[package] name = "zcash_script" version = "0.1.16" authors = ["Tamas Blummer ", "Zcash Foundation "] license = "Apache-2.0" readme = "README.md" build = "build.rs" edition = "2021" description = "ffi bindings to zcashd's zcash_script library" documentation = "https://docs.rs/zcash_script" repository = "https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/zcash_script" include = [ "Cargo.toml", "/LICENSE", "/README.md", "build.rs", "src/*.rs", "/depend/check_uint128_t.c", "/depend/zcash/src/script/zcash_script.h", "/depend/zcash/src/script/zcash_script.cpp", "/depend/zcash/src/utilstrencodings.cpp", "/depend/zcash/src/uint256.cpp", "/depend/zcash/src/pubkey.cpp", "/depend/zcash/src/hash.cpp", "/depend/zcash/src/primitives/transaction.cpp", "/depend/zcash/src/crypto/ripemd160.cpp", "/depend/zcash/src/crypto/sha1.cpp", "/depend/zcash/src/crypto/sha256.cpp", "/depend/zcash/src/crypto/sha512.cpp", "/depend/zcash/src/crypto/hmac_sha512.cpp", "/depend/zcash/src/script/interpreter.cpp", "/depend/zcash/src/script/script.cpp", "/depend/zcash/src/script/script_error.cpp", "/depend/zcash/src/", "/depend/zcash/src/rust/include/", "/depend/zcash/src/secp256k1/include/", "/depend/zcash/src/secp256k1/", "/depend/zcash/src/support/cleanse.cpp", "/depend/zcash/src/support/cleanse.h", "/depend/zcash/src/rust/gen/", "/depend/expected/include/", ] [lib] name = "zcash_script" path = "src/lib.rs" [features] external-secp = [] [dependencies] # All these dependencies must match the versions in: # https://github.com/zcash/zcash/blob//Cargo.toml bellman = "0.14" blake2b_simd = "1" blake2s_simd = "1" bls12_381 = "0.8" byteorder = "1" crossbeam-channel = "0.5" cxx = { version = "=1.0.113", features = ["c++17"] } group = "0.13" incrementalmerkletree = "0.5" jubjub = "0.10" libc = "0.2" memuse = "0.2" metrics = "0.21" orchard = "0.7" rand_core = "0.6" rayon = "1.5" redjubjub = "0.7" sapling = { package = "sapling-crypto", version = "0.1", features = ["temporary-zcashd"] } subtle = "2.2" tracing = "0.1" zcash_address = "0.3" zcash_encoding = "0.2" zcash_note_encryption = "0.4" zcash_primitives = { version = "=0.14.0", features = ["temporary-zcashd", "transparent-inputs"] } zcash_proofs = { version = "=0.14.0", features = ["directories"] } bridgetree = "0.4" rand = "0.8" [build-dependencies] # The `bindgen` dependency should automatically upgrade to match the version used by zebra-state's `rocksdb` dependency in: # https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/zebra/blob/main/zebra-state/Cargo.toml # # Treat minor versions with a zero major version as compatible (cargo doesn't by default). bindgen = ">= 0.64.0" # These dependencies are shared with a lot of other Zebra dependencies, # so they are configured to automatically upgrade to match Zebra. # But we try to use the latest versions here, to catch any bugs in `zcash_script`'s CI. cc = { version = "1.0.94", features = ["parallel"] } # Treat minor versions with a zero major version as compatible (cargo doesn't by default). cxx-gen = ">= 0.7.107" syn = { version = "1.0.109", features = ["full", "printing"] } [dev-dependencies] # These dependencies are shared with a lot of other Zebra dependencies. # (See above.) # # Treat minor versions with a zero major version as compatible (cargo doesn't by default). hex = ">= 0.4.3" lazy_static = "1.4.0" incrementalmerkletree = { version = "0.5", features = ["test-dependencies"] } zcash_primitives = { version = "=0.14.0", features = ["temporary-zcashd", "transparent-inputs", "test-dependencies"] } [[package.metadata.release.pre-release-replacements]] file = "CHANGELOG.md" search = "Unreleased" replace="{{version}}" [[package.metadata.release.pre-release-replacements]] file = "src/lib.rs" search = "#!\\[doc\\(html_root_url.*" replace = "#![doc(html_root_url = \"https://docs.rs/{{crate_name}}/{{version}}\")]" exactly = 1 [[package.metadata.release.pre-release-replacements]] file = "CHANGELOG.md" search = "\\.\\.\\.HEAD" replace="...{{tag_name}}" exactly = 1 [[package.metadata.release.pre-release-replacements]] file = "CHANGELOG.md" search = "ReleaseDate" replace="{{date}}" exactly=1 [[package.metadata.release.pre-release-replacements]] file="CHANGELOG.md" search="" replace="\n\n## [Unreleased] - ReleaseDate" exactly=1 [[package.metadata.release.pre-release-replacements]] file="CHANGELOG.md" search="" replace="\n[Unreleased]: https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/{{crate_name}}/compare/{{tag_name}}...HEAD" exactly=1