import { Effect } from 'redux-saga/effects'; type ExtPromise = T extends Promise ? U : T; type ExtSaga = T extends IterableIterator ? Exclude : ExtPromise; /** * Use this helper to unwrap return types from effects like Call / Apply * In the case of calling a function that returns a promise, this helper will unwrap the * promise and return the type inside it. In the case of calling another saga / generator, * this helper will return the actual return value of the saga / generator, otherwise, * it'll return the original type. * * NOTE 1: When using this to extract the type of a Saga, make sure to remove the `SagaIterator` * return type of the saga if it contains one, since that masks the actual return type of the saga. * * NOTE 2: You will most likely need to use the `typeof` operator to use this helper. * E.g type X = Yielded */ declare global { export type Yielded = T extends (...args: any[]) => any ? ExtSaga> : ExtPromise; }