use std::{ collections::HashSet, future::Future, net::SocketAddr, pin::Pin, sync::{Arc, Mutex}, task::{Context, Poll}, }; use chrono::Utc; use futures::{channel::mpsc, prelude::*}; use tokio::net::TcpStream; use tokio_util::codec::Framed; use tower::Service; use tracing::{span, Level}; use tracing_futures::Instrument; use zebra_chain::types::BlockHeight; use crate::{ constants, protocol::{ external::{types::*, Codec, Message}, internal::{Request, Response}, }, types::MetaAddr, BoxedStdError, Config, }; use super::{Client, Connection, ErrorSlot, HandshakeError}; /// A [`Service`] that handshakes with a remote peer and constructs a /// client/server pair. pub struct Handshake { config: Config, internal_service: S, timestamp_collector: mpsc::Sender, nonces: Arc>>, } impl Clone for Handshake { fn clone(&self) -> Self { Handshake { config: self.config.clone(), internal_service: self.internal_service.clone(), timestamp_collector: self.timestamp_collector.clone(), nonces: self.nonces.clone(), } } } impl Handshake where S: Service + Clone + Send + 'static, S::Future: Send, { /// Construct a new `PeerConnector`. pub fn new( config: Config, internal_service: S, timestamp_collector: mpsc::Sender, ) -> Self { // XXX this function has too many parameters, but it's not clear how to // do a nice builder as all fields are mandatory. Could have Builder1, // Builder2, ..., with Builder1::with_config() -> Builder2; // Builder2::with_internal_service() -> ... or use Options in a single // Builder type or use the derive_builder crate. Handshake { config, internal_service, timestamp_collector, nonces: Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashSet::new())), } } } impl Service<(TcpStream, SocketAddr)> for Handshake where S: Service + Clone + Send + 'static, S::Future: Send, { type Response = Client; type Error = HandshakeError; type Future = Pin> + Send + 'static>>; fn poll_ready(&mut self, _cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll> { Poll::Ready(Ok(())) } fn call(&mut self, req: (TcpStream, SocketAddr)) -> Self::Future { let (tcp_stream, addr) = req; let connector_span = span!(Level::INFO, "connector", addr = ?addr); // set parent: None for the peer connection span, as it should exist // independently of its creation source (inbound connection, crawler, // initial peer, ...) let connection_span = span!(parent: None, Level::INFO, "peer", addr = ?addr); // Clone these upfront, so they can be moved into the future. let nonces = self.nonces.clone(); let internal_service = self.internal_service.clone(); let timestamp_collector = self.timestamp_collector.clone(); let user_agent = self.config.user_agent.clone(); let network =; let fut = async move { info!("connecting to remote peer"); let mut stream = Framed::new(tcp_stream, Codec::builder().for_network(network).finish()); let local_nonce = Nonce::default(); nonces .lock() .expect("mutex should be unpoisoned") .insert(local_nonce); let version = Message::Version { version: constants::CURRENT_VERSION, services: PeerServices::NODE_NETWORK, timestamp: Utc::now(), address_recv: (PeerServices::NODE_NETWORK, addr), address_from: ( PeerServices::NODE_NETWORK, "".parse().unwrap(), ), nonce: local_nonce, user_agent, // XXX eventually the `PeerConnector` will need to have a handle // for a service that gets the current block height. start_height: BlockHeight(0), relay: false, }; debug!(?version, "sending initial version message"); stream.send(version).await?; let remote_msg = stream .next() .await .ok_or_else(|| HandshakeError::ConnectionClosed)??; // Check that we got a Version and destructure its fields into the local scope. debug!(?remote_msg, "got message from remote peer"); let (remote_nonce, remote_services) = if let Message::Version { nonce, services, .. } = remote_msg { (nonce, services) } else { return Err(HandshakeError::UnexpectedMessage(Box::new(remote_msg))); }; // Check for nonce reuse, indicating self-connection. let nonce_reuse = { let mut locked_nonces = nonces.lock().expect("mutex should be unpoisoned"); let nonce_reuse = locked_nonces.contains(&remote_nonce); // Regardless of whether we observed nonce reuse, clean up the nonce set. locked_nonces.remove(&local_nonce); nonce_reuse }; if nonce_reuse { return Err(HandshakeError::NonceReuse); } stream.send(Message::Verack).await?; let remote_msg = stream .next() .await .ok_or_else(|| HandshakeError::ConnectionClosed)??; if let Message::Verack = remote_msg { debug!("got verack from remote peer"); } else { return Err(HandshakeError::UnexpectedMessage(Box::new(remote_msg))); } // XXX here is where we would set the version to the minimum of the // two versions, etc. -- actually is it possible to edit the `Codec` // after using it to make a framed adapter? debug!("constructing client, spawning server"); // These channels should not be cloned more than they are // in this block, see for more. let (server_tx, server_rx) = mpsc::channel(0); let slot = ErrorSlot::default(); let client = Client { span: connection_span.clone(), server_tx: server_tx.clone(), error_slot: slot.clone(), }; let (peer_tx, peer_rx) = stream.split(); use super::connection; let server = Connection { state: connection::State::AwaitingRequest, svc: internal_service, client_rx: server_rx, error_slot: slot, peer_tx, request_timer: None, }; let hooked_peer_rx = peer_rx .then(move |msg| { let mut timestamp_collector = timestamp_collector.clone(); async move { if msg.is_ok() { use futures::sink::SinkExt; let _ = timestamp_collector .send(MetaAddr { addr, services: remote_services, last_seen: Utc::now(), }) .await; } msg } }) .boxed(); tokio::spawn( server .run(hooked_peer_rx) .instrument(connection_span) .boxed(), ); tokio::spawn(async move { use futures::channel::oneshot; use super::client::ClientRequest; let mut server_tx = server_tx; let mut interval_stream = tokio::time::interval(constants::HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL); loop { interval_stream.tick().await; // We discard the server handle because our // heartbeat `Ping`s are a special case, and we // don't actually care about the response here. let (request_tx, _) = oneshot::channel(); let msg = ClientRequest(Request::Ping(Nonce::default()), request_tx); if server_tx.send(msg).await.is_err() { return; } } }); Ok(client) }; fut.instrument(connector_span).boxed() } }