
177 lines
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Raw Normal View History

//! Types and method implementations for [`ScanTaskCommand`]
use std::{
mpsc::{self, Receiver, TryRecvError},
use color_eyre::{eyre::eyre, Report};
use tokio::sync::oneshot;
use zcash_primitives::{sapling::SaplingIvk, zip32::DiversifiableFullViewingKey};
use zebra_chain::{block::Height, parameters::Network, transaction::Transaction};
use zebra_state::SaplingScanningKey;
use crate::scan::sapling_key_to_scan_block_keys;
use super::ScanTask;
/// Commands that can be sent to [`ScanTask`]
pub enum ScanTaskCommand {
/// Start scanning for new viewing keys
RegisterKeys {
/// New keys to start scanning for
keys: Vec<(String, Option<u32>)>,
/// Returns the set of keys the scanner accepted.
rsp_tx: oneshot::Sender<Vec<SaplingScanningKey>>,
/// Stop scanning for deleted viewing keys
RemoveKeys {
/// Notify the caller once the key is removed (so the caller can wait before clearing results)
done_tx: oneshot::Sender<()>,
/// Key hashes that are to be removed
keys: Vec<String>,
/// Start sending results for key hashes to `result_sender`
// TODO: Implement this command (#8206)
SubscribeResults {
/// Sender for results
result_sender: mpsc::Sender<Arc<Transaction>>,
/// Key hashes to send the results of to result channel
keys: Vec<String>,
impl ScanTask {
/// Accepts the scan task's `parsed_key` collection and a reference to the command channel receiver
/// Processes messages in the scan task channel, updating `parsed_keys` if required.
/// Returns newly registered keys for scanning.
pub fn process_messages(
cmd_receiver: &Receiver<ScanTaskCommand>,
parsed_keys: &mut HashMap<
(Vec<DiversifiableFullViewingKey>, Vec<SaplingIvk>),
network: Network,
) -> Result<
HashMap<SaplingScanningKey, (Vec<DiversifiableFullViewingKey>, Vec<SaplingIvk>, Height)>,
> {
let mut new_keys = HashMap::new();
let sapling_activation_height = network.sapling_activation_height();
loop {
let cmd = match cmd_receiver.try_recv() {
Ok(cmd) => cmd,
Err(TryRecvError::Empty) => break,
Err(TryRecvError::Disconnected) => {
// Return early if the sender has been dropped.
return Err(eyre!("command channel disconnected"));
match cmd {
ScanTaskCommand::RegisterKeys { keys, rsp_tx } => {
// Determine what keys we pass to the scanner.
let keys: Vec<_> = keys
.filter_map(|key| {
// Don't accept keys that:
// 1. the scanner already has, and
// 2. were already submitted.
if parsed_keys.contains_key(&key.0) && !new_keys.contains_key(&key.0) {
return None;
let birth_height = if let Some(height) = key.1 {
match Height::try_from(height) {
Ok(height) => height,
// Don't accept the key if its birth height is not a valid height.
Err(_) => return None,
} else {
// Use the Sapling activation height if the key has no birth height.
sapling_key_to_scan_block_keys(&key.0, network)
.map(|parsed| (key.0, (parsed.0, parsed.1, birth_height)))
// Send the accepted keys back.
let _ = rsp_tx.send(keys.iter().map(|key| key.0.clone()).collect());
.map(|(key, (dfvks, ivks, _))| (key, (dfvks, ivks))),
ScanTaskCommand::RemoveKeys { done_tx, keys } => {
for key in keys {
// Ignore send errors for the done notification, caller is expected to use a timeout.
let _ = done_tx.send(());
_ => continue,
/// Sends a command to the scan task
pub fn send(
&mut self,
command: ScanTaskCommand,
) -> Result<(), mpsc::SendError<ScanTaskCommand>> {
/// Sends a message to the scan task to remove the provided viewing keys.
pub fn remove_keys(
&mut self,
keys: &[String],
) -> Result<oneshot::Receiver<()>, mpsc::SendError<ScanTaskCommand>> {
let (done_tx, done_rx) = oneshot::channel();
self.send(ScanTaskCommand::RemoveKeys {
keys: keys.to_vec(),
/// Sends a message to the scan task to start scanning for the provided viewing keys.
pub fn register_keys(
&mut self,
keys: Vec<(String, Option<u32>)>,
) -> Result<oneshot::Receiver<Vec<String>>, mpsc::SendError<ScanTaskCommand>> {
let (rsp_tx, rsp_rx) = oneshot::channel();
self.send(ScanTaskCommand::RegisterKeys { keys, rsp_tx })?;