
369 lines
15 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This script serves as the entrypoint for the Zebra Docker container.
# Description:
# This script serves as the primary entrypoint for the Docker container. Its main responsibilities include:
# 1. Environment Setup: Prepares the environment by setting various flags and parameters.
# 2. Configuration Management: Dynamically generates the `zebrad.toml` configuration file based on environment variables, ensuring the node starts with the desired settings.
# 3. Test Execution: Can run a series of tests to validate functionality based on specified environment variables.
# 4. Node Startup: Starts the node, allowing it to begin its operations.
# Exit if a command fails
set -xe
# Exit if any command in a pipeline fails
set -o pipefail
# General Variables
# These variables are used to run the Zebra node.
# Path and name of the config file. These two have defaults set in the Dockerfile.
# [network]
: "${NETWORK:=Mainnet}"
# [consensus]
# [state]
# Set this to change the default cached state directory
: "${ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR:=/var/cache/zebrad-cache}"
: "${LIGHTWALLETD_DATA_DIR:=/var/cache/lwd-cache}"
# [metrics]
# [tracing]
: "${LOG_COLOR:=false}"
# [rpc]
# if ${RPC_PORT} is not set, use the default value for the current network
if [[ -z "${RPC_PORT}" ]]; then
if [[ "${NETWORK}" = "Mainnet" ]]; then
: "${RPC_PORT:=8232}"
elif [[ "${NETWORK}" = "Testnet" ]]; then
: "${RPC_PORT:=18232}"
# Test Variables
# These variables are used to run tests in the Dockerfile.
: "${RUN_ALL_TESTS:=}"
: "${TEST_LWD_GRPC:=}"
# Configuration file path
if [[ -n "${ZEBRA_CONF_DIR}" ]] && [[ -n "${ZEBRA_CONF_FILE}" ]] && [[ -z "${ZEBRA_CONF_PATH}" ]]; then
# Populate `zebrad.toml` before starting zebrad, using the environmental
# variables set by the Dockerfile or the user. If the user has already created a config, don't replace it.
# We disable most ports by default, so the default config is secure.
# Users have to opt-in to additional functionality by setting environmental variables.
if [[ -n "${ZEBRA_CONF_PATH}" ]] && [[ ! -f "${ZEBRA_CONF_PATH}" ]] && [[ -z "${ENTRYPOINT_FEATURES}" ]]; then
# Create the conf path and file
(mkdir -p "$(dirname "${ZEBRA_CONF_PATH}")" && touch "${ZEBRA_CONF_PATH}") || { echo "Error creating file ${ZEBRA_CONF_PATH}"; exit 1; }
# Populate the conf file
cat <<EOF > "${ZEBRA_CONF_PATH}"
network = "${NETWORK}"
listen_addr = "${ZEBRA_LISTEN_ADDR}"
cache_dir = "${ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR}"
if [[ " ${FEATURES} " =~ " prometheus " ]]; then # spaces are important here to avoid partial matches
cat <<EOF >> "${ZEBRA_CONF_PATH}"
if [[ -n "${RPC_PORT}" ]]; then
cat <<EOF >> "${ZEBRA_CONF_PATH}"
listen_addr = "${RPC_LISTEN_ADDR}:${RPC_PORT}"
if [[ -n "${LOG_FILE}" ]] || [[ -n "${LOG_COLOR}" ]] || [[ -n "${TRACING_ENDPOINT_ADDR}" ]]; then
cat <<EOF >> "${ZEBRA_CONF_PATH}"
if [[ " ${FEATURES} " =~ " filter-reload " ]]; then # spaces are important here to avoid partial matches
cat <<EOF >> "${ZEBRA_CONF_PATH}"
# Set this to log to a file, if not set, logs to standard output
if [[ -n "${LOG_FILE}" ]]; then
mkdir -p "$(dirname "${LOG_FILE}")"
cat <<EOF >> "${ZEBRA_CONF_PATH}"
log_file = "${LOG_FILE}"
# Zebra automatically detects if it is attached to a terminal, and uses colored output.
# Set this to 'true' to force using color even if the output is not a terminal.
# Set this to 'false' to disable using color even if the output is a terminal.
if [[ "${LOG_COLOR}" = "true" ]]; then
cat <<EOF >> "${ZEBRA_CONF_PATH}"
force_use_color = true
elif [[ "${LOG_COLOR}" = "false" ]]; then
cat <<EOF >> "${ZEBRA_CONF_PATH}"
use_color = false
if [[ " ${FEATURES} " =~ " internal-miner " ]]; then
cat <<EOF >> "${ZEBRA_CONF_PATH}"
debug_enable_at_height = 0
miner_address = ${MINER_ADDRESS:=t27eWDgjFYJGVXmzrXeVjnb5J3uXDM9xH9v}
internal_miner = true
if [[ -n "${ZEBRA_CONF_PATH}" ]] && [[ -z "${ENTRYPOINT_FEATURES}" ]]; then
# Print the config file
echo "Using zebrad.toml:"
# Function to list directory
check_directory_files() {
local dir="$1"
# Check if the directory exists
if [[ -d "${dir}" ]]; then
# Check if there are any subdirectories
if find "${dir}" -mindepth 1 -type d | read -r; then
# Subdirectories exist, so we continue
# No subdirectories, print message and exit with status 1
echo "No subdirectories found in ${dir}."
exit 1
# Directory doesn't exist, print message and exit with status 1
echo "Directory ${dir} does not exist."
exit 1
# Function to run cargo test with an arbitrary number of arguments
run_cargo_test() {
# Start constructing the command, ensuring that $1 is enclosed in single quotes as it's a feature list
local cmd="exec cargo test --locked --release --features '$1' --package zebrad --test acceptance -- --nocapture --include-ignored"
# Shift the first argument, as it's already included in the cmd
# Loop through the remaining arguments
for arg in "$@"; do
if [[ -n ${arg} ]]; then
# If the argument is non-empty, add it to the command
cmd+=" ${arg}"
# Run the command using eval, this will replace the current process with the cargo command
eval "${cmd}" || { echo "Cargo test failed"; exit 1; }
# Main Execution Logic:
# This script orchestrates the execution flow based on the provided arguments and environment variables.
# - If "$1" is '--', '-', or 'zebrad', the script processes the subsequent arguments for the 'zebrad' command.
# - If ENTRYPOINT_FEATURES is unset, it checks for ZEBRA_CONF_PATH. If set, 'zebrad' runs with this custom configuration; otherwise, it runs with the provided arguments.
# - If "$1" is an empty string and ENTRYPOINT_FEATURES is set, the script enters the testing phase, checking various environment variables to determine the specific tests to run.
# - Different tests or operations are triggered based on the respective conditions being met.
# - If "$1" doesn't match any of the above, it's assumed to be a command, which is executed directly.
# This structure ensures a flexible execution strategy, accommodating various scenarios such as custom configurations, different testing phases, or direct command execution.
case "$1" in
--* | -* | zebrad)
if [[ -n "${ZEBRA_CONF_PATH}" ]]; then
exec zebrad -c "${ZEBRA_CONF_PATH}" "$@" || { echo "Execution with custom configuration failed"; exit 1; }
exec zebrad "$@" || { echo "Execution failed"; exit 1; }
if [[ -n "${ENTRYPOINT_FEATURES}" ]]; then
# Validate the test variables
# For these tests, we activate the test features to avoid recompiling `zebrad`,
# but we don't actually run any gRPC tests.
if [[ "${RUN_ALL_TESTS}" -eq "1" ]]; then
# Run unit, basic acceptance tests, and ignored tests, only showing command output if the test fails.
# If the lightwalletd environmental variables are set, we will also run those tests.
exec cargo test --locked --release --features "${ENTRYPOINT_FEATURES}" --workspace -- --nocapture --include-ignored
elif [[ "${RUN_ALL_EXPERIMENTAL_TESTS}" -eq "1" ]]; then
# Run unit, basic acceptance tests, and ignored tests with experimental features.
# If the lightwalletd environmental variables are set, we will also run those tests.
exec cargo test --locked --release --features "${ENTRYPOINT_FEATURES_EXPERIMENTAL}" --workspace -- --nocapture --include-ignored
elif [[ "${TEST_FAKE_ACTIVATION_HEIGHTS}" -eq "1" ]]; then
# Run state tests with fake activation heights.
exec cargo test --locked --release --features "zebra-test" --package zebra-state --lib -- --nocapture --include-ignored with_fake_activation_heights
elif [[ "${TEST_ZEBRA_EMPTY_SYNC}" -eq "1" ]]; then
# Test that Zebra syncs and checkpoints a few thousand blocks from an empty state.
run_cargo_test "${ENTRYPOINT_FEATURES}" "sync_large_checkpoints_"
elif [[ "${ZEBRA_TEST_LIGHTWALLETD}" -eq "1" ]]; then
# Test launching lightwalletd with an empty lightwalletd and Zebra state.
run_cargo_test "${ENTRYPOINT_FEATURES}" "lightwalletd_integration"
elif [[ -n "${FULL_SYNC_MAINNET_TIMEOUT_MINUTES}" ]]; then
# Run a Zebra full sync test on mainnet.
run_cargo_test "${ENTRYPOINT_FEATURES}" "full_sync_mainnet"
# List directory generated by test
check_directory_files "${ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR}"
elif [[ -n "${FULL_SYNC_TESTNET_TIMEOUT_MINUTES}" ]]; then
# Run a Zebra full sync test on testnet.
run_cargo_test "${ENTRYPOINT_FEATURES}" "full_sync_testnet"
# List directory generated by test
check_directory_files "${ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR}"
elif [[ "${TEST_DISK_REBUILD}" -eq "1" ]]; then
# Run a Zebra sync up to the mandatory checkpoint.
# TODO: use environmental variables instead of Rust features (part of #2995)
run_cargo_test "test_sync_to_mandatory_checkpoint_${NETWORK,,},${ENTRYPOINT_FEATURES}" "sync_to_mandatory_checkpoint_${NETWORK,,}"
check_directory_files "${ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR}"
elif [[ "${TEST_UPDATE_SYNC}" -eq "1" ]]; then
# Run a Zebra sync starting at the cached tip, and syncing to the latest tip.
# List directory used by test
check_directory_files "${ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR}"
run_cargo_test "${ENTRYPOINT_FEATURES}" "zebrad_update_sync"
elif [[ "${TEST_CHECKPOINT_SYNC}" -eq "1" ]]; then
# Run a Zebra sync starting at the cached mandatory checkpoint, and syncing past it.
# List directory used by test
check_directory_files "${ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR}"
# TODO: use environmental variables instead of Rust features (part of #2995)
run_cargo_test "test_sync_past_mandatory_checkpoint_${NETWORK,,},${ENTRYPOINT_FEATURES}" "sync_past_mandatory_checkpoint_${NETWORK,,}"
elif [[ "${GENERATE_CHECKPOINTS_MAINNET}" -eq "1" ]]; then
# Generate checkpoints after syncing Zebra from a cached state on mainnet.
# TODO: disable or filter out logs like:
# test generate_checkpoints_mainnet has been running for over 60 seconds
# List directory used by test
check_directory_files "${ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR}"
run_cargo_test "${ENTRYPOINT_FEATURES}" "generate_checkpoints_mainnet"
elif [[ "${GENERATE_CHECKPOINTS_TESTNET}" -eq "1" ]]; then
# Generate checkpoints after syncing Zebra on testnet.
# This test might fail if testnet is unstable.
# List directory used by test
check_directory_files "${ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR}"
run_cargo_test "${ENTRYPOINT_FEATURES}" "generate_checkpoints_testnet"
elif [[ "${TEST_LWD_RPC_CALL}" -eq "1" ]]; then
# Starting at a cached Zebra tip, test a JSON-RPC call to Zebra.
check_directory_files "${ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR}"
# Run both the fully synced RPC test and the subtree snapshot test, one test at a time.
# Since these tests use the same cached state, a state problem in the first test can fail the second test.
run_cargo_test "${ENTRYPOINT_FEATURES}" "--test-threads" "1" "fully_synced_rpc_"
elif [[ "${TEST_LWD_FULL_SYNC}" -eq "1" ]]; then
# Starting at a cached Zebra tip, run a lightwalletd sync to tip.
check_directory_files "${ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR}"
run_cargo_test "${ENTRYPOINT_FEATURES}" "lightwalletd_full_sync"
check_directory_files "${LIGHTWALLETD_DATA_DIR}/db"
elif [[ "${TEST_LWD_UPDATE_SYNC}" -eq "1" ]]; then
# Starting with a cached Zebra and lightwalletd tip, run a quick update sync.
check_directory_files "${ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR}"
check_directory_files "${LIGHTWALLETD_DATA_DIR}/db"
run_cargo_test "${ENTRYPOINT_FEATURES}" "lightwalletd_update_sync"
# These tests actually use gRPC.
elif [[ "${TEST_LWD_GRPC}" -eq "1" ]]; then
# Starting with a cached Zebra and lightwalletd tip, test all gRPC calls to lightwalletd, which calls Zebra.
check_directory_files "${ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR}"
check_directory_files "${LIGHTWALLETD_DATA_DIR}/db"
run_cargo_test "${ENTRYPOINT_FEATURES}" "lightwalletd_wallet_grpc_tests"
elif [[ "${TEST_LWD_TRANSACTIONS}" -eq "1" ]]; then
# Starting with a cached Zebra and lightwalletd tip, test sending transactions gRPC call to lightwalletd, which calls Zebra.
check_directory_files "${ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR}"
check_directory_files "${LIGHTWALLETD_DATA_DIR}/db"
run_cargo_test "${ENTRYPOINT_FEATURES}" "sending_transactions_using_lightwalletd"
# These tests use mining code, but don't use gRPC.
elif [[ "${TEST_GET_BLOCK_TEMPLATE}" -eq "1" ]]; then
# Starting with a cached Zebra tip, test getting a block template from Zebra's RPC server.
check_directory_files "${ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR}"
run_cargo_test "${ENTRYPOINT_FEATURES}" "get_block_template"
elif [[ "${TEST_SUBMIT_BLOCK}" -eq "1" ]]; then
# Starting with a cached Zebra tip, test sending a block to Zebra's RPC port.
check_directory_files "${ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR}"
run_cargo_test "${ENTRYPOINT_FEATURES}" "submit_block"
elif [[ "${TEST_SCAN_START_WHERE_LEFT}" -eq "1" ]]; then
# Test that the scanner can continue scanning where it was left when zebra-scanner restarts.
check_directory_files "${ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR}"
exec cargo test --locked --release --features "zebra-test" --package zebra-scan -- --nocapture --include-ignored scan_start_where_left
elif [[ "${TEST_SCAN_TASK_COMMANDS}" -eq "1" ]]; then
# Test that the scan task commands are working.
check_directory_files "${ZEBRA_CACHED_STATE_DIR}"
exec cargo test --locked --release --features "zebra-test" --package zebra-scan -- --nocapture --include-ignored scan_task_commands
exec "$@"
if command -v gosu >/dev/null 2>&1; then
exec gosu "$USER" "$@"
exec "$@"