# Cargo files /coverage-target/ # Legacy Zebra state (alpha versions only) .zebra-state/ # Nix configs shell.nix # Docker compose env files *.env # ---- Below here this is an autogenerated .gitignore using Toptal ---- # Created by https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore/api/firebase,emacs,visualstudiocode,rust,windows,macos # Edit at https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore?templates=firebase,emacs,visualstudiocode,rust,windows,macos ### Emacs ### # -*- mode: gitignore; -*- *~ \#*\# /.emacs.desktop /.emacs.desktop.lock *.elc auto-save-list tramp .\#* # Org-mode .org-id-locations *_archive # flymake-mode *_flymake.* # eshell files /eshell/history /eshell/lastdir # elpa packages /elpa/ # reftex files *.rel # AUCTeX auto folder /auto/ # cask packages .cask/ dist/ # Flycheck flycheck_*.el # server auth directory /server/ # projectiles files .projectile # directory configuration .dir-locals.el # network security /network-security.data ### Firebase ### .idea **/node_modules/* # We need to check in the .firebaserc file because it contains the target names # **/.firebaserc ### Firebase Patch ### .runtimeconfig.json .firebase/ ### macOS ### # General .DS_Store .AppleDouble .LSOverride # Icon must end with two \r Icon # Thumbnails ._* # Files that might appear in the root of a volume .DocumentRevisions-V100 .fseventsd .Spotlight-V100 .TemporaryItems .Trashes .VolumeIcon.icns .com.apple.timemachine.donotpresent # Directories potentially created on remote AFP share .AppleDB .AppleDesktop Network Trash Folder Temporary Items .apdisk ### Rust ### # Generated by Cargo # will have compiled files and executables debug/ target/ # Remove Cargo.lock from gitignore if creating an executable, leave it for libraries # More information here https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/guide/cargo-toml-vs-cargo-lock.html # Cargo.lock # These are backup files generated by rustfmt **/*.rs.bk # MSVC Windows builds of rustc generate these, which store debugging information *.pdb ### VisualStudioCode ### .vscode/* !.vscode/settings.json !.vscode/tasks.json !.vscode/launch.json !.vscode/extensions.json *.code-workspace # Local History for Visual Studio Code .history/ ### VisualStudioCode Patch ### # Ignore all local history of files .history .ionide ### Windows ### # Windows thumbnail cache files Thumbs.db Thumbs.db:encryptable ehthumbs.db ehthumbs_vista.db # Dump file *.stackdump # Folder config file [Dd]esktop.ini # Recycle Bin used on file shares $RECYCLE.BIN/ # Windows Installer files *.cab *.msi *.msix *.msm *.msp # Windows shortcuts *.lnk # Python pycache __pycache__/ # RPC tests cache zebra-rpc/qa/cache/