Client side mempool disconnect when active account changed

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Hanh 2022-11-21 17:23:09 +08:00
parent 65f94e5878
commit be75cd3909
1 changed files with 73 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ pub enum MemPoolMsg {
struct MemPoolHandler {
coin: u8,
id_account: u32,
pub coin: u8,
pub id_account: u32,
tx_mesg: Sender<MemPoolMsg>,
@ -47,10 +47,28 @@ impl MemPoolHandler {
pub async fn subscribe(&self) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
pub fn run(handler: MemPoolHandler, mut shutdown: tokio::sync::broadcast::Receiver<()>) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
tokio::spawn(async move {
let r = tokio::select! {
res = handler.event_loop() => {
_ = shutdown.recv() => {
log::info!("Closing mempool stream connection for {} {}", handler.coin, handler.id_account);
log::info!("MemPoolHandler ended {} {}", handler.coin, handler.id_account);
pub async fn event_loop(&self) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let tx_mesg = self.tx_mesg.clone();
let coin = self.coin;
let id_account = self.id_account;
log::info!("Start sub for {} {}", coin, id_account);
let c = CoinConfig::get(self.coin);
let mut client = c.connect_lwd().await?;
let (nfs, sapling_ivk, orchard_ivk) = {
@ -75,7 +93,6 @@ impl MemPoolHandler {
.get_mempool_stream(Request::new(Empty {}))
tokio::spawn(async move {
while let Some(raw_tx) = mempool_stream.message().await? {
let balance = mempool_impl.scan_transaction(&raw_tx)?;
let _ = tx_mesg
@ -83,8 +100,6 @@ impl MemPoolHandler {
let _ = tx_mesg.send(MemPoolMsg::Close(coin, id_account)).await;
Ok::<_, anyhow::Error>(())
@ -127,44 +142,70 @@ impl MemPoolRunner {
struct ActiveSub {
coin: u8,
account: u32,
tx_shutdown: tokio::sync::broadcast::Sender<()>,
pub async fn run_mempool_loop<F: Fn(i64) + Send + Sync + 'static>(
tx_mesg: Sender<MemPoolMsg>,
mut rx_mesg: Receiver<MemPoolMsg>,
f: F,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
log::info!("MEMPOOL run");
let mut active_coin = 0;
let mut active_account = 0;
let mut subscribed = false;
let mut active_sub: Option<ActiveSub> = None;
while let Some(message) = rx_mesg.recv().await {
log::info!("{:?}", message);
match message {
MemPoolMsg::Active(coin, id_account) => {
match active_sub.take() {
Some(ActiveSub {coin: active_coin, account: active_account, tx_shutdown}) => {
if coin != active_coin || id_account != active_account {
active_coin = coin;
active_account = id_account;
subscribed = false;
let _ = tx_mesg.send(MemPoolMsg::Subscribe(active_coin, active_account)).await;
tx_shutdown.send(())?; // Close current connection
let _ = tx_mesg.send(MemPoolMsg::Subscribe(coin, id_account)).await;
else { // same active account, just put it back
active_sub = Some(ActiveSub {
coin: active_coin,
account: active_account,
None => {
let _ = tx_mesg.send(MemPoolMsg::Subscribe(coin, id_account)).await;
MemPoolMsg::Subscribe(coin, id_account) => {
if !subscribed {
if active_sub.is_none() {
let mempool_handler = MemPoolHandler::new(coin, id_account, tx_mesg.clone());
subscribed = true;
let (tx_shutdown, rx_shutdown) = tokio::sync::broadcast::channel::<()>(1);
active_sub = Some(ActiveSub {
account: id_account,
MemPoolHandler::run(mempool_handler, rx_shutdown)?;
MemPoolMsg::Balance(coin, id_account, balance) => {
if coin == active_coin && id_account == active_account {
if let Some(ActiveSub { coin: active_coin, account: active_account, .. }) = active_sub.as_ref() {
if coin == *active_coin && id_account == *active_account {
MemPoolMsg::Close(coin, id_account) => {
let active = active_sub.take();
if let Some(ActiveSub { coin: active_coin, account: active_account , .. }) = active {
if coin == active_coin && id_account == active_account {
subscribed = false;
let _ = tx_mesg
.send(MemPoolMsg::Subscribe(active_coin, active_account))