use crate::{CompactTxStreamerClient, DbAdapter, TxFilter, NETWORK}; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::convert::TryFrom; use tonic::transport::Channel; use tonic::Request; use zcash_client_backend::encoding::{ decode_extended_full_viewing_key, encode_payment_address, encode_transparent_address, }; use zcash_primitives::consensus::{BlockHeight, Parameters}; use zcash_primitives::memo::{Memo, MemoBytes}; use zcash_primitives::sapling::note_encryption::{ try_sapling_note_decryption, try_sapling_output_recovery, }; use zcash_primitives::transaction::Transaction; use zcash_primitives::zip32::ExtendedFullViewingKey; use futures::StreamExt; use std::sync::mpsc; use std::sync::mpsc::SyncSender; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct TransactionInfo { index: u32, // index of tx in block id_tx: u32, // id of tx in db account: u32, pub address: String, pub memo: String, amount: i64, pub fee: u64, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Contact { pub account: u32, index: u32, pub name: String, pub address: String, } pub async fn decode_transaction( client: &mut CompactTxStreamerClient, nfs: &HashMap<(u32, Vec), u64>, id_tx: u32, account: u32, fvk: &ExtendedFullViewingKey, tx_hash: &[u8], height: u32, index: u32, ) -> anyhow::Result { let ivk = fvk.fvk.vk.ivk(); let ovk = fvk.fvk.ovk; let tx_filter = TxFilter { block: None, index: 0, hash: tx_hash.to_vec(), // only hash is supported }; let raw_tx = client .get_transaction(Request::new(tx_filter)) .await? .into_inner(); let tx = Transaction::read(&*; let height = BlockHeight::from_u32(height); let mut amount = 0i64; let mut address = String::new(); for spend in tx.shielded_spends.iter() { let nf = spend.nullifier.to_vec(); if let Some(&v) = nfs.get(&(account, nf)) { amount -= v as i64; } } let mut tx_memo = MemoBytes::empty(); for output in tx.vout.iter() { if let Some(t_address) = output.script_pubkey.address() { address = encode_transparent_address( &NETWORK.b58_pubkey_address_prefix(), &NETWORK.b58_script_address_prefix(), &t_address, ); } } for output in tx.shielded_outputs.iter() { if let Some((note, pa, memo)) = try_sapling_note_decryption(&NETWORK, height, &ivk, output) { amount += note.value as i64; // change or self transfer if address.is_empty() { address = encode_payment_address(NETWORK.hrp_sapling_payment_address(), &pa); tx_memo = memo; } } else if let Some((_note, pa, memo)) = try_sapling_output_recovery(&NETWORK, height, &ovk, &output) { address = encode_payment_address(NETWORK.hrp_sapling_payment_address(), &pa); tx_memo = memo; } } let fee = u64::from(tx.value_balance); let memo = match Memo::try_from(tx_memo)? { Memo::Empty => "".to_string(), Memo::Text(text) => text.to_string(), Memo::Future(_) => "Unrecognized".to_string(), Memo::Arbitrary(_) => "Unrecognized".to_string(), }; let tx_info = TransactionInfo { index, id_tx, account, address, memo, amount, fee, }; Ok(tx_info) } struct DecodeTxParams<'a> { tx: SyncSender, client: CompactTxStreamerClient, nf_map: &'a HashMap<(u32, Vec), u64>, index: u32, id_tx: u32, account: u32, fvk: ExtendedFullViewingKey, tx_hash: Vec, height: u32, } pub async fn retrieve_tx_info( client: &mut CompactTxStreamerClient, db_path: &str, tx_ids: &[u32], ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let db = DbAdapter::new(db_path)?; db.begin_transaction()?; let nfs = db.get_nullifiers_raw()?; let mut nf_map: HashMap<(u32, Vec), u64> = HashMap::new(); for nf in nfs.iter() { nf_map.insert((nf.0, nf.2.clone()), nf.1); } let mut fvk_cache: HashMap = HashMap::new(); let mut decode_tx_params: Vec = vec![]; let (tx, rx) = mpsc::sync_channel::(4); for (index, &id_tx) in tx_ids.iter().enumerate() { let (account, height, tx_hash, ivk) = db.get_txhash(id_tx)?; let fvk: &ExtendedFullViewingKey = fvk_cache.entry(account).or_insert_with(|| { decode_extended_full_viewing_key(NETWORK.hrp_sapling_extended_full_viewing_key(), &ivk) .unwrap() .unwrap() }); let params = DecodeTxParams { tx: tx.clone(), client: client.clone(), nf_map: &nf_map, index: index as u32, id_tx, account, fvk: fvk.clone(), tx_hash: tx_hash.clone(), height, }; decode_tx_params.push(params); } let res = tokio_stream::iter(decode_tx_params).for_each_concurrent(None, |mut p| async move { if let Ok(tx_info) = decode_transaction(&mut p.client, p.nf_map, p.id_tx, p.account, &p.fvk, &p.tx_hash, p.height, p.index).await { p.tx.send(tx_info).unwrap(); drop(p.tx); } }); let f = tokio::spawn(async move { let mut contacts: Vec = vec![]; while let Ok(tx_info) = rx.recv() { if !tx_info.address.is_empty() && !tx_info.memo.is_empty() { if let Some(contact) = decode_contact(tx_info.account, tx_info.index, &tx_info.address, &tx_info.memo)? { contacts.push(contact); } } db.store_tx_metadata(tx_info.id_tx, &tx_info)?; } contacts.sort_by(|a, b| a.index.cmp(&b.index)); for c in contacts.iter() { db.store_contact(c)?; } db.commit()?; Ok::<_, anyhow::Error>(()) }); res.await; drop(tx); f.await??; Ok(()) } fn decode_contact(account: u32, index: u32, address: &str, memo: &str) -> anyhow::Result> { let res = if let Some(memo_line) = memo.lines().next() { let name = memo_line.strip_prefix("Contact:");|name| Contact { account, index, name: name.trim().to_string(), address: address.to_string(), }) } else { None }; Ok(res) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::transaction::decode_transaction; use crate::{connect_lightwalletd, DbAdapter, LWD_URL, NETWORK}; use std::collections::HashMap; use zcash_client_backend::encoding::decode_extended_full_viewing_key; use zcash_primitives::consensus::Parameters; #[tokio::test] async fn test_decode_transaction() { let tx_hash = hex::decode("b47da170329dc311b98892eac23e83025f8bb3ce10bb07535698c91fb37e1e54") .unwrap(); let mut client = connect_lightwalletd(LWD_URL).await.unwrap(); let db = DbAdapter::new("./zec.db").unwrap(); let account = 1; let nfs = db.get_nullifiers_raw().unwrap(); let mut nf_map: HashMap<(u32, Vec), u64> = HashMap::new(); for nf in nfs.iter() { if nf.0 == account { nf_map.insert((nf.0, nf.2.clone()), nf.1); } } let fvk = db.get_ivk(account).unwrap(); let fvk = decode_extended_full_viewing_key(NETWORK.hrp_sapling_extended_full_viewing_key(), &fvk) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let tx_info = decode_transaction(&mut client, &nf_map, 1, account, &fvk, &tx_hash, 1313212, 1) .await .unwrap(); println!("{:?}", tx_info); } }