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//! Definitions of network messages.
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use chrono::{DateTime, Utc};
use crate::types::*;
/// A Bitcoin-like network message for the Zcash protocol.
/// The Zcash network protocol is mostly inherited from Bitcoin, and a list of
/// Bitcoin network messages can be found [on the Bitcoin
/// wiki][btc_wiki_protocol].
/// That page describes the wire format of the messages, while this enum stores
/// an internal representation. The internal representation is unlinked from the
/// wire format, and the translation between the two happens only during
/// serialization and deserialization. For instance, Bitcoin identifies messages
/// by a 12-byte ascii command string; we consider this a serialization detail
/// and use the enum discriminant instead. (As a side benefit, this also means
/// that we have a clearly-defined validation boundary for network messages
/// during serialization).
/// [btc_wiki_protocol]: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Protocol_documentation
2019-09-10 09:57:58 -07:00
// XXX not all messages are filled in yet. Messages written as { /* XXX add
// fields */ } are explicitly incomplete and we need to define a mapping between
// the serialized message data and the internal representation. Note that this
// is different from messages like GetAddr which have no data (and so have no
// fields).
pub enum Message {
/// A `version` message.
/// Note that although this is called `version` in Bitcoin, its role is really
/// analogous to a `ClientHello` message in TLS, used to begin a handshake, and
/// is distinct from a simple version number.
/// [Bitcoin reference](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Protocol_documentation#version)
Version {
/// The network version number supported by the sender.
version: Version,
/// The network services advertised by the sender.
services: Services,
/// The time when the version message was sent.
timestamp: DateTime<Utc>,
/// The network address of the node receiving this message.
address_receiving: NetworkAddress,
/// The network address of the node emitting this message.
address_from: NetworkAddress,
/// Node random nonce, randomly generated every time a version
/// packet is sent. This nonce is used to detect connections
/// to self.
nonce: Nonce,
/// The Zcash user agent advertised by the sender.
user_agent: String,
/// The last block received by the emitting node.
start_height: zebra_chain::types::BlockHeight,
/// Whether the remote peer should announce relayed
/// transactions or not, see [BIP 0037](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0037.mediawiki)
relay: bool,
2019-09-09 23:59:49 -07:00
/// A `verack` message.
/// [Bitcoin reference](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Protocol_documentation#verack)
2019-09-09 23:59:49 -07:00
/// A `ping` message.
/// [Bitcoin reference](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Protocol_documentation#ping)
2019-09-09 23:59:49 -07:00
/// A `pong` message.
/// [Bitcoin reference](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Protocol_documentation#pong)
/// The nonce from the `Ping` message this was in response to.
2019-09-10 09:57:58 -07:00
/// A `reject` message.
/// [Bitcoin reference](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Protocol_documentation#reject)
Reject {
/// Type of message rejected.
// Q: can we just reference the Type, rather than instantiate an instance of the enum type?
message: Box<Message>,
/// RejectReason code relating to rejected message.
ccode: RejectReason,
/// Human-readable version of rejection reason.
reason: String,
/// Optional extra data provided for some errors.
// Currently, all errors which provide this field fill it with
// the TXID or block header hash of the object being rejected,
// so the field is 32 bytes.
// Q: can we tell Rust that this field is optional? Or just
// default its value to an empty array, I guess.
data: [u8; 32],
2019-09-10 09:57:58 -07:00
/// An `addr` message.
/// [Bitcoin reference](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Protocol_documentation#addr)
Addr {
/// Number of address entries (max: 1000)
count: u16,
/// Address of other nodes on the network, preceeded by a timestamp.
// Starting version 31402, addresses are prefixed with a
// timestamp. If no timestamp is present, the addresses should
// not be relayed to other peers, unless it is indeed
// confirmed they are up.
// XXX: I don't know how this serializes.
address_list: (DateTime<Utc>, Vec<NetworkAddress>),
2019-09-10 09:57:58 -07:00
/// A `getaddr` message.
/// [Bitcoin reference](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Protocol_documentation#getaddr)
/// A `block` message.
/// [Bitcoin reference](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Protocol_documentation#block)
Block {/* XXX add fields */},
/// A `getblocks` message.
/// [Bitcoin reference](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Protocol_documentation#getblocks)
GetBlocks {/* XXX add fields */},
/// A `headers` message.
/// [Bitcoin reference](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Protocol_documentation#headers)
Headers {/* XXX add fields */},
/// A `getheaders` message.
/// [Bitcoin reference](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Protocol_documentation#getheaders)
GetHeaders {/* XXX add fields */},
/// An `inv` message.
/// [Bitcoin reference](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Protocol_documentation#inv)
// XXX the bitcoin reference above suggests this can be 1.8 MB in bitcoin -- maybe
// larger in Zcash, since Zcash objects could be bigger (?) -- does this tilt towards
// having serialization be async?
Inventory {
/// Number of inventory entries.
count: u64,
/// Inventory vectors.
inventory: Vec<zebra_chain::types::InventoryVector>,
2019-09-10 09:57:58 -07:00
/// A `getdata` message.
/// `getdata` is used in response to `inv`, to retrieve the content of
/// a specific object, and is usually sent after receiving an `inv`
/// packet, after filtering known elements.
2019-09-10 09:57:58 -07:00
/// [Bitcoin reference](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Protocol_documentation#getdata)
GetData {
/// Number of inventory entries.
count: u64,
/// Inventory vectors.
inventory: Vec<zebra_chain::types::InventoryVector>,
2019-09-10 09:57:58 -07:00
/// A `notfound` message.
/// [Bitcoin reference](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Protocol_documentation#notfound)
// See note above on `Inventory`.
NotFound {
/// Number of inventory entries.
count: u64,
/// Inventory vectors.
inventory: Vec<zebra_chain::types::InventoryVector>,
2019-09-10 09:57:58 -07:00
/// A `tx` message.
/// [Bitcoin reference](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Protocol_documentation#tx)
Tx {/* XXX add fields */},
/// A `mempool` message.
/// This was defined in [BIP35], which is included in Zcash.
/// [Bitcoin reference](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Protocol_documentation#mempool)
/// [BIP35]: https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0035.mediawiki
Mempool {/* XXX add fields */},
/// A `filterload` message.
/// This was defined in [BIP37], which is included in Zcash.
/// [Bitcoin reference](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Protocol_documentation#filterload.2C_filteradd.2C_filterclear.2C_merkleblock)
/// [BIP37]: https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0037.mediawiki
FilterLoad {/* XXX add fields */},
/// A `filteradd` message.
/// This was defined in [BIP37], which is included in Zcash.
/// [Bitcoin reference](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Protocol_documentation#filterload.2C_filteradd.2C_filterclear.2C_merkleblock)
/// [BIP37]: https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0037.mediawiki
FilterAdd {/* XXX add fields */},
/// A `filterclear` message.
/// This was defined in [BIP37], which is included in Zcash.
/// [Bitcoin reference](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Protocol_documentation#filterload.2C_filteradd.2C_filterclear.2C_merkleblock)
/// [BIP37]: https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0037.mediawiki
FilterClear {/* XXX add fields */},
/// A `merkleblock` message.
/// This was defined in [BIP37], which is included in Zcash.
/// [Bitcoin reference](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Protocol_documentation#filterload.2C_filteradd.2C_filterclear.2C_merkleblock)
/// [BIP37]: https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0037.mediawiki
MerkleBlock {/* XXX add fields */},
// Q: how do we want to implement serialization, exactly? do we want to have
// something generic over stdlib Read and Write traits, or over async versions
// of those traits?
// Note: because of the way the message structure is defined (checksum comes
// first) we can't write the message headers before collecting the whole body
// into a buffer
/// Reject Reason CCodes
/// [Bitcoin reference](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Protocol_documentation#reject)
pub enum RejectReason {
Malformed = 0x01,
Invalid = 0x10,
Obsolete = 0x11,
Duplicate = 0x12,
Nonstandard = 0x40,
Dust = 0x41,
InsufficientFee = 0x42,
Checkpoint = 0x43,