import { debounce } from 'lodash'; import React from 'react'; import { view } from 'react-easy-state'; import { Button, Modal, Input, Icon, List, Avatar, message } from 'antd'; import store from 'src/store'; import { Proposal, User, PROPOSAL_ARBITER_STATUS } from 'src/types'; import Search from 'antd/lib/input/Search'; import { ButtonProps } from 'antd/lib/button'; import './index.less'; interface OwnProps { buttonProps?: ButtonProps; } type Props = OwnProps & Proposal; const STATE = { showSearch: false, searching: false, }; type State = typeof STATE; class ArbiterControlNaked extends React.Component { state = STATE; searchInput: null | Search = null; private searchArbiter = debounce(async search => { await store.searchArbiters(search); this.setState({ searching: false }); }, 1000); render() { const { arbiter, isVersionTwo, acceptedWithFunding } = this.props; const { showSearch, searching } = this.state; const { results, search, error } = store.arbitersSearch; const showEmpty = !results.length && !searching; const buttonDisabled = isVersionTwo && !acceptedWithFunding; const disp = { [PROPOSAL_ARBITER_STATUS.MISSING]: 'Nominate arbiter', [PROPOSAL_ARBITER_STATUS.NOMINATED]: 'Change nomination', [PROPOSAL_ARBITER_STATUS.ACCEPTED]: 'Change arbiter', }; return ( <> {/* CONTROL */} {/* SEARCH MODAL */} {showSearch && ( Nominate an arbiter } visible={true} footer={null} onCancel={this.handleCloseSearch} > <> (this.searchInput = x)} placeholder="name or email" onChange={this.handleSearchInputChange} /> {/* EMPTY RESULTS */} {showEmpty && (
{(!error && ( <> no arbiters found {search && ` for "${search}"`}, please type search query )) || ( <> {error} )}
)} {/* RESULTS */} {!showEmpty && (
( this.handleSelect(u)} > Nominate , ]} > } title={u.displayName} description={u.emailAddress} /> )} />
)} ); } private handleShowSearch = () => { this.setState({ showSearch: true }); // hacky way of waiting for modal to render in before focus setTimeout(() => { if (this.searchInput) this.searchInput.focus(); }, 200); }; private handleSearchInputChange = (ev: React.ChangeEvent) => { this.setState({ searching: true }); const search = ev.currentTarget.value; this.searchArbiter(search); }; private handleSelect = async (user: User) => { this.setState({ showSearch: false }); store.searchArbitersClear(); await store.setArbiter(this.props.proposalId, user.userid); if (store.arbiterSaved) { message.success( <> {user.displayName} nominated as arbiter of {this.props.title} , ); } }; private handleCloseSearch = () => { this.setState({ showSearch: false }); store.searchArbitersClear(); }; } const ArbiterControl = view(ArbiterControlNaked); export default ArbiterControl;