use rusqlite::{Connection, params, OptionalExtension}; use crate::{Witness, CTree}; pub struct DbAdapter { connection: Connection, } pub struct ReceivedNote { pub height: u32, pub output_index: u32, pub diversifier: Vec, pub value: u64, pub rcm: Vec, pub nf: Vec, pub is_change: bool, pub memo: Vec, pub spent: bool, } impl DbAdapter { pub fn new(db_path: &str) -> anyhow::Result { let connection = Connection::open(db_path)?; Ok(DbAdapter { connection, }) } pub fn init_db(&self) -> anyhow::Result<()> { self.connection.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS blocks ( height INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, hash BLOB NOT NULL, sapling_tree BLOB NOT NULL)", [])?; self.connection.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS transactions ( id_tx INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, txid BLOB NOT NULL UNIQUE, height INTEGER, tx_index INTEGER)", [])?; self.connection.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS received_notes ( id_note INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, position INTEGER NOT NULL, tx INTEGER NOT NULL, height INTEGER NOT NULL, output_index INTEGER NOT NULL, diversifier BLOB NOT NULL, value INTEGER NOT NULL, rcm BLOB NOT NULL, nf BLOB NOT NULL UNIQUE, is_change INTEGER NOT NULL, memo BLOB, spent INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY (tx) REFERENCES transactions(id_tx), FOREIGN KEY (spent) REFERENCES transactions(id_tx), CONSTRAINT tx_output UNIQUE (tx, output_index))", [])?; self.connection.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sapling_witnesses ( id_witness INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, note INTEGER NOT NULL, height INTEGER NOT NULL, witness BLOB NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (note) REFERENCES received_notes(id_note), CONSTRAINT witness_height UNIQUE (note, height))", [])?; Ok(()) } pub fn trim_to_height(&mut self, height: u32) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let tx = self.connection.transaction()?; tx.execute("DELETE FROM blocks WHERE height >= ?1", params![height])?; tx.execute("DELETE FROM sapling_witnesses WHERE height >= ?1", params![height])?; tx.execute("DELETE FROM received_notes WHERE height >= ?1", params![height])?; tx.execute("DELETE FROM transactions WHERE height >= ?1", params![height])?; tx.commit()?; Ok(()) } pub fn store_block(&self, height: u32, hash: &[u8], tree: &CTree) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut bb: Vec = vec![]; tree.write(&mut bb)?; self.connection.execute("INSERT INTO blocks(height, hash, sapling_tree) VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING", params![height, hash, &bb])?; Ok(()) } pub fn store_transaction(&self, txid: &[u8], height: u32, tx_index: u32) -> anyhow::Result { self.connection.execute("INSERT INTO transactions(txid, height, tx_index) VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING", params![txid, height, tx_index])?; let id_tx: u32 = self.connection.query_row("SELECT id_tx FROM transactions WHERE txid = ?1", params![txid], |row| row.get(0))?; Ok(id_tx) } pub fn store_received_note(&self, note: &ReceivedNote, id_tx: u32, position: usize) -> anyhow::Result { self.connection.execute("INSERT INTO received_notes(tx, height, position, output_index, diversifier, value, rcm, nf, is_change, memo, spent) VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5, ?6, ?7, ?8, ?9, ?10, ?11) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING", params![id_tx, note.height, position, note.output_index, note.diversifier, note.value, note.rcm,, note.is_change, note.memo, note.spent])?; let id_note: u32 = self.connection.query_row("SELECT id_note FROM received_notes WHERE tx = ?1 AND output_index = ?2", params![id_tx, note.output_index], |row| row.get(0))?; Ok(id_note) } pub fn store_witnesses(&self, witness: &Witness, height: u32, id_note: u32) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut bb: Vec = vec![]; witness.write(&mut bb)?; println!("{} {}", height, id_note); self.connection.execute("INSERT INTO sapling_witnesses(note, height, witness) VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING", params![id_note, height, bb])?; Ok(()) } pub fn get_balance(&self) -> anyhow::Result { let balance: u64 = self.connection.query_row("SELECT SUM(value) FROM received_notes WHERE spent = 0", [], |row| row.get(0))?; Ok(balance) } pub fn get_last_height(&self) -> anyhow::Result> { let height: Option = self.connection.query_row("SELECT MAX(height) FROM blocks", [], |row| row.get(0)).optional()?; Ok(height) } pub fn get_tree(&self) -> anyhow::Result<(CTree, Vec)> { let res = self.connection.query_row( "SELECT height, sapling_tree FROM blocks WHERE height = (SELECT MAX(height) FROM blocks)", [], |row| { let height: u32 = row.get(0)?; let tree: Vec = row.get(1)?; Ok((height, tree)) }).optional()?; Ok(match res { Some((height, tree)) => { let tree = CTree::read(&*tree)?; let mut statement = self.connection.prepare( "SELECT id_note, position, witness FROM sapling_witnesses w, received_notes n WHERE w.height = ?1 AND w.note = n.id_note")?; let ws = statement.query_map(params![height], |row| { let id_note: u32 = row.get(0)?; let position: u32 = row.get(1)?; let witness: Vec = row.get(2)?; Ok(Witness::read(position as usize, id_note, &*witness).unwrap()) })?; let mut witnesses: Vec = vec![]; for w in ws { witnesses.push(w?); } (tree, witnesses) }, None => (CTree::new(), vec![]) }) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::db::{DbAdapter, ReceivedNote}; use crate::{Witness, CTree}; const DB_PATH: &str = "zec.db"; #[test] fn test_db() { let mut db = DbAdapter::new(DB_PATH).unwrap(); db.init_db().unwrap(); db.trim_to_height(0).unwrap(); db.store_block(1, &[0u8; 32], &CTree::new()).unwrap(); let id_tx = db.store_transaction(&[0; 32], 1, 20).unwrap(); db.store_received_note(&ReceivedNote { height: 1, output_index: 0, diversifier: vec![], value: 0, rcm: vec![], nf: vec![], is_change: false, memo: vec![], spent: false }, id_tx, 5).unwrap(); let witness = Witness { position: 10, id_note: 0, note: None, tree: CTree::new(), filled: vec![], cursor: CTree::new(), }; db.store_witnesses(&witness, 1000, 1).unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_balance() { let db = DbAdapter::new(DB_PATH).unwrap(); let balance = db.get_balance().unwrap(); println!("{}", balance); } }