
87 lines
2.5 KiB

//! FFI between the C++ zcashd codebase and the Rust Zcash crates.
//! This is internal to zcashd and is not an officially-supported API.
// Catch documentation errors caused by code changes.
// Clippy has a default-deny lint to prevent dereferencing raw pointer arguments
// in a non-unsafe function. However, declaring a function as unsafe has the
// side-effect that the entire function body is treated as an unsafe {} block,
// and rustc will not enforce full safety checks on the parts of the function
// that would otherwise be safe.
// The functions in this crate are all for FFI usage, so it's obvious to the
// caller (which is only ever zcashd) that the arguments must satisfy the
// necessary assumptions. We therefore ignore this lint to retain the benefit of
// explicitly annotating the parts of each function that must themselves satisfy
// assumptions of underlying code.
// See https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/pull/2585 for more background.
use bellman::groth16::{self, Parameters, PreparedVerifyingKey};
use bls12_381::Bls12;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use subtle::CtOption;
mod blake2b;
mod ed25519;
mod equihash;
mod metrics_ffi;
mod random;
mod streams_ffi;
mod tracing_ffi;
mod zcashd_orchard;
mod bridge;
mod address_ffi;
mod builder_ffi;
mod bundlecache;
mod history;
mod incremental_merkle_tree;
mod init;
mod merkle_frontier;
mod note_encryption;
mod orchard_bundle;
mod orchard_ffi;
mod orchard_keys_ffi;
mod params;
mod sapling;
mod sprout;
mod streams;
mod transaction_ffi;
mod unified_keys_ffi;
mod wallet;
mod wallet_scanner;
mod zip339_ffi;
mod test_harness_ffi;
mod tests;
static mut SAPLING_SPEND_VK: Option<groth16::VerifyingKey<Bls12>> = None;
static mut SAPLING_OUTPUT_VK: Option<groth16::VerifyingKey<Bls12>> = None;
static mut SPROUT_GROTH16_VK: Option<PreparedVerifyingKey<Bls12>> = None;
static mut SAPLING_SPEND_PARAMS: Option<Parameters<Bls12>> = None;
static mut SAPLING_OUTPUT_PARAMS: Option<Parameters<Bls12>> = None;
static mut SPROUT_GROTH16_PARAMS_PATH: Option<PathBuf> = None;
static mut ORCHARD_PK: Option<orchard::circuit::ProvingKey> = None;
static mut ORCHARD_VK: Option<orchard::circuit::VerifyingKey> = None;
/// Converts CtOption<t> into Option<T>
fn de_ct<T>(ct: CtOption<T>) -> Option<T> {
if ct.is_some().into() {
} else {
const GROTH_PROOF_SIZE: usize = 48 // π_A
+ 96 // π_B
+ 48; // π_C