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//! Acceptance test: runs zebrad as a subprocess and asserts its
//! output for given argument combinations matches what is expected.
//! ## Note on port conflict
//! If the test child has a cache or port conflict with another test, or a
//! running zebrad or zcashd, then it will panic. But the acceptance tests
//! expect it to run until it is killed.
//! If these conflicts cause test failures:
//! - run the tests in an isolated environment,
//! - run zebrad on a custom cache path and port,
//! - run zcashd on a custom port.
//! ## Failures due to Configured Network Interfaces or Network Connectivity
//! If your test environment does not have any IPv6 interfaces configured, skip IPv6 tests
//! by setting the `ZEBRA_SKIP_IPV6_TESTS` environmental variable.
//! If it does not have any IPv4 interfaces, IPv4 localhost is not on ``,
//! or you have poor network connectivity,
//! skip all the network tests by setting the `ZEBRA_SKIP_NETWORK_TESTS` environmental variable.
use std::{collections::HashSet, convert::TryInto, env, path::PathBuf, time::Duration};
use color_eyre::{
eyre::{Result, WrapErr},
use zebra_chain::{
parameters::Network::{self, *},
use zebra_network::constants::PORT_IN_USE_ERROR;
use zebra_state::constants::LOCK_FILE_ERROR;
use zebra_test::{command::ContextFrom, net::random_known_port, prelude::*};
mod common;
use common::{
check::{is_zebrad_version, EphemeralCheck, EphemeralConfig},
config::{default_test_config, persistent_test_config, testdir},
random_known_rpc_port_config, zebra_skip_lightwalletd_tests, LightWalletdTestDirExt,
create_cached_database_height, sync_until, MempoolBehavior, LARGE_CHECKPOINT_TEST_HEIGHT,
fn generate_no_args() -> Result<()> {
let child = testdir()?
.with_config(&mut default_test_config()?)?
let output = child.wait_with_output()?;
let output = output.assert_success()?;
// First line
output.stdout_line_contains("# Default configuration for zebrad")?;
fn generate_args() -> Result<()> {
let testdir = testdir()?;
let testdir = &testdir;
// unexpected free argument `argument`
let child = testdir.spawn_child(&["generate", "argument"])?;
let output = child.wait_with_output()?;
// unrecognized option `-f`
let child = testdir.spawn_child(&["generate", "-f"])?;
let output = child.wait_with_output()?;
// missing argument to option `-o`
let child = testdir.spawn_child(&["generate", "-o"])?;
let output = child.wait_with_output()?;
// Add a config file name to tempdir path
let generated_config_path = testdir.path().join("zebrad.toml");
// Valid
let child =
testdir.spawn_child(&["generate", "-o", generated_config_path.to_str().unwrap()])?;
let output = child.wait_with_output()?;
let output = output.assert_success()?;
"test temp directory not found"
"generated config file not found"
fn help_no_args() -> Result<()> {
let testdir = testdir()?.with_config(&mut default_test_config()?)?;
let child = testdir.spawn_child(&["help"])?;
let output = child.wait_with_output()?;
let output = output.assert_success()?;
// The first line should have the version
"a valid zebrad semantic version",
// Make sure we are in help by looking usage string
fn help_args() -> Result<()> {
let testdir = testdir()?;
let testdir = &testdir;
// The subcommand "argument" wasn't recognized.
let child = testdir.spawn_child(&["help", "argument"])?;
let output = child.wait_with_output()?;
// option `-f` does not accept an argument
let child = testdir.spawn_child(&["help", "-f"])?;
let output = child.wait_with_output()?;
fn start_no_args() -> Result<()> {
// start caches state, so run one of the start tests with persistent state
let testdir = testdir()?.with_config(&mut persistent_test_config()?)?;
let mut child = testdir.spawn_child(&["-v", "start"])?;
// Run the program and kill it after a few seconds
let output = child.wait_with_output()?;
let output = output.assert_failure()?;
output.stdout_line_contains("Starting zebrad")?;
// Make sure the command passed the legacy chain check
output.stdout_line_contains("starting legacy chain check")?;
output.stdout_line_contains("no legacy chain found")?;
// Make sure the command was killed
fn start_args() -> Result<()> {
let testdir = testdir()?.with_config(&mut default_test_config()?)?;
let testdir = &testdir;
let mut child = testdir.spawn_child(&["start"])?;
// Run the program and kill it after a few seconds
let output = child.wait_with_output()?;
// Make sure the command was killed
// unrecognized option `-f`
let child = testdir.spawn_child(&["start", "-f"])?;
let output = child.wait_with_output()?;
fn persistent_mode() -> Result<()> {
let testdir = testdir()?.with_config(&mut persistent_test_config()?)?;
let testdir = &testdir;
let mut child = testdir.spawn_child(&["-v", "start"])?;
// Run the program and kill it after a few seconds
let output = child.wait_with_output()?;
// Make sure the command was killed
let cache_dir = testdir.path().join("state");
cache_dir.read_dir()?.count() > 0,
"state directory empty despite persistent state config"
fn ephemeral_existing_directory() -> Result<()> {
ephemeral(EphemeralConfig::Default, EphemeralCheck::ExistingDirectory)
fn ephemeral_missing_directory() -> Result<()> {
ephemeral(EphemeralConfig::Default, EphemeralCheck::MissingDirectory)
fn misconfigured_ephemeral_existing_directory() -> Result<()> {
fn misconfigured_ephemeral_missing_directory() -> Result<()> {
fn ephemeral(cache_dir_config: EphemeralConfig, cache_dir_check: EphemeralCheck) -> Result<()> {
use std::fs;
use std::io::ErrorKind;
let mut config = default_test_config()?;
let run_dir = testdir()?;
let ignored_cache_dir = run_dir.path().join("state");
if cache_dir_config == EphemeralConfig::MisconfiguredCacheDir {
// Write a configuration that sets both the cache_dir and ephemeral options
config.state.cache_dir = ignored_cache_dir.clone();
if cache_dir_check == EphemeralCheck::ExistingDirectory {
// We set the cache_dir config to a newly created empty temp directory,
// then make sure that it is empty after the test
let mut child = run_dir
.with_config(&mut config)?
// Run the program and kill it after a few seconds
let output = child.wait_with_output()?;
// Make sure the command was killed
let expected_run_dir_file_names = match cache_dir_check {
// we created the state directory, so it should still exist
EphemeralCheck::ExistingDirectory => {
.expect("ignored_cache_dir should still exist")
== 0,
"ignored_cache_dir not empty for ephemeral {:?} {:?}: {:?}",
["state", "zebrad.toml"].iter()
// we didn't create the state directory, so it should not exist
EphemeralCheck::MissingDirectory => {
.expect_err("ignored_cache_dir should not exist")
== ErrorKind::NotFound,
"unexpected creation of ignored_cache_dir for ephemeral {:?} {:?}: the cache dir exists and contains these files: {:?}",
let expected_run_dir_file_names = expected_run_dir_file_names.map(Into::into).collect();
let run_dir_file_names = run_dir
.expect("run_dir should still exist")
.map(|dir_entry| dir_entry.expect("run_dir is readable").file_name())
// ignore directory list order, because it can vary based on the OS and filesystem
run_dir_file_names == expected_run_dir_file_names,
"run_dir not empty for ephemeral {:?} {:?}: expected {:?}, actual: {:?}",
fn app_no_args() -> Result<()> {
let testdir = testdir()?.with_config(&mut default_test_config()?)?;
let child = testdir.spawn_child(&[])?;
let output = child.wait_with_output()?;
let output = output.assert_success()?;
fn version_no_args() -> Result<()> {
let testdir = testdir()?.with_config(&mut default_test_config()?)?;
let child = testdir.spawn_child(&["version"])?;
let output = child.wait_with_output()?;
let output = output.assert_success()?;
// The output should only contain the version
"a valid zebrad semantic version",
fn version_args() -> Result<()> {
let testdir = testdir()?.with_config(&mut default_test_config()?)?;
let testdir = &testdir;
// unexpected free argument `argument`
let child = testdir.spawn_child(&["version", "argument"])?;
let output = child.wait_with_output()?;
// unrecognized option `-f`
let child = testdir.spawn_child(&["version", "-f"])?;
let output = child.wait_with_output()?;
fn valid_generated_config_test() -> Result<()> {
// Unlike the other tests, these tests can not be run in parallel, because
// they use the generated config. So parallel execution can cause port and
// cache conflicts.
valid_generated_config("start", "Starting zebrad")?;
fn valid_generated_config(command: &str, expect_stdout_line_contains: &str) -> Result<()> {
let testdir = testdir()?;
let testdir = &testdir;
// Add a config file name to tempdir path
let generated_config_path = testdir.path().join("zebrad.toml");
// Generate configuration in temp dir path
let child =
testdir.spawn_child(&["generate", "-o", generated_config_path.to_str().unwrap()])?;
let output = child.wait_with_output()?;
let output = output.assert_success()?;
"generated config file not found"
// Run command using temp dir and kill it after a few seconds
let mut child = testdir.spawn_child(&[command])?;
let output = child.wait_with_output()?;
let output = output.assert_failure()?;
// [Note on port conflict](#Note on port conflict)
output.assert_was_killed().wrap_err("Possible port or cache conflict. Are there other acceptance test, zebrad, or zcashd processes running?")?;
"test temp directory not found"
"generated config file not found"
/// Test if `zebrad` can sync the first checkpoint on mainnet.
/// The first checkpoint contains a single genesis block.
fn sync_one_checkpoint_mainnet() -> Result<()> {
// checkpoint sync is irrelevant here - all tested checkpoints are mandatory
.map(|_tempdir| ())
/// Test if `zebrad` can sync the first checkpoint on testnet.
/// The first checkpoint contains a single genesis block.
fn sync_one_checkpoint_testnet() -> Result<()> {
// checkpoint sync is irrelevant here - all tested checkpoints are mandatory
.map(|_tempdir| ())
/// Test if `zebrad` can sync the first checkpoint, restart, and stop on load.
fn restart_stop_at_height() -> Result<()> {
restart_stop_at_height_for_network(Network::Mainnet, TINY_CHECKPOINT_TEST_HEIGHT)?;
restart_stop_at_height_for_network(Network::Testnet, TINY_CHECKPOINT_TEST_HEIGHT)?;
fn restart_stop_at_height_for_network(network: Network, height: Height) -> Result<()> {
let reuse_tempdir = sync_until(
// checkpoint sync is irrelevant here - all tested checkpoints are mandatory
2021-04-07 02:25:31 -07:00
// if stopping corrupts the rocksdb database, zebrad might hang or crash here
2021-04-07 02:23:48 -07:00
// if stopping does not write the rocksdb database to disk, Zebra will
// sync, rather than stopping immediately at the configured height
"state is already at the configured height",
// checkpoint sync is irrelevant here - all tested checkpoints are mandatory
/// Test if `zebrad` can activate the mempool on mainnet.
/// Debug activation happens after committing the genesis block.
fn activate_mempool_mainnet() -> Result<()> {
// checkpoint sync is irrelevant here - all tested checkpoints are mandatory
.map(|_tempdir| ())
/// Test if `zebrad` can sync some larger checkpoints on mainnet.
2020-10-20 02:55:11 -07:00
/// This test might fail or timeout on slow or unreliable networks,
/// so we don't run it by default. It also takes a lot longer than
/// our 10 second target time for default tests.
2020-10-20 02:55:11 -07:00
fn sync_large_checkpoints_mainnet() -> Result<()> {
let reuse_tempdir = sync_until(
// checkpoint sync is irrelevant here - all tested checkpoints are mandatory
// if this sync fails, see the failure notes in `restart_stop_at_height`
"previous state height is greater than the stop height",
// checkpoint sync is irrelevant here - all tested checkpoints are mandatory
// TODO: We had `sync_large_checkpoints_testnet` and `sync_large_checkpoints_mempool_testnet`,
// but they were removed because the testnet is unreliable (#1222).
// We should re-add them after we have more testnet instances (#1791).
/// Test if `zebrad` can run side by side with the mempool.
/// This is done by running the mempool and syncing some checkpoints.
fn sync_large_checkpoints_mempool_mainnet() -> Result<()> {
// checkpoint sync is irrelevant here - all tested checkpoints are mandatory
.map(|_tempdir| ())
/// Test if `zebrad` can fully sync the chain on mainnet.
/// This test takes a long time to run, so we don't run it by default. This test is only executed
/// if there is an environment variable named `FULL_SYNC_MAINNET_TIMEOUT_MINUTES` set with the number
/// of minutes to wait for synchronization to complete before considering that the test failed.
fn full_sync_mainnet() {
// TODO: add "ZEBRA" at the start of this env var, to avoid clashes
fix(test): make full sync test more accurate (#3555) * feat(log): log current height when logging sync progress * fix(test): log the specific error when full sync tests fail * doc(start): remove an obsolete TODO We can't decrease this log level, because the tests rely on it. * fix(test): wait until mempool activates in full sync tests Changes the log message and log test so that the test only finishes when the mempool has activated. There is still a race condition here, between the log timer and mempool activation. But it should be very rare, because the mempool is activated immediately when `is_close_to_tip()` becomes true. * fix(test): warn when Zebra stalls below the maximum checkpoint height This also improves the full sync tests, because the warning is checked before logging a successful sync. * feat(log): warn when sync stalls downloading the genesis block * fix(test): warn when the state hasn't committed a block for a long time This also improves the full sync tests, because the warning is checked before logging a successful sync. * doc(test): update some sync acceptance test comments * fix(log): use Display formatting to log chrono::Duration Debug formatting is complicated and hard to read. * fix(log): stop saying that we've activated the mempool without checking it We're not checking if the mempool is active, so we can't say that. * fix(log): minor tidying and TODOs * fix(doc): fix a typo in the tests * fix(log): explain the post-checkpoint blocks in progress warning calculations * fix(doc): explain what could happen if we don't wait for extra blocks * fix(log): add a percent symbol to a percent log Co-authored-by: Janito Vaqueiro Ferreira Filho <janito.vff@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Janito Vaqueiro Ferreira Filho <janito.vff@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: mergify[bot] <37929162+mergify[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
2022-02-17 18:00:24 -08:00
full_sync_test(Mainnet, "FULL_SYNC_MAINNET_TIMEOUT_MINUTES").expect("unexpected test failure");
/// Test if `zebrad` can fully sync the chain on testnet.
/// This test takes a long time to run, so we don't run it by default. This test is only executed
/// if there is an environment variable named `FULL_SYNC_TESTNET_TIMEOUT_MINUTES` set with the number
/// of minutes to wait for synchronization to complete before considering that the test failed.
fn full_sync_testnet() {
// TODO: add "ZEBRA" at the start of this env var, to avoid clashes
fix(test): make full sync test more accurate (#3555) * feat(log): log current height when logging sync progress * fix(test): log the specific error when full sync tests fail * doc(start): remove an obsolete TODO We can't decrease this log level, because the tests rely on it. * fix(test): wait until mempool activates in full sync tests Changes the log message and log test so that the test only finishes when the mempool has activated. There is still a race condition here, between the log timer and mempool activation. But it should be very rare, because the mempool is activated immediately when `is_close_to_tip()` becomes true. * fix(test): warn when Zebra stalls below the maximum checkpoint height This also improves the full sync tests, because the warning is checked before logging a successful sync. * feat(log): warn when sync stalls downloading the genesis block * fix(test): warn when the state hasn't committed a block for a long time This also improves the full sync tests, because the warning is checked before logging a successful sync. * doc(test): update some sync acceptance test comments * fix(log): use Display formatting to log chrono::Duration Debug formatting is complicated and hard to read. * fix(log): stop saying that we've activated the mempool without checking it We're not checking if the mempool is active, so we can't say that. * fix(log): minor tidying and TODOs * fix(doc): fix a typo in the tests * fix(log): explain the post-checkpoint blocks in progress warning calculations * fix(doc): explain what could happen if we don't wait for extra blocks * fix(log): add a percent symbol to a percent log Co-authored-by: Janito Vaqueiro Ferreira Filho <janito.vff@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Janito Vaqueiro Ferreira Filho <janito.vff@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: mergify[bot] <37929162+mergify[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
2022-02-17 18:00:24 -08:00
full_sync_test(Testnet, "FULL_SYNC_TESTNET_TIMEOUT_MINUTES").expect("unexpected test failure");
/// Sync `network` until the chain tip is reached, or a timeout elapses.
/// The timeout is specified using an environment variable, with the name configured by the
/// `timeout_argument_name` parameter. The value of the environment variable must the number of
/// minutes specified as an integer.
T3. add(test): check for failure messages in lightwalletd and Zebra logs (#3903) * Make command test matching code accept generic regexes And add generic conversions to regexes. * Document test command structs * Support matching multiple regexes internally in the test command * Make it easier to call the generic regex methods * Add a missing API usage comment * Fix a potential hang in test child error reports * Revert Option<Child> process handling * Revert "Revert Option<Child> process handling" This reverts commit 2af30086858d104dcb0ec87383996c36bcaa7371. * Add a set of failure regexes to test command output * Allow debug-printing TestChild again * When the child is dropped, check any remaining output * Document a wait_with_output edge case * Improve failure regex panic output * Improve builder ergonomics * Add internal tests for failure regex panics It would be easy to disable these panics, and never realise. * Add some module structure TODOs * Stop panicking if the child process has already been taken * Add test APIs for consuming child output lines * Fix a hang on child process drop * Handle output being already taken in wait_with_output And document some edge cases we don't handle yet * Use bash's read command in the TestChild stderr test And check the actual command we're using to see if it errors. * Pretty print full failure regex list * Add the test child command line to the failure regex logs * Simplify the sync_until test code * Check logs for failure messages in lightwalletd integration tests * Add more TODOs and improve comments * Allow missing branch ID 00000000 provided by zcashd
2022-03-22 18:34:37 -07:00
fn full_sync_test(network: Network, timeout_argument_name: &str) -> Result<()> {
let timeout_argument: Option<u64> = env::var(timeout_argument_name)
.and_then(|timeout_string| timeout_string.parse().ok());
if let Some(timeout_minutes) = timeout_argument {
Duration::from_secs(60 * timeout_minutes),
// Use checkpoints to increase full sync performance, and test default Zebra behaviour.
// (After the changes to the default config in #2368.)
// TODO: if full validation performance improves, do another test with checkpoint_sync off
T3. add(test): check for failure messages in lightwalletd and Zebra logs (#3903) * Make command test matching code accept generic regexes And add generic conversions to regexes. * Document test command structs * Support matching multiple regexes internally in the test command * Make it easier to call the generic regex methods * Add a missing API usage comment * Fix a potential hang in test child error reports * Revert Option<Child> process handling * Revert "Revert Option<Child> process handling" This reverts commit 2af30086858d104dcb0ec87383996c36bcaa7371. * Add a set of failure regexes to test command output * Allow debug-printing TestChild again * When the child is dropped, check any remaining output * Document a wait_with_output edge case * Improve failure regex panic output * Improve builder ergonomics * Add internal tests for failure regex panics It would be easy to disable these panics, and never realise. * Add some module structure TODOs * Stop panicking if the child process has already been taken * Add test APIs for consuming child output lines * Fix a hang on child process drop * Handle output being already taken in wait_with_output And document some edge cases we don't handle yet * Use bash's read command in the TestChild stderr test And check the actual command we're using to see if it errors. * Pretty print full failure regex list * Add the test child command line to the failure regex logs * Simplify the sync_until test code * Check logs for failure messages in lightwalletd integration tests * Add more TODOs and improve comments * Allow missing branch ID 00000000 provided by zcashd
2022-03-22 18:34:37 -07:00
} else {
fix(test): make full sync test more accurate (#3555) * feat(log): log current height when logging sync progress * fix(test): log the specific error when full sync tests fail * doc(start): remove an obsolete TODO We can't decrease this log level, because the tests rely on it. * fix(test): wait until mempool activates in full sync tests Changes the log message and log test so that the test only finishes when the mempool has activated. There is still a race condition here, between the log timer and mempool activation. But it should be very rare, because the mempool is activated immediately when `is_close_to_tip()` becomes true. * fix(test): warn when Zebra stalls below the maximum checkpoint height This also improves the full sync tests, because the warning is checked before logging a successful sync. * feat(log): warn when sync stalls downloading the genesis block * fix(test): warn when the state hasn't committed a block for a long time This also improves the full sync tests, because the warning is checked before logging a successful sync. * doc(test): update some sync acceptance test comments * fix(log): use Display formatting to log chrono::Duration Debug formatting is complicated and hard to read. * fix(log): stop saying that we've activated the mempool without checking it We're not checking if the mempool is active, so we can't say that. * fix(log): minor tidying and TODOs * fix(doc): fix a typo in the tests * fix(log): explain the post-checkpoint blocks in progress warning calculations * fix(doc): explain what could happen if we don't wait for extra blocks * fix(log): add a percent symbol to a percent log Co-authored-by: Janito Vaqueiro Ferreira Filho <janito.vff@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Janito Vaqueiro Ferreira Filho <janito.vff@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: mergify[bot] <37929162+mergify[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
2022-02-17 18:00:24 -08:00
"skipped full sync test, \
set the {:?} environmental variable to run the test",
T3. add(test): check for failure messages in lightwalletd and Zebra logs (#3903) * Make command test matching code accept generic regexes And add generic conversions to regexes. * Document test command structs * Support matching multiple regexes internally in the test command * Make it easier to call the generic regex methods * Add a missing API usage comment * Fix a potential hang in test child error reports * Revert Option<Child> process handling * Revert "Revert Option<Child> process handling" This reverts commit 2af30086858d104dcb0ec87383996c36bcaa7371. * Add a set of failure regexes to test command output * Allow debug-printing TestChild again * When the child is dropped, check any remaining output * Document a wait_with_output edge case * Improve failure regex panic output * Improve builder ergonomics * Add internal tests for failure regex panics It would be easy to disable these panics, and never realise. * Add some module structure TODOs * Stop panicking if the child process has already been taken * Add test APIs for consuming child output lines * Fix a hang on child process drop * Handle output being already taken in wait_with_output And document some edge cases we don't handle yet * Use bash's read command in the TestChild stderr test And check the actual command we're using to see if it errors. * Pretty print full failure regex list * Add the test child command line to the failure regex logs * Simplify the sync_until test code * Check logs for failure messages in lightwalletd integration tests * Add more TODOs and improve comments * Allow missing branch ID 00000000 provided by zcashd
2022-03-22 18:34:37 -07:00
2020-10-29 18:00:02 -07:00
fn create_cached_database(network: Network) -> Result<()> {
let height = network.mandatory_checkpoint_height();
let checkpoint_stop_regex = format!("{}.*CommitFinalized request", STOP_AT_HEIGHT_REGEX);
// Use checkpoints to increase sync performance while caching the database
// Check that we're still using checkpoints when we finish the cached sync
2020-10-29 18:00:02 -07:00
fn sync_past_mandatory_checkpoint(network: Network) -> Result<()> {
let height = network.mandatory_checkpoint_height() + 1200;
let full_validation_stop_regex =
format!("{}.*best non-finalized chain root", STOP_AT_HEIGHT_REGEX);
// Test full validation by turning checkpoints off
2020-10-29 18:00:02 -07:00
2020-10-30 12:45:26 -07:00
// These tests are ignored because they're too long running to run during our
// traditional CI, and they depend on persistent state that cannot be made
// available in github actions or google cloud build. Instead we run these tests
// directly in a vm we spin up on google compute engine, where we can mount
2020-10-30 12:47:46 -07:00
// drives populated by the first two tests, snapshot those drives, and then use
// those to more quickly run the second two tests.
2020-10-30 12:45:26 -07:00
/// Sync up to the mandatory checkpoint height on mainnet and stop.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "test_sync_to_mandatory_checkpoint_mainnet", test)]
fn sync_to_mandatory_checkpoint_mainnet() {
2020-10-29 18:00:02 -07:00
let network = Mainnet;
/// Sync to the mandatory checkpoint height testnet and stop.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "test_sync_to_mandatory_checkpoint_testnet", test)]
fn sync_to_mandatory_checkpoint_testnet() {
2020-10-29 18:00:02 -07:00
let network = Testnet;
/// Test syncing 1200 blocks (3 checkpoints) past the mandatory checkpoint on mainnet.
/// This assumes that the config'd state is already synced at or near the mandatory checkpoint
/// activation on mainnet. If the state has already synced past the mandatory checkpoint
/// activation by 1200 blocks, it will fail.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "test_sync_past_mandatory_checkpoint_mainnet", test)]
fn sync_past_mandatory_checkpoint_mainnet() {
2020-10-29 18:00:02 -07:00
let network = Mainnet;
2020-10-29 18:00:02 -07:00
/// Test syncing 1200 blocks (3 checkpoints) past the mandatory checkpoint on testnet.
/// This assumes that the config'd state is already synced at or near the mandatory checkpoint
/// activation on testnet. If the state has already synced past the mandatory checkpoint
/// activation by 1200 blocks, it will fail.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "test_sync_past_mandatory_checkpoint_testnet", test)]
fn sync_past_mandatory_checkpoint_testnet() {
2020-10-29 18:00:02 -07:00
let network = Testnet;
async fn metrics_endpoint() -> Result<()> {
use hyper::Client;
// [Note on port conflict](#Note on port conflict)
let port = random_known_port();
let endpoint = format!("{}", port);
let url = format!("http://{}", endpoint);
// Write a configuration that has metrics endpoint_addr set
let mut config = default_test_config()?;
config.metrics.endpoint_addr = Some(endpoint.parse().unwrap());
let dir = testdir()?.with_config(&mut config)?;
let child = dir.spawn_child(&["start"])?;
// Run `zebrad` for a few seconds before testing the endpoint
// Since we're an async function, we have to use a sleep future, not thread sleep.
// Create an http client
let client = Client::new();
// Test metrics endpoint
let res = client.get(url.try_into().expect("url is valid")).await;
let (res, child) = child.kill_on_error(res)?;
let body = hyper::body::to_bytes(res).await;
let (body, mut child) = child.kill_on_error(body)?;
let output = child.wait_with_output()?;
let output = output.assert_failure()?;
Update to Tokio 1.13.0 (#2994) * Update `tower` to version `0.4.9` Update to latest version to add support for Tokio version 1. * Replace usage of `ServiceExt::ready_and` It was deprecated in favor of `ServiceExt::ready`. * Update Tokio dependency to version `1.13.0` This will break the build because the code isn't ready for the update, but future commits will fix the issues. * Replace import of `tokio::stream::StreamExt` Use `futures::stream::StreamExt` instead, because newer versions of Tokio don't have the `stream` feature. * Use `IntervalStream` in `zebra-network` In newer versions of Tokio `Interval` doesn't implement `Stream`, so the wrapper types from `tokio-stream` have to be used instead. * Use `IntervalStream` in `inventory_registry` In newer versions of Tokio the `Interval` type doesn't implement `Stream`, so `tokio_stream::wrappers::IntervalStream` has to be used instead. * Use `BroadcastStream` in `inventory_registry` In newer versions of Tokio `broadcast::Receiver` doesn't implement `Stream`, so `tokio_stream::wrappers::BroadcastStream` instead. This also requires changing the error type that is used. * Handle `Semaphore::acquire` error in `tower-batch` Newer versions of Tokio can return an error if the semaphore is closed. This shouldn't happen in `tower-batch` because the semaphore is never closed. * Handle `Semaphore::acquire` error in `zebrad` test On newer versions of Tokio `Semaphore::acquire` can return an error if the semaphore is closed. This shouldn't happen in the test because the semaphore is never closed. * Update some `zebra-network` dependencies Use versions compatible with Tokio version 1. * Upgrade Hyper to version 0.14 Use a version that supports Tokio version 1. * Update `metrics` dependency to version 0.17 And also update the `metrics-exporter-prometheus` to version 0.6.1. These updates are to make sure Tokio 1 is supported. * Use `f64` as the histogram data type `u64` isn't supported as the histogram data type in newer versions of `metrics`. * Update the initialization of the metrics component Make it compatible with the new version of `metrics`. * Simplify build version counter Remove all constants and use the new `metrics::incement_counter!` macro. * Change metrics output line to match on The snapshot string isn't included in the newer version of `metrics-exporter-prometheus`. * Update `sentry` to version 0.23.0 Use a version compatible with Tokio version 1. * Remove usage of `TracingIntegration` This seems to not be available from `sentry-tracing` anymore, so it needs to be replaced. * Add sentry layer to tracing initialization This seems like the replacement for `TracingIntegration`. * Remove unnecessary conversion Suggested by a Clippy lint. * Update Cargo lock file Apply all of the updates to dependencies. * Ban duplicate tokio dependencies Also ban git sources for tokio dependencies. * Stop allowing sentry-tracing git repository in `deny.toml` * Allow remaining duplicates after the tokio upgrade * Use C: drive for CI build output on Windows GitHub Actions uses a Windows image with two disk drives, and the default D: drive is smaller than the C: drive. Zebra currently uses a lot of space to build, so it has to use the C: drive to avoid CI build failures because of insufficient space. Co-authored-by: teor <teor@riseup.net>
2021-11-02 11:46:57 -07:00
"# TYPE zebrad_build_info counter",
"metrics exporter response",
"the metrics response header",
std::str::from_utf8(&body).expect("unexpected invalid UTF-8 in metrics exporter response");
// Make sure metrics was started
output.stdout_line_contains(format!("Opened metrics endpoint at {}", endpoint).as_str())?;
// [Note on port conflict](#Note on port conflict)
.wrap_err("Possible port conflict. Are there other acceptance tests running?")?;
async fn tracing_endpoint() -> Result<()> {
use hyper::{Body, Client, Request};
// [Note on port conflict](#Note on port conflict)
let port = random_known_port();
let endpoint = format!("{}", port);
let url_default = format!("http://{}", endpoint);
let url_filter = format!("{}/filter", url_default);
// Write a configuration that has tracing endpoint_addr option set
let mut config = default_test_config()?;
config.tracing.endpoint_addr = Some(endpoint.parse().unwrap());
let dir = testdir()?.with_config(&mut config)?;
let child = dir.spawn_child(&["start"])?;
// Run `zebrad` for a few seconds before testing the endpoint
// Since we're an async function, we have to use a sleep future, not thread sleep.
// Create an http client
let client = Client::new();
// Test tracing endpoint
let res = client
.get(url_default.try_into().expect("url_default is valid"))
let (res, child) = child.kill_on_error(res)?;
let body = hyper::body::to_bytes(res).await;
let (body, child) = child.kill_on_error(body)?;
// Set a filter and make sure it was changed
let request = Request::post(url_filter.clone())
let post = client.request(request).await;
let (_post, child) = child.kill_on_error(post)?;
let tracing_res = client
.get(url_filter.try_into().expect("url_filter is valid"))
let (tracing_res, child) = child.kill_on_error(tracing_res)?;
let tracing_body = hyper::body::to_bytes(tracing_res).await;
let (tracing_body, mut child) = child.kill_on_error(tracing_body)?;
let output = child.wait_with_output()?;
let output = output.assert_failure()?;
// Make sure tracing endpoint was started
output.stdout_line_contains(format!("Opened tracing endpoint at {}", endpoint).as_str())?;
// TODO: Match some trace level messages from output
// Make sure the endpoint header is correct
// The header is split over two lines. But we don't want to require line
// breaks at a specific word, so we run two checks for different substrings.
"HTTP endpoint allows dynamic control of the filter",
"tracing filter endpoint response",
"the tracing response header",
"tracing events",
"tracing filter endpoint response",
"the tracing response header",
std::str::from_utf8(&body).expect("unexpected invalid UTF-8 in tracing filter response");
// Make sure endpoint requests change the filter
"tracing filter endpoint response",
"the modified tracing filter",
.expect("unexpected invalid UTF-8 in modified tracing filter response");
// [Note on port conflict](#Note on port conflict)
.wrap_err("Possible port conflict. Are there other acceptance tests running?")?;
async fn rpc_endpoint() -> Result<()> {
use hyper::{body::to_bytes, Body, Client, Method, Request};
use serde_json::Value;
if zebra_test::net::zebra_skip_network_tests() {
return Ok(());
// Write a configuration that has RPC listen_addr set
// [Note on port conflict](#Note on port conflict)
let mut config = random_known_rpc_port_config()?;
let url = format!("http://{}", config.rpc.listen_addr.unwrap());
let dir = testdir()?.with_config(&mut config)?;
let mut child = dir.spawn_child(&["start"])?;
// Wait until port is open.
format!("Opened RPC endpoint at {}", config.rpc.listen_addr.unwrap()).as_str(),
// Create an http client
let client = Client::new();
// Create a request to call `getinfo` RPC method
let req = Request::builder()
.header("content-type", "application/json")
// Make the call to the RPC endpoint
let res = client.request(req).await?;
// Test rpc endpoint response
let body = to_bytes(res).await;
let (body, mut child) = child.kill_on_error(body)?;
let parsed: Value = serde_json::from_slice(&body)?;
// Check that we have at least 4 characters in the `build` field.
let build = parsed["result"]["build"].as_str().unwrap();
assert!(build.len() > 4, "Got {}", build);
// Check that the `subversion` field has "Zebra" in it.
let subversion = parsed["result"]["subversion"].as_str().unwrap();
assert!(subversion.contains("Zebra"), "Got {}", subversion);
let output = child.wait_with_output()?;
let output = output.assert_failure()?;
// [Note on port conflict](#Note on port conflict)
.wrap_err("Possible port conflict. Are there other acceptance tests running?")?;
T3. add(test): check for failure messages in lightwalletd and Zebra logs (#3903) * Make command test matching code accept generic regexes And add generic conversions to regexes. * Document test command structs * Support matching multiple regexes internally in the test command * Make it easier to call the generic regex methods * Add a missing API usage comment * Fix a potential hang in test child error reports * Revert Option<Child> process handling * Revert "Revert Option<Child> process handling" This reverts commit 2af30086858d104dcb0ec87383996c36bcaa7371. * Add a set of failure regexes to test command output * Allow debug-printing TestChild again * When the child is dropped, check any remaining output * Document a wait_with_output edge case * Improve failure regex panic output * Improve builder ergonomics * Add internal tests for failure regex panics It would be easy to disable these panics, and never realise. * Add some module structure TODOs * Stop panicking if the child process has already been taken * Add test APIs for consuming child output lines * Fix a hang on child process drop * Handle output being already taken in wait_with_output And document some edge cases we don't handle yet * Use bash's read command in the TestChild stderr test And check the actual command we're using to see if it errors. * Pretty print full failure regex list * Add the test child command line to the failure regex logs * Simplify the sync_until test code * Check logs for failure messages in lightwalletd integration tests * Add more TODOs and improve comments * Allow missing branch ID 00000000 provided by zcashd
2022-03-22 18:34:37 -07:00
/// Failure log messages for any process, from the OS or shell.
const PROCESS_FAILURE_MESSAGES: &[&str] = &[
// Linux
// macOS / BSDs
"Abort trap",
// TODO: add other OS or C library errors?
/// Failure log messages from Zebra.
const ZEBRA_FAILURE_MESSAGES: &[&str] = &[
// Rust-specific panics
"The application panicked",
// RPC port errors
"Unable to start RPC server",
// TODO: disable if this actually happens during test zebrad shutdown
"Stopping RPC endpoint",
// Missing RPCs in zebrad logs (this log is from PR #3860)
// TODO: temporarily disable until enough RPCs are implemented, if needed
"Received unrecognized RPC request",
// RPC argument errors: parsing and data
// These logs are produced by jsonrpc_core inside Zebra,
// but it doesn't log them yet.
// TODO: log these errors in Zebra, and check for them in the Zebra logs?
"Invalid params",
"Method not found",
/// Failure log messages from lightwalletd.
// Go-specific panics
// Missing RPCs in lightwalletd logs
// TODO: temporarily disable until enough RPCs are implemented, if needed
"unable to issue RPC call",
// RPC response errors: parsing and data
// jsonrpc_core error messages from Zebra,
// received by lightwalletd and written to its logs
"Invalid params",
"Method not found",
// Early termination
// TODO: temporarily disable until enough RPCs are implemented, if needed
"Lightwalletd died with a Fatal error",
// Go json package error messages:
"json: cannot unmarshal",
"into Go value of type",
// lightwalletd RPC error messages from:
// https://github.com/adityapk00/lightwalletd/blob/master/common/common.go
"block requested is newer than latest block",
"Cache add failed",
"error decoding",
"error marshaling",
"error parsing JSON",
"error reading JSON response",
"error with",
// We expect these errors when lightwalletd reaches the end of the zebrad cached state
// "error requesting block: 0: Block not found",
// "error zcashd getblock rpc",
"received overlong message",
"received unexpected height block",
"Reorg exceeded max",
"unable to issue RPC call",
// Missing fields for each specific RPC
// get_block_chain_info
// TODO: enable these checks after PR #3891 merges
// invalid sapling height
//"Got sapling height 0",
// missing BIP70 chain name, should be "main" or "test"
//" chain ",
// missing branchID, should be 8 hex digits
//" branchID \"",
// TODO: complete this list for each RPC with fields?
// get_info
// get_raw_transaction
// z_get_tree_state
// get_address_txids
// get_address_balance
// get_address_utxos
/// Launch `zebrad` with an RPC port, and make sure `lightwalletd` works with Zebra.
/// This test only runs when the `ZEBRA_TEST_LIGHTWALLETD` env var is set.
/// This test doesn't work on Windows, so it is always skipped on that platform.
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
fn lightwalletd_integration() -> Result<()> {
// Skip the test unless the user specifically asked for it
if zebra_skip_lightwalletd_tests() {
return Ok(());
// Launch zebrad
// Write a configuration that has RPC listen_addr set
// [Note on port conflict](#Note on port conflict)
let mut config = random_known_rpc_port_config()?;
let zdir = testdir()?.with_config(&mut config)?;
T3. add(test): check for failure messages in lightwalletd and Zebra logs (#3903) * Make command test matching code accept generic regexes And add generic conversions to regexes. * Document test command structs * Support matching multiple regexes internally in the test command * Make it easier to call the generic regex methods * Add a missing API usage comment * Fix a potential hang in test child error reports * Revert Option<Child> process handling * Revert "Revert Option<Child> process handling" This reverts commit 2af30086858d104dcb0ec87383996c36bcaa7371. * Add a set of failure regexes to test command output * Allow debug-printing TestChild again * When the child is dropped, check any remaining output * Document a wait_with_output edge case * Improve failure regex panic output * Improve builder ergonomics * Add internal tests for failure regex panics It would be easy to disable these panics, and never realise. * Add some module structure TODOs * Stop panicking if the child process has already been taken * Add test APIs for consuming child output lines * Fix a hang on child process drop * Handle output being already taken in wait_with_output And document some edge cases we don't handle yet * Use bash's read command in the TestChild stderr test And check the actual command we're using to see if it errors. * Pretty print full failure regex list * Add the test child command line to the failure regex logs * Simplify the sync_until test code * Check logs for failure messages in lightwalletd integration tests * Add more TODOs and improve comments * Allow missing branch ID 00000000 provided by zcashd
2022-03-22 18:34:37 -07:00
let mut zebrad = zdir
// TODO: replace with a function that returns the full list and correct return type
// Wait until `zebrad` has opened the RPC endpoint
format!("Opened RPC endpoint at {}", config.rpc.listen_addr.unwrap()).as_str(),
// Launch lightwalletd
// Write a fake zcashd configuration that has the rpcbind and rpcport options set
let ldir = testdir()?;
let ldir = ldir.with_lightwalletd_config(config.rpc.listen_addr.unwrap())?;
// Launch the lightwalletd process
let result = ldir.spawn_lightwalletd_child(&[]);
let (lightwalletd, zebrad) = zebrad.kill_on_error(result)?;
T3. add(test): check for failure messages in lightwalletd and Zebra logs (#3903) * Make command test matching code accept generic regexes And add generic conversions to regexes. * Document test command structs * Support matching multiple regexes internally in the test command * Make it easier to call the generic regex methods * Add a missing API usage comment * Fix a potential hang in test child error reports * Revert Option<Child> process handling * Revert "Revert Option<Child> process handling" This reverts commit 2af30086858d104dcb0ec87383996c36bcaa7371. * Add a set of failure regexes to test command output * Allow debug-printing TestChild again * When the child is dropped, check any remaining output * Document a wait_with_output edge case * Improve failure regex panic output * Improve builder ergonomics * Add internal tests for failure regex panics It would be easy to disable these panics, and never realise. * Add some module structure TODOs * Stop panicking if the child process has already been taken * Add test APIs for consuming child output lines * Fix a hang on child process drop * Handle output being already taken in wait_with_output And document some edge cases we don't handle yet * Use bash's read command in the TestChild stderr test And check the actual command we're using to see if it errors. * Pretty print full failure regex list * Add the test child command line to the failure regex logs * Simplify the sync_until test code * Check logs for failure messages in lightwalletd integration tests * Add more TODOs and improve comments * Allow missing branch ID 00000000 provided by zcashd
2022-03-22 18:34:37 -07:00
let mut lightwalletd = lightwalletd
// TODO: replace with a function that returns the full list and correct return type
// Wait until `lightwalletd` has launched
let result = lightwalletd.expect_stdout_line_matches("Starting gRPC server");
let (_, zebrad) = zebrad.kill_on_error(result)?;
// Check that `lightwalletd` is calling the expected Zebra RPCs
// getblockchaininfo
T3. add(test): check for failure messages in lightwalletd and Zebra logs (#3903) * Make command test matching code accept generic regexes And add generic conversions to regexes. * Document test command structs * Support matching multiple regexes internally in the test command * Make it easier to call the generic regex methods * Add a missing API usage comment * Fix a potential hang in test child error reports * Revert Option<Child> process handling * Revert "Revert Option<Child> process handling" This reverts commit 2af30086858d104dcb0ec87383996c36bcaa7371. * Add a set of failure regexes to test command output * Allow debug-printing TestChild again * When the child is dropped, check any remaining output * Document a wait_with_output edge case * Improve failure regex panic output * Improve builder ergonomics * Add internal tests for failure regex panics It would be easy to disable these panics, and never realise. * Add some module structure TODOs * Stop panicking if the child process has already been taken * Add test APIs for consuming child output lines * Fix a hang on child process drop * Handle output being already taken in wait_with_output And document some edge cases we don't handle yet * Use bash's read command in the TestChild stderr test And check the actual command we're using to see if it errors. * Pretty print full failure regex list * Add the test child command line to the failure regex logs * Simplify the sync_until test code * Check logs for failure messages in lightwalletd integration tests * Add more TODOs and improve comments * Allow missing branch ID 00000000 provided by zcashd
2022-03-22 18:34:37 -07:00
// TODO: add correct sapling height, chain, branchID (PR #3891)
// add "Waiting for zcashd height to reach Sapling activation height"
let result = lightwalletd.expect_stdout_line_matches("Got sapling height");
let (_, zebrad) = zebrad.kill_on_error(result)?;
let result = lightwalletd.expect_stdout_line_matches("Found 0 blocks in cache");
let (_, zebrad) = zebrad.kill_on_error(result)?;
// getblock with block 1 in Zebra's state
// zcash/lightwalletd calls getbestblockhash here, but
// adityapk00/lightwalletd calls getblock
// Until block 1 has been downloaded, lightwalletd will log Zebra's RPC error:
// "error requesting block: 0: Block not found"
// But we can't check for that, because Zebra might download genesis before lightwalletd asks.
// We also get a similar log when lightwalletd reaches the end of Zebra's cache.
// After the first getblock call, lightwalletd will log:
// "Block hash changed, clearing mempool clients"
// But we can't check for that, because it can come before or after the Ingestor log.
let result = lightwalletd.expect_stdout_line_matches("Ingestor adding block to cache");
let (_, zebrad) = zebrad.kill_on_error(result)?;
// (next RPC)
// TODO: add extra checks when we add new Zebra RPCs
// Cleanup both processes
let result = lightwalletd.kill();
let (_, mut zebrad) = zebrad.kill_on_error(result)?;
let lightwalletd_output = lightwalletd.wait_with_output()?.assert_failure()?;
let zebrad_output = zebrad.wait_with_output()?.assert_failure()?;
// If the test fails here, see the [note on port conflict](#Note on port conflict)
// zcash/lightwalletd exits by itself, but
// adityapk00/lightwalletd keeps on going, so it gets killed by the test harness.
.wrap_err("Possible port conflict. Are there other acceptance tests running?")?;
.wrap_err("Possible port conflict. Are there other acceptance tests running?")?;
/// Test will start 2 zebrad nodes one after the other using the same Zcash listener.
/// It is expected that the first node spawned will get exclusive use of the port.
/// The second node will panic with the Zcash listener conflict hint added in #1535.
fn zebra_zcash_listener_conflict() -> Result<()> {
// [Note on port conflict](#Note on port conflict)
let port = random_known_port();
let listen_addr = format!("{}", port);
// Write a configuration that has our created network listen_addr
let mut config = default_test_config()?;
config.network.listen_addr = listen_addr.parse().unwrap();
let dir1 = testdir()?.with_config(&mut config)?;
let regex1 = regex::escape(&format!(
"Opened Zcash protocol endpoint at {}",
// From another folder create a configuration with the same listener.
// `network.listen_addr` will be the same in the 2 nodes.
// (But since the config is ephemeral, they will have different state paths.)
let dir2 = testdir()?.with_config(&mut config)?;
check_config_conflict(dir1, regex1.as_str(), dir2, PORT_IN_USE_ERROR.as_str())?;
/// Start 2 zebrad nodes using the same metrics listener port, but different
/// state directories and Zcash listener ports. The first node should get
/// exclusive use of the port. The second node will panic with the Zcash metrics
/// conflict hint added in #1535.
fn zebra_metrics_conflict() -> Result<()> {
// [Note on port conflict](#Note on port conflict)
let port = random_known_port();
let listen_addr = format!("{}", port);
// Write a configuration that has our created metrics endpoint_addr
let mut config = default_test_config()?;
config.metrics.endpoint_addr = Some(listen_addr.parse().unwrap());
let dir1 = testdir()?.with_config(&mut config)?;
let regex1 = regex::escape(&format!(r"Opened metrics endpoint at {}", listen_addr));
// From another folder create a configuration with the same endpoint.
// `metrics.endpoint_addr` will be the same in the 2 nodes.
// But they will have different Zcash listeners (auto port) and states (ephemeral)
let dir2 = testdir()?.with_config(&mut config)?;
check_config_conflict(dir1, regex1.as_str(), dir2, PORT_IN_USE_ERROR.as_str())?;
/// Start 2 zebrad nodes using the same tracing listener port, but different
/// state directories and Zcash listener ports. The first node should get
/// exclusive use of the port. The second node will panic with the Zcash tracing
/// conflict hint added in #1535.
fn zebra_tracing_conflict() -> Result<()> {
// [Note on port conflict](#Note on port conflict)
let port = random_known_port();
let listen_addr = format!("{}", port);
// Write a configuration that has our created tracing endpoint_addr
let mut config = default_test_config()?;
config.tracing.endpoint_addr = Some(listen_addr.parse().unwrap());
let dir1 = testdir()?.with_config(&mut config)?;
let regex1 = regex::escape(&format!(r"Opened tracing endpoint at {}", listen_addr));
// From another folder create a configuration with the same endpoint.
// `tracing.endpoint_addr` will be the same in the 2 nodes.
// But they will have different Zcash listeners (auto port) and states (ephemeral)
let dir2 = testdir()?.with_config(&mut config)?;
check_config_conflict(dir1, regex1.as_str(), dir2, PORT_IN_USE_ERROR.as_str())?;
/// Start 2 zebrad nodes using the same RPC listener port, but different
/// state directories and Zcash listener ports. The first node should get
/// exclusive use of the port. The second node will panic.
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
fn zebra_rpc_conflict() -> Result<()> {
if zebra_test::net::zebra_skip_network_tests() {
return Ok(());
// Write a configuration that has RPC listen_addr set
// [Note on port conflict](#Note on port conflict)
let mut config = random_known_rpc_port_config()?;
let dir1 = testdir()?.with_config(&mut config)?;
let regex1 = regex::escape(&format!(
r"Opened RPC endpoint at {}",
// From another folder create a configuration with the same endpoint.
// `rpc.listen_addr` will be the same in the 2 nodes.
// But they will have different Zcash listeners (auto port) and states (ephemeral)
let dir2 = testdir()?.with_config(&mut config)?;
check_config_conflict(dir1, regex1.as_str(), dir2, "Unable to start RPC server")?;
/// Start 2 zebrad nodes using the same state directory, but different Zcash
/// listener ports. The first node should get exclusive access to the database.
/// The second node will panic with the Zcash state conflict hint added in #1535.
fn zebra_state_conflict() -> Result<()> {
// A persistent config has a fixed temp state directory, but asks the OS to
// automatically choose an unused port
let mut config = persistent_test_config()?;
let dir_conflict = testdir()?.with_config(&mut config)?;
// Windows problems with this match will be worked on at #1654
// We are matching the whole opened path only for unix by now.
let contains = if cfg!(unix) {
let mut dir_conflict_full = PathBuf::new();
"Opened Zebra state cache at {}",
} else {
String::from("Opened Zebra state cache at ")
/// Launch a node in `first_dir`, wait a few seconds, then launch a node in
/// `second_dir`. Check that the first node's stdout contains
/// `first_stdout_regex`, and the second node's stderr contains
/// `second_stderr_regex`.
fn check_config_conflict<T, U>(
first_dir: T,
first_stdout_regex: &str,
second_dir: U,
second_stderr_regex: &str,
) -> Result<()>
T: ZebradTestDirExt,
U: ZebradTestDirExt,
// Start the first node
let mut node1 = first_dir.spawn_child(&["start"])?;
// Wait until node1 has used the conflicting resource.
// Wait a bit before launching the second node.
// Spawn the second node
let node2 = second_dir.spawn_child(&["start"]);
let (node2, mut node1) = node1.kill_on_error(node2)?;
// Wait a few seconds and kill first node.
// Second node is terminated by panic, no need to kill.
let node1_kill_res = node1.kill();
let (_, mut node2) = node2.kill_on_error(node1_kill_res)?;
// node2 should have panicked due to a conflict. Kill it here anyway, so it
// doesn't outlive the test on error.
// This code doesn't work on Windows or macOS. It's cleanup code that only
// runs when node2 doesn't panic as expected. So it's ok to skip it.
// See #1781.
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
if node2.is_running() {
use color_eyre::eyre::eyre;
return node2
.kill_on_error::<(), _>(Err(eyre!(
"conflicted node2 was still running, but the test expected a panic"
.context_from(&mut node1)
.map(|_| ());
// Now we're sure both nodes are dead, and we have both their outputs
let output1 = node1.wait_with_output().context_from(&mut node2)?;
let output2 = node2.wait_with_output().context_from(&output1)?;
// Make sure the first node was killed, rather than exiting with an error.
.warning("Possible port conflict. Are there other acceptance tests running?")
// Make sure node2 has the expected resource conflict.
.warning("Possible port conflict. Are there other acceptance tests running?")