import { ProposalDraft, STATUS, MILESTONE_STAGE, PROPOSAL_ARBITER_STATUS, CCRDraft, RFP, } from 'types'; import { User, CCR } from 'types'; import { getAmountErrorUsd, getAmountErrorUsdFromString, isValidSaplingAddress, isValidTAddress, isValidSproutAddress, } from 'utils/validators'; import { toUsd } from 'utils/units'; import { PROPOSAL_STAGE, RFP_STATUS } from 'api/constants'; import { ProposalDetail, PROPOSAL_DETAIL_INITIAL_STATE, } from 'modules/proposals/reducers'; interface CreateFormErrors { rfpOptIn?: string; title?: string; brief?: string; target?: string; team?: string[]; content?: string; payoutAddress?: string; tipJarAddress?: string; milestones?: string[]; } export type KeyOfForm = keyof CreateFormErrors; export const FIELD_NAME_MAP: { [key in KeyOfForm]: string } = { rfpOptIn: 'RFP KYC', title: 'Title', brief: 'Brief', target: 'Target amount', team: 'Team', content: 'Details', payoutAddress: 'Payout address', tipJarAddress: 'Tip address', milestones: 'Milestones', }; const requiredFields = ['title', 'brief', 'target', 'content', 'payoutAddress']; export function getCreateErrors( form: Partial, skipRequired?: boolean, ): CreateFormErrors { const errors: CreateFormErrors = {}; const { title, content, team, milestones, target, payoutAddress, tipJarAddress, rfp, rfpOptIn, brief, } = form; // Required fields with no extra validation if (!skipRequired) { for (const key of requiredFields) { if (!form[key as KeyOfForm]) { errors[key as KeyOfForm] = `${FIELD_NAME_MAP[key as KeyOfForm]} is required`; } } if (!milestones || !milestones.length) { errors.milestones = ['Must have at least one milestone']; } if (!team || !team.length) { = ['Must have at least one team member']; } } // RFP opt-in if (rfp && (rfp.bounty || rfp.matching) && rfpOptIn === null) { errors.rfpOptIn = 'Please accept or decline KYC'; } // Title if (title && title.length > 60) { errors.title = 'Title can only be 60 characters maximum'; } // Brief if (brief && brief.length > 140) { errors.brief = 'Brief can only be 140 characters maximum'; } // Content limit for our database's sake if (content && content.length > 250000) { errors.content = 'Details can only be 250,000 characters maximum'; } // Amount to raise const targetFloat = target ? parseFloat(target) : 0; if (target && !Number.isNaN(targetFloat)) { const limit = parseFloat(process.env.PROPOSAL_TARGET_MAX as string); const targetErr = getAmountErrorUsd(targetFloat, limit) || getAmountErrorUsdFromString(target); if (targetErr) { = targetErr; } } // Payout address if (payoutAddress && !isValidSaplingAddress(payoutAddress)) { if (isValidSproutAddress(payoutAddress)) { errors.payoutAddress = 'Must be a Sapling address, not a Sprout address'; } else if (isValidTAddress(payoutAddress)) { errors.payoutAddress = 'Must be a Sapling Z address, not a T address'; } else { errors.payoutAddress = 'That doesn’t look like a valid Sapling address'; } } // Tip Jar Address if (tipJarAddress && !isValidSaplingAddress(tipJarAddress)) { if (isValidSproutAddress(tipJarAddress)) { errors.tipJarAddress = 'Must be a Sapling address, not a Sprout address'; } else if (isValidTAddress(tipJarAddress)) { errors.tipJarAddress = 'Must be a Sapling Z address, not a T address'; } else { errors.tipJarAddress = 'That doesn’t look like a valid Sapling address'; } } // Milestones if (milestones) { let cumulativeMilestonePct = 0; const milestoneErrors =, idx) => { // check payout first so we collect the cumulativePayout even if other fields are invalid if (!ms.payoutPercent) { return 'Payout percent is required'; } else if (Number.isNaN(parseInt(ms.payoutPercent, 10))) { return 'Payout percent must be a valid number'; } else if (parseInt(ms.payoutPercent, 10) !== parseFloat(ms.payoutPercent)) { return 'Payout percent must be a whole number, no decimals'; } else if (parseInt(ms.payoutPercent, 10) <= 0) { return 'Payout percent must be greater than 0%'; } else if (parseInt(ms.payoutPercent, 10) > 100) { return 'Payout percent must be less than or equal to 100%'; } // Last one shows percentage errors cumulativeMilestonePct += parseInt(ms.payoutPercent, 10); if (!ms.title) { return 'Title is required'; } else if (ms.title.length > 40) { return 'Title length can only be 40 characters maximum'; } if (!ms.content) { return 'Description is required'; } else if (ms.content.length > 200) { return 'Description can only be 200 characters maximum'; } if (!ms.immediatePayout) { if (!ms.daysEstimated) { return 'Estimate in days is required'; } else if (Number.isNaN(parseInt(ms.daysEstimated, 10))) { return 'Days estimated must be a valid number'; } else if (parseInt(ms.daysEstimated, 10) !== parseFloat(ms.daysEstimated)) { return 'Days estimated must be a whole number, no decimals'; } else if (parseInt(ms.daysEstimated, 10) <= 0) { return 'Days estimated must be greater than 0'; } else if (parseInt(ms.daysEstimated, 10) > 365) { return 'Days estimated must be less than or equal to 365'; } } if ( idx === milestones.length - 1 && cumulativeMilestonePct !== 100 && !Number.isNaN(cumulativeMilestonePct) ) { return `Payout percentages don’t add up to 100% (currently ${cumulativeMilestonePct}%)`; } return ''; }); if (milestoneErrors.find(err => !!err)) { errors.milestones = milestoneErrors; } } return errors; } export function validateUserProfile(user: User) { if (user.displayName.length > 50) { return 'Display name can only be 50 characters maximum'; } else if (user.title.length > 50) { return 'Title can only be 50 characters maximum'; } return ''; } export function getCreateWarnings(form: Partial): string[] { const warnings = []; // Warn about pending invites const hasPending = (form.invites || []).filter(inv => inv.accepted === null).length !== 0; if (hasPending) { warnings.push(` You still have pending team invitations. If you publish before they are accepted, your team will be locked in and they won’t be able to join. `); } return warnings; } // This is kind of a disgusting function, sorry. export function makeProposalPreviewFromDraft(draft: ProposalDraft): ProposalDetail { const { invites, } = draft; const target = parseFloat(; return {, proposalId: 0, status: STATUS.DRAFT, proposalUrlId: '0-title', proposalAddress: '0x0', payoutAddress: '0x0', dateCreated: / 1000, datePublished: / 1000, dateApproved: / 1000, target: toUsd(, funded: toUsd('0'), contributionMatching: 0, contributionBounty: toUsd('0'), percentFunded: 0, stage: PROPOSAL_STAGE.PREVIEW, isStaked: true, arbiter: { status: PROPOSAL_ARBITER_STATUS.ACCEPTED, }, tipJarAddress: null, tipJarViewKey: null, acceptedWithFunding: false, authedFollows: false, followersCount: 0, authedLiked: false, likesCount: 0, isVersionTwo: true, milestones:, idx) => ({ id: idx, index: idx, title: m.title, content: m.content, amount: (target * (parseInt(m.payoutPercent, 10) / 100)).toFixed(2), daysEstimated: m.daysEstimated, immediatePayout: m.immediatePayout, payoutPercent: m.payoutPercent.toString(), stage: MILESTONE_STAGE.IDLE, })), ...PROPOSAL_DETAIL_INITIAL_STATE, }; } export function makeRfpPreviewFromCcrDraft(draft: CCRDraft): RFP { const ccr: CCR = { ...draft, }; const now = new Date().getTime(); const { brief, content, title } = draft; return { id: 0, urlId: '', status: RFP_STATUS.LIVE, acceptedProposals: [], bounty: ? toUsd( : null, matching: false, dateOpened: now / 1000, authedLiked: false, likesCount: 0, isVersionTwo: true, ccr, brief, content, title, }; }