// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 The Zcash developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or https://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php . syntax = "proto3"; package cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc; option go_package = "lightwalletd/walletrpc"; option swift_prefix = ""; import "compact_formats.proto"; // A BlockID message contains identifiers to select a block: a height or a // hash. Specification by hash is not implemented, but may be in the future. message BlockID { uint64 height = 1; bytes hash = 2; } // BlockRange specifies a series of blocks from start to end inclusive. // Both BlockIDs must be heights; specification by hash is not yet supported. message BlockRange { BlockID start = 1; BlockID end = 2; } // A TxFilter contains the information needed to identify a particular // transaction: either a block and an index, or a direct transaction hash. // Currently, only specification by hash is supported. message TxFilter { BlockID block = 1; // block identifier, height or hash uint64 index = 2; // index within the block bytes hash = 3; // transaction ID (hash, txid) } // RawTransaction contains the complete transaction data. It also optionally includes // the block height in which the transaction was included, or, when returned // by GetMempoolStream(), the latest block height. message RawTransaction { bytes data = 1; // exact data returned by Zcash 'getrawtransaction' uint64 height = 2; // height that the transaction was mined (or -1) } // A SendResponse encodes an error code and a string. It is currently used // only by SendTransaction(). If error code is zero, the operation was // successful; if non-zero, it and the message specify the failure. message SendResponse { int32 errorCode = 1; string errorMessage = 2; } // Chainspec is a placeholder to allow specification of a particular chain fork. message ChainSpec {} // Empty is for gRPCs that take no arguments, currently only GetLightdInfo. message Empty {} // LightdInfo returns various information about this lightwalletd instance // and the state of the blockchain. message LightdInfo { string version = 1; string vendor = 2; bool taddrSupport = 3; // true string chainName = 4; // either "main" or "test" uint64 saplingActivationHeight = 5; // depends on mainnet or testnet string consensusBranchId = 6; // protocol identifier, see consensus/upgrades.cpp uint64 blockHeight = 7; // latest block on the best chain string gitCommit = 8; string branch = 9; string buildDate = 10; string buildUser = 11; uint64 estimatedHeight = 12; // less than tip height if zcashd is syncing string zcashdBuild = 13; // example: "v4.1.1-877212414" string zcashdSubversion = 14; // example: "/MagicBean:4.1.1/" } // TransparentAddressBlockFilter restricts the results to the given address // or block range. message TransparentAddressBlockFilter { string address = 1; // t-address BlockRange range = 2; // start, end heights } // Duration is currently used only for testing, so that the Ping rpc // can simulate a delay, to create many simultaneous connections. Units // are microseconds. message Duration { int64 intervalUs = 1; } // PingResponse is used to indicate concurrency, how many Ping rpcs // are executing upon entry and upon exit (after the delay). // This rpc is used for testing only. message PingResponse { int64 entry = 1; int64 exit = 2; } message Address { string address = 1; } message AddressList { repeated string addresses = 1; } message Balance { int64 valueZat = 1; } message Exclude { repeated bytes txid = 1; } // The TreeState is derived from the Zcash z_gettreestate rpc. message TreeState { string network = 1; // "main" or "test" uint64 height = 2; // block height string hash = 3; // block id uint32 time = 4; // Unix epoch time when the block was mined string saplingTree = 5; // sapling commitment tree state string orchardTree = 6; // orchard commitment tree state } // Results are sorted by height, which makes it easy to issue another // request that picks up from where the previous left off. message GetAddressUtxosArg { repeated string addresses = 1; uint64 startHeight = 2; uint32 maxEntries = 3; // zero means unlimited } message GetAddressUtxosReply { string address = 6; bytes txid = 1; int32 index = 2; bytes script = 3; int64 valueZat = 4; uint64 height = 5; } message GetAddressUtxosReplyList { repeated GetAddressUtxosReply addressUtxos = 1; } service CompactTxStreamer { // Return the height of the tip of the best chain rpc GetLatestBlock(ChainSpec) returns (BlockID) {} // Return the compact block corresponding to the given block identifier rpc GetBlock(BlockID) returns (CompactBlock) {} // Return a list of consecutive compact blocks rpc GetBlockRange(BlockRange) returns (stream CompactBlock) {} // Return the requested full (not compact) transaction (as from zcashd) rpc GetTransaction(TxFilter) returns (RawTransaction) {} // Submit the given transaction to the Zcash network rpc SendTransaction(RawTransaction) returns (SendResponse) {} // Return the txids corresponding to the given t-address within the given block range rpc GetTaddressTxids(TransparentAddressBlockFilter) returns (stream RawTransaction) {} rpc GetTaddressBalance(AddressList) returns (Balance) {} rpc GetTaddressBalanceStream(stream Address) returns (Balance) {} // Return the compact transactions currently in the mempool; the results // can be a few seconds out of date. If the Exclude list is empty, return // all transactions; otherwise return all *except* those in the Exclude list // (if any); this allows the client to avoid receiving transactions that it // already has (from an earlier call to this rpc). The transaction IDs in the // Exclude list can be shortened to any number of bytes to make the request // more bandwidth-efficient; if two or more transactions in the mempool // match a shortened txid, they are all sent (none is excluded). Transactions // in the exclude list that don't exist in the mempool are ignored. rpc GetMempoolTx(Exclude) returns (stream CompactTx) {} // Return a stream of current Mempool transactions. This will keep the output stream open while // there are mempool transactions. It will close the returned stream when a new block is mined. rpc GetMempoolStream(Empty) returns (stream RawTransaction) {} // GetTreeState returns the note commitment tree state corresponding to the given block. // See section 3.7 of the Zcash protocol specification. It returns several other useful // values also (even though they can be obtained using GetBlock). // The block can be specified by either height or hash. rpc GetTreeState(BlockID) returns (TreeState) {} rpc GetAddressUtxos(GetAddressUtxosArg) returns (GetAddressUtxosReplyList) {} rpc GetAddressUtxosStream(GetAddressUtxosArg) returns (stream GetAddressUtxosReply) {} // Return information about this lightwalletd instance and the blockchain rpc GetLightdInfo(Empty) returns (LightdInfo) {} // Testing-only, requires lightwalletd --ping-very-insecure (do not enable in production) rpc Ping(Duration) returns (PingResponse) {} }