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Arya d84d7356dd
add(consensus): Adds `disable_pow` and `genesis_hash` fields, converts `equihash::Solution` to an enum (#8421)
* minor cleanup and rename

* Adds an empty NetworkParameters struct to Network::Testnet variant, updates production code.

* Updates tests

* Adds `NetworkKind` and uses it instead of `Network` in `HistoryTreeParts` and `transparent::Address`

* Adds a [network.testnet_parameters] section to the config, uses `NetworkKind` as zebra_network::Config::network field type, and converts 'Network' to `NetworkKind` before serializing

* Applies some suggestions from code review

* Applies suggestions from code review

* returns b58 prefix constants directly to remove From<NetworkKind> impl for zcash_primitives::consensus::Network

* Applies more suggestions from code review.

* moves conversions to zcash_primitives::consensus::Network to where they're used.

* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-authored-by: Marek <mail@marek.onl>

* rename `network` variables and method names typed as NetworkKind to `network_kind`

* use only test block heights for the network associated with them

* Applies more suggestions from code review.

* Rename `NetworkParameters` to `Parameters` and move it a new `testnet` module

* adds activation heights field

* updates stored test config, adds a quicker test for checking that stored configs can be parsed, adds an intermediate representation of activation heights

* implement Parameters for Network

* Passes &Network directly instead of converting to zp_consensus::Network where there were conversions

* fixes a bad merge (removes a network conversion in zcash_note_encryption)

* Adds a test for the Parameters impl for zebra_chain::Network

* fixes doc links

* - Makes the `activation_heights` config field optional by adding a #[serde(default)]
- Panics if a non-zero activation height is provided for the `Genesis` network upgrade
- Always sets the `Genesis` and `BeforeOverwinter` network upgrade activation heights to 0 and 1, `BeforeOverwinter` could be overwritten by a later network upgrade
- Makes the `activation_heights` field on `Parameters` private, adds/uses an accessor method instead, and adds a builder struct and `build()` method

* small refactor of activation_heights() method

* check that activation heights are in the right order

* Updates `NetworkUpgrade::activation_height()` to return the height of the next NetworkUpgrade if it doesn't find the activation height of `&self`

* checks that the miner address is of TestnetKind on Regtest and update assertion message

* Adds a DNetworkUpgradeActivationHeights struct for better control over how activation heights can be configured

* moves all ordered network upgrades to a constant, adds a no_duplicates test, moves struct with activation heights outside deserialization impl and accepts it in `ParametersBuilder::activation_heights()` instead of a Vec

* panics if any network upgrades are configured to activate at Height(0) because it's reserved for Genesis

* Simplifies the `ParametersBuilder::activation_heights()` method and removes an unnecessary test.

* Adds Sapling HRPs as fields on testnet params. (#8398)

* Applies suggestions from code review.

* Update zebra-chain/src/parameters/network_upgrade.rs

Co-authored-by: Marek <mail@marek.onl>

* Adds `network_name` field and accessor method on `Parameters`, uses it in the `Display` impl for `Network`

* Removes unnecessary `.filter()`

* adds constraints on valid network names and a test

* adds config field for setting network name, adds "with_" prefix to ParameterBuilder setter methods

* Adds `MainnetKind`, `TestnetKind`, and `RegtestKind` to reserved network names

* updates stored test configs and fixes `network_name()` docs

* Adds a `new_regtest()` method on `Network` and `testnet::Parameters`, updates config deserialization to return an error if the initial_testnet_peers include any default initial peers AND contain configured activation heights

* Updates `activates_network_upgrades_correctly` test to check Regtest activation heights (and default Mainnet/Testnet)

* Refactors if-let & match statement into general match statement, removes constraint against including `testnet_parameters` field/section in the config when using `Mainnet` or `Regtest`

* Removes outdated TODO

* Restores `testnet_parameters` section of the latest stored config.

* Adds `with_sapling_hrps()` method and uses it to set the Regtest HRPs in `new_regtest()`.

Adds a test for Sapling HRP validation

* Checks that default Mainnet/Testnet/Regtest Sapling HRPs pass validation in `with_sapling_hrps()`

* Uses the correct constant in test

* Adds `is_regtest()` methods

* Adds genesis hash methods and fields to `testnet::Parameters` and its builder

* Copies Regtest genesis block from zcashd

* moves genesis hash check to Network.checkpoint_list()

* Checks the first line in the checkpoint list instead of the first item in the BTreeMap

* Checks that there is _some_ genesis block in the checkpoints list in `from_list()`, adds Regtest checkpoints (which only includes the genesis block)

* Adds a doc comment to `ParametersBuilder::default()`

* Adds a `disable_pow` field and skips checking proof of work if it's true

* Makes `equihash::Solution` an enum to support Regtest solutions, adds a test for validating and committing the Regtest genesis block

* use genesis_hash as first checkpoint when checkpoints are missing for configured testnets too

* Applies suggestions from code review.

* Reverts changes to `activation_height()` method

* Avoids panic in test

* Updates test docs

* drop custom panic hooks after expected panics


Co-authored-by: Marek <mail@marek.onl>
2024-04-26 05:30:36 +00:00
.cargo rename worflows to fix readme badges (#8116) 2023-12-18 21:07:40 +00:00
.github bump(zcash_script): Bump zcash script v0.1.15 and restore Windows support (#8393) 2024-04-22 22:07:04 +00:00
book change(release): Adjust estimated release interval and end of support (#8429) 2024-04-24 19:22:07 +00:00
docker add(test): Check that scan task removes keys, unify scan task acceptance tests, and add test to CI (#8308) 2024-03-04 21:25:50 +00:00
grafana change(state): Add block channel metrics, in preparation for block fork metrics (#5327) 2022-10-20 20:02:58 +00:00
tower-batch-control build(deps): bump the prod group with 21 updates (#8402) 2024-04-17 02:20:28 +00:00
tower-fallback build(deps): bump the prod group with 21 updates (#8402) 2024-04-17 02:20:28 +00:00
zebra-chain add(consensus): Adds `disable_pow` and `genesis_hash` fields, converts `equihash::Solution` to an enum (#8421) 2024-04-26 05:30:36 +00:00
zebra-consensus add(consensus): Adds `disable_pow` and `genesis_hash` fields, converts `equihash::Solution` to an enum (#8421) 2024-04-26 05:30:36 +00:00
zebra-grpc bump(deps): Update what we can from the prod group of deps (#8423) 2024-04-24 13:54:00 +00:00
zebra-network add(consensus/network): Adds `new_regtest()` constructors to `testnet::Parameters` and `Network` (#8413) 2024-04-25 04:04:05 +00:00
zebra-node-services bump(deps): Update what we can from the prod group of deps (#8423) 2024-04-24 13:54:00 +00:00
zebra-rpc fixes concurrency bug in z_get_treestate RPC method (#8460) 2024-04-24 20:27:56 +00:00
zebra-scan bump(deps): Update what we can from the prod group of deps (#8423) 2024-04-24 13:54:00 +00:00
zebra-script bump(deps): Update what we can from the prod group of deps (#8423) 2024-04-24 13:54:00 +00:00
zebra-state disables `rejection_restores_internal_state_genesis` test on Windows (#8468) 2024-04-26 05:30:31 +00:00
zebra-test bump(deps): Update what we can from the prod group of deps (#8423) 2024-04-24 13:54:00 +00:00
zebra-utils bump(deps): Update what we can from the prod group of deps (#8423) 2024-04-24 13:54:00 +00:00
zebrad add(consensus): Adds `disable_pow` and `genesis_hash` fields, converts `equihash::Solution` to an enum (#8421) 2024-04-26 05:30:36 +00:00
.codespellrc imp(ci): fix `codespell` words and ignore others (#8089) 2023-12-11 22:33:03 +00:00
.dockerignore ref(docker): combine test and prod entrypoints into one (#7660) 2023-10-11 19:04:45 +00:00
.firebaserc fix(doc): consolidate firebase hosting in prod project (#7313) 2023-08-15 14:13:00 +00:00
.gitattributes Show `Cargo.lock` files in the github diff view (#6249) 2023-02-28 20:06:32 +00:00
.gitignore feat(docker): allow users to use Zebra + LWD with persistent states (#8215) 2024-02-01 21:54:17 +00:00
CHANGELOG.md Release v1.6.1 (#8396) 2024-04-15 23:24:40 +00:00
CONTRIBUTING.md Update CONTRIBUTING.md (#8304) 2024-02-22 10:52:35 +00:00
Cargo.lock bump(deps): Update what we can from the prod group of deps (#8423) 2024-04-24 13:54:00 +00:00
Cargo.toml build(crate): Add a new `zebra-grpc` crate (#8167) 2024-01-23 23:07:32 +00:00
LICENSE-APACHE Update copyright year to 2024 (#8134) 2024-01-05 07:59:14 +00:00
LICENSE-MIT Update copyright year to 2024 (#8134) 2024-01-05 07:59:14 +00:00
README.md change(release): Adjust estimated release interval and end of support (#8429) 2024-04-24 19:22:07 +00:00
SECURITY.md Explicitly allow unencrypted disclosures for alpha releases (#2127) 2021-05-11 14:41:33 +02:00
codecov.yml Re-enable code coverage comments on PRs (#3246) 2021-12-22 00:52:08 +00:00
deny.toml build(deps): bump the prod group with 14 updates (#8264) 2024-02-14 12:24:33 +00:00
firebase.json fix(docs): deploy external and internal docs with the correct path (#7338) 2023-08-16 22:16:55 +00:00
openapi.yaml feat(rpc): OpenAPI spec (#8342) 2024-03-14 15:04:19 +00:00
release.toml change(release.toml): new crates owners list (#8247) 2024-02-07 23:17:43 +00:00


Zebra logotype

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Zebra is the Zcash Foundation's independent, consensus-compatible implementation of a Zcash node.

Zebra's network stack is interoperable with zcashd, and Zebra implements all the features required to reach Zcash network consensus, including the validation of all the consensus rules for the NU5 network upgrade. Here are some benefits of Zebra.

Zebra validates blocks and transactions, but needs extra software to generate them:

  • To generate transactions, run Zebra with lightwalletd.
  • To generate blocks, use a mining pool or miner with Zebra's mining JSON-RPCs. Currently Zebra can only send mining rewards to a single fixed address. To distribute rewards, use mining software that creates its own distribution transactions, a light wallet or the zcashd wallet.

Please join us on Discord if you'd like to find out more or get involved!

Getting Started

You can run Zebra using our Docker image or you can build it manually. Please see the System Requirements section in the Zebra book for system requirements.


This command will run our latest release, and sync it to the tip:

docker run zfnd/zebra:latest

For more information, read our Docker documentation.

Building Zebra

Building Zebra requires Rust, libclang, and a C++ compiler.

Zebra is tested with the latest stable Rust version. Earlier versions are not supported or tested. Any Zebra release can start depending on new features in the latest stable Rust.

Around every 4 weeks, we release a new Zebra version.

Below are quick summaries for installing the dependencies on your machine.

General instructions for installing dependencies

  1. Install cargo and rustc.

  2. Install Zebra's build dependencies:

    • libclang is a library that might have different names depending on your package manager. Typical names are libclang, libclang-dev, llvm, or llvm-dev.
    • clang or another C++ compiler: g++ (all platforms) or Xcode (macOS).
    • protoc

[!NOTE] Zebra uses the --experimental_allow_proto3_optional flag with protoc during compilation. This flag was introduced in Protocol Buffers v3.12.0 released in May 16, 2020, so make sure you're not using a version of protoc older than 3.12.

Dependencies on Arch

sudo pacman -S rust clang protobuf

Note that the package clang includes libclang as well as the C++ compiler.

Once the dependencies are in place, you can build and install Zebra:

cargo install --locked zebrad

You can start Zebra by

zebrad start

See the Installing Zebra and Running Zebra sections in the book for more details.

Optional Configs & Features

Initializing Configuration File
zebrad generate -o ~/.config/zebrad.toml

The above command places the generated zebrad.toml config file in the default preferences directory of Linux. For other OSes default locations see here.

Configuring Progress Bars

Configure tracing.progress_bar in your zebrad.toml to show key metrics in the terminal using progress bars. When progress bars are active, Zebra automatically sends logs to a file.

There is a known issue where progress bar estimates become extremely large.

In future releases, the progress_bar = "summary" config will show a few key metrics, and the "detailed" config will show all available metrics. Please let us know which metrics are important to you!

Configuring Mining

Zebra can be configured for mining by passing a MINER_ADDRESS and port mapping to Docker. See the mining support docs for more details.

Custom Build Features

You can also build Zebra with additional Cargo features:

You can combine multiple features by listing them as parameters of the --features flag:

cargo install --features="<feature1> <feature2> ..." ...

Our full list of experimental and developer features is in the API documentation.

Some debugging and monitoring features are disabled in release builds to increase performance.

Known Issues

There are a few bugs in Zebra that we're still working on fixing:


The Zcash Foundation maintains the following resources documenting Zebra:

User support

For bug reports please open a bug report ticket in the Zebra repository.

Alternatively by chat, Join the Zcash Foundation Discord Server and find the #zebra-support channel.


Zebra has a responsible disclosure policy, which we encourage security researchers to follow.


Zebra is distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0).


Some Zebra crates are distributed under the MIT license only, because some of their code was originally from MIT-licensed projects. See each crate's directory for details.