
1431 lines
51 KiB

//! Transactions and transaction-related structures.
use std::{collections::HashMap, fmt, iter};
use halo2::pasta::pallas;
mod auth_digest;
mod hash;
mod joinsplit;
mod lock_time;
mod memo;
mod serialize;
mod sighash;
mod txid;
mod unmined;
#[cfg(feature = "getblocktemplate-rpcs")]
pub mod builder;
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"))]
pub mod arbitrary;
mod tests;
pub use auth_digest::AuthDigest;
pub use hash::{Hash, WtxId};
pub use joinsplit::JoinSplitData;
pub use lock_time::LockTime;
pub use memo::Memo;
pub use sapling::FieldNotPresent;
pub use serialize::{
pub use sighash::{HashType, SigHash, SigHasher};
pub use unmined::{
zip317, UnminedTx, UnminedTxId, VerifiedUnminedTx, MEMPOOL_TRANSACTION_COST_THRESHOLD,
use crate::{
amount::{Amount, Error as AmountError, NegativeAllowed, NonNegative},
block, orchard,
parameters::{ConsensusBranchId, NetworkUpgrade},
primitives::{ed25519, Bctv14Proof, Groth16Proof},
self, outputs_from_utxos,
CoinbaseSpendRestriction::{self, *},
value_balance::{ValueBalance, ValueBalanceError},
/// A Zcash transaction.
/// A transaction is an encoded data structure that facilitates the transfer of
/// value between two public key addresses on the Zcash ecosystem. Everything is
/// designed to ensure that transactions can be created, propagated on the
/// network, validated, and finally added to the global ledger of transactions
/// (the blockchain).
/// Zcash has a number of different transaction formats. They are represented
/// internally by different enum variants. Because we checkpoint on Canopy
/// activation, we do not validate any pre-Sapling transaction types.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
any(test, feature = "proptest-impl", feature = "elasticsearch"),
pub enum Transaction {
/// A fully transparent transaction (`version = 1`).
V1 {
/// The transparent inputs to the transaction.
inputs: Vec<transparent::Input>,
/// The transparent outputs from the transaction.
outputs: Vec<transparent::Output>,
/// The earliest time or block height that this transaction can be added to the
/// chain.
lock_time: LockTime,
/// A Sprout transaction (`version = 2`).
V2 {
/// The transparent inputs to the transaction.
inputs: Vec<transparent::Input>,
/// The transparent outputs from the transaction.
outputs: Vec<transparent::Output>,
/// The earliest time or block height that this transaction can be added to the
/// chain.
lock_time: LockTime,
/// The JoinSplit data for this transaction, if any.
joinsplit_data: Option<JoinSplitData<Bctv14Proof>>,
/// An Overwinter transaction (`version = 3`).
V3 {
/// The transparent inputs to the transaction.
inputs: Vec<transparent::Input>,
/// The transparent outputs from the transaction.
outputs: Vec<transparent::Output>,
/// The earliest time or block height that this transaction can be added to the
/// chain.
lock_time: LockTime,
/// The latest block height that this transaction can be added to the chain.
expiry_height: block::Height,
/// The JoinSplit data for this transaction, if any.
joinsplit_data: Option<JoinSplitData<Bctv14Proof>>,
/// A Sapling transaction (`version = 4`).
V4 {
/// The transparent inputs to the transaction.
inputs: Vec<transparent::Input>,
/// The transparent outputs from the transaction.
outputs: Vec<transparent::Output>,
/// The earliest time or block height that this transaction can be added to the
/// chain.
lock_time: LockTime,
/// The latest block height that this transaction can be added to the chain.
expiry_height: block::Height,
/// The JoinSplit data for this transaction, if any.
joinsplit_data: Option<JoinSplitData<Groth16Proof>>,
/// The sapling shielded data for this transaction, if any.
sapling_shielded_data: Option<sapling::ShieldedData<sapling::PerSpendAnchor>>,
/// A `version = 5` transaction , which supports Orchard, Sapling, and transparent, but not Sprout.
V5 {
/// The Network Upgrade for this transaction.
/// Derived from the ConsensusBranchId field.
network_upgrade: NetworkUpgrade,
/// The earliest time or block height that this transaction can be added to the
/// chain.
lock_time: LockTime,
/// The latest block height that this transaction can be added to the chain.
expiry_height: block::Height,
/// The transparent inputs to the transaction.
inputs: Vec<transparent::Input>,
/// The transparent outputs from the transaction.
outputs: Vec<transparent::Output>,
/// The sapling shielded data for this transaction, if any.
sapling_shielded_data: Option<sapling::ShieldedData<sapling::SharedAnchor>>,
/// The orchard data for this transaction, if any.
orchard_shielded_data: Option<orchard::ShieldedData>,
impl fmt::Display for Transaction {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let mut fmter = f.debug_struct("Transaction");
fmter.field("version", &self.version());
if let Some(network_upgrade) = self.network_upgrade() {
fmter.field("network_upgrade", &network_upgrade);
if let Some(lock_time) = self.lock_time() {
fmter.field("lock_time", &lock_time);
if let Some(expiry_height) = self.expiry_height() {
fmter.field("expiry_height", &expiry_height);
fmter.field("transparent_inputs", &self.inputs().len());
fmter.field("transparent_outputs", &self.outputs().len());
fmter.field("sprout_joinsplits", &self.joinsplit_count());
fmter.field("sapling_spends", &self.sapling_spends_per_anchor().count());
fmter.field("sapling_outputs", &self.sapling_outputs().count());
fmter.field("orchard_actions", &self.orchard_actions().count());
fmter.field("unmined_id", &self.unmined_id());
impl Transaction {
// identifiers and hashes
/// Compute the hash (mined transaction ID) of this transaction.
/// The hash uniquely identifies mined v5 transactions,
/// and all v1-v4 transactions, whether mined or unmined.
pub fn hash(&self) -> Hash {
/// Compute the unmined transaction ID of this transaction.
/// This ID uniquely identifies unmined transactions,
/// regardless of version.
pub fn unmined_id(&self) -> UnminedTxId {
/// Calculate the sighash for the current transaction.
/// If you need to compute multiple sighashes for the same transactions,
/// it's more efficient to use [`Transaction::sighasher()`].
/// # Details
/// `all_previous_outputs` represents the UTXOs being spent by each input
/// in the transaction.
/// The `input_index_script_code` tuple indicates the index of the
/// transparent Input for which we are producing a sighash and the
/// respective script code being validated, or None if it's a shielded
/// input.
/// # Panics
/// - if passed in any NetworkUpgrade from before NetworkUpgrade::Overwinter
/// - if called on a v1 or v2 transaction
/// - if the input index points to a transparent::Input::CoinBase
/// - if the input index is out of bounds for self.inputs()
pub fn sighash(
branch_id: ConsensusBranchId,
hash_type: sighash::HashType,
all_previous_outputs: &[transparent::Output],
input_index_script_code: Option<(usize, Vec<u8>)>,
) -> SigHash {
sighash::SigHasher::new(self, branch_id, all_previous_outputs)
.sighash(hash_type, input_index_script_code)
/// Return a [`SigHasher`] for this transaction.
pub fn sighasher<'a>(
&'a self,
branch_id: ConsensusBranchId,
all_previous_outputs: &'a [transparent::Output],
) -> sighash::SigHasher {
sighash::SigHasher::new(self, branch_id, all_previous_outputs)
/// Compute the authorizing data commitment of this transaction as specified
/// in [ZIP-244].
/// Returns None for pre-v5 transactions.
/// [ZIP-244]: https://zips.z.cash/zip-0244.
pub fn auth_digest(&self) -> Option<AuthDigest> {
match self {
Transaction::V1 { .. }
| Transaction::V2 { .. }
| Transaction::V3 { .. }
| Transaction::V4 { .. } => None,
Transaction::V5 { .. } => Some(AuthDigest::from(self)),
// other properties
/// Does this transaction have transparent or shielded inputs?
pub fn has_transparent_or_shielded_inputs(&self) -> bool {
!self.inputs().is_empty() || self.has_shielded_inputs()
/// Does this transaction have shielded inputs?
/// See [`Self::has_transparent_or_shielded_inputs`] for details.
pub fn has_shielded_inputs(&self) -> bool {
self.joinsplit_count() > 0
|| self.sapling_spends_per_anchor().count() > 0
|| (self.orchard_actions().count() > 0
&& self
/// Does this transaction have transparent or shielded outputs?
pub fn has_transparent_or_shielded_outputs(&self) -> bool {
!self.outputs().is_empty() || self.has_shielded_outputs()
/// Does this transaction have shielded outputs?
/// See [`Self::has_transparent_or_shielded_outputs`] for details.
pub fn has_shielded_outputs(&self) -> bool {
self.joinsplit_count() > 0
|| self.sapling_outputs().count() > 0
|| (self.orchard_actions().count() > 0
&& self
/// Does this transaction has at least one flag when we have at least one orchard action?
pub fn has_enough_orchard_flags(&self) -> bool {
if self.version() < 5 || self.orchard_actions().count() == 0 {
return true;
.intersects(orchard::Flags::ENABLE_SPENDS | orchard::Flags::ENABLE_OUTPUTS)
/// Returns the [`CoinbaseSpendRestriction`] for this transaction,
/// assuming it is mined at `spend_height`.
pub fn coinbase_spend_restriction(
spend_height: block::Height,
) -> CoinbaseSpendRestriction {
if self.outputs().is_empty() {
// we know this transaction must have shielded outputs,
// because of other consensus rules
OnlyShieldedOutputs { spend_height }
} else {
// header
/// Return if the `fOverwintered` flag of this transaction is set.
pub fn is_overwintered(&self) -> bool {
match self {
Transaction::V1 { .. } | Transaction::V2 { .. } => false,
Transaction::V3 { .. } | Transaction::V4 { .. } | Transaction::V5 { .. } => true,
/// Return the version of this transaction.
pub fn version(&self) -> u32 {
match self {
Transaction::V1 { .. } => 1,
Transaction::V2 { .. } => 2,
Transaction::V3 { .. } => 3,
Transaction::V4 { .. } => 4,
Transaction::V5 { .. } => 5,
/// Get this transaction's lock time.
pub fn lock_time(&self) -> Option<LockTime> {
let lock_time = match self {
Transaction::V1 { lock_time, .. }
| Transaction::V2 { lock_time, .. }
| Transaction::V3 { lock_time, .. }
| Transaction::V4 { lock_time, .. }
| Transaction::V5 { lock_time, .. } => *lock_time,
// `zcashd` checks that the block height is greater than the lock height.
// This check allows the genesis block transaction, which would otherwise be invalid.
// (Or have to use a lock time.)
// It matches the `zcashd` check here:
// https://github.com/zcash/zcash/blob/1a7c2a3b04bcad6549be6d571bfdff8af9a2c814/src/main.cpp#L720
if lock_time == LockTime::unlocked() {
return None;
// Consensus rule:
// > The transaction must be finalized: either its locktime must be in the past (or less
// > than or equal to the current block height), or all of its sequence numbers must be
// > 0xffffffff.
// In `zcashd`, this rule applies to both coinbase and prevout input sequence numbers.
// Unlike Bitcoin, Zcash allows transactions with no transparent inputs. These transactions
// only have shielded inputs. Surprisingly, the `zcashd` implementation ignores the lock
// time in these transactions. `zcashd` only checks the lock time when it finds a
// transparent input sequence number that is not `u32::MAX`.
// https://developer.bitcoin.org/devguide/transactions.html#non-standard-transactions
let has_sequence_number_enabling_lock_time = self
.any(|sequence_number| sequence_number != u32::MAX);
if has_sequence_number_enabling_lock_time {
} else {
/// Get the raw lock time value.
pub fn raw_lock_time(&self) -> u32 {
let lock_time = match self {
Transaction::V1 { lock_time, .. }
| Transaction::V2 { lock_time, .. }
| Transaction::V3 { lock_time, .. }
| Transaction::V4 { lock_time, .. }
| Transaction::V5 { lock_time, .. } => *lock_time,
let mut lock_time_bytes = Vec::new();
.zcash_serialize(&mut lock_time_bytes)
.expect("lock_time should serialize");
.expect("should serialize as 4 bytes"),
/// Returns `true` if this transaction's `lock_time` is a [`LockTime::Time`].
/// Returns `false` if it is a [`LockTime::Height`] (locked or unlocked), is unlocked,
/// or if the transparent input sequence numbers have disabled lock times.
pub fn lock_time_is_time(&self) -> bool {
if let Some(lock_time) = self.lock_time() {
return lock_time.is_time();
/// Get this transaction's expiry height, if any.
pub fn expiry_height(&self) -> Option<block::Height> {
match self {
Transaction::V1 { .. } | Transaction::V2 { .. } => None,
Transaction::V3 { expiry_height, .. }
| Transaction::V4 { expiry_height, .. }
| Transaction::V5 { expiry_height, .. } => match expiry_height {
// Consensus rule:
// > No limit: To set no limit on transactions (so that they do not expire), nExpiryHeight should be set to 0.
// https://zips.z.cash/zip-0203#specification
block::Height(0) => None,
block::Height(expiry_height) => Some(block::Height(*expiry_height)),
/// Modify the expiry height of this transaction.
/// # Panics
/// - if called on a v1 or v2 transaction
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"))]
pub fn expiry_height_mut(&mut self) -> &mut block::Height {
match self {
Transaction::V1 { .. } | Transaction::V2 { .. } => {
panic!("v1 and v2 transactions are not supported")
Transaction::V3 {
ref mut expiry_height,
| Transaction::V4 {
ref mut expiry_height,
| Transaction::V5 {
ref mut expiry_height,
} => expiry_height,
/// Get this transaction's network upgrade field, if any.
/// This field is serialized as `nConsensusBranchId` ([7.1]).
/// [7.1]: https://zips.z.cash/protocol/nu5.pdf#txnencodingandconsensus
pub fn network_upgrade(&self) -> Option<NetworkUpgrade> {
match self {
Transaction::V1 { .. }
| Transaction::V2 { .. }
| Transaction::V3 { .. }
| Transaction::V4 { .. } => None,
Transaction::V5 {
network_upgrade, ..
} => Some(*network_upgrade),
// transparent
/// Access the transparent inputs of this transaction, regardless of version.
pub fn inputs(&self) -> &[transparent::Input] {
match self {
Transaction::V1 { ref inputs, .. } => inputs,
Transaction::V2 { ref inputs, .. } => inputs,
Transaction::V3 { ref inputs, .. } => inputs,
Transaction::V4 { ref inputs, .. } => inputs,
Transaction::V5 { ref inputs, .. } => inputs,
/// Modify the transparent inputs of this transaction, regardless of version.
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"))]
pub fn inputs_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<transparent::Input> {
match self {
Transaction::V1 { ref mut inputs, .. } => inputs,
Transaction::V2 { ref mut inputs, .. } => inputs,
Transaction::V3 { ref mut inputs, .. } => inputs,
Transaction::V4 { ref mut inputs, .. } => inputs,
Transaction::V5 { ref mut inputs, .. } => inputs,
/// Access the [`transparent::OutPoint`]s spent by this transaction's [`transparent::Input`]s.
pub fn spent_outpoints(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = transparent::OutPoint> + '_ {
/// Access the transparent outputs of this transaction, regardless of version.
pub fn outputs(&self) -> &[transparent::Output] {
match self {
Transaction::V1 { ref outputs, .. } => outputs,
Transaction::V2 { ref outputs, .. } => outputs,
Transaction::V3 { ref outputs, .. } => outputs,
Transaction::V4 { ref outputs, .. } => outputs,
Transaction::V5 { ref outputs, .. } => outputs,
/// Modify the transparent outputs of this transaction, regardless of version.
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"))]
pub fn outputs_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<transparent::Output> {
match self {
Transaction::V1 {
ref mut outputs, ..
} => outputs,
Transaction::V2 {
ref mut outputs, ..
} => outputs,
Transaction::V3 {
ref mut outputs, ..
} => outputs,
Transaction::V4 {
ref mut outputs, ..
} => outputs,
Transaction::V5 {
ref mut outputs, ..
} => outputs,
/// Returns `true` if this transaction has valid inputs for a coinbase
/// transaction, that is, has a single input and it is a coinbase input
/// (null prevout).
pub fn is_coinbase(&self) -> bool {
self.inputs().len() == 1
&& matches!(
Some(transparent::Input::Coinbase { .. })
/// Returns `true` if this transaction has valid inputs for a non-coinbase
/// transaction, that is, does not have any coinbase input (non-null prevouts).
/// Note that it's possible for a transaction return false in both
/// [`Transaction::is_coinbase`] and [`Transaction::is_valid_non_coinbase`],
/// though those transactions will be rejected.
pub fn is_valid_non_coinbase(&self) -> bool {
.all(|input| matches!(input, transparent::Input::PrevOut { .. }))
// sprout
/// Returns the Sprout `JoinSplit<Groth16Proof>`s in this transaction, regardless of version.
pub fn sprout_groth16_joinsplits(
) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = &sprout::JoinSplit<Groth16Proof>> + '_> {
match self {
// JoinSplits with Groth16 Proofs
Transaction::V4 {
joinsplit_data: Some(joinsplit_data),
} => Box::new(joinsplit_data.joinsplits()),
// No JoinSplits / JoinSplits with BCTV14 proofs
Transaction::V1 { .. }
| Transaction::V2 { .. }
| Transaction::V3 { .. }
| Transaction::V4 {
joinsplit_data: None,
| Transaction::V5 { .. } => Box::new(std::iter::empty()),
/// Returns the number of `JoinSplit`s in this transaction, regardless of version.
pub fn joinsplit_count(&self) -> usize {
match self {
// JoinSplits with Bctv14 Proofs
Transaction::V2 {
joinsplit_data: Some(joinsplit_data),
| Transaction::V3 {
joinsplit_data: Some(joinsplit_data),
} => joinsplit_data.joinsplits().count(),
// JoinSplits with Groth Proofs
Transaction::V4 {
joinsplit_data: Some(joinsplit_data),
} => joinsplit_data.joinsplits().count(),
// No JoinSplits
Transaction::V1 { .. }
| Transaction::V2 {
joinsplit_data: None,
| Transaction::V3 {
joinsplit_data: None,
| Transaction::V4 {
joinsplit_data: None,
| Transaction::V5 { .. } => 0,
/// Access the sprout::Nullifiers in this transaction, regardless of version.
pub fn sprout_nullifiers(&self) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = &sprout::Nullifier> + '_> {
// This function returns a boxed iterator because the different
// transaction variants end up having different iterator types
// (we could extract bctv and groth as separate iterators, then chain
// them together, but that would be much harder to read and maintain)
match self {
// JoinSplits with Bctv14 Proofs
Transaction::V2 {
joinsplit_data: Some(joinsplit_data),
| Transaction::V3 {
joinsplit_data: Some(joinsplit_data),
} => Box::new(joinsplit_data.nullifiers()),
// JoinSplits with Groth Proofs
Transaction::V4 {
joinsplit_data: Some(joinsplit_data),
} => Box::new(joinsplit_data.nullifiers()),
// No JoinSplits
Transaction::V1 { .. }
| Transaction::V2 {
joinsplit_data: None,
| Transaction::V3 {
joinsplit_data: None,
| Transaction::V4 {
joinsplit_data: None,
| Transaction::V5 { .. } => Box::new(std::iter::empty()),
/// Access the JoinSplit public validating key in this transaction,
/// regardless of version, if any.
pub fn sprout_joinsplit_pub_key(&self) -> Option<ed25519::VerificationKeyBytes> {
match self {
// JoinSplits with Bctv14 Proofs
Transaction::V2 {
joinsplit_data: Some(joinsplit_data),
| Transaction::V3 {
joinsplit_data: Some(joinsplit_data),
} => Some(joinsplit_data.pub_key),
// JoinSplits with Groth Proofs
Transaction::V4 {
joinsplit_data: Some(joinsplit_data),
} => Some(joinsplit_data.pub_key),
// No JoinSplits
Transaction::V1 { .. }
| Transaction::V2 {
joinsplit_data: None,
| Transaction::V3 {
joinsplit_data: None,
| Transaction::V4 {
joinsplit_data: None,
| Transaction::V5 { .. } => None,
/// Return if the transaction has any Sprout JoinSplit data.
pub fn has_sprout_joinsplit_data(&self) -> bool {
match self {
// No JoinSplits
Transaction::V1 { .. } | Transaction::V5 { .. } => false,
// JoinSplits-on-BCTV14
Transaction::V2 { joinsplit_data, .. } | Transaction::V3 { joinsplit_data, .. } => {
// JoinSplits-on-Groth16
Transaction::V4 { joinsplit_data, .. } => joinsplit_data.is_some(),
/// Returns the Sprout note commitments in this transaction.
pub fn sprout_note_commitments(
) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = &sprout::commitment::NoteCommitment> + '_> {
match self {
// Return [`NoteCommitment`]s with [`Bctv14Proof`]s.
Transaction::V2 {
joinsplit_data: Some(joinsplit_data),
| Transaction::V3 {
joinsplit_data: Some(joinsplit_data),
} => Box::new(joinsplit_data.note_commitments()),
// Return [`NoteCommitment`]s with [`Groth16Proof`]s.
Transaction::V4 {
joinsplit_data: Some(joinsplit_data),
} => Box::new(joinsplit_data.note_commitments()),
// Return an empty iterator.
Transaction::V2 {
joinsplit_data: None,
| Transaction::V3 {
joinsplit_data: None,
| Transaction::V4 {
joinsplit_data: None,
| Transaction::V1 { .. }
| Transaction::V5 { .. } => Box::new(std::iter::empty()),
// sapling
/// Access the deduplicated [`sapling::tree::Root`]s in this transaction,
/// regardless of version.
pub fn sapling_anchors(&self) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = sapling::tree::Root> + '_> {
// This function returns a boxed iterator because the different
// transaction variants end up having different iterator types
match self {
Transaction::V4 {
sapling_shielded_data: Some(sapling_shielded_data),
} => Box::new(sapling_shielded_data.anchors()),
Transaction::V5 {
sapling_shielded_data: Some(sapling_shielded_data),
} => Box::new(sapling_shielded_data.anchors()),
// No Spends
Transaction::V1 { .. }
| Transaction::V2 { .. }
| Transaction::V3 { .. }
| Transaction::V4 {
sapling_shielded_data: None,
| Transaction::V5 {
sapling_shielded_data: None,
} => Box::new(std::iter::empty()),
/// Iterate over the sapling [`Spend`](sapling::Spend)s for this transaction,
/// returning `Spend<PerSpendAnchor>` regardless of the underlying
/// transaction version.
/// Shared anchors in V5 transactions are copied into each sapling spend.
/// This allows the same code to validate spends from V4 and V5 transactions.
/// # Correctness
/// Do not use this function for serialization.
pub fn sapling_spends_per_anchor(
) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = sapling::Spend<sapling::PerSpendAnchor>> + '_> {
match self {
Transaction::V4 {
sapling_shielded_data: Some(sapling_shielded_data),
} => Box::new(sapling_shielded_data.spends_per_anchor()),
Transaction::V5 {
sapling_shielded_data: Some(sapling_shielded_data),
} => Box::new(sapling_shielded_data.spends_per_anchor()),
// No Spends
Transaction::V1 { .. }
| Transaction::V2 { .. }
| Transaction::V3 { .. }
| Transaction::V4 {
sapling_shielded_data: None,
| Transaction::V5 {
sapling_shielded_data: None,
} => Box::new(std::iter::empty()),
/// Iterate over the sapling [`Output`](sapling::Output)s for this
/// transaction
pub fn sapling_outputs(&self) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = &sapling::Output> + '_> {
match self {
Transaction::V4 {
sapling_shielded_data: Some(sapling_shielded_data),
} => Box::new(sapling_shielded_data.outputs()),
Transaction::V5 {
sapling_shielded_data: Some(sapling_shielded_data),
} => Box::new(sapling_shielded_data.outputs()),
// No Outputs
Transaction::V1 { .. }
| Transaction::V2 { .. }
| Transaction::V3 { .. }
| Transaction::V4 {
sapling_shielded_data: None,
| Transaction::V5 {
sapling_shielded_data: None,
} => Box::new(std::iter::empty()),
/// Access the sapling::Nullifiers in this transaction, regardless of version.
pub fn sapling_nullifiers(&self) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = &sapling::Nullifier> + '_> {
// This function returns a boxed iterator because the different
// transaction variants end up having different iterator types
match self {
// Spends with Groth Proofs
Transaction::V4 {
sapling_shielded_data: Some(sapling_shielded_data),
} => Box::new(sapling_shielded_data.nullifiers()),
Transaction::V5 {
sapling_shielded_data: Some(sapling_shielded_data),
} => Box::new(sapling_shielded_data.nullifiers()),
// No Spends
Transaction::V1 { .. }
| Transaction::V2 { .. }
| Transaction::V3 { .. }
| Transaction::V4 {
sapling_shielded_data: None,
| Transaction::V5 {
sapling_shielded_data: None,
} => Box::new(std::iter::empty()),
/// Returns the Sapling note commitments in this transaction, regardless of version.
pub fn sapling_note_commitments(&self) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = &jubjub::Fq> + '_> {
// This function returns a boxed iterator because the different
// transaction variants end up having different iterator types
match self {
// Spends with Groth16 Proofs
Transaction::V4 {
sapling_shielded_data: Some(sapling_shielded_data),
} => Box::new(sapling_shielded_data.note_commitments()),
Transaction::V5 {
sapling_shielded_data: Some(sapling_shielded_data),
} => Box::new(sapling_shielded_data.note_commitments()),
// No Spends
Transaction::V1 { .. }
| Transaction::V2 { .. }
| Transaction::V3 { .. }
| Transaction::V4 {
sapling_shielded_data: None,
| Transaction::V5 {
sapling_shielded_data: None,
} => Box::new(std::iter::empty()),
/// Return if the transaction has any Sapling shielded data.
pub fn has_sapling_shielded_data(&self) -> bool {
match self {
Transaction::V1 { .. } | Transaction::V2 { .. } | Transaction::V3 { .. } => false,
Transaction::V4 {
} => sapling_shielded_data.is_some(),
Transaction::V5 {
} => sapling_shielded_data.is_some(),
// orchard
/// Access the [`orchard::ShieldedData`] in this transaction,
/// regardless of version.
pub fn orchard_shielded_data(&self) -> Option<&orchard::ShieldedData> {
match self {
// Maybe Orchard shielded data
Transaction::V5 {
} => orchard_shielded_data.as_ref(),
// No Orchard shielded data
Transaction::V1 { .. }
| Transaction::V2 { .. }
| Transaction::V3 { .. }
| Transaction::V4 { .. } => None,
/// Modify the [`orchard::ShieldedData`] in this transaction,
/// regardless of version.
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"))]
pub fn orchard_shielded_data_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut orchard::ShieldedData> {
match self {
Transaction::V5 {
orchard_shielded_data: Some(orchard_shielded_data),
} => Some(orchard_shielded_data),
Transaction::V1 { .. }
| Transaction::V2 { .. }
| Transaction::V3 { .. }
| Transaction::V4 { .. }
| Transaction::V5 {
orchard_shielded_data: None,
} => None,
/// Iterate over the [`orchard::Action`]s in this transaction, if there are any,
/// regardless of version.
pub fn orchard_actions(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &orchard::Action> {
/// Access the [`orchard::Nullifier`]s in this transaction, if there are any,
/// regardless of version.
pub fn orchard_nullifiers(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &orchard::Nullifier> {
/// Access the note commitments in this transaction, if there are any,
/// regardless of version.
pub fn orchard_note_commitments(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &pallas::Base> {
/// Access the [`orchard::Flags`] in this transaction, if there is any,
/// regardless of version.
pub fn orchard_flags(&self) -> Option<orchard::shielded_data::Flags> {
.map(|orchard_shielded_data| orchard_shielded_data.flags)
/// Return if the transaction has any Orchard shielded data,
/// regardless of version.
pub fn has_orchard_shielded_data(&self) -> bool {
// value balances
/// Return the transparent value balance,
/// using the outputs spent by this transaction.
/// See `transparent_value_balance` for details.
fn transparent_value_balance_from_outputs(
outputs: &HashMap<transparent::OutPoint, transparent::Output>,
) -> Result<ValueBalance<NegativeAllowed>, ValueBalanceError> {
let input_value = self
.map(|i| i.value_from_outputs(outputs))
.sum::<Result<Amount<NonNegative>, AmountError>>()
.expect("conversion from NonNegative to NegativeAllowed is always valid");
let output_value = self
.map(|o| o.value())
.sum::<Result<Amount<NonNegative>, AmountError>>()
.expect("conversion from NonNegative to NegativeAllowed is always valid");
(input_value - output_value)
/// Modify the transparent output values of this transaction, regardless of version.
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"))]
pub fn output_values_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &mut Amount<NonNegative>> {
.map(|output| &mut output.value)
/// Returns the `vpub_old` fields from `JoinSplit`s in this transaction,
/// regardless of version, in the order they appear in the transaction.
/// These values are added to the sprout chain value pool,
/// and removed from the value pool of this transaction.
pub fn output_values_to_sprout(&self) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = &Amount<NonNegative>> + '_> {
match self {
// JoinSplits with Bctv14 Proofs
Transaction::V2 {
joinsplit_data: Some(joinsplit_data),
| Transaction::V3 {
joinsplit_data: Some(joinsplit_data),
} => Box::new(
.map(|joinsplit| &joinsplit.vpub_old),
// JoinSplits with Groth Proofs
Transaction::V4 {
joinsplit_data: Some(joinsplit_data),
} => Box::new(
.map(|joinsplit| &joinsplit.vpub_old),
// No JoinSplits
Transaction::V1 { .. }
| Transaction::V2 {
joinsplit_data: None,
| Transaction::V3 {
joinsplit_data: None,
| Transaction::V4 {
joinsplit_data: None,
| Transaction::V5 { .. } => Box::new(std::iter::empty()),
/// Modify the `vpub_old` fields from `JoinSplit`s in this transaction,
/// regardless of version, in the order they appear in the transaction.
/// See `output_values_to_sprout` for details.
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"))]
pub fn output_values_to_sprout_mut(
&mut self,
) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = &mut Amount<NonNegative>> + '_> {
match self {
// JoinSplits with Bctv14 Proofs
Transaction::V2 {
joinsplit_data: Some(joinsplit_data),
| Transaction::V3 {
joinsplit_data: Some(joinsplit_data),
} => Box::new(
.map(|joinsplit| &mut joinsplit.vpub_old),
// JoinSplits with Groth16 Proofs
Transaction::V4 {
joinsplit_data: Some(joinsplit_data),
} => Box::new(
.map(|joinsplit| &mut joinsplit.vpub_old),
// No JoinSplits
Transaction::V1 { .. }
| Transaction::V2 {
joinsplit_data: None,
| Transaction::V3 {
joinsplit_data: None,
| Transaction::V4 {
joinsplit_data: None,
| Transaction::V5 { .. } => Box::new(std::iter::empty()),
/// Returns the `vpub_new` fields from `JoinSplit`s in this transaction,
/// regardless of version, in the order they appear in the transaction.
/// These values are removed from the value pool of this transaction.
/// and added to the sprout chain value pool.
pub fn input_values_from_sprout(&self) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = &Amount<NonNegative>> + '_> {
match self {
// JoinSplits with Bctv14 Proofs
Transaction::V2 {
joinsplit_data: Some(joinsplit_data),
| Transaction::V3 {
joinsplit_data: Some(joinsplit_data),
} => Box::new(
.map(|joinsplit| &joinsplit.vpub_new),
// JoinSplits with Groth Proofs
Transaction::V4 {
joinsplit_data: Some(joinsplit_data),
} => Box::new(
.map(|joinsplit| &joinsplit.vpub_new),
// No JoinSplits
Transaction::V1 { .. }
| Transaction::V2 {
joinsplit_data: None,
| Transaction::V3 {
joinsplit_data: None,
| Transaction::V4 {
joinsplit_data: None,
| Transaction::V5 { .. } => Box::new(std::iter::empty()),
/// Modify the `vpub_new` fields from `JoinSplit`s in this transaction,
/// regardless of version, in the order they appear in the transaction.
/// See `input_values_from_sprout` for details.
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"))]
pub fn input_values_from_sprout_mut(
&mut self,
) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = &mut Amount<NonNegative>> + '_> {
match self {
// JoinSplits with Bctv14 Proofs
Transaction::V2 {
joinsplit_data: Some(joinsplit_data),
| Transaction::V3 {
joinsplit_data: Some(joinsplit_data),
} => Box::new(
.map(|joinsplit| &mut joinsplit.vpub_new),
// JoinSplits with Groth Proofs
Transaction::V4 {
joinsplit_data: Some(joinsplit_data),
} => Box::new(
.map(|joinsplit| &mut joinsplit.vpub_new),
// No JoinSplits
Transaction::V1 { .. }
| Transaction::V2 {
joinsplit_data: None,
| Transaction::V3 {
joinsplit_data: None,
| Transaction::V4 {
joinsplit_data: None,
| Transaction::V5 { .. } => Box::new(std::iter::empty()),
/// Return a list of sprout value balances,
/// the changes in the transaction value pool due to each sprout `JoinSplit`.
/// Each value balance is the sprout `vpub_new` field, minus the `vpub_old` field.
/// See [`sprout_value_balance`][svb] for details.
/// [svb]: crate::transaction::Transaction::sprout_value_balance
fn sprout_joinsplit_value_balances(
) -> impl Iterator<Item = ValueBalance<NegativeAllowed>> + '_ {
let joinsplit_value_balances = match self {
Transaction::V2 {
joinsplit_data: Some(joinsplit_data),
| Transaction::V3 {
joinsplit_data: Some(joinsplit_data),
} => joinsplit_data.joinsplit_value_balances(),
Transaction::V4 {
joinsplit_data: Some(joinsplit_data),
} => joinsplit_data.joinsplit_value_balances(),
Transaction::V1 { .. }
| Transaction::V2 {
joinsplit_data: None,
| Transaction::V3 {
joinsplit_data: None,
| Transaction::V4 {
joinsplit_data: None,
| Transaction::V5 { .. } => Box::new(iter::empty()),
/// Return the sprout value balance,
/// the change in the transaction value pool due to sprout `JoinSplit`s.
/// The sum of all sprout `vpub_new` fields, minus the sum of all `vpub_old` fields.
/// Positive values are added to this transaction's value pool,
/// and removed from the sprout chain value pool.
/// Negative values are removed from this transaction,
/// and added to the sprout pool.
/// <https://zebra.zfnd.org/dev/rfcs/0012-value-pools.html#definitions>
fn sprout_value_balance(&self) -> Result<ValueBalance<NegativeAllowed>, ValueBalanceError> {
/// Return the sapling value balance,
/// the change in the transaction value pool due to sapling `Spend`s and `Output`s.
/// Returns the `valueBalanceSapling` field in this transaction.
/// Positive values are added to this transaction's value pool,
/// and removed from the sapling chain value pool.
/// Negative values are removed from this transaction,
/// and added to sapling pool.
/// <https://zebra.zfnd.org/dev/rfcs/0012-value-pools.html#definitions>
pub fn sapling_value_balance(&self) -> ValueBalance<NegativeAllowed> {
let sapling_value_balance = match self {
Transaction::V4 {
sapling_shielded_data: Some(sapling_shielded_data),
} => sapling_shielded_data.value_balance,
Transaction::V5 {
sapling_shielded_data: Some(sapling_shielded_data),
} => sapling_shielded_data.value_balance,
Transaction::V1 { .. }
| Transaction::V2 { .. }
| Transaction::V3 { .. }
| Transaction::V4 {
sapling_shielded_data: None,
| Transaction::V5 {
sapling_shielded_data: None,
} => Amount::zero(),
/// Modify the `value_balance` field from the `sapling::ShieldedData` in this transaction,
/// regardless of version.
/// See `sapling_value_balance` for details.
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"))]
pub fn sapling_value_balance_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Amount<NegativeAllowed>> {
match self {
Transaction::V4 {
sapling_shielded_data: Some(sapling_shielded_data),
} => Some(&mut sapling_shielded_data.value_balance),
Transaction::V5 {
sapling_shielded_data: Some(sapling_shielded_data),
} => Some(&mut sapling_shielded_data.value_balance),
Transaction::V1 { .. }
| Transaction::V2 { .. }
| Transaction::V3 { .. }
| Transaction::V4 {
sapling_shielded_data: None,
| Transaction::V5 {
sapling_shielded_data: None,
} => None,
/// Return the orchard value balance, the change in the transaction value
/// pool due to [`orchard::Action`]s.
/// Returns the `valueBalanceOrchard` field in this transaction.
/// Positive values are added to this transaction's value pool,
/// and removed from the orchard chain value pool.
/// Negative values are removed from this transaction,
/// and added to orchard pool.
/// <https://zebra.zfnd.org/dev/rfcs/0012-value-pools.html#definitions>
pub fn orchard_value_balance(&self) -> ValueBalance<NegativeAllowed> {
let orchard_value_balance = self
.map(|shielded_data| shielded_data.value_balance)
/// Modify the `value_balance` field from the `orchard::ShieldedData` in this transaction,
/// regardless of version.
/// See `orchard_value_balance` for details.
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"))]
pub fn orchard_value_balance_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Amount<NegativeAllowed>> {
.map(|shielded_data| &mut shielded_data.value_balance)
/// Returns the value balances for this transaction using the provided transparent outputs.
pub(crate) fn value_balance_from_outputs(
outputs: &HashMap<transparent::OutPoint, transparent::Output>,
) -> Result<ValueBalance<NegativeAllowed>, ValueBalanceError> {
+ self.sprout_value_balance()?
+ self.sapling_value_balance()
+ self.orchard_value_balance()
/// Returns the value balances for this transaction.
/// These are the changes in the transaction value pool, split up into transparent, Sprout,
/// Sapling, and Orchard values.
/// Calculated as the sum of the inputs and outputs from each pool, or the sum of the value
/// balances from each pool.
/// Positive values are added to this transaction's value pool, and removed from the
/// corresponding chain value pool. Negative values are removed from this transaction, and added
/// to the corresponding pool.
/// <https://zebra.zfnd.org/dev/rfcs/0012-value-pools.html#definitions>
/// `utxos` must contain the utxos of every input in the transaction, including UTXOs created by
/// earlier transactions in this block.
/// ## Note
/// The chain value pool has the opposite sign to the transaction value pool.
pub fn value_balance(
utxos: &HashMap<transparent::OutPoint, transparent::Utxo>,
) -> Result<ValueBalance<NegativeAllowed>, ValueBalanceError> {