import requests from flask import current_app from grant.settings import BLOCKCHAIN_REST_API_URL, BLOCKCHAIN_API_SECRET, E2E_TESTING from grant.utils.exceptions import ValidationException ### REST API ### def handle_res(res): j = res.json() if j.get('error'): raise Exception('Blockchain API Error: {}'.format(j['error'])) return j['data'] def blockchain_get(path, params=None): if E2E_TESTING: return blockchain_rest_e2e(path, params) try: res = requests.get( f'{BLOCKCHAIN_REST_API_URL}{path}', headers={'authorization': BLOCKCHAIN_API_SECRET}, params=params, ) return handle_res(res) except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error(f"Unable to contact node: {e}") raise e def blockchain_post(path, data=None): if E2E_TESTING: return blockchain_rest_e2e(path, data) try: res = f'{BLOCKCHAIN_REST_API_URL}{path}', headers={'authorization': BLOCKCHAIN_API_SECRET}, json=data, ) return handle_res(res) except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error(f"Unable to contact node: {e}") raise e def blockchain_rest_e2e(path, data): if '/bootstrap' in path: return { 'startHeight': 123, 'currentHeight': 456, } if '/contribution/addresses' in path: return { 'transparent': 't123', } raise Exception(f'blockchain_post_e2e does not recognize path: {path}')