import React from 'react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { Button, Popconfirm, message } from 'antd'; import { respondToInvite } from 'modules/users/actions'; import { TeamInviteWithResponse } from 'modules/users/reducers'; import './ProfileInvite.less'; interface DispatchProps { respondToInvite: typeof respondToInvite; } interface OwnProps { userId: string | number; invite: TeamInviteWithResponse; } type Props = DispatchProps & OwnProps; interface State { isAccepting: boolean; isRejecting: boolean; } class ProfileInvite extends React.Component { state: State = { isAccepting: false, isRejecting: false, }; componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) { const { invite } = this.props; if (prevProps.invite !== invite && invite.respondError) { this.setState({ isAccepting: false, isRejecting: false, }); message.error('Failed to respond to invitation', 3); } } render() { const { invite } = this.props; const { isAccepting, isRejecting } = this.state; const { proposal } = invite; const inviter =[0] || { name: 'Unknown user' }; return (
{proposal.title || No title}
{proposal.brief || No description}
created by {}
); } private accept = () => { const { userId, invite } = this.props; this.setState({ isAccepting: true }); this.props.respondToInvite(userId,, true); }; private reject = () => { const { userId, invite } = this.props; this.setState({ isRejecting: true }); this.props.respondToInvite(userId,, false); }; } export default connect<{}, DispatchProps, OwnProps, {}>( undefined, { respondToInvite }, )(ProfileInvite);