### # Configuration Variables # These variables are used to configure the zebra node # Check the entrypoint.sh script for more details ### # Set this to change the default log level (must be set at build time) RUST_LOG=info # This variable forces the use of color in the logs ZEBRA_FORCE_USE_COLOR=1 LOG_COLOR=true # Path to the config file. This variable has a default set in entrypoint.sh # ZEBRA_CONF_PATH=/etc/zebrad/zebrad.toml # [network] NETWORK=Mainnet # [state] # Set this to change the default cached state directory ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR=/var/cache/zebrad-cache LIGHTWALLETD_DATA_DIR=/var/cache/lwd-cache # [tracing] LOG_COLOR=false TRACING_ENDPOINT_ADDR= TRACING_ENDPOINT_PORT=3000 #### # Test Variables # These variables are used to run tests in the Dockerfile # Check the entrypoint.sh script for more details #### # Unit tests # TODO: These variables are evaluated to any value, even setting a NULL value will evaluate to true # TEST_FAKE_ACTIVATION_HEIGHTS= # ZEBRA_SKIP_NETWORK_TESTS # ZEBRA_SKIP_IPV6_TESTS RUN_ALL_TESTS= RUN_ALL_EXPERIMENTAL_TESTS= TEST_ZEBRA_EMPTY_SYNC= ZEBRA_TEST_LIGHTWALLETD= # Integration Tests # Most of these tests require a cached state directory to save the network state TEST_DISK_REBUILD= # These tests needs a Zebra cached state TEST_CHECKPOINT_SYNC= GENERATE_CHECKPOINTS_MAINNET= GENERATE_CHECKPOINTS_TESTNET= TEST_UPDATE_SYNC= # These tests need a Lightwalletd binary + a Zebra cached state TEST_LWD_RPC_CALL= TEST_GET_BLOCK_TEMPLATE= TEST_SUBMIT_BLOCK= # These tests need a Lightwalletd binary + Lightwalletd cached state + a Zebra cached state TEST_LWD_UPDATE_SYNC= TEST_LWD_GRPC= TEST_LWD_TRANSACTIONS= # Full sync tests # These tests could take a long time to run, depending on the network FULL_SYNC_MAINNET_TIMEOUT_MINUTES= FULL_SYNC_TESTNET_TIMEOUT_MINUTES= TEST_LWD_FULL_SYNC=