
4443 lines
127 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2022-12-29 15:03:35 -08:00
// automatically generated by the FlatBuffers compiler, do not modify
2023-01-07 08:53:58 -08:00
2022-12-29 15:03:35 -08:00
// @generated
2022-12-30 12:34:26 -08:00
use core::mem;
2023-01-07 08:53:58 -08:00
use core::cmp::Ordering;
2022-12-29 15:03:35 -08:00
extern crate flatbuffers;
use self::flatbuffers::{EndianScalar, Follow};
#[allow(unused_imports, dead_code)]
pub mod fb {
2023-01-07 08:53:58 -08:00
use core::mem;
use core::cmp::Ordering;
extern crate flatbuffers;
use self::flatbuffers::{EndianScalar, Follow};
pub enum AccountOffset {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Account<'a> {
pub _tab: flatbuffers::Table<'a>,
impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for Account<'a> {
type Inner = Account<'a>;
unsafe fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {
Self { _tab: flatbuffers::Table::new(buf, loc) }
impl<'a> Account<'a> {
pub const VT_ID: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
pub const VT_NAME: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 6;
pub const VT_BALANCE: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 8;
pub unsafe fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
Account { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
_fbb: &'mut_bldr mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'bldr>,
args: &'args AccountArgs<'args>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<Account<'bldr>> {
let mut builder = AccountBuilder::new(_fbb);
if let Some(x) = args.name { builder.add_name(x); }
pub fn unpack(&self) -> AccountT {
let id = self.id();
let name = self.name().map(|x| {
let balance = self.balance();
AccountT {
pub fn id(&self) -> u32 {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<u32>(Account::VT_ID, Some(0)).unwrap()}
pub fn name(&self) -> Option<&'a str> {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>(Account::VT_NAME, None)}
pub fn balance(&self) -> u64 {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<u64>(Account::VT_BALANCE, Some(0)).unwrap()}
impl flatbuffers::Verifiable for Account<'_> {
fn run_verifier(
v: &mut flatbuffers::Verifier, pos: usize
) -> Result<(), flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {
use self::flatbuffers::Verifiable;
.visit_field::<u32>("id", Self::VT_ID, false)?
.visit_field::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>("name", Self::VT_NAME, false)?
.visit_field::<u64>("balance", Self::VT_BALANCE, false)?
pub struct AccountArgs<'a> {
pub id: u32,
pub name: Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'a str>>,
pub balance: u64,
impl<'a> Default for AccountArgs<'a> {
fn default() -> Self {
AccountArgs {
id: 0,
name: None,
balance: 0,
pub struct AccountBuilder<'a: 'b, 'b> {
fbb_: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>,
start_: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::TableUnfinishedWIPOffset>,
impl<'a: 'b, 'b> AccountBuilder<'a, 'b> {
pub fn add_id(&mut self, id: u32) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<u32>(Account::VT_ID, id, 0);
pub fn add_name(&mut self, name: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'b str>) {
self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<_>>(Account::VT_NAME, name);
pub fn add_balance(&mut self, balance: u64) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<u64>(Account::VT_BALANCE, balance, 0);
pub fn new(_fbb: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>) -> AccountBuilder<'a, 'b> {
let start = _fbb.start_table();
AccountBuilder {
fbb_: _fbb,
start_: start,
pub fn finish(self) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<Account<'a>> {
let o = self.fbb_.end_table(self.start_);
impl core::fmt::Debug for Account<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
let mut ds = f.debug_struct("Account");
ds.field("id", &self.id());
ds.field("name", &self.name());
ds.field("balance", &self.balance());
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct AccountT {
pub id: u32,
pub name: Option<String>,
pub balance: u64,
impl Default for AccountT {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
id: 0,
name: None,
balance: 0,
impl AccountT {
pub fn pack<'b>(
_fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<Account<'b>> {
let id = self.id;
let name = self.name.as_ref().map(|x|{
let balance = self.balance;
Account::create(_fbb, &AccountArgs{
pub enum AccountVecOffset {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct AccountVec<'a> {
pub _tab: flatbuffers::Table<'a>,
impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for AccountVec<'a> {
type Inner = AccountVec<'a>;
unsafe fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {
Self { _tab: flatbuffers::Table::new(buf, loc) }
impl<'a> AccountVec<'a> {
pub const VT_ACCOUNTS: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
pub unsafe fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
AccountVec { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
_fbb: &'mut_bldr mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'bldr>,
args: &'args AccountVecArgs<'args>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<AccountVec<'bldr>> {
let mut builder = AccountVecBuilder::new(_fbb);
if let Some(x) = args.accounts { builder.add_accounts(x); }
pub fn unpack(&self) -> AccountVecT {
let accounts = self.accounts().map(|x| {
x.iter().map(|t| t.unpack()).collect()
AccountVecT {
pub fn accounts(&self) -> Option<flatbuffers::Vector<'a, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<Account<'a>>>> {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'a, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<Account>>>>(AccountVec::VT_ACCOUNTS, None)}
impl flatbuffers::Verifiable for AccountVec<'_> {
fn run_verifier(
v: &mut flatbuffers::Verifier, pos: usize
) -> Result<(), flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {
use self::flatbuffers::Verifiable;
.visit_field::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'_, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<Account>>>>("accounts", Self::VT_ACCOUNTS, false)?
pub struct AccountVecArgs<'a> {
pub accounts: Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'a, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<Account<'a>>>>>,
impl<'a> Default for AccountVecArgs<'a> {
fn default() -> Self {
AccountVecArgs {
accounts: None,
pub struct AccountVecBuilder<'a: 'b, 'b> {
fbb_: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>,
start_: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::TableUnfinishedWIPOffset>,
impl<'a: 'b, 'b> AccountVecBuilder<'a, 'b> {
pub fn add_accounts(&mut self, accounts: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'b , flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<Account<'b >>>>) {
self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<_>>(AccountVec::VT_ACCOUNTS, accounts);
pub fn new(_fbb: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>) -> AccountVecBuilder<'a, 'b> {
let start = _fbb.start_table();
AccountVecBuilder {
fbb_: _fbb,
start_: start,
pub fn finish(self) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<AccountVec<'a>> {
let o = self.fbb_.end_table(self.start_);
impl core::fmt::Debug for AccountVec<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
let mut ds = f.debug_struct("AccountVec");
ds.field("accounts", &self.accounts());
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct AccountVecT {
pub accounts: Option<Vec<AccountT>>,
impl Default for AccountVecT {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
accounts: None,
impl AccountVecT {
pub fn pack<'b>(
_fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<AccountVec<'b>> {
let accounts = self.accounts.as_ref().map(|x|{
let w: Vec<_> = x.iter().map(|t| t.pack(_fbb)).collect();_fbb.create_vector(&w)
AccountVec::create(_fbb, &AccountVecArgs{
pub enum BalanceOffset {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Balance<'a> {
pub _tab: flatbuffers::Table<'a>,
impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for Balance<'a> {
type Inner = Balance<'a>;
unsafe fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {
Self { _tab: flatbuffers::Table::new(buf, loc) }
impl<'a> Balance<'a> {
pub const VT_SHIELDED: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
pub const VT_UNCONFIRMED_SPENT: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 6;
pub const VT_BALANCE: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 8;
pub const VT_UNDER_CONFIRMED: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 10;
pub const VT_EXCLUDED: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 12;
pub const VT_SAPLING: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 14;
pub const VT_ORCHARD: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 16;
pub unsafe fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
Balance { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
_fbb: &'mut_bldr mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'bldr>,
args: &'args BalanceArgs
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<Balance<'bldr>> {
let mut builder = BalanceBuilder::new(_fbb);
pub fn unpack(&self) -> BalanceT {
let shielded = self.shielded();
let unconfirmed_spent = self.unconfirmed_spent();
let balance = self.balance();
let under_confirmed = self.under_confirmed();
let excluded = self.excluded();
let sapling = self.sapling();
let orchard = self.orchard();
BalanceT {
pub fn shielded(&self) -> u64 {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<u64>(Balance::VT_SHIELDED, Some(0)).unwrap()}
pub fn unconfirmed_spent(&self) -> u64 {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<u64>(Balance::VT_UNCONFIRMED_SPENT, Some(0)).unwrap()}
pub fn balance(&self) -> u64 {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<u64>(Balance::VT_BALANCE, Some(0)).unwrap()}
pub fn under_confirmed(&self) -> u64 {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<u64>(Balance::VT_UNDER_CONFIRMED, Some(0)).unwrap()}
pub fn excluded(&self) -> u64 {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<u64>(Balance::VT_EXCLUDED, Some(0)).unwrap()}
pub fn sapling(&self) -> u64 {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<u64>(Balance::VT_SAPLING, Some(0)).unwrap()}
pub fn orchard(&self) -> u64 {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<u64>(Balance::VT_ORCHARD, Some(0)).unwrap()}
impl flatbuffers::Verifiable for Balance<'_> {
fn run_verifier(
v: &mut flatbuffers::Verifier, pos: usize
) -> Result<(), flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {
use self::flatbuffers::Verifiable;
.visit_field::<u64>("shielded", Self::VT_SHIELDED, false)?
.visit_field::<u64>("unconfirmed_spent", Self::VT_UNCONFIRMED_SPENT, false)?
.visit_field::<u64>("balance", Self::VT_BALANCE, false)?
.visit_field::<u64>("under_confirmed", Self::VT_UNDER_CONFIRMED, false)?
.visit_field::<u64>("excluded", Self::VT_EXCLUDED, false)?
.visit_field::<u64>("sapling", Self::VT_SAPLING, false)?
.visit_field::<u64>("orchard", Self::VT_ORCHARD, false)?
pub struct BalanceArgs {
pub shielded: u64,
pub unconfirmed_spent: u64,
pub balance: u64,
pub under_confirmed: u64,
pub excluded: u64,
pub sapling: u64,
pub orchard: u64,
impl<'a> Default for BalanceArgs {
fn default() -> Self {
BalanceArgs {
shielded: 0,
unconfirmed_spent: 0,
balance: 0,
under_confirmed: 0,
excluded: 0,
sapling: 0,
orchard: 0,
pub struct BalanceBuilder<'a: 'b, 'b> {
fbb_: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>,
start_: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::TableUnfinishedWIPOffset>,
impl<'a: 'b, 'b> BalanceBuilder<'a, 'b> {
pub fn add_shielded(&mut self, shielded: u64) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<u64>(Balance::VT_SHIELDED, shielded, 0);
pub fn add_unconfirmed_spent(&mut self, unconfirmed_spent: u64) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<u64>(Balance::VT_UNCONFIRMED_SPENT, unconfirmed_spent, 0);
pub fn add_balance(&mut self, balance: u64) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<u64>(Balance::VT_BALANCE, balance, 0);
pub fn add_under_confirmed(&mut self, under_confirmed: u64) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<u64>(Balance::VT_UNDER_CONFIRMED, under_confirmed, 0);
pub fn add_excluded(&mut self, excluded: u64) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<u64>(Balance::VT_EXCLUDED, excluded, 0);
pub fn add_sapling(&mut self, sapling: u64) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<u64>(Balance::VT_SAPLING, sapling, 0);
pub fn add_orchard(&mut self, orchard: u64) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<u64>(Balance::VT_ORCHARD, orchard, 0);
pub fn new(_fbb: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>) -> BalanceBuilder<'a, 'b> {
let start = _fbb.start_table();
BalanceBuilder {
fbb_: _fbb,
start_: start,
pub fn finish(self) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<Balance<'a>> {
let o = self.fbb_.end_table(self.start_);
impl core::fmt::Debug for Balance<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
let mut ds = f.debug_struct("Balance");
ds.field("shielded", &self.shielded());
ds.field("unconfirmed_spent", &self.unconfirmed_spent());
ds.field("balance", &self.balance());
ds.field("under_confirmed", &self.under_confirmed());
ds.field("excluded", &self.excluded());
ds.field("sapling", &self.sapling());
ds.field("orchard", &self.orchard());
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct BalanceT {
pub shielded: u64,
pub unconfirmed_spent: u64,
pub balance: u64,
pub under_confirmed: u64,
pub excluded: u64,
pub sapling: u64,
pub orchard: u64,
impl Default for BalanceT {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
shielded: 0,
unconfirmed_spent: 0,
balance: 0,
under_confirmed: 0,
excluded: 0,
sapling: 0,
orchard: 0,
impl BalanceT {
pub fn pack<'b>(
_fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<Balance<'b>> {
let shielded = self.shielded;
let unconfirmed_spent = self.unconfirmed_spent;
let balance = self.balance;
let under_confirmed = self.under_confirmed;
let excluded = self.excluded;
let sapling = self.sapling;
let orchard = self.orchard;
Balance::create(_fbb, &BalanceArgs{
pub enum HeightOffset {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Height<'a> {
pub _tab: flatbuffers::Table<'a>,
impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for Height<'a> {
type Inner = Height<'a>;
unsafe fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {
Self { _tab: flatbuffers::Table::new(buf, loc) }
impl<'a> Height<'a> {
pub const VT_HEIGHT: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
pub const VT_TIMESTAMP: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 6;
pub unsafe fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
Height { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
_fbb: &'mut_bldr mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'bldr>,
args: &'args HeightArgs
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<Height<'bldr>> {
let mut builder = HeightBuilder::new(_fbb);
pub fn unpack(&self) -> HeightT {
let height = self.height();
let timestamp = self.timestamp();
HeightT {
pub fn height(&self) -> u32 {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<u32>(Height::VT_HEIGHT, Some(0)).unwrap()}
pub fn timestamp(&self) -> u32 {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<u32>(Height::VT_TIMESTAMP, Some(0)).unwrap()}
impl flatbuffers::Verifiable for Height<'_> {
fn run_verifier(
v: &mut flatbuffers::Verifier, pos: usize
) -> Result<(), flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {
use self::flatbuffers::Verifiable;
.visit_field::<u32>("height", Self::VT_HEIGHT, false)?
.visit_field::<u32>("timestamp", Self::VT_TIMESTAMP, false)?
pub struct HeightArgs {
pub height: u32,
pub timestamp: u32,
impl<'a> Default for HeightArgs {
fn default() -> Self {
HeightArgs {
height: 0,
timestamp: 0,
pub struct HeightBuilder<'a: 'b, 'b> {
fbb_: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>,
start_: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::TableUnfinishedWIPOffset>,
impl<'a: 'b, 'b> HeightBuilder<'a, 'b> {
pub fn add_height(&mut self, height: u32) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<u32>(Height::VT_HEIGHT, height, 0);
pub fn add_timestamp(&mut self, timestamp: u32) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<u32>(Height::VT_TIMESTAMP, timestamp, 0);
pub fn new(_fbb: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>) -> HeightBuilder<'a, 'b> {
let start = _fbb.start_table();
HeightBuilder {
fbb_: _fbb,
start_: start,
pub fn finish(self) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<Height<'a>> {
let o = self.fbb_.end_table(self.start_);
impl core::fmt::Debug for Height<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
let mut ds = f.debug_struct("Height");
ds.field("height", &self.height());
ds.field("timestamp", &self.timestamp());
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct HeightT {
pub height: u32,
pub timestamp: u32,
impl Default for HeightT {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
height: 0,
timestamp: 0,
impl HeightT {
pub fn pack<'b>(
_fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<Height<'b>> {
let height = self.height;
let timestamp = self.timestamp;
Height::create(_fbb, &HeightArgs{
pub enum ShieldedNoteOffset {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct ShieldedNote<'a> {
pub _tab: flatbuffers::Table<'a>,
impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for ShieldedNote<'a> {
type Inner = ShieldedNote<'a>;
unsafe fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {
Self { _tab: flatbuffers::Table::new(buf, loc) }
impl<'a> ShieldedNote<'a> {
pub const VT_ID: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
pub const VT_HEIGHT: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 6;
pub const VT_VALUE: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 8;
pub const VT_TIMESTAMP: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 10;
pub const VT_ORCHARD: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 12;
pub const VT_EXCLUDED: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 14;
pub const VT_SPENT: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 16;
pub unsafe fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
ShieldedNote { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
_fbb: &'mut_bldr mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'bldr>,
args: &'args ShieldedNoteArgs
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<ShieldedNote<'bldr>> {
let mut builder = ShieldedNoteBuilder::new(_fbb);
pub fn unpack(&self) -> ShieldedNoteT {
let id = self.id();
let height = self.height();
let value = self.value();
let timestamp = self.timestamp();
let orchard = self.orchard();
let excluded = self.excluded();
let spent = self.spent();
ShieldedNoteT {
pub fn id(&self) -> u32 {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<u32>(ShieldedNote::VT_ID, Some(0)).unwrap()}
pub fn height(&self) -> u32 {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<u32>(ShieldedNote::VT_HEIGHT, Some(0)).unwrap()}
pub fn value(&self) -> u64 {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<u64>(ShieldedNote::VT_VALUE, Some(0)).unwrap()}
pub fn timestamp(&self) -> u32 {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<u32>(ShieldedNote::VT_TIMESTAMP, Some(0)).unwrap()}
pub fn orchard(&self) -> bool {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<bool>(ShieldedNote::VT_ORCHARD, Some(false)).unwrap()}
pub fn excluded(&self) -> bool {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<bool>(ShieldedNote::VT_EXCLUDED, Some(false)).unwrap()}
pub fn spent(&self) -> bool {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<bool>(ShieldedNote::VT_SPENT, Some(false)).unwrap()}
impl flatbuffers::Verifiable for ShieldedNote<'_> {
fn run_verifier(
v: &mut flatbuffers::Verifier, pos: usize
) -> Result<(), flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {
use self::flatbuffers::Verifiable;
.visit_field::<u32>("id", Self::VT_ID, false)?
.visit_field::<u32>("height", Self::VT_HEIGHT, false)?
.visit_field::<u64>("value", Self::VT_VALUE, false)?
.visit_field::<u32>("timestamp", Self::VT_TIMESTAMP, false)?
.visit_field::<bool>("orchard", Self::VT_ORCHARD, false)?
.visit_field::<bool>("excluded", Self::VT_EXCLUDED, false)?
.visit_field::<bool>("spent", Self::VT_SPENT, false)?
pub struct ShieldedNoteArgs {
pub id: u32,
pub height: u32,
pub value: u64,
pub timestamp: u32,
pub orchard: bool,
pub excluded: bool,
pub spent: bool,
impl<'a> Default for ShieldedNoteArgs {
fn default() -> Self {
ShieldedNoteArgs {
id: 0,
height: 0,
value: 0,
timestamp: 0,
orchard: false,
excluded: false,
spent: false,
pub struct ShieldedNoteBuilder<'a: 'b, 'b> {
fbb_: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>,
start_: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::TableUnfinishedWIPOffset>,
impl<'a: 'b, 'b> ShieldedNoteBuilder<'a, 'b> {
pub fn add_id(&mut self, id: u32) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<u32>(ShieldedNote::VT_ID, id, 0);
pub fn add_height(&mut self, height: u32) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<u32>(ShieldedNote::VT_HEIGHT, height, 0);
pub fn add_value(&mut self, value: u64) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<u64>(ShieldedNote::VT_VALUE, value, 0);
pub fn add_timestamp(&mut self, timestamp: u32) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<u32>(ShieldedNote::VT_TIMESTAMP, timestamp, 0);
pub fn add_orchard(&mut self, orchard: bool) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<bool>(ShieldedNote::VT_ORCHARD, orchard, false);
pub fn add_excluded(&mut self, excluded: bool) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<bool>(ShieldedNote::VT_EXCLUDED, excluded, false);
pub fn add_spent(&mut self, spent: bool) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<bool>(ShieldedNote::VT_SPENT, spent, false);
pub fn new(_fbb: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>) -> ShieldedNoteBuilder<'a, 'b> {
let start = _fbb.start_table();
ShieldedNoteBuilder {
fbb_: _fbb,
start_: start,
pub fn finish(self) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<ShieldedNote<'a>> {
let o = self.fbb_.end_table(self.start_);
impl core::fmt::Debug for ShieldedNote<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
let mut ds = f.debug_struct("ShieldedNote");
ds.field("id", &self.id());
ds.field("height", &self.height());
ds.field("value", &self.value());
ds.field("timestamp", &self.timestamp());
ds.field("orchard", &self.orchard());
ds.field("excluded", &self.excluded());
ds.field("spent", &self.spent());
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct ShieldedNoteT {
pub id: u32,
pub height: u32,
pub value: u64,
pub timestamp: u32,
pub orchard: bool,
pub excluded: bool,
pub spent: bool,
impl Default for ShieldedNoteT {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
id: 0,
height: 0,
value: 0,
timestamp: 0,
orchard: false,
excluded: false,
spent: false,
impl ShieldedNoteT {
pub fn pack<'b>(
_fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<ShieldedNote<'b>> {
let id = self.id;
let height = self.height;
let value = self.value;
let timestamp = self.timestamp;
let orchard = self.orchard;
let excluded = self.excluded;
let spent = self.spent;
ShieldedNote::create(_fbb, &ShieldedNoteArgs{
pub enum ShieldedNoteVecOffset {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct ShieldedNoteVec<'a> {
pub _tab: flatbuffers::Table<'a>,
impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for ShieldedNoteVec<'a> {
type Inner = ShieldedNoteVec<'a>;
unsafe fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {
Self { _tab: flatbuffers::Table::new(buf, loc) }
impl<'a> ShieldedNoteVec<'a> {
pub const VT_NOTES: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
pub unsafe fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
ShieldedNoteVec { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
_fbb: &'mut_bldr mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'bldr>,
args: &'args ShieldedNoteVecArgs<'args>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<ShieldedNoteVec<'bldr>> {
let mut builder = ShieldedNoteVecBuilder::new(_fbb);
if let Some(x) = args.notes { builder.add_notes(x); }
pub fn unpack(&self) -> ShieldedNoteVecT {
let notes = self.notes().map(|x| {
x.iter().map(|t| t.unpack()).collect()
ShieldedNoteVecT {
pub fn notes(&self) -> Option<flatbuffers::Vector<'a, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<ShieldedNote<'a>>>> {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'a, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<ShieldedNote>>>>(ShieldedNoteVec::VT_NOTES, None)}
impl flatbuffers::Verifiable for ShieldedNoteVec<'_> {
fn run_verifier(
v: &mut flatbuffers::Verifier, pos: usize
) -> Result<(), flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {
use self::flatbuffers::Verifiable;
.visit_field::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'_, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<ShieldedNote>>>>("notes", Self::VT_NOTES, false)?
pub struct ShieldedNoteVecArgs<'a> {
pub notes: Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'a, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<ShieldedNote<'a>>>>>,
impl<'a> Default for ShieldedNoteVecArgs<'a> {
fn default() -> Self {
ShieldedNoteVecArgs {
notes: None,
pub struct ShieldedNoteVecBuilder<'a: 'b, 'b> {
fbb_: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>,
start_: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::TableUnfinishedWIPOffset>,
impl<'a: 'b, 'b> ShieldedNoteVecBuilder<'a, 'b> {
pub fn add_notes(&mut self, notes: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'b , flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<ShieldedNote<'b >>>>) {
self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<_>>(ShieldedNoteVec::VT_NOTES, notes);
pub fn new(_fbb: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>) -> ShieldedNoteVecBuilder<'a, 'b> {
let start = _fbb.start_table();
ShieldedNoteVecBuilder {
fbb_: _fbb,
start_: start,
pub fn finish(self) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<ShieldedNoteVec<'a>> {
let o = self.fbb_.end_table(self.start_);
impl core::fmt::Debug for ShieldedNoteVec<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
let mut ds = f.debug_struct("ShieldedNoteVec");
ds.field("notes", &self.notes());
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct ShieldedNoteVecT {
pub notes: Option<Vec<ShieldedNoteT>>,
impl Default for ShieldedNoteVecT {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
notes: None,
impl ShieldedNoteVecT {
pub fn pack<'b>(
_fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<ShieldedNoteVec<'b>> {
let notes = self.notes.as_ref().map(|x|{
let w: Vec<_> = x.iter().map(|t| t.pack(_fbb)).collect();_fbb.create_vector(&w)
ShieldedNoteVec::create(_fbb, &ShieldedNoteVecArgs{
pub enum ShieldedTxOffset {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct ShieldedTx<'a> {
pub _tab: flatbuffers::Table<'a>,
impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for ShieldedTx<'a> {
type Inner = ShieldedTx<'a>;
unsafe fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {
Self { _tab: flatbuffers::Table::new(buf, loc) }
impl<'a> ShieldedTx<'a> {
pub const VT_ID: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
pub const VT_TX_ID: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 6;
pub const VT_HEIGHT: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 8;
pub const VT_SHORT_TX_ID: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 10;
pub const VT_TIMESTAMP: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 12;
pub const VT_NAME: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 14;
pub const VT_VALUE: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 16;
pub const VT_ADDRESS: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 18;
pub const VT_MEMO: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 20;
pub unsafe fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
ShieldedTx { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
_fbb: &'mut_bldr mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'bldr>,
args: &'args ShieldedTxArgs<'args>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<ShieldedTx<'bldr>> {
let mut builder = ShieldedTxBuilder::new(_fbb);
if let Some(x) = args.memo { builder.add_memo(x); }
if let Some(x) = args.address { builder.add_address(x); }
if let Some(x) = args.name { builder.add_name(x); }
if let Some(x) = args.short_tx_id { builder.add_short_tx_id(x); }
if let Some(x) = args.tx_id { builder.add_tx_id(x); }
pub fn unpack(&self) -> ShieldedTxT {
let id = self.id();
let tx_id = self.tx_id().map(|x| {
let height = self.height();
let short_tx_id = self.short_tx_id().map(|x| {
let timestamp = self.timestamp();
let name = self.name().map(|x| {
let value = self.value();
let address = self.address().map(|x| {
let memo = self.memo().map(|x| {
ShieldedTxT {
pub fn id(&self) -> u32 {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<u32>(ShieldedTx::VT_ID, Some(0)).unwrap()}
pub fn tx_id(&self) -> Option<&'a str> {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>(ShieldedTx::VT_TX_ID, None)}
pub fn height(&self) -> u32 {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<u32>(ShieldedTx::VT_HEIGHT, Some(0)).unwrap()}
pub fn short_tx_id(&self) -> Option<&'a str> {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>(ShieldedTx::VT_SHORT_TX_ID, None)}
pub fn timestamp(&self) -> u32 {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<u32>(ShieldedTx::VT_TIMESTAMP, Some(0)).unwrap()}
pub fn name(&self) -> Option<&'a str> {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>(ShieldedTx::VT_NAME, None)}
pub fn value(&self) -> u64 {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<u64>(ShieldedTx::VT_VALUE, Some(0)).unwrap()}
pub fn address(&self) -> Option<&'a str> {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>(ShieldedTx::VT_ADDRESS, None)}
pub fn memo(&self) -> Option<&'a str> {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>(ShieldedTx::VT_MEMO, None)}
impl flatbuffers::Verifiable for ShieldedTx<'_> {
fn run_verifier(
v: &mut flatbuffers::Verifier, pos: usize
) -> Result<(), flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {
use self::flatbuffers::Verifiable;
.visit_field::<u32>("id", Self::VT_ID, false)?
.visit_field::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>("tx_id", Self::VT_TX_ID, false)?
.visit_field::<u32>("height", Self::VT_HEIGHT, false)?
.visit_field::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>("short_tx_id", Self::VT_SHORT_TX_ID, false)?
.visit_field::<u32>("timestamp", Self::VT_TIMESTAMP, false)?
.visit_field::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>("name", Self::VT_NAME, false)?
.visit_field::<u64>("value", Self::VT_VALUE, false)?
.visit_field::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>("address", Self::VT_ADDRESS, false)?
.visit_field::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>("memo", Self::VT_MEMO, false)?
pub struct ShieldedTxArgs<'a> {
pub id: u32,
pub tx_id: Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'a str>>,
pub height: u32,
pub short_tx_id: Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'a str>>,
pub timestamp: u32,
pub name: Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'a str>>,
pub value: u64,
pub address: Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'a str>>,
pub memo: Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'a str>>,
impl<'a> Default for ShieldedTxArgs<'a> {
fn default() -> Self {
ShieldedTxArgs {
id: 0,
tx_id: None,
height: 0,
short_tx_id: None,
timestamp: 0,
name: None,
value: 0,
address: None,
memo: None,
pub struct ShieldedTxBuilder<'a: 'b, 'b> {
fbb_: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>,
start_: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::TableUnfinishedWIPOffset>,
impl<'a: 'b, 'b> ShieldedTxBuilder<'a, 'b> {
pub fn add_id(&mut self, id: u32) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<u32>(ShieldedTx::VT_ID, id, 0);
pub fn add_tx_id(&mut self, tx_id: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'b str>) {
self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<_>>(ShieldedTx::VT_TX_ID, tx_id);
pub fn add_height(&mut self, height: u32) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<u32>(ShieldedTx::VT_HEIGHT, height, 0);
pub fn add_short_tx_id(&mut self, short_tx_id: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'b str>) {
self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<_>>(ShieldedTx::VT_SHORT_TX_ID, short_tx_id);
pub fn add_timestamp(&mut self, timestamp: u32) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<u32>(ShieldedTx::VT_TIMESTAMP, timestamp, 0);
pub fn add_name(&mut self, name: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'b str>) {
self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<_>>(ShieldedTx::VT_NAME, name);
pub fn add_value(&mut self, value: u64) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<u64>(ShieldedTx::VT_VALUE, value, 0);
pub fn add_address(&mut self, address: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'b str>) {
self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<_>>(ShieldedTx::VT_ADDRESS, address);
pub fn add_memo(&mut self, memo: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'b str>) {
self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<_>>(ShieldedTx::VT_MEMO, memo);
pub fn new(_fbb: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>) -> ShieldedTxBuilder<'a, 'b> {
let start = _fbb.start_table();
ShieldedTxBuilder {
fbb_: _fbb,
start_: start,
pub fn finish(self) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<ShieldedTx<'a>> {
let o = self.fbb_.end_table(self.start_);
impl core::fmt::Debug for ShieldedTx<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
let mut ds = f.debug_struct("ShieldedTx");
ds.field("id", &self.id());
ds.field("tx_id", &self.tx_id());
ds.field("height", &self.height());
ds.field("short_tx_id", &self.short_tx_id());
ds.field("timestamp", &self.timestamp());
ds.field("name", &self.name());
ds.field("value", &self.value());
ds.field("address", &self.address());
ds.field("memo", &self.memo());
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct ShieldedTxT {
pub id: u32,
pub tx_id: Option<String>,
pub height: u32,
pub short_tx_id: Option<String>,
pub timestamp: u32,
pub name: Option<String>,
pub value: u64,
pub address: Option<String>,
pub memo: Option<String>,
impl Default for ShieldedTxT {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
id: 0,
tx_id: None,
height: 0,
short_tx_id: None,
timestamp: 0,
name: None,
value: 0,
address: None,
memo: None,
impl ShieldedTxT {
pub fn pack<'b>(
_fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<ShieldedTx<'b>> {
let id = self.id;
let tx_id = self.tx_id.as_ref().map(|x|{
let height = self.height;
let short_tx_id = self.short_tx_id.as_ref().map(|x|{
let timestamp = self.timestamp;
let name = self.name.as_ref().map(|x|{
let value = self.value;
let address = self.address.as_ref().map(|x|{
let memo = self.memo.as_ref().map(|x|{
ShieldedTx::create(_fbb, &ShieldedTxArgs{
pub enum ShieldedTxVecOffset {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct ShieldedTxVec<'a> {
pub _tab: flatbuffers::Table<'a>,
impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for ShieldedTxVec<'a> {
type Inner = ShieldedTxVec<'a>;
unsafe fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {
Self { _tab: flatbuffers::Table::new(buf, loc) }
impl<'a> ShieldedTxVec<'a> {
pub const VT_TXS: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
pub unsafe fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
ShieldedTxVec { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
_fbb: &'mut_bldr mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'bldr>,
args: &'args ShieldedTxVecArgs<'args>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<ShieldedTxVec<'bldr>> {
let mut builder = ShieldedTxVecBuilder::new(_fbb);
if let Some(x) = args.txs { builder.add_txs(x); }
pub fn unpack(&self) -> ShieldedTxVecT {
let txs = self.txs().map(|x| {
x.iter().map(|t| t.unpack()).collect()
ShieldedTxVecT {
pub fn txs(&self) -> Option<flatbuffers::Vector<'a, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<ShieldedTx<'a>>>> {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'a, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<ShieldedTx>>>>(ShieldedTxVec::VT_TXS, None)}
impl flatbuffers::Verifiable for ShieldedTxVec<'_> {
fn run_verifier(
v: &mut flatbuffers::Verifier, pos: usize
) -> Result<(), flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {
use self::flatbuffers::Verifiable;
.visit_field::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'_, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<ShieldedTx>>>>("txs", Self::VT_TXS, false)?
pub struct ShieldedTxVecArgs<'a> {
pub txs: Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'a, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<ShieldedTx<'a>>>>>,
impl<'a> Default for ShieldedTxVecArgs<'a> {
fn default() -> Self {
ShieldedTxVecArgs {
txs: None,
pub struct ShieldedTxVecBuilder<'a: 'b, 'b> {
fbb_: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>,
start_: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::TableUnfinishedWIPOffset>,
impl<'a: 'b, 'b> ShieldedTxVecBuilder<'a, 'b> {
pub fn add_txs(&mut self, txs: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'b , flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<ShieldedTx<'b >>>>) {
self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<_>>(ShieldedTxVec::VT_TXS, txs);
pub fn new(_fbb: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>) -> ShieldedTxVecBuilder<'a, 'b> {
let start = _fbb.start_table();
ShieldedTxVecBuilder {
fbb_: _fbb,
start_: start,
pub fn finish(self) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<ShieldedTxVec<'a>> {
let o = self.fbb_.end_table(self.start_);
impl core::fmt::Debug for ShieldedTxVec<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
let mut ds = f.debug_struct("ShieldedTxVec");
ds.field("txs", &self.txs());
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct ShieldedTxVecT {
pub txs: Option<Vec<ShieldedTxT>>,
impl Default for ShieldedTxVecT {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
txs: None,
impl ShieldedTxVecT {
pub fn pack<'b>(
_fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<ShieldedTxVec<'b>> {
let txs = self.txs.as_ref().map(|x|{
let w: Vec<_> = x.iter().map(|t| t.pack(_fbb)).collect();_fbb.create_vector(&w)
ShieldedTxVec::create(_fbb, &ShieldedTxVecArgs{
pub enum MessageOffset {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Message<'a> {
pub _tab: flatbuffers::Table<'a>,
impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for Message<'a> {
type Inner = Message<'a>;
unsafe fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {
Self { _tab: flatbuffers::Table::new(buf, loc) }
impl<'a> Message<'a> {
pub const VT_ID_MSG: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
pub const VT_ID_TX: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 6;
pub const VT_HEIGHT: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 8;
pub const VT_TIMESTAMP: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 10;
pub const VT_FROM: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 12;
pub const VT_TO: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 14;
pub const VT_SUBJECT: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 16;
pub const VT_BODY: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 18;
pub const VT_READ: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 20;
pub const VT_INCOMING: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 22;
pub unsafe fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
Message { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
_fbb: &'mut_bldr mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'bldr>,
args: &'args MessageArgs<'args>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<Message<'bldr>> {
let mut builder = MessageBuilder::new(_fbb);
if let Some(x) = args.body { builder.add_body(x); }
if let Some(x) = args.subject { builder.add_subject(x); }
if let Some(x) = args.to { builder.add_to(x); }
if let Some(x) = args.from { builder.add_from(x); }
pub fn unpack(&self) -> MessageT {
let id_msg = self.id_msg();
let id_tx = self.id_tx();
let height = self.height();
let timestamp = self.timestamp();
let from = self.from().map(|x| {
let to = self.to().map(|x| {
let subject = self.subject().map(|x| {
let body = self.body().map(|x| {
let read = self.read();
let incoming = self.incoming();
MessageT {
pub fn id_msg(&self) -> u32 {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<u32>(Message::VT_ID_MSG, Some(0)).unwrap()}
pub fn id_tx(&self) -> u32 {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<u32>(Message::VT_ID_TX, Some(0)).unwrap()}
pub fn height(&self) -> u32 {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<u32>(Message::VT_HEIGHT, Some(0)).unwrap()}
pub fn timestamp(&self) -> u32 {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<u32>(Message::VT_TIMESTAMP, Some(0)).unwrap()}
pub fn from(&self) -> Option<&'a str> {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>(Message::VT_FROM, None)}
pub fn to(&self) -> Option<&'a str> {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>(Message::VT_TO, None)}
pub fn subject(&self) -> Option<&'a str> {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>(Message::VT_SUBJECT, None)}
pub fn body(&self) -> Option<&'a str> {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>(Message::VT_BODY, None)}
pub fn read(&self) -> bool {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<bool>(Message::VT_READ, Some(false)).unwrap()}
pub fn incoming(&self) -> bool {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<bool>(Message::VT_INCOMING, Some(false)).unwrap()}
impl flatbuffers::Verifiable for Message<'_> {
fn run_verifier(
v: &mut flatbuffers::Verifier, pos: usize
) -> Result<(), flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {
use self::flatbuffers::Verifiable;
.visit_field::<u32>("id_msg", Self::VT_ID_MSG, false)?
.visit_field::<u32>("id_tx", Self::VT_ID_TX, false)?
.visit_field::<u32>("height", Self::VT_HEIGHT, false)?
.visit_field::<u32>("timestamp", Self::VT_TIMESTAMP, false)?
.visit_field::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>("from", Self::VT_FROM, false)?
.visit_field::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>("to", Self::VT_TO, false)?
.visit_field::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>("subject", Self::VT_SUBJECT, false)?
.visit_field::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>("body", Self::VT_BODY, false)?
.visit_field::<bool>("read", Self::VT_READ, false)?
.visit_field::<bool>("incoming", Self::VT_INCOMING, false)?
pub struct MessageArgs<'a> {
pub id_msg: u32,
pub id_tx: u32,
pub height: u32,
pub timestamp: u32,
pub from: Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'a str>>,
pub to: Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'a str>>,
pub subject: Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'a str>>,
pub body: Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'a str>>,
pub read: bool,
pub incoming: bool,
impl<'a> Default for MessageArgs<'a> {
fn default() -> Self {
MessageArgs {
id_msg: 0,
id_tx: 0,
height: 0,
timestamp: 0,
from: None,
to: None,
subject: None,
body: None,
read: false,
incoming: false,
pub struct MessageBuilder<'a: 'b, 'b> {
fbb_: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>,
start_: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::TableUnfinishedWIPOffset>,
impl<'a: 'b, 'b> MessageBuilder<'a, 'b> {
pub fn add_id_msg(&mut self, id_msg: u32) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<u32>(Message::VT_ID_MSG, id_msg, 0);
pub fn add_id_tx(&mut self, id_tx: u32) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<u32>(Message::VT_ID_TX, id_tx, 0);
pub fn add_height(&mut self, height: u32) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<u32>(Message::VT_HEIGHT, height, 0);
pub fn add_timestamp(&mut self, timestamp: u32) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<u32>(Message::VT_TIMESTAMP, timestamp, 0);
pub fn add_from(&mut self, from: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'b str>) {
self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<_>>(Message::VT_FROM, from);
pub fn add_to(&mut self, to: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'b str>) {
self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<_>>(Message::VT_TO, to);
pub fn add_subject(&mut self, subject: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'b str>) {
self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<_>>(Message::VT_SUBJECT, subject);
pub fn add_body(&mut self, body: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'b str>) {
self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<_>>(Message::VT_BODY, body);
pub fn add_read(&mut self, read: bool) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<bool>(Message::VT_READ, read, false);
pub fn add_incoming(&mut self, incoming: bool) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<bool>(Message::VT_INCOMING, incoming, false);
pub fn new(_fbb: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>) -> MessageBuilder<'a, 'b> {
let start = _fbb.start_table();
MessageBuilder {
fbb_: _fbb,
start_: start,
pub fn finish(self) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<Message<'a>> {
let o = self.fbb_.end_table(self.start_);
impl core::fmt::Debug for Message<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
let mut ds = f.debug_struct("Message");
ds.field("id_msg", &self.id_msg());
ds.field("id_tx", &self.id_tx());
ds.field("height", &self.height());
ds.field("timestamp", &self.timestamp());
ds.field("from", &self.from());
ds.field("to", &self.to());
ds.field("subject", &self.subject());
ds.field("body", &self.body());
ds.field("read", &self.read());
ds.field("incoming", &self.incoming());
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct MessageT {
pub id_msg: u32,
pub id_tx: u32,
pub height: u32,
pub timestamp: u32,
pub from: Option<String>,
pub to: Option<String>,
pub subject: Option<String>,
pub body: Option<String>,
pub read: bool,
pub incoming: bool,
impl Default for MessageT {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
id_msg: 0,
id_tx: 0,
height: 0,
timestamp: 0,
from: None,
to: None,
subject: None,
body: None,
read: false,
incoming: false,
impl MessageT {
pub fn pack<'b>(
_fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<Message<'b>> {
let id_msg = self.id_msg;
let id_tx = self.id_tx;
let height = self.height;
let timestamp = self.timestamp;
let from = self.from.as_ref().map(|x|{
let to = self.to.as_ref().map(|x|{
let subject = self.subject.as_ref().map(|x|{
let body = self.body.as_ref().map(|x|{
let read = self.read;
let incoming = self.incoming;
Message::create(_fbb, &MessageArgs{
pub enum MessageVecOffset {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct MessageVec<'a> {
pub _tab: flatbuffers::Table<'a>,
impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for MessageVec<'a> {
type Inner = MessageVec<'a>;
unsafe fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {
Self { _tab: flatbuffers::Table::new(buf, loc) }
impl<'a> MessageVec<'a> {
pub const VT_MESSAGES: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
pub unsafe fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
MessageVec { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
_fbb: &'mut_bldr mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'bldr>,
args: &'args MessageVecArgs<'args>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<MessageVec<'bldr>> {
let mut builder = MessageVecBuilder::new(_fbb);
if let Some(x) = args.messages { builder.add_messages(x); }
pub fn unpack(&self) -> MessageVecT {
let messages = self.messages().map(|x| {
x.iter().map(|t| t.unpack()).collect()
MessageVecT {
pub fn messages(&self) -> Option<flatbuffers::Vector<'a, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<Message<'a>>>> {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'a, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<Message>>>>(MessageVec::VT_MESSAGES, None)}
impl flatbuffers::Verifiable for MessageVec<'_> {
fn run_verifier(
v: &mut flatbuffers::Verifier, pos: usize
) -> Result<(), flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {
use self::flatbuffers::Verifiable;
.visit_field::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'_, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<Message>>>>("messages", Self::VT_MESSAGES, false)?
pub struct MessageVecArgs<'a> {
pub messages: Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'a, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<Message<'a>>>>>,
impl<'a> Default for MessageVecArgs<'a> {
fn default() -> Self {
MessageVecArgs {
messages: None,
pub struct MessageVecBuilder<'a: 'b, 'b> {
fbb_: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>,
start_: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::TableUnfinishedWIPOffset>,
impl<'a: 'b, 'b> MessageVecBuilder<'a, 'b> {
pub fn add_messages(&mut self, messages: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'b , flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<Message<'b >>>>) {
self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<_>>(MessageVec::VT_MESSAGES, messages);
pub fn new(_fbb: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>) -> MessageVecBuilder<'a, 'b> {
let start = _fbb.start_table();
MessageVecBuilder {
fbb_: _fbb,
start_: start,
pub fn finish(self) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<MessageVec<'a>> {
let o = self.fbb_.end_table(self.start_);
impl core::fmt::Debug for MessageVec<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
let mut ds = f.debug_struct("MessageVec");
ds.field("messages", &self.messages());
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct MessageVecT {
pub messages: Option<Vec<MessageT>>,
impl Default for MessageVecT {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
messages: None,
impl MessageVecT {
pub fn pack<'b>(
_fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<MessageVec<'b>> {
let messages = self.messages.as_ref().map(|x|{
let w: Vec<_> = x.iter().map(|t| t.pack(_fbb)).collect();_fbb.create_vector(&w)
MessageVec::create(_fbb, &MessageVecArgs{
pub enum PrevNextOffset {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct PrevNext<'a> {
pub _tab: flatbuffers::Table<'a>,
impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for PrevNext<'a> {
type Inner = PrevNext<'a>;
unsafe fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {
Self { _tab: flatbuffers::Table::new(buf, loc) }
impl<'a> PrevNext<'a> {
pub const VT_PREV: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
pub const VT_NEXT: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 6;
pub unsafe fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
PrevNext { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
_fbb: &'mut_bldr mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'bldr>,
args: &'args PrevNextArgs
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<PrevNext<'bldr>> {
let mut builder = PrevNextBuilder::new(_fbb);
pub fn unpack(&self) -> PrevNextT {
let prev = self.prev();
let next = self.next();
PrevNextT {
pub fn prev(&self) -> u32 {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<u32>(PrevNext::VT_PREV, Some(0)).unwrap()}
pub fn next(&self) -> u32 {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<u32>(PrevNext::VT_NEXT, Some(0)).unwrap()}
impl flatbuffers::Verifiable for PrevNext<'_> {
fn run_verifier(
v: &mut flatbuffers::Verifier, pos: usize
) -> Result<(), flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {
use self::flatbuffers::Verifiable;
.visit_field::<u32>("prev", Self::VT_PREV, false)?
.visit_field::<u32>("next", Self::VT_NEXT, false)?
pub struct PrevNextArgs {
pub prev: u32,
pub next: u32,
impl<'a> Default for PrevNextArgs {
fn default() -> Self {
PrevNextArgs {
prev: 0,
next: 0,
pub struct PrevNextBuilder<'a: 'b, 'b> {
fbb_: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>,
start_: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::TableUnfinishedWIPOffset>,
impl<'a: 'b, 'b> PrevNextBuilder<'a, 'b> {
pub fn add_prev(&mut self, prev: u32) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<u32>(PrevNext::VT_PREV, prev, 0);
pub fn add_next(&mut self, next: u32) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<u32>(PrevNext::VT_NEXT, next, 0);
pub fn new(_fbb: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>) -> PrevNextBuilder<'a, 'b> {
let start = _fbb.start_table();
PrevNextBuilder {
fbb_: _fbb,
start_: start,
pub fn finish(self) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<PrevNext<'a>> {
let o = self.fbb_.end_table(self.start_);
impl core::fmt::Debug for PrevNext<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
let mut ds = f.debug_struct("PrevNext");
ds.field("prev", &self.prev());
ds.field("next", &self.next());
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct PrevNextT {
pub prev: u32,
pub next: u32,
impl Default for PrevNextT {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
prev: 0,
next: 0,
impl PrevNextT {
pub fn pack<'b>(
_fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<PrevNext<'b>> {
let prev = self.prev;
let next = self.next;
PrevNext::create(_fbb, &PrevNextArgs{
pub enum SendTemplateOffset {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct SendTemplate<'a> {
pub _tab: flatbuffers::Table<'a>,
impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for SendTemplate<'a> {
type Inner = SendTemplate<'a>;
unsafe fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {
Self { _tab: flatbuffers::Table::new(buf, loc) }
impl<'a> SendTemplate<'a> {
pub const VT_ID: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
pub const VT_TITLE: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 6;
pub const VT_ADDRESS: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 8;
pub const VT_AMOUNT: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 10;
pub const VT_FIAT_AMOUNT: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 12;
pub const VT_FEE_INCLUDED: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 14;
pub const VT_FIAT: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 16;
pub const VT_INCLUDE_REPLY_TO: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 18;
pub const VT_SUBJECT: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 20;
pub const VT_BODY: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 22;
pub unsafe fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
SendTemplate { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
_fbb: &'mut_bldr mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'bldr>,
args: &'args SendTemplateArgs<'args>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<SendTemplate<'bldr>> {
let mut builder = SendTemplateBuilder::new(_fbb);
if let Some(x) = args.body { builder.add_body(x); }
if let Some(x) = args.subject { builder.add_subject(x); }
if let Some(x) = args.fiat { builder.add_fiat(x); }
if let Some(x) = args.address { builder.add_address(x); }
if let Some(x) = args.title { builder.add_title(x); }
pub fn unpack(&self) -> SendTemplateT {
let id = self.id();
let title = self.title().map(|x| {
let address = self.address().map(|x| {
let amount = self.amount();
let fiat_amount = self.fiat_amount();
let fee_included = self.fee_included();
let fiat = self.fiat().map(|x| {
let include_reply_to = self.include_reply_to();
let subject = self.subject().map(|x| {
let body = self.body().map(|x| {
SendTemplateT {
pub fn id(&self) -> u32 {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<u32>(SendTemplate::VT_ID, Some(0)).unwrap()}
pub fn title(&self) -> Option<&'a str> {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>(SendTemplate::VT_TITLE, None)}
pub fn address(&self) -> Option<&'a str> {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>(SendTemplate::VT_ADDRESS, None)}
pub fn amount(&self) -> u64 {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<u64>(SendTemplate::VT_AMOUNT, Some(0)).unwrap()}
pub fn fiat_amount(&self) -> f64 {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<f64>(SendTemplate::VT_FIAT_AMOUNT, Some(0.0)).unwrap()}
pub fn fee_included(&self) -> bool {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<bool>(SendTemplate::VT_FEE_INCLUDED, Some(false)).unwrap()}
pub fn fiat(&self) -> Option<&'a str> {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>(SendTemplate::VT_FIAT, None)}
pub fn include_reply_to(&self) -> bool {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<bool>(SendTemplate::VT_INCLUDE_REPLY_TO, Some(false)).unwrap()}
pub fn subject(&self) -> Option<&'a str> {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>(SendTemplate::VT_SUBJECT, None)}
pub fn body(&self) -> Option<&'a str> {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>(SendTemplate::VT_BODY, None)}
impl flatbuffers::Verifiable for SendTemplate<'_> {
fn run_verifier(
v: &mut flatbuffers::Verifier, pos: usize
) -> Result<(), flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {
use self::flatbuffers::Verifiable;
.visit_field::<u32>("id", Self::VT_ID, false)?
.visit_field::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>("title", Self::VT_TITLE, false)?
.visit_field::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>("address", Self::VT_ADDRESS, false)?
.visit_field::<u64>("amount", Self::VT_AMOUNT, false)?
.visit_field::<f64>("fiat_amount", Self::VT_FIAT_AMOUNT, false)?
.visit_field::<bool>("fee_included", Self::VT_FEE_INCLUDED, false)?
.visit_field::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>("fiat", Self::VT_FIAT, false)?
.visit_field::<bool>("include_reply_to", Self::VT_INCLUDE_REPLY_TO, false)?
.visit_field::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>("subject", Self::VT_SUBJECT, false)?
.visit_field::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>("body", Self::VT_BODY, false)?
pub struct SendTemplateArgs<'a> {
pub id: u32,
pub title: Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'a str>>,
pub address: Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'a str>>,
pub amount: u64,
pub fiat_amount: f64,
pub fee_included: bool,
pub fiat: Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'a str>>,
pub include_reply_to: bool,
pub subject: Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'a str>>,
pub body: Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'a str>>,
impl<'a> Default for SendTemplateArgs<'a> {
fn default() -> Self {
SendTemplateArgs {
id: 0,
title: None,
address: None,
amount: 0,
fiat_amount: 0.0,
fee_included: false,
fiat: None,
include_reply_to: false,
subject: None,
body: None,
pub struct SendTemplateBuilder<'a: 'b, 'b> {
fbb_: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>,
start_: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::TableUnfinishedWIPOffset>,
impl<'a: 'b, 'b> SendTemplateBuilder<'a, 'b> {
pub fn add_id(&mut self, id: u32) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<u32>(SendTemplate::VT_ID, id, 0);
pub fn add_title(&mut self, title: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'b str>) {
self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<_>>(SendTemplate::VT_TITLE, title);
pub fn add_address(&mut self, address: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'b str>) {
self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<_>>(SendTemplate::VT_ADDRESS, address);
pub fn add_amount(&mut self, amount: u64) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<u64>(SendTemplate::VT_AMOUNT, amount, 0);
pub fn add_fiat_amount(&mut self, fiat_amount: f64) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<f64>(SendTemplate::VT_FIAT_AMOUNT, fiat_amount, 0.0);
pub fn add_fee_included(&mut self, fee_included: bool) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<bool>(SendTemplate::VT_FEE_INCLUDED, fee_included, false);
pub fn add_fiat(&mut self, fiat: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'b str>) {
self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<_>>(SendTemplate::VT_FIAT, fiat);
pub fn add_include_reply_to(&mut self, include_reply_to: bool) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<bool>(SendTemplate::VT_INCLUDE_REPLY_TO, include_reply_to, false);
pub fn add_subject(&mut self, subject: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'b str>) {
self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<_>>(SendTemplate::VT_SUBJECT, subject);
pub fn add_body(&mut self, body: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'b str>) {
self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<_>>(SendTemplate::VT_BODY, body);
pub fn new(_fbb: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>) -> SendTemplateBuilder<'a, 'b> {
let start = _fbb.start_table();
SendTemplateBuilder {
fbb_: _fbb,
start_: start,
pub fn finish(self) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<SendTemplate<'a>> {
let o = self.fbb_.end_table(self.start_);
impl core::fmt::Debug for SendTemplate<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
let mut ds = f.debug_struct("SendTemplate");
ds.field("id", &self.id());
ds.field("title", &self.title());
ds.field("address", &self.address());
ds.field("amount", &self.amount());
ds.field("fiat_amount", &self.fiat_amount());
ds.field("fee_included", &self.fee_included());
ds.field("fiat", &self.fiat());
ds.field("include_reply_to", &self.include_reply_to());
ds.field("subject", &self.subject());
ds.field("body", &self.body());
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct SendTemplateT {
pub id: u32,
pub title: Option<String>,
pub address: Option<String>,
pub amount: u64,
pub fiat_amount: f64,
pub fee_included: bool,
pub fiat: Option<String>,
pub include_reply_to: bool,
pub subject: Option<String>,
pub body: Option<String>,
impl Default for SendTemplateT {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
id: 0,
title: None,
address: None,
amount: 0,
fiat_amount: 0.0,
fee_included: false,
fiat: None,
include_reply_to: false,
subject: None,
body: None,
impl SendTemplateT {
pub fn pack<'b>(
_fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<SendTemplate<'b>> {
let id = self.id;
let title = self.title.as_ref().map(|x|{
let address = self.address.as_ref().map(|x|{
let amount = self.amount;
let fiat_amount = self.fiat_amount;
let fee_included = self.fee_included;
let fiat = self.fiat.as_ref().map(|x|{
let include_reply_to = self.include_reply_to;
let subject = self.subject.as_ref().map(|x|{
let body = self.body.as_ref().map(|x|{
SendTemplate::create(_fbb, &SendTemplateArgs{
pub enum SendTemplateVecOffset {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct SendTemplateVec<'a> {
pub _tab: flatbuffers::Table<'a>,
impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for SendTemplateVec<'a> {
type Inner = SendTemplateVec<'a>;
unsafe fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {
Self { _tab: flatbuffers::Table::new(buf, loc) }
impl<'a> SendTemplateVec<'a> {
pub const VT_TEMPLATES: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
pub unsafe fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
SendTemplateVec { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
_fbb: &'mut_bldr mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'bldr>,
args: &'args SendTemplateVecArgs<'args>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<SendTemplateVec<'bldr>> {
let mut builder = SendTemplateVecBuilder::new(_fbb);
if let Some(x) = args.templates { builder.add_templates(x); }
pub fn unpack(&self) -> SendTemplateVecT {
let templates = self.templates().map(|x| {
x.iter().map(|t| t.unpack()).collect()
SendTemplateVecT {
pub fn templates(&self) -> Option<flatbuffers::Vector<'a, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<SendTemplate<'a>>>> {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'a, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<SendTemplate>>>>(SendTemplateVec::VT_TEMPLATES, None)}
impl flatbuffers::Verifiable for SendTemplateVec<'_> {
fn run_verifier(
v: &mut flatbuffers::Verifier, pos: usize
) -> Result<(), flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {
use self::flatbuffers::Verifiable;
.visit_field::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'_, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<SendTemplate>>>>("templates", Self::VT_TEMPLATES, false)?
pub struct SendTemplateVecArgs<'a> {
pub templates: Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'a, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<SendTemplate<'a>>>>>,
impl<'a> Default for SendTemplateVecArgs<'a> {
fn default() -> Self {
SendTemplateVecArgs {
templates: None,
pub struct SendTemplateVecBuilder<'a: 'b, 'b> {
fbb_: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>,
start_: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::TableUnfinishedWIPOffset>,
impl<'a: 'b, 'b> SendTemplateVecBuilder<'a, 'b> {
pub fn add_templates(&mut self, templates: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'b , flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<SendTemplate<'b >>>>) {
self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<_>>(SendTemplateVec::VT_TEMPLATES, templates);
pub fn new(_fbb: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>) -> SendTemplateVecBuilder<'a, 'b> {
let start = _fbb.start_table();
SendTemplateVecBuilder {
fbb_: _fbb,
start_: start,
pub fn finish(self) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<SendTemplateVec<'a>> {
let o = self.fbb_.end_table(self.start_);
impl core::fmt::Debug for SendTemplateVec<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
let mut ds = f.debug_struct("SendTemplateVec");
ds.field("templates", &self.templates());
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct SendTemplateVecT {
pub templates: Option<Vec<SendTemplateT>>,
impl Default for SendTemplateVecT {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
templates: None,
impl SendTemplateVecT {
pub fn pack<'b>(
_fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<SendTemplateVec<'b>> {
let templates = self.templates.as_ref().map(|x|{
let w: Vec<_> = x.iter().map(|t| t.pack(_fbb)).collect();_fbb.create_vector(&w)
SendTemplateVec::create(_fbb, &SendTemplateVecArgs{
pub enum ContactOffset {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Contact<'a> {
pub _tab: flatbuffers::Table<'a>,
impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for Contact<'a> {
type Inner = Contact<'a>;
unsafe fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {
Self { _tab: flatbuffers::Table::new(buf, loc) }
impl<'a> Contact<'a> {
pub const VT_ID: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
pub const VT_NAME: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 6;
pub const VT_ADDRESS: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 8;
pub unsafe fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
Contact { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
_fbb: &'mut_bldr mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'bldr>,
args: &'args ContactArgs<'args>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<Contact<'bldr>> {
let mut builder = ContactBuilder::new(_fbb);
if let Some(x) = args.address { builder.add_address(x); }
if let Some(x) = args.name { builder.add_name(x); }
pub fn unpack(&self) -> ContactT {
let id = self.id();
let name = self.name().map(|x| {
let address = self.address().map(|x| {
ContactT {
pub fn id(&self) -> u32 {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<u32>(Contact::VT_ID, Some(0)).unwrap()}
pub fn name(&self) -> Option<&'a str> {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>(Contact::VT_NAME, None)}
pub fn address(&self) -> Option<&'a str> {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>(Contact::VT_ADDRESS, None)}
impl flatbuffers::Verifiable for Contact<'_> {
fn run_verifier(
v: &mut flatbuffers::Verifier, pos: usize
) -> Result<(), flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {
use self::flatbuffers::Verifiable;
.visit_field::<u32>("id", Self::VT_ID, false)?
.visit_field::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>("name", Self::VT_NAME, false)?
.visit_field::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>("address", Self::VT_ADDRESS, false)?
pub struct ContactArgs<'a> {
pub id: u32,
pub name: Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'a str>>,
pub address: Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'a str>>,
impl<'a> Default for ContactArgs<'a> {
fn default() -> Self {
ContactArgs {
id: 0,
name: None,
address: None,
pub struct ContactBuilder<'a: 'b, 'b> {
fbb_: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>,
start_: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::TableUnfinishedWIPOffset>,
impl<'a: 'b, 'b> ContactBuilder<'a, 'b> {
pub fn add_id(&mut self, id: u32) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<u32>(Contact::VT_ID, id, 0);
pub fn add_name(&mut self, name: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'b str>) {
self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<_>>(Contact::VT_NAME, name);
pub fn add_address(&mut self, address: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'b str>) {
self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<_>>(Contact::VT_ADDRESS, address);
pub fn new(_fbb: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>) -> ContactBuilder<'a, 'b> {
let start = _fbb.start_table();
ContactBuilder {
fbb_: _fbb,
start_: start,
pub fn finish(self) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<Contact<'a>> {
let o = self.fbb_.end_table(self.start_);
impl core::fmt::Debug for Contact<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
let mut ds = f.debug_struct("Contact");
ds.field("id", &self.id());
ds.field("name", &self.name());
ds.field("address", &self.address());
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct ContactT {
pub id: u32,
pub name: Option<String>,
pub address: Option<String>,
impl Default for ContactT {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
id: 0,
name: None,
address: None,
impl ContactT {
pub fn pack<'b>(
_fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<Contact<'b>> {
let id = self.id;
let name = self.name.as_ref().map(|x|{
let address = self.address.as_ref().map(|x|{
Contact::create(_fbb, &ContactArgs{
pub enum ContactVecOffset {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct ContactVec<'a> {
pub _tab: flatbuffers::Table<'a>,
impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for ContactVec<'a> {
type Inner = ContactVec<'a>;
unsafe fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {
Self { _tab: flatbuffers::Table::new(buf, loc) }
impl<'a> ContactVec<'a> {
pub const VT_CONTACTS: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
pub unsafe fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
ContactVec { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
_fbb: &'mut_bldr mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'bldr>,
args: &'args ContactVecArgs<'args>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<ContactVec<'bldr>> {
let mut builder = ContactVecBuilder::new(_fbb);
if let Some(x) = args.contacts { builder.add_contacts(x); }
pub fn unpack(&self) -> ContactVecT {
let contacts = self.contacts().map(|x| {
x.iter().map(|t| t.unpack()).collect()
ContactVecT {
pub fn contacts(&self) -> Option<flatbuffers::Vector<'a, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<Contact<'a>>>> {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'a, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<Contact>>>>(ContactVec::VT_CONTACTS, None)}
impl flatbuffers::Verifiable for ContactVec<'_> {
fn run_verifier(
v: &mut flatbuffers::Verifier, pos: usize
) -> Result<(), flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {
use self::flatbuffers::Verifiable;
.visit_field::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'_, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<Contact>>>>("contacts", Self::VT_CONTACTS, false)?
pub struct ContactVecArgs<'a> {
pub contacts: Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'a, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<Contact<'a>>>>>,
impl<'a> Default for ContactVecArgs<'a> {
fn default() -> Self {
ContactVecArgs {
contacts: None,
pub struct ContactVecBuilder<'a: 'b, 'b> {
fbb_: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>,
start_: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::TableUnfinishedWIPOffset>,
impl<'a: 'b, 'b> ContactVecBuilder<'a, 'b> {
pub fn add_contacts(&mut self, contacts: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'b , flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<Contact<'b >>>>) {
self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<_>>(ContactVec::VT_CONTACTS, contacts);
pub fn new(_fbb: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>) -> ContactVecBuilder<'a, 'b> {
let start = _fbb.start_table();
ContactVecBuilder {
fbb_: _fbb,
start_: start,
pub fn finish(self) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<ContactVec<'a>> {
let o = self.fbb_.end_table(self.start_);
impl core::fmt::Debug for ContactVec<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
let mut ds = f.debug_struct("ContactVec");
ds.field("contacts", &self.contacts());
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct ContactVecT {
pub contacts: Option<Vec<ContactT>>,
impl Default for ContactVecT {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
contacts: None,
impl ContactVecT {
pub fn pack<'b>(
_fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<ContactVec<'b>> {
let contacts = self.contacts.as_ref().map(|x|{
let w: Vec<_> = x.iter().map(|t| t.pack(_fbb)).collect();_fbb.create_vector(&w)
ContactVec::create(_fbb, &ContactVecArgs{
pub enum TxTimeValueOffset {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct TxTimeValue<'a> {
pub _tab: flatbuffers::Table<'a>,
impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for TxTimeValue<'a> {
type Inner = TxTimeValue<'a>;
unsafe fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {
Self { _tab: flatbuffers::Table::new(buf, loc) }
impl<'a> TxTimeValue<'a> {
pub const VT_TIMESTAMP: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
pub const VT_VALUE: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 6;
pub unsafe fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
TxTimeValue { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
_fbb: &'mut_bldr mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'bldr>,
args: &'args TxTimeValueArgs
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<TxTimeValue<'bldr>> {
let mut builder = TxTimeValueBuilder::new(_fbb);
pub fn unpack(&self) -> TxTimeValueT {
let timestamp = self.timestamp();
let value = self.value();
TxTimeValueT {
pub fn timestamp(&self) -> u32 {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<u32>(TxTimeValue::VT_TIMESTAMP, Some(0)).unwrap()}
pub fn value(&self) -> u64 {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<u64>(TxTimeValue::VT_VALUE, Some(0)).unwrap()}
impl flatbuffers::Verifiable for TxTimeValue<'_> {
fn run_verifier(
v: &mut flatbuffers::Verifier, pos: usize
) -> Result<(), flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {
use self::flatbuffers::Verifiable;
.visit_field::<u32>("timestamp", Self::VT_TIMESTAMP, false)?
.visit_field::<u64>("value", Self::VT_VALUE, false)?
pub struct TxTimeValueArgs {
pub timestamp: u32,
pub value: u64,
impl<'a> Default for TxTimeValueArgs {
fn default() -> Self {
TxTimeValueArgs {
timestamp: 0,
value: 0,
pub struct TxTimeValueBuilder<'a: 'b, 'b> {
fbb_: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>,
start_: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::TableUnfinishedWIPOffset>,
impl<'a: 'b, 'b> TxTimeValueBuilder<'a, 'b> {
pub fn add_timestamp(&mut self, timestamp: u32) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<u32>(TxTimeValue::VT_TIMESTAMP, timestamp, 0);
pub fn add_value(&mut self, value: u64) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<u64>(TxTimeValue::VT_VALUE, value, 0);
pub fn new(_fbb: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>) -> TxTimeValueBuilder<'a, 'b> {
let start = _fbb.start_table();
TxTimeValueBuilder {
fbb_: _fbb,
start_: start,
pub fn finish(self) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<TxTimeValue<'a>> {
let o = self.fbb_.end_table(self.start_);
impl core::fmt::Debug for TxTimeValue<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
let mut ds = f.debug_struct("TxTimeValue");
ds.field("timestamp", &self.timestamp());
ds.field("value", &self.value());
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct TxTimeValueT {
pub timestamp: u32,
pub value: u64,
impl Default for TxTimeValueT {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
timestamp: 0,
value: 0,
impl TxTimeValueT {
pub fn pack<'b>(
_fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<TxTimeValue<'b>> {
let timestamp = self.timestamp;
let value = self.value;
TxTimeValue::create(_fbb, &TxTimeValueArgs{
pub enum TxTimeValueVecOffset {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct TxTimeValueVec<'a> {
pub _tab: flatbuffers::Table<'a>,
impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for TxTimeValueVec<'a> {
type Inner = TxTimeValueVec<'a>;
unsafe fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {
Self { _tab: flatbuffers::Table::new(buf, loc) }
impl<'a> TxTimeValueVec<'a> {
pub const VT_VALUES: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
pub unsafe fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
TxTimeValueVec { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
_fbb: &'mut_bldr mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'bldr>,
args: &'args TxTimeValueVecArgs<'args>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<TxTimeValueVec<'bldr>> {
let mut builder = TxTimeValueVecBuilder::new(_fbb);
if let Some(x) = args.values { builder.add_values(x); }
pub fn unpack(&self) -> TxTimeValueVecT {
let values = self.values().map(|x| {
x.iter().map(|t| t.unpack()).collect()
TxTimeValueVecT {
pub fn values(&self) -> Option<flatbuffers::Vector<'a, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<TxTimeValue<'a>>>> {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'a, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<TxTimeValue>>>>(TxTimeValueVec::VT_VALUES, None)}
impl flatbuffers::Verifiable for TxTimeValueVec<'_> {
fn run_verifier(
v: &mut flatbuffers::Verifier, pos: usize
) -> Result<(), flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {
use self::flatbuffers::Verifiable;
.visit_field::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'_, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<TxTimeValue>>>>("values", Self::VT_VALUES, false)?
pub struct TxTimeValueVecArgs<'a> {
pub values: Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'a, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<TxTimeValue<'a>>>>>,
impl<'a> Default for TxTimeValueVecArgs<'a> {
fn default() -> Self {
TxTimeValueVecArgs {
values: None,
pub struct TxTimeValueVecBuilder<'a: 'b, 'b> {
fbb_: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>,
start_: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::TableUnfinishedWIPOffset>,
impl<'a: 'b, 'b> TxTimeValueVecBuilder<'a, 'b> {
pub fn add_values(&mut self, values: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'b , flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<TxTimeValue<'b >>>>) {
self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<_>>(TxTimeValueVec::VT_VALUES, values);
pub fn new(_fbb: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>) -> TxTimeValueVecBuilder<'a, 'b> {
let start = _fbb.start_table();
TxTimeValueVecBuilder {
fbb_: _fbb,
start_: start,
pub fn finish(self) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<TxTimeValueVec<'a>> {
let o = self.fbb_.end_table(self.start_);
impl core::fmt::Debug for TxTimeValueVec<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
let mut ds = f.debug_struct("TxTimeValueVec");
ds.field("values", &self.values());
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct TxTimeValueVecT {
pub values: Option<Vec<TxTimeValueT>>,
impl Default for TxTimeValueVecT {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
values: None,
impl TxTimeValueVecT {
pub fn pack<'b>(
_fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<TxTimeValueVec<'b>> {
let values = self.values.as_ref().map(|x|{
let w: Vec<_> = x.iter().map(|t| t.pack(_fbb)).collect();_fbb.create_vector(&w)
TxTimeValueVec::create(_fbb, &TxTimeValueVecArgs{
pub enum QuoteOffset {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Quote<'a> {
pub _tab: flatbuffers::Table<'a>,
impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for Quote<'a> {
type Inner = Quote<'a>;
unsafe fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {
Self { _tab: flatbuffers::Table::new(buf, loc) }
impl<'a> Quote<'a> {
pub const VT_TIMESTAMP: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
pub const VT_PRICE: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 6;
pub unsafe fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
Quote { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
_fbb: &'mut_bldr mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'bldr>,
args: &'args QuoteArgs
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<Quote<'bldr>> {
let mut builder = QuoteBuilder::new(_fbb);
pub fn unpack(&self) -> QuoteT {
let timestamp = self.timestamp();
let price = self.price();
QuoteT {
pub fn timestamp(&self) -> u32 {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<u32>(Quote::VT_TIMESTAMP, Some(0)).unwrap()}
pub fn price(&self) -> f64 {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<f64>(Quote::VT_PRICE, Some(0.0)).unwrap()}
impl flatbuffers::Verifiable for Quote<'_> {
fn run_verifier(
v: &mut flatbuffers::Verifier, pos: usize
) -> Result<(), flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {
use self::flatbuffers::Verifiable;
.visit_field::<u32>("timestamp", Self::VT_TIMESTAMP, false)?
.visit_field::<f64>("price", Self::VT_PRICE, false)?
pub struct QuoteArgs {
pub timestamp: u32,
pub price: f64,
impl<'a> Default for QuoteArgs {
fn default() -> Self {
QuoteArgs {
timestamp: 0,
price: 0.0,
pub struct QuoteBuilder<'a: 'b, 'b> {
fbb_: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>,
start_: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::TableUnfinishedWIPOffset>,
impl<'a: 'b, 'b> QuoteBuilder<'a, 'b> {
pub fn add_timestamp(&mut self, timestamp: u32) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<u32>(Quote::VT_TIMESTAMP, timestamp, 0);
pub fn add_price(&mut self, price: f64) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<f64>(Quote::VT_PRICE, price, 0.0);
pub fn new(_fbb: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>) -> QuoteBuilder<'a, 'b> {
let start = _fbb.start_table();
QuoteBuilder {
fbb_: _fbb,
start_: start,
pub fn finish(self) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<Quote<'a>> {
let o = self.fbb_.end_table(self.start_);
impl core::fmt::Debug for Quote<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
let mut ds = f.debug_struct("Quote");
ds.field("timestamp", &self.timestamp());
ds.field("price", &self.price());
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct QuoteT {
pub timestamp: u32,
pub price: f64,
impl Default for QuoteT {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
timestamp: 0,
price: 0.0,
impl QuoteT {
pub fn pack<'b>(
_fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<Quote<'b>> {
let timestamp = self.timestamp;
let price = self.price;
Quote::create(_fbb, &QuoteArgs{
pub enum QuoteVecOffset {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct QuoteVec<'a> {
pub _tab: flatbuffers::Table<'a>,
impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for QuoteVec<'a> {
type Inner = QuoteVec<'a>;
unsafe fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {
Self { _tab: flatbuffers::Table::new(buf, loc) }
impl<'a> QuoteVec<'a> {
pub const VT_VALUES: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
pub unsafe fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
QuoteVec { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
_fbb: &'mut_bldr mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'bldr>,
args: &'args QuoteVecArgs<'args>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<QuoteVec<'bldr>> {
let mut builder = QuoteVecBuilder::new(_fbb);
if let Some(x) = args.values { builder.add_values(x); }
pub fn unpack(&self) -> QuoteVecT {
let values = self.values().map(|x| {
x.iter().map(|t| t.unpack()).collect()
QuoteVecT {
pub fn values(&self) -> Option<flatbuffers::Vector<'a, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<Quote<'a>>>> {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'a, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<Quote>>>>(QuoteVec::VT_VALUES, None)}
impl flatbuffers::Verifiable for QuoteVec<'_> {
fn run_verifier(
v: &mut flatbuffers::Verifier, pos: usize
) -> Result<(), flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {
use self::flatbuffers::Verifiable;
.visit_field::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'_, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<Quote>>>>("values", Self::VT_VALUES, false)?
pub struct QuoteVecArgs<'a> {
pub values: Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'a, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<Quote<'a>>>>>,
impl<'a> Default for QuoteVecArgs<'a> {
fn default() -> Self {
QuoteVecArgs {
values: None,
pub struct QuoteVecBuilder<'a: 'b, 'b> {
fbb_: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>,
start_: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::TableUnfinishedWIPOffset>,
impl<'a: 'b, 'b> QuoteVecBuilder<'a, 'b> {
pub fn add_values(&mut self, values: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'b , flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<Quote<'b >>>>) {
self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<_>>(QuoteVec::VT_VALUES, values);
pub fn new(_fbb: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>) -> QuoteVecBuilder<'a, 'b> {
let start = _fbb.start_table();
QuoteVecBuilder {
fbb_: _fbb,
start_: start,
pub fn finish(self) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<QuoteVec<'a>> {
let o = self.fbb_.end_table(self.start_);
impl core::fmt::Debug for QuoteVec<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
let mut ds = f.debug_struct("QuoteVec");
ds.field("values", &self.values());
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct QuoteVecT {
pub values: Option<Vec<QuoteT>>,
impl Default for QuoteVecT {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
values: None,
impl QuoteVecT {
pub fn pack<'b>(
_fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<QuoteVec<'b>> {
let values = self.values.as_ref().map(|x|{
let w: Vec<_> = x.iter().map(|t| t.pack(_fbb)).collect();_fbb.create_vector(&w)
QuoteVec::create(_fbb, &QuoteVecArgs{
pub enum SpendingOffset {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Spending<'a> {
pub _tab: flatbuffers::Table<'a>,
impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for Spending<'a> {
type Inner = Spending<'a>;
unsafe fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {
Self { _tab: flatbuffers::Table::new(buf, loc) }
impl<'a> Spending<'a> {
pub const VT_RECIPIENT: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
pub const VT_AMOUNT: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 6;
pub unsafe fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
Spending { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
_fbb: &'mut_bldr mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'bldr>,
args: &'args SpendingArgs<'args>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<Spending<'bldr>> {
let mut builder = SpendingBuilder::new(_fbb);
if let Some(x) = args.recipient { builder.add_recipient(x); }
pub fn unpack(&self) -> SpendingT {
let recipient = self.recipient().map(|x| {
let amount = self.amount();
SpendingT {
pub fn recipient(&self) -> Option<&'a str> {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>(Spending::VT_RECIPIENT, None)}
pub fn amount(&self) -> u64 {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<u64>(Spending::VT_AMOUNT, Some(0)).unwrap()}
impl flatbuffers::Verifiable for Spending<'_> {
fn run_verifier(
v: &mut flatbuffers::Verifier, pos: usize
) -> Result<(), flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {
use self::flatbuffers::Verifiable;
.visit_field::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>("recipient", Self::VT_RECIPIENT, false)?
.visit_field::<u64>("amount", Self::VT_AMOUNT, false)?
pub struct SpendingArgs<'a> {
pub recipient: Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'a str>>,
pub amount: u64,
impl<'a> Default for SpendingArgs<'a> {
fn default() -> Self {
SpendingArgs {
recipient: None,
amount: 0,
pub struct SpendingBuilder<'a: 'b, 'b> {
fbb_: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>,
start_: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::TableUnfinishedWIPOffset>,
impl<'a: 'b, 'b> SpendingBuilder<'a, 'b> {
pub fn add_recipient(&mut self, recipient: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'b str>) {
self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<_>>(Spending::VT_RECIPIENT, recipient);
pub fn add_amount(&mut self, amount: u64) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<u64>(Spending::VT_AMOUNT, amount, 0);
pub fn new(_fbb: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>) -> SpendingBuilder<'a, 'b> {
let start = _fbb.start_table();
SpendingBuilder {
fbb_: _fbb,
start_: start,
pub fn finish(self) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<Spending<'a>> {
let o = self.fbb_.end_table(self.start_);
impl core::fmt::Debug for Spending<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
let mut ds = f.debug_struct("Spending");
ds.field("recipient", &self.recipient());
ds.field("amount", &self.amount());
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct SpendingT {
pub recipient: Option<String>,
pub amount: u64,
impl Default for SpendingT {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
recipient: None,
amount: 0,
impl SpendingT {
pub fn pack<'b>(
_fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<Spending<'b>> {
let recipient = self.recipient.as_ref().map(|x|{
let amount = self.amount;
Spending::create(_fbb, &SpendingArgs{
pub enum SpendingVecOffset {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct SpendingVec<'a> {
pub _tab: flatbuffers::Table<'a>,
impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for SpendingVec<'a> {
type Inner = SpendingVec<'a>;
unsafe fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {
Self { _tab: flatbuffers::Table::new(buf, loc) }
impl<'a> SpendingVec<'a> {
pub const VT_VALUES: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
pub unsafe fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
SpendingVec { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
_fbb: &'mut_bldr mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'bldr>,
args: &'args SpendingVecArgs<'args>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<SpendingVec<'bldr>> {
let mut builder = SpendingVecBuilder::new(_fbb);
if let Some(x) = args.values { builder.add_values(x); }
pub fn unpack(&self) -> SpendingVecT {
let values = self.values().map(|x| {
x.iter().map(|t| t.unpack()).collect()
SpendingVecT {
pub fn values(&self) -> Option<flatbuffers::Vector<'a, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<Spending<'a>>>> {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'a, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<Spending>>>>(SpendingVec::VT_VALUES, None)}
impl flatbuffers::Verifiable for SpendingVec<'_> {
fn run_verifier(
v: &mut flatbuffers::Verifier, pos: usize
) -> Result<(), flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {
use self::flatbuffers::Verifiable;
.visit_field::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'_, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<Spending>>>>("values", Self::VT_VALUES, false)?
pub struct SpendingVecArgs<'a> {
pub values: Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'a, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<Spending<'a>>>>>,
impl<'a> Default for SpendingVecArgs<'a> {
fn default() -> Self {
SpendingVecArgs {
values: None,
pub struct SpendingVecBuilder<'a: 'b, 'b> {
fbb_: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>,
start_: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::TableUnfinishedWIPOffset>,
impl<'a: 'b, 'b> SpendingVecBuilder<'a, 'b> {
pub fn add_values(&mut self, values: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'b , flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<Spending<'b >>>>) {
self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<_>>(SpendingVec::VT_VALUES, values);
pub fn new(_fbb: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>) -> SpendingVecBuilder<'a, 'b> {
let start = _fbb.start_table();
SpendingVecBuilder {
fbb_: _fbb,
start_: start,
pub fn finish(self) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<SpendingVec<'a>> {
let o = self.fbb_.end_table(self.start_);
impl core::fmt::Debug for SpendingVec<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
let mut ds = f.debug_struct("SpendingVec");
ds.field("values", &self.values());
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct SpendingVecT {
pub values: Option<Vec<SpendingT>>,
impl Default for SpendingVecT {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
values: None,
impl SpendingVecT {
pub fn pack<'b>(
_fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<SpendingVec<'b>> {
let values = self.values.as_ref().map(|x|{
let w: Vec<_> = x.iter().map(|t| t.pack(_fbb)).collect();_fbb.create_vector(&w)
SpendingVec::create(_fbb, &SpendingVecArgs{
pub enum AddressBalanceOffset {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct AddressBalance<'a> {
pub _tab: flatbuffers::Table<'a>,
impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for AddressBalance<'a> {
type Inner = AddressBalance<'a>;
unsafe fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {
Self { _tab: flatbuffers::Table::new(buf, loc) }
impl<'a> AddressBalance<'a> {
pub const VT_INDEX: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
pub const VT_ADDRESS: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 6;
pub const VT_BALANCE: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 8;
pub unsafe fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
AddressBalance { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
_fbb: &'mut_bldr mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'bldr>,
args: &'args AddressBalanceArgs<'args>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<AddressBalance<'bldr>> {
let mut builder = AddressBalanceBuilder::new(_fbb);
if let Some(x) = args.address { builder.add_address(x); }
pub fn unpack(&self) -> AddressBalanceT {
let index = self.index();
let address = self.address().map(|x| {
let balance = self.balance();
AddressBalanceT {
pub fn index(&self) -> u32 {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<u32>(AddressBalance::VT_INDEX, Some(0)).unwrap()}
pub fn address(&self) -> Option<&'a str> {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>(AddressBalance::VT_ADDRESS, None)}
pub fn balance(&self) -> u64 {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<u64>(AddressBalance::VT_BALANCE, Some(0)).unwrap()}
impl flatbuffers::Verifiable for AddressBalance<'_> {
fn run_verifier(
v: &mut flatbuffers::Verifier, pos: usize
) -> Result<(), flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {
use self::flatbuffers::Verifiable;
.visit_field::<u32>("index", Self::VT_INDEX, false)?
.visit_field::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<&str>>("address", Self::VT_ADDRESS, false)?
.visit_field::<u64>("balance", Self::VT_BALANCE, false)?
pub struct AddressBalanceArgs<'a> {
pub index: u32,
pub address: Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'a str>>,
pub balance: u64,
impl<'a> Default for AddressBalanceArgs<'a> {
fn default() -> Self {
AddressBalanceArgs {
index: 0,
address: None,
balance: 0,
pub struct AddressBalanceBuilder<'a: 'b, 'b> {
fbb_: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>,
start_: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::TableUnfinishedWIPOffset>,
impl<'a: 'b, 'b> AddressBalanceBuilder<'a, 'b> {
pub fn add_index(&mut self, index: u32) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<u32>(AddressBalance::VT_INDEX, index, 0);
pub fn add_address(&mut self, address: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<&'b str>) {
self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<_>>(AddressBalance::VT_ADDRESS, address);
pub fn add_balance(&mut self, balance: u64) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<u64>(AddressBalance::VT_BALANCE, balance, 0);
pub fn new(_fbb: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>) -> AddressBalanceBuilder<'a, 'b> {
let start = _fbb.start_table();
AddressBalanceBuilder {
fbb_: _fbb,
start_: start,
pub fn finish(self) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<AddressBalance<'a>> {
let o = self.fbb_.end_table(self.start_);
impl core::fmt::Debug for AddressBalance<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
let mut ds = f.debug_struct("AddressBalance");
ds.field("index", &self.index());
ds.field("address", &self.address());
ds.field("balance", &self.balance());
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct AddressBalanceT {
pub index: u32,
pub address: Option<String>,
pub balance: u64,
impl Default for AddressBalanceT {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
index: 0,
address: None,
balance: 0,
impl AddressBalanceT {
pub fn pack<'b>(
_fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<AddressBalance<'b>> {
let index = self.index;
let address = self.address.as_ref().map(|x|{
let balance = self.balance;
AddressBalance::create(_fbb, &AddressBalanceArgs{
pub enum AddressBalanceVecOffset {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct AddressBalanceVec<'a> {
pub _tab: flatbuffers::Table<'a>,
impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for AddressBalanceVec<'a> {
type Inner = AddressBalanceVec<'a>;
unsafe fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {
Self { _tab: flatbuffers::Table::new(buf, loc) }
impl<'a> AddressBalanceVec<'a> {
pub const VT_VALUES: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
pub unsafe fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
AddressBalanceVec { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
_fbb: &'mut_bldr mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'bldr>,
args: &'args AddressBalanceVecArgs<'args>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<AddressBalanceVec<'bldr>> {
let mut builder = AddressBalanceVecBuilder::new(_fbb);
if let Some(x) = args.values { builder.add_values(x); }
pub fn unpack(&self) -> AddressBalanceVecT {
let values = self.values().map(|x| {
x.iter().map(|t| t.unpack()).collect()
AddressBalanceVecT {
pub fn values(&self) -> Option<flatbuffers::Vector<'a, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<AddressBalance<'a>>>> {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'a, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<AddressBalance>>>>(AddressBalanceVec::VT_VALUES, None)}
impl flatbuffers::Verifiable for AddressBalanceVec<'_> {
fn run_verifier(
v: &mut flatbuffers::Verifier, pos: usize
) -> Result<(), flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {
use self::flatbuffers::Verifiable;
.visit_field::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'_, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<AddressBalance>>>>("values", Self::VT_VALUES, false)?
pub struct AddressBalanceVecArgs<'a> {
pub values: Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'a, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<AddressBalance<'a>>>>>,
impl<'a> Default for AddressBalanceVecArgs<'a> {
fn default() -> Self {
AddressBalanceVecArgs {
values: None,
pub struct AddressBalanceVecBuilder<'a: 'b, 'b> {
fbb_: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>,
start_: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::TableUnfinishedWIPOffset>,
impl<'a: 'b, 'b> AddressBalanceVecBuilder<'a, 'b> {
pub fn add_values(&mut self, values: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'b , flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<AddressBalance<'b >>>>) {
self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<_>>(AddressBalanceVec::VT_VALUES, values);
pub fn new(_fbb: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>) -> AddressBalanceVecBuilder<'a, 'b> {
let start = _fbb.start_table();
AddressBalanceVecBuilder {
fbb_: _fbb,
start_: start,
pub fn finish(self) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<AddressBalanceVec<'a>> {
let o = self.fbb_.end_table(self.start_);
impl core::fmt::Debug for AddressBalanceVec<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
let mut ds = f.debug_struct("AddressBalanceVec");
ds.field("values", &self.values());
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct AddressBalanceVecT {
pub values: Option<Vec<AddressBalanceT>>,
impl Default for AddressBalanceVecT {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
values: None,
impl AddressBalanceVecT {
pub fn pack<'b>(
_fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<AddressBalanceVec<'b>> {
let values = self.values.as_ref().map(|x|{
let w: Vec<_> = x.iter().map(|t| t.pack(_fbb)).collect();_fbb.create_vector(&w)
AddressBalanceVec::create(_fbb, &AddressBalanceVecArgs{
pub enum CheckpointOffset {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Checkpoint<'a> {
pub _tab: flatbuffers::Table<'a>,
impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for Checkpoint<'a> {
type Inner = Checkpoint<'a>;
unsafe fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {
Self { _tab: flatbuffers::Table::new(buf, loc) }
impl<'a> Checkpoint<'a> {
pub const VT_HEIGHT: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
pub const VT_TIMESTAMP: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 6;
pub unsafe fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
Checkpoint { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
_fbb: &'mut_bldr mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'bldr>,
args: &'args CheckpointArgs
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<Checkpoint<'bldr>> {
let mut builder = CheckpointBuilder::new(_fbb);
pub fn unpack(&self) -> CheckpointT {
let height = self.height();
let timestamp = self.timestamp();
CheckpointT {
pub fn height(&self) -> u32 {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<u32>(Checkpoint::VT_HEIGHT, Some(0)).unwrap()}
pub fn timestamp(&self) -> u32 {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<u32>(Checkpoint::VT_TIMESTAMP, Some(0)).unwrap()}
impl flatbuffers::Verifiable for Checkpoint<'_> {
fn run_verifier(
v: &mut flatbuffers::Verifier, pos: usize
) -> Result<(), flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {
use self::flatbuffers::Verifiable;
.visit_field::<u32>("height", Self::VT_HEIGHT, false)?
.visit_field::<u32>("timestamp", Self::VT_TIMESTAMP, false)?
pub struct CheckpointArgs {
pub height: u32,
pub timestamp: u32,
impl<'a> Default for CheckpointArgs {
fn default() -> Self {
CheckpointArgs {
height: 0,
timestamp: 0,
pub struct CheckpointBuilder<'a: 'b, 'b> {
fbb_: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>,
start_: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::TableUnfinishedWIPOffset>,
impl<'a: 'b, 'b> CheckpointBuilder<'a, 'b> {
pub fn add_height(&mut self, height: u32) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<u32>(Checkpoint::VT_HEIGHT, height, 0);
pub fn add_timestamp(&mut self, timestamp: u32) {
self.fbb_.push_slot::<u32>(Checkpoint::VT_TIMESTAMP, timestamp, 0);
pub fn new(_fbb: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>) -> CheckpointBuilder<'a, 'b> {
let start = _fbb.start_table();
CheckpointBuilder {
fbb_: _fbb,
start_: start,
pub fn finish(self) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<Checkpoint<'a>> {
let o = self.fbb_.end_table(self.start_);
impl core::fmt::Debug for Checkpoint<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
let mut ds = f.debug_struct("Checkpoint");
ds.field("height", &self.height());
ds.field("timestamp", &self.timestamp());
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct CheckpointT {
pub height: u32,
pub timestamp: u32,
impl Default for CheckpointT {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
height: 0,
timestamp: 0,
impl CheckpointT {
pub fn pack<'b>(
_fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<Checkpoint<'b>> {
let height = self.height;
let timestamp = self.timestamp;
Checkpoint::create(_fbb, &CheckpointArgs{
pub enum CheckpointVecOffset {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct CheckpointVec<'a> {
pub _tab: flatbuffers::Table<'a>,
impl<'a> flatbuffers::Follow<'a> for CheckpointVec<'a> {
type Inner = CheckpointVec<'a>;
unsafe fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {
Self { _tab: flatbuffers::Table::new(buf, loc) }
impl<'a> CheckpointVec<'a> {
pub const VT_VALUES: flatbuffers::VOffsetT = 4;
pub unsafe fn init_from_table(table: flatbuffers::Table<'a>) -> Self {
CheckpointVec { _tab: table }
pub fn create<'bldr: 'args, 'args: 'mut_bldr, 'mut_bldr>(
_fbb: &'mut_bldr mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'bldr>,
args: &'args CheckpointVecArgs<'args>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<CheckpointVec<'bldr>> {
let mut builder = CheckpointVecBuilder::new(_fbb);
if let Some(x) = args.values { builder.add_values(x); }
pub fn unpack(&self) -> CheckpointVecT {
let values = self.values().map(|x| {
x.iter().map(|t| t.unpack()).collect()
CheckpointVecT {
pub fn values(&self) -> Option<flatbuffers::Vector<'a, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<Checkpoint<'a>>>> {
// Safety:
// Created from valid Table for this object
// which contains a valid value in this slot
unsafe { self._tab.get::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'a, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<Checkpoint>>>>(CheckpointVec::VT_VALUES, None)}
impl flatbuffers::Verifiable for CheckpointVec<'_> {
fn run_verifier(
v: &mut flatbuffers::Verifier, pos: usize
) -> Result<(), flatbuffers::InvalidFlatbuffer> {
use self::flatbuffers::Verifiable;
.visit_field::<flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'_, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<Checkpoint>>>>("values", Self::VT_VALUES, false)?
pub struct CheckpointVecArgs<'a> {
pub values: Option<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'a, flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<Checkpoint<'a>>>>>,
impl<'a> Default for CheckpointVecArgs<'a> {
fn default() -> Self {
CheckpointVecArgs {
values: None,
pub struct CheckpointVecBuilder<'a: 'b, 'b> {
fbb_: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>,
start_: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::TableUnfinishedWIPOffset>,
impl<'a: 'b, 'b> CheckpointVecBuilder<'a, 'b> {
pub fn add_values(&mut self, values: flatbuffers::WIPOffset<flatbuffers::Vector<'b , flatbuffers::ForwardsUOffset<Checkpoint<'b >>>>) {
self.fbb_.push_slot_always::<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<_>>(CheckpointVec::VT_VALUES, values);
pub fn new(_fbb: &'b mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>) -> CheckpointVecBuilder<'a, 'b> {
let start = _fbb.start_table();
CheckpointVecBuilder {
fbb_: _fbb,
start_: start,
pub fn finish(self) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<CheckpointVec<'a>> {
let o = self.fbb_.end_table(self.start_);
impl core::fmt::Debug for CheckpointVec<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
let mut ds = f.debug_struct("CheckpointVec");
ds.field("values", &self.values());
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct CheckpointVecT {
pub values: Option<Vec<CheckpointT>>,
impl Default for CheckpointVecT {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
values: None,
impl CheckpointVecT {
pub fn pack<'b>(
_fbb: &mut flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'b>
) -> flatbuffers::WIPOffset<CheckpointVec<'b>> {
let values = self.values.as_ref().map(|x|{
let w: Vec<_> = x.iter().map(|t| t.pack(_fbb)).collect();_fbb.create_vector(&w)
CheckpointVec::create(_fbb, &CheckpointVecArgs{
} // pub mod fb
2022-12-29 15:03:35 -08:00