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syntax = "proto3";
package scanner;
// Empty is for gRPCs that take no arguments, currently only GetInfo.
message Empty {}
service Scanner {
// Get information about the scanner service.
rpc GetInfo (Empty) returns (InfoReply);
// Clear results for a set of keys without removing the keys from the scanner.
// This request does not stop the scanner from scanning blocks for these keys, it
// only clears past results.
rpc ClearResults(ClearResultsRequest) returns (Empty);
// Deletes a set of keys and their results from the scanner.
// This request stop the scanner from scanning blocks for the these keys.
rpc DeleteKeys(DeleteKeysRequest) returns (Empty);
// Get all data we have stored for the given keys.
rpc GetResults(GetResultsRequest) returns (GetResultsResponse);
// Submits scanning keys to the scanner.
rpc RegisterKeys(RegisterKeysRequest) returns (RegisterKeysResponse);
// A response to a GetInfo call.
message InfoReply {
// The minimum sapling height allowed.
uint32 min_sapling_birthday_height = 1;
// A request for clearing past results from the scanner cache.
message ClearResultsRequest {
// Keys for which to clear results.
repeated string keys = 1;
// A request to delete keys, delete their results, and stop scanning for their results.
message DeleteKeysRequest {
// Keys to delete from scanner.
repeated string keys = 1;
// A request for getting results for a set of keys.
message GetResultsRequest {
// Keys for which to get results.
repeated string keys = 1;
// A request to register scanning keys
message RegisterKeysRequest {
// Keys to register
repeated KeyWithHeight keys = 1;
// A set of responses for each provided key of a GetResults call.
message GetResultsResponse {
// Results for each key.
map<string, Results> results = 1;
// A response to `RegisterKeysRequest` containing registered keys
message RegisterKeysResponse {
// Keys that were registered
repeated string keys = 1;
// A result for a single key.
message Results {
// A height, transaction id map
map<uint32, TransactionHash> transactions = 1;
// A vector of transaction hashes
message TransactionHash {
// A transaction id hash
repeated string hash = 1;
// A scanning key with an optional birth height
message KeyWithHeight {
// Scanning key
string key = 1;
// Birth height of the key
optional uint32 height = 2;