite_info(email_args): return { 'subject': '{} has invited you to a project'.format(email_args['inviter'].display_name), 'title': 'You’ve been invited!', 'preview': 'You’ve been invited to the "{}" project team'.format(email_args['proposal'].title) } get_info_lookup = { 'signup': signup_info, 'team_invite': team_invite_info } def send_email(to, type, email_args): if current_app and current_app.config.get("TESTING"): return try: info = get_info_lookup[type](email_args) body_text = render_template('emails/%s.txt' % (type), args=email_args) body_html = render_template('emails/%s.html' % (type), args=email_args) html = render_template('emails/template.html', args={ **default_template_args, **info, 'body': Markup(body_html), }) text = render_template('emails/template.txt', args={ **default_template_args, **info, 'body': body_text, }) res = mail.send_email( to_email=to, subject=info['subject'], text=text, html=html, ) print('Just sent an email to %s of type %s, response code: %s' % (to, type, res.status_code)) except Exception as e: print('An error occured while sending an email to %s - %s: %s' % (to, e.__class__.__name__, e))