# How to mine with Zebra on testnet ## Important `s-nomp` has not been updated for NU5, so you'll need the fixes in the branches below. These fixes disable mining pool operator payments and miner payments: they just pay to the address configured for the node. ## Install, run, and sync Zebra 1. Configure `zebrad.toml`: - change the `network.network` config to `Testnet` - add your testnet transparent address in `mining.miner_address`, or you can use the ZF testnet address `t27eWDgjFYJGVXmzrXeVjnb5J3uXDM9xH9v` - ensure that there is an `rpc.listen_addr` in the config to enable the RPC server Example config:
```console [consensus] checkpoint_sync = true debug_skip_parameter_preload = false [mempool] eviction_memory_time = '1h' tx_cost_limit = 80000000 [metrics] [network] crawl_new_peer_interval = '1m 1s' initial_mainnet_peers = [ 'dnsseed.z.cash:8233', 'dnsseed.str4d.xyz:8233', 'mainnet.seeder.zfnd.org:8233', 'mainnet.is.yolo.money:8233', ] initial_testnet_peers = [ 'dnsseed.testnet.z.cash:18233', 'testnet.seeder.zfnd.org:18233', 'testnet.is.yolo.money:18233', ] listen_addr = '' network = 'Testnet' peerset_initial_target_size = 25 [rpc] debug_force_finished_sync = false parallel_cpu_threads = 1 listen_addr = '' [state] cache_dir = '/home/ar/.cache/zebra' delete_old_database = true ephemeral = false [sync] checkpoint_verify_concurrency_limit = 1000 download_concurrency_limit = 50 full_verify_concurrency_limit = 20 parallel_cpu_threads = 0 [tracing] buffer_limit = 128000 force_use_color = false use_color = true use_journald = false [mining] miner_address = 't27eWDgjFYJGVXmzrXeVjnb5J3uXDM9xH9v' ```
2. [Build](https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/zebra#build-instructions) and [Run Zebra](https://zebra.zfnd.org/user/run.html) with the `getblocktemplate-rpcs` feature: ```sh cargo run --release --features "getblocktemplate-rpcs" --bin zebrad -- -c zebrad.toml ``` 3. Wait a few hours for Zebra to sync to the testnet tip (on mainnet this takes 2-3 days) ## Install `s-nomp`
General instructions with Debian/Ubuntu examples #### Install dependencies 1. Install `redis` and run it on the default port: ```sh sudo apt install lsb-release curl -fsSL https://packages.redis.io/gpg | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/redis-archive-keyring.gpg echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/redis-archive-keyring.gpg] https://packages.redis.io/deb $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/redis.list sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install redis redis-server ``` 2. Install and activate a node version manager (e.g. [`nodenv`](https://github.com/nodenv/nodenv#installation) or [`nvm`](https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm#installing-and-updating)) 3. Install `boost` and `libsodium` development libraries ```sh sudo apt install libboost-all-dev sudo apt install libsodium-dev ``` #### Install `s-nomp` 1. `git clone https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/s-nomp` 2. `cd s-nomp` 3. Use the Zebra fixes: `git checkout zebra-mining` 4. Use node 8.11.0: ```sh nodenv install 8.11.0 nodenv local 8.11.0 ``` or ```sh nvm install 8.11.0 nvm use 8.11.0 ``` 5. Update dependencies and install: ```sh export CXXFLAGS="-std=gnu++17" npm update npm install ```
Arch-specific instructions #### Install dependencies 1. Install [`redis`](https://redis.io/docs/getting-started/) and run it on the default port: ```sh sudo pacman -S redis sudo systemctl start redis ``` 2. Install and activate [`nvm`](https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm#installing-and-updating): ```sh sudo pacman -S nvm unset npm_config_prefix source /usr/share/nvm/init-nvm.sh ``` 3. Install `boost` and `libsodium` development libraries: ```sh sudo pacman -S boost libsodium ``` #### Install `s-nomp` 1. `git clone https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/s-nomp && cd s-nomp` 2. Use the Zebra configs: `git checkout zebra-mining` 3. Use node 8.11.0: ```sh nvm install 8.11.0 nvm use 8.11.0 ``` 4. Update dependencies and install: ```sh npm update npm install ```
## Run `s-nomp` 1. Edit `pool_configs/zcash.json` so `daemons[0].port` is your Zebra port 2. Run `s-nomp` using `npm start` Note: the website will log an RPC error even when it is disabled in the config. This seems like a `s-nomp` bug. ## Install a CPU or GPU miner #### Install dependencies
General instructions 1. Install a statically compiled `boost` and `icu`. 2. Install `cmake`.
Arch-specific instructions ```sh sudo pacman -S cmake boost icu ```
#### Install `nheqminer` We're going to install `nheqminer`, which supports multiple CPU and GPU Equihash solvers, namely `djezo`, `xenoncat`, and `tromp`. We're using `tromp` on a CPU in the following instructions since it is the easiest to install and use. 1. `git clone https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/nheqminer` 2. `cd nheqminer` 3. Use the Zebra fixes: `git checkout zebra-mining` 4. Follow the build instructions at , or run: ```sh mkdir build cd build # Turn off `djezo` and `xenoncat`, which are enabled by default, and turn on `tromp` instead. cmake -DUSE_CUDA_DJEZO=OFF -DUSE_CPU_XENONCAT=OFF -DUSE_CPU_TROMP=ON .. make -j $(nproc) ``` ## Run miner 1. Follow the run instructions at: ```sh # you can use your own testnet address here # miner and pool payments are disabled, configure your address on your node to get paid ./nheqminer -l -u tmRGc4CD1UyUdbSJmTUzcB6oDqk4qUaHnnh.worker1 -t 1 ``` Notes: - A typical solution rate is 2-4 Sols/s per core - `nheqminer` sometimes ignores Control-C, if that happens, you can quit it using: - `killall nheqminer`, or - Control-Z then `kill %1` - Running `nheqminer` with a single thread (`-t 1`) can help avoid this issue