use crate::db::SpendableNote; // use crate::wallet::RecipientMemo; use crate::api::recipient::RecipientMemo; use crate::chain::get_latest_height; use crate::coinconfig::CoinConfig; use crate::{GetAddressUtxosReply, RawTransaction}; use anyhow::anyhow; use jubjub::Fr; use rand::prelude::SliceRandom; use rand::rngs::OsRng; use secp256k1::SecretKey; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::sync::mpsc; use tonic::Request; use zcash_client_backend::address::RecipientAddress; use zcash_client_backend::encoding::{ decode_extended_full_viewing_key, encode_extended_full_viewing_key, encode_payment_address, }; use zcash_params::coin::{get_coin_chain, CoinChain, CoinType}; use zcash_primitives::consensus::{BlockHeight, Parameters}; use zcash_primitives::keys::OutgoingViewingKey; use zcash_primitives::legacy::Script; use zcash_primitives::memo::{Memo, MemoBytes}; use zcash_primitives::merkle_tree::IncrementalWitness; use zcash_primitives::sapling::prover::TxProver; use zcash_primitives::sapling::{Diversifier, Node, PaymentAddress, Rseed}; use zcash_primitives::transaction::builder::{Builder, Progress}; use zcash_primitives::transaction::components::amount::{DEFAULT_FEE, MAX_MONEY}; use zcash_primitives::transaction::components::{Amount, OutPoint, TxOut as ZTxOut}; use zcash_primitives::transaction::fees::fixed::FeeRule; use zcash_primitives::zip32::{ExtendedFullViewingKey, ExtendedSpendingKey}; #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] pub struct Tx { pub coin_type: CoinType, pub height: u32, pub t_inputs: Vec, pub inputs: Vec, pub outputs: Vec, pub change: String, pub ovk: String, } impl Tx { pub fn new(coin_type: CoinType, height: u32) -> Self { Tx { coin_type, height, t_inputs: vec![], inputs: vec![], outputs: vec![], change: "".to_string(), ovk: "".to_string(), } } } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] pub struct TxIn { pub diversifier: String, pub fvk: String, pub amount: u64, pub rseed: String, pub witness: String, } #[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] pub struct TTxIn { pub op: String, pub n: u32, pub amount: u64, pub script: String, } #[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] pub struct TxOut { pub addr: String, pub amount: u64, pub ovk: String, pub memo: String, } #[derive(Serialize, Debug)] pub struct TxSummary { pub recipients: Vec, } #[derive(Serialize, Debug)] pub struct RecipientSummary { pub address: String, pub amount: u64, } #[allow(dead_code)] pub struct TxBuilder { pub tx: Tx, coin_type: CoinType, } #[allow(dead_code)] impl TxBuilder { pub fn new(coin_type: CoinType, height: u32) -> Self { TxBuilder { coin_type, tx: Tx::new(coin_type, height), } } fn add_t_input(&mut self, op: OutPoint, amount: u64, script: &[u8]) { self.tx.t_inputs.push(TTxIn { op: hex::encode(op.hash()), n: op.n(), amount, script: hex::encode(script), }); } fn add_z_input( &mut self, diversifier: &Diversifier, fvk: &ExtendedFullViewingKey, amount: Amount, rseed: &[u8], witness: &[u8], ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let tx_in = TxIn { diversifier: hex::encode(diversifier.0), fvk: encode_extended_full_viewing_key( self.chain() .network() .hrp_sapling_extended_full_viewing_key(), fvk, ), amount: u64::from(amount), rseed: hex::encode(rseed), witness: hex::encode(witness), }; self.tx.inputs.push(tx_in); Ok(()) } fn add_t_output(&mut self, address: &str, amount: Amount) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let tx_out = TxOut { addr: address.to_string(), amount: u64::from(amount), ovk: String::new(), memo: String::new(), }; self.tx.outputs.push(tx_out); Ok(()) } fn add_z_output( &mut self, address: &str, ovk: &OutgoingViewingKey, amount: Amount, memo: &Memo, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let tx_out = TxOut { addr: address.to_string(), amount: u64::from(amount), ovk: hex::encode(ovk.0), memo: hex::encode(MemoBytes::from(memo).as_slice()), }; self.tx.outputs.push(tx_out); Ok(()) } fn set_change( &mut self, ovk: &OutgoingViewingKey, address: &PaymentAddress, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { self.tx.change = encode_payment_address( self.chain().network().hrp_sapling_payment_address(), address, ); self.tx.ovk = hex::encode(ovk.0); Ok(()) } /// Add inputs to the transaction /// /// Select utxos and shielded notes and add them to /// the transaction /// /// Returns an array of received note ids pub fn select_inputs( &mut self, fvk: &ExtendedFullViewingKey, notes: &[SpendableNote], utxos: &[GetAddressUtxosReply], target_amount: u64, ) -> anyhow::Result> { let mut selected_notes: Vec = vec![]; let target_amount = Amount::from_u64(target_amount).unwrap(); let mut t_amount = Amount::zero(); // If we use the transparent address, we use all the utxos if !utxos.is_empty() { for utxo in utxos.iter() { let mut tx_hash = [0u8; 32]; tx_hash.copy_from_slice(&utxo.txid); let op = OutPoint::new(tx_hash, utxo.index as u32); self.add_t_input(op, utxo.value_zat as u64, &utxo.script); t_amount += Amount::from_i64(utxo.value_zat).unwrap(); } } let target_amount_with_fee = (target_amount + DEFAULT_FEE).ok_or(anyhow!("Invalid amount"))?; if target_amount_with_fee > t_amount { // We need to use some shielded notes because the transparent balance is not enough let mut amount = (target_amount_with_fee - t_amount).unwrap(); // Pick spendable notes until we exceed the target_amount_with_fee or we ran out of notes let mut notes = notes.to_vec(); notes.shuffle(&mut OsRng); for n in notes.iter() { if amount.is_positive() { let a = amount.min( Amount::from_u64(n.note.value().inner()) .map_err(|_| anyhow::anyhow!("Invalid amount"))?, ); amount -= a; let mut witness_bytes: Vec = vec![]; n.witness.write(&mut witness_bytes)?; if let Rseed::BeforeZip212(rseed) = n.note.rseed { // rseed are stored as pre-zip212 self.add_z_input( &n.diversifier, fvk, Amount::from_u64(n.note.value().inner()).unwrap(), &rseed.to_bytes(), &witness_bytes, )?; selected_notes.push(; } } } if amount.is_positive() { log::info!("Not enough balance"); anyhow::bail!( "Not enough balance, need {} zats, missing {} zats", u64::from(target_amount_with_fee), u64::from(amount) ); } } Ok(selected_notes) } /// Add outputs /// /// Expand the recipients if their amount exceeds the max amount per note /// Set the change pub fn select_outputs( &mut self, fvk: &ExtendedFullViewingKey, recipients: &[RecipientMemo], ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let ovk = &fvk.fvk.ovk; let (_, change) = fvk.default_address(); self.set_change(ovk, &change)?; for r in recipients.iter() { let to_addr = RecipientAddress::decode(self.chain().network(), &r.address) .ok_or(anyhow::anyhow!("Invalid address"))?; let memo = &r.memo; let amount = Amount::from_u64(r.amount).unwrap(); let max_amount_per_note = r.max_amount_per_note; let max_amount_per_note = if max_amount_per_note != 0 { Amount::from_u64(max_amount_per_note).unwrap() } else { Amount::from_i64(MAX_MONEY).unwrap() }; let mut is_first = true; // make at least an output note let mut remaining_amount = amount; while remaining_amount.is_positive() || is_first { is_first = false; let note_amount = remaining_amount.min(max_amount_per_note); remaining_amount -= note_amount; match &to_addr { RecipientAddress::Shielded(_pa) => { log::info!("Sapling output: {}", r.amount); self.add_z_output(&r.address, ovk, note_amount, memo) } RecipientAddress::Transparent(_address) => { self.add_t_output(&r.address, note_amount) } RecipientAddress::Unified(_ua) => { todo!() // TODO } }?; } } Ok(()) } fn chain(&self) -> &dyn CoinChain { get_coin_chain(self.coin_type) } } impl Tx { /// Sign the transaction with the transparent and shielded secret keys /// /// Returns the raw transaction bytes pub fn sign( &self, tsk: Option, zsk: &ExtendedSpendingKey, prover: &impl TxProver, progress_callback: impl Fn(Progress) + Send + 'static, ) -> anyhow::Result> { let chain = get_coin_chain(self.coin_type); let last_height = BlockHeight::from_u32(self.height as u32); let mut builder = Builder::new(*, last_height); let efvk = zsk.to_extended_full_viewing_key(); if let Some(tsk) = tsk { for txin in self.t_inputs.iter() { let mut txid = [0u8; 32]; hex::decode_to_slice(&txin.op, &mut txid)?; builder .add_transparent_input( tsk, OutPoint::new(txid, txin.n), ZTxOut { value: Amount::from_u64(txin.amount).unwrap(), script_pubkey: Script(hex::decode(&txin.script).unwrap()), }, ) .map_err(|e| anyhow!(e.to_string()))?; } } else if !self.t_inputs.is_empty() { anyhow::bail!("Missing secret key of transparent account"); } for txin in self.inputs.iter() { let mut diversifier = [0u8; 11]; hex::decode_to_slice(&txin.diversifier, &mut diversifier)?; let diversifier = Diversifier(diversifier); let fvk = decode_extended_full_viewing_key(, &txin.fvk, ) .map_err(|_| anyhow!("Bech32 Decode Error"))?; if fvk != efvk { anyhow::bail!("Incorrect account - Secret key mismatch") } let pa = fvk.fvk.vk.to_payment_address(diversifier).unwrap(); let mut rseed_bytes = [0u8; 32]; hex::decode_to_slice(&txin.rseed, &mut rseed_bytes)?; let rseed = Fr::from_bytes(&rseed_bytes).unwrap(); let note = pa.create_note(txin.amount, Rseed::BeforeZip212(rseed)); let w = hex::decode(&txin.witness)?; let witness = IncrementalWitness::::read(&*w)?; let merkle_path = witness.path().unwrap(); builder .add_sapling_spend(zsk.clone(), diversifier, note, merkle_path) .map_err(|e| anyhow!(e.to_string()))?; } for txout in self.outputs.iter() { let recipient = RecipientAddress::decode(, &txout.addr).unwrap(); let amount = Amount::from_u64(txout.amount).unwrap(); match recipient { RecipientAddress::Transparent(ta) => { builder .add_transparent_output(&ta, amount) .map_err(|e| anyhow!(e.to_string()))?; } RecipientAddress::Shielded(pa) => { let mut ovk = [0u8; 32]; hex::decode_to_slice(&txout.ovk, &mut ovk)?; let ovk = OutgoingViewingKey(ovk); let mut memo = vec![0; 512]; let m = hex::decode(&txout.memo)?; memo[..m.len()].copy_from_slice(&m); let memo = MemoBytes::from_bytes(&memo)?; builder .add_sapling_output(Some(ovk), pa, amount, memo) .map_err(|e| anyhow!(e.to_string()))?; } RecipientAddress::Unified(_ua) => { todo!() // TODO } } } let (progress_tx, progress_rx) = mpsc::channel::(); builder.with_progress_notifier(progress_tx); tokio::spawn(async move { while let Ok(progress) = progress_rx.recv() { log::info!("Progress: {}", progress.cur()); progress_callback(progress); } }); let (tx, _) =, &FeeRule::standard())?; let mut raw_tx = vec![]; tx.write(&mut raw_tx)?; Ok(raw_tx) } } /// Broadcast a raw signed transaction to the network pub async fn broadcast_tx(tx: &[u8]) -> anyhow::Result { let c = CoinConfig::get_active(); let mut client = c.connect_lwd().await?; let latest_height = get_latest_height(&mut client).await?; let raw_tx = RawTransaction { data: tx.to_vec(), height: latest_height as u64, }; let rep = client .send_transaction(Request::new(raw_tx)) .await? .into_inner(); let code = rep.error_code; if code == 0 { Ok(rep.error_message) } else { Err(anyhow::anyhow!(rep.error_message)) } } pub fn get_tx_summary(tx: &Tx) -> anyhow::Result { let mut recipients = vec![]; for tx_out in tx.outputs.iter() { recipients.push(RecipientSummary { address: tx_out.addr.clone(), amount: tx_out.amount, }); } Ok(TxSummary { recipients }) }