
448 lines
15 KiB

//! Account related API
// Account creation
use crate::coinconfig::CoinConfig;
use crate::db::data_generated::fb::{AddressBalanceT, AddressBalanceVecT, BackupT, KeyPackT};
use crate::db::AccountData;
use crate::key2::decode_key;
use crate::orchard::OrchardKeyBytes;
use crate::taddr::{derive_taddr, derive_tkeys};
use crate::unified::UnifiedAddressType;
use crate::zip32::derive_zip32;
use anyhow::anyhow;
use bip39::{Language, Mnemonic};
use orchard::keys::{FullViewingKey, Scope};
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
use rand::RngCore;
use zcash_address::unified::{Address as UA, Receiver};
use zcash_address::{ToAddress, ZcashAddress};
use zcash_client_backend::encoding::{decode_extended_full_viewing_key, encode_payment_address};
use zcash_client_backend::keys::UnifiedFullViewingKey;
use zcash_primitives::consensus::Parameters;
use zcash_primitives::zip32::DiversifierIndex;
pub fn check_account(coin: u8, account: u32) -> bool {
let c = CoinConfig::get(coin);
let db = c.db().unwrap();
/// Create a new account
/// # Arguments
/// * `coin`: 0 for zcash, 1 for ycash
/// * `name`: account name
/// * `key`: `Some(key)` where key is either a passphrase,
/// a secret key or a viewing key for an existing account,
/// or `None` for a new randomly generated account
/// * `index`: `Some(x)` for account at index `x` or
/// `None` for main account (same as x = 0)
/// # Returns
/// `account id`
pub fn new_account(
coin: u8,
name: &str,
key: Option<String>,
index: Option<u32>,
) -> anyhow::Result<u32> {
let key = match key {
Some(key) => key,
None => {
let mut entropy = [0u8; 32];
OsRng.fill_bytes(&mut entropy);
let mnemonic = Mnemonic::from_entropy(&entropy, Language::English)?;
let id_account = new_account_with_key(coin, name, &key, index.unwrap_or(0))?;
/// Create one or many sub accounts of the current account
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// crate::api::account::new_sub_account("test", None, 5)
/// ```
/// # Arguments
/// * `name`: name of the sub accounts. Every sub account will have the same name
/// * `index`: Starting index. If `None`, use the index following the highest used index
/// * `count`: Number of subaccounts to create
pub fn new_sub_account(name: &str, index: Option<u32>, count: u32) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let c = CoinConfig::get_active();
let db = c.db()?;
let AccountData { seed, .. } = db.get_account_info(c.id_account)?;
let seed = seed.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Account has no seed"))?;
let index = index.unwrap_or_else(|| db.next_account_id(&seed).unwrap());
for i in 0..count {
new_account_with_key(c.coin, name, &seed, index + i)?;
fn new_account_with_key(coin: u8, name: &str, key: &str, index: u32) -> anyhow::Result<u32> {
let c = CoinConfig::get(coin);
let (seed, sk, ivk, pa, ofvk) = decode_key(coin, key, index)?;
let db = c.db()?;
let account = db.get_account_id(&ivk)?;
let account = match account {
Some(account) => account,
None => {
let account =
db.store_account(name, seed.as_deref(), index, sk.as_deref(), &ivk, &pa)?;
if c.chain.has_transparent() {
if c.chain.has_unified() {
match ofvk {
Some(fvk) => {
db.store_orchard_fvk(account, &fvk.to_bytes())?;
None => {
db.store_ua_settings(account, false, true, c.chain.has_unified())?;
pub fn convert_to_watchonly(coin: u8, id_account: u32) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let c = CoinConfig::get(coin);
let db = c.db()?;
pub fn get_backup_package(coin: u8, id_account: u32) -> anyhow::Result<BackupT> {
let c = CoinConfig::get(coin);
let network = c.chain.network();
let db = c.db()?;
let AccountData {
} = db.get_account_info(id_account)?;
let orchard_keys = db.get_orchard(id_account)?;
let uvk = orchard_keys.map(|OrchardKeyBytes { fvk: ofvk, .. }| {
// orchard sk is not serializable and must derived from seed
let sapling_efvk =
decode_extended_full_viewing_key(network.hrp_sapling_extended_full_viewing_key(), &fvk)
let sapling_dfvk = sapling_efvk.to_diversifiable_full_viewing_key();
let orchard_fvk = FullViewingKey::from_bytes(&ofvk);
let ufvk = UnifiedFullViewingKey::new(Some(sapling_dfvk), orchard_fvk).unwrap();
let backup = BackupT {
name: Some(name),
index: aindex,
fvk: Some(fvk),
/// Update the transparent secret key for the given account from a derivation path
/// # Arguments
/// * `coin`: 0 for zcash, 1 for ycash
/// * `id_account`: account id as returned from [new_account]
/// * `path`: derivation path
/// Account must have a seed phrase
pub fn import_transparent_key(coin: u8, id_account: u32, path: &str) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let c = CoinConfig::get(coin);
let db = c.db()?;
let AccountData { seed, .. } = db.get_account_info(c.id_account)?;
let seed = seed.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Account has no seed"))?;
let (sk, addr) = derive_tkeys(c.chain.network(), &seed, path)?;
db.store_transparent_key(id_account, &sk, &addr)?;
/// Update the transparent secret key for the given account
/// # Arguments
/// * `coin`: 0 for zcash, 1 for ycash
/// * `id_account`: account id as returned from [new_account]
/// * `sk`: secret key
pub fn import_transparent_secret_key(coin: u8, id_account: u32, sk: &str) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let c = CoinConfig::get(coin);
let db = c.db()?;
let (_, addr) = derive_taddr(c.chain.network(), sk)?;
db.store_transparent_key(id_account, &sk, &addr)?;
/// Generate a new diversified address
pub fn get_diversified_address(ua_type: u8, time: u32) -> anyhow::Result<String> {
let ua_type = ua_type & 6; // don't include transparent component
if ua_type == 0 {
anyhow::bail!("Must include a shielded receiver");
let c = CoinConfig::get_active();
let db = c.db()?;
let AccountData { fvk, .. } = db.get_account_info(c.id_account)?;
let fvk = decode_extended_full_viewing_key(
.map_err(|_| anyhow!("Bech32 Decode Error"))?;
let mut di = [0u8; 11];
let diversifier_index = DiversifierIndex(di);
let (_, pa) = fvk
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("Cannot generate new address"))?;
let orchard_keys = db.get_orchard(c.id_account)?;
if ua_type == 2 || orchard_keys.is_none() {
// sapling only
return Ok(encode_payment_address(
let orchard_keys = orchard_keys.unwrap();
let mut receivers = vec![];
if ua_type & 2 != 0 {
if ua_type & 4 != 0 {
let orchard_fvk = FullViewingKey::from_bytes(&orchard_keys.fvk).unwrap();
let index = diversifier_index.0; // any sapling index is fine for orchard
let orchard_address = orchard_fvk.address_at(index, Scope::External);
let unified_address = UA(receivers);
let address = ZcashAddress::from_unified(
let address = address.encode();
/// Retrieve the transparent balance for the current account from the LWD server
pub async fn get_taddr_balance_default() -> anyhow::Result<u64> {
let c = CoinConfig::get_active();
get_taddr_balance(c.coin, c.id_account).await
/// Retrieve the transparent balance from the LWD server
/// # Arguments
/// * `coin`: 0 for zcash, 1 for ycash
/// * `id_account`: account id as returned from [new_account]
pub async fn get_taddr_balance(coin: u8, id_account: u32) -> anyhow::Result<u64> {
let c = CoinConfig::get(coin);
let mut client = c.connect_lwd().await?;
let address = c.db()?.get_taddr(id_account)?;
let balance = match address {
None => 0u64,
Some(address) => crate::taddr::get_taddr_balance(&mut client, &address).await?,
/// Look for accounts that have some transparent balance. Stop when the gap limit
/// is exceeded and no balance was found
/// # Arguments
/// * `gap_limit`: number of accounts with 0 balance before the scan stops
pub async fn scan_transparent_accounts(
coin: u8,
account: u32,
gap_limit: usize,
) -> anyhow::Result<AddressBalanceVecT> {
let c = CoinConfig::get(coin);
let db = c.db()?;
let account_data = db.get_account_info(account)?;
let AccountData { seed, aindex, .. } = account_data;
let mut addresses = vec![];
if let Some(seed) = seed {
let mut client = c.connect_lwd().await?;
&mut client,
let addresses: Vec<_> = addresses
.map(|a| AddressBalanceT {
index: a.index,
address: Some(a.address.clone()),
balance: a.balance,
let addresses = AddressBalanceVecT {
values: Some(addresses),
/// Get the backup string. It is either the passphrase, the secret key or the viewing key
/// depending on how the account was created
/// # Arguments
/// * `id_account`: account id as returned from [new_account]
/// Use the current active coin
pub fn get_backup(account: u32) -> anyhow::Result<String> {
let c = CoinConfig::get_active();
let AccountData { seed, sk, fvk, .. } = c.db()?.get_account_info(account)?;
if let Some(seed) = seed {
return Ok(seed);
if let Some(sk) = sk {
return Ok(sk);
/// Get the secret key. Returns empty string if the account has no secret key
/// # Arguments
/// * `id_account`: account id as returned from [new_account]
/// Use the current active coin
pub fn get_sk(account: u32) -> anyhow::Result<String> {
let c = CoinConfig::get_active();
let AccountData { sk, .. } = c.db()?.get_account_info(account)?;
/// Reset the database
/// # Arguments
/// * `coin`: 0 for zcash, 1 for ycash
pub fn reset_db(coin: u8) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let c = CoinConfig::get(coin);
let db = c.db()?;
/// Truncate all non account data for the current active coin
pub fn truncate_data() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let c = CoinConfig::get_active();
let db = c.db()?;
/// Truncate all synchronization data for the current active coin
pub fn truncate_sync_data() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let c = CoinConfig::get_active();
let db = c.db()?;
/// Delete an account
/// # Arguments
/// * `coin`: 0 for zcash, 1 for ycash
/// * `id_account`: account id as returned from [new_account]
pub fn delete_account(coin: u8, account: u32) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let c = CoinConfig::get(coin);
let db = c.db()?;
/// Import a ZWL data file
/// # Arguments
/// * `coin`: 0 for zcash, 1 for ycash
/// * `name`: prefix for the imported accounts
/// * `data`: data file
pub fn import_from_zwl(coin: u8, name: &str, data: &str) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let c = CoinConfig::get(coin);
let sks = crate::misc::read_zwl(data)?;
let db = c.db()?;
for (i, key) in sks.iter().enumerate() {
let name = format!("{}-{}", name, i + 1);
let (seed, sk, ivk, pa, _ufvk) = decode_key(coin, key, 0)?;
db.store_account(&name, seed.as_deref(), 0, sk.as_deref(), &ivk, &pa)?;
/// Derive keys using Zip-32
/// # Arguments
/// * `coin`: 0 for zcash, 1 for ycash
/// * `id_account`: account id as returned from [new_account]. Must have a passphrase
/// * `account`: derived account index
/// * `external`: external/internal
/// * `address`: address index
pub fn derive_keys(
coin: u8,
id_account: u32,
account: u32,
external: u32,
address: Option<u32>,
) -> anyhow::Result<KeyPackT> {
let c = CoinConfig::get(coin);
let db = c.db()?;
let AccountData { seed, .. } = db.get_account_info(id_account)?;
let seed = seed.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Account has no seed"))?;
derive_zip32(c.chain.network(), &seed, account, external, address)
/// Get the Unified address
/// # Arguments
/// * `coin`: 0 for zcash, 1 for ycash
/// * `id_account`: account id as returned from [new_account]
/// * t, s, o: include transparent, sapling, orchard receivers?
/// The address depends on the UA settings and may include transparent, sapling & orchard receivers
pub fn get_unified_address(coin: u8, id_account: u32, address_type: u8) -> anyhow::Result<String> {
let c = CoinConfig::get(coin);
let db = c.db()?;
let tpe = UnifiedAddressType {
transparent: address_type & 1 != 0,
sapling: address_type & 2 != 0,
orchard: address_type & 4 != 0,
let address = crate::get_unified_address(c.chain.network(), &db, id_account, Some(tpe))?; // use ua settings
fn get_sapling_address(coin: u8, id_account: u32) -> anyhow::Result<String> {
let c = CoinConfig::get(coin);
let db = c.db()?;
let AccountData { address, .. } = db.get_account_info(id_account)?;
pub fn get_address(coin: u8, id_account: u32, address_type: u8) -> anyhow::Result<String> {
let c = CoinConfig::get(coin);
let address = if c.chain.has_unified() {
get_unified_address(coin, id_account, address_type)?
} else {
get_sapling_address(coin, id_account)?
/// Decode a unified address into its receivers
/// For testing only. The format of the returned value is subject to change
pub fn decode_unified_address(coin: u8, address: &str) -> anyhow::Result<String> {
let c = CoinConfig::get(coin);
let res = crate::decode_unified_address(c.chain.network(), address)?;