
738 lines
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//! RPC methods related to mining only available with `getblocktemplate-rpcs` rust feature.
use std::{sync::Arc, time::Duration};
use futures::{future::OptionFuture, FutureExt, TryFutureExt};
use jsonrpc_core::{self, BoxFuture, Error, ErrorCode, Result};
use jsonrpc_derive::rpc;
use tower::{buffer::Buffer, Service, ServiceExt};
use zebra_chain::{
block::{self, Block, Height},
use zebra_consensus::VerifyChainError;
use zebra_network::AddressBookPeers;
use zebra_node_services::mempool;
use zebra_state::{ReadRequest, ReadResponse};
use crate::methods::{
check_miner_address, check_synced_to_tip, fetch_mempool_transactions,
fetch_state_tip_and_local_time, validate_block_proposal,
get_block_template::GetBlockTemplate, get_mining_info, hex_data::HexData,
long_poll::LongPollInput, peer_info::PeerInfo, submit_block,
height_from_signed_int, GetBlockHash, MISSING_BLOCK_ERROR_CODE,
pub mod config;
pub mod constants;
pub mod get_block_template;
pub mod types;
pub mod zip317;
/// getblocktemplate RPC method signatures.
pub trait GetBlockTemplateRpc {
/// Returns the height of the most recent block in the best valid block chain (equivalently,
/// the number of blocks in this chain excluding the genesis block).
/// zcashd reference: [`getblockcount`](https://zcash.github.io/rpc/getblockcount.html)
/// # Notes
/// This rpc method is available only if zebra is built with `--features getblocktemplate-rpcs`.
#[rpc(name = "getblockcount")]
fn get_block_count(&self) -> Result<u32>;
/// Returns the hash of the block of a given height iff the index argument correspond
/// to a block in the best chain.
/// zcashd reference: [`getblockhash`](https://zcash-rpc.github.io/getblockhash.html)
/// # Parameters
/// - `index`: (numeric, required) The block index.
/// # Notes
/// - If `index` is positive then index = block height.
/// - If `index` is negative then -1 is the last known valid block.
/// - This rpc method is available only if zebra is built with `--features getblocktemplate-rpcs`.
#[rpc(name = "getblockhash")]
fn get_block_hash(&self, index: i32) -> BoxFuture<Result<GetBlockHash>>;
/// Returns a block template for mining new Zcash blocks.
/// # Parameters
/// - `jsonrequestobject`: (string, optional) A JSON object containing arguments.
/// zcashd reference: [`getblocktemplate`](https://zcash-rpc.github.io/getblocktemplate.html)
/// # Notes
/// Arguments to this RPC are currently ignored.
/// Long polling, block proposals, server lists, and work IDs are not supported.
/// Miners can make arbitrary changes to blocks, as long as:
/// - the data sent to `submitblock` is a valid Zcash block, and
/// - the parent block is a valid block that Zebra already has, or will receive soon.
/// Zebra verifies blocks in parallel, and keeps recent chains in parallel,
/// so moving between chains is very cheap. (But forking a new chain may take some time,
/// until bug #4794 is fixed.)
/// This rpc method is available only if zebra is built with `--features getblocktemplate-rpcs`.
#[rpc(name = "getblocktemplate")]
fn get_block_template(
parameters: Option<get_block_template::JsonParameters>,
) -> BoxFuture<Result<get_block_template::Response>>;
/// Submits block to the node to be validated and committed.
/// Returns the [`submit_block::Response`] for the operation, as a JSON string.
/// zcashd reference: [`submitblock`](https://zcash.github.io/rpc/submitblock.html)
/// # Parameters
/// - `hexdata` (string, required)
/// - `jsonparametersobject` (string, optional) - currently ignored
/// - holds a single field, workid, that must be included in submissions if provided by the server.
#[rpc(name = "submitblock")]
fn submit_block(
hex_data: HexData,
_parameters: Option<submit_block::JsonParameters>,
) -> BoxFuture<Result<submit_block::Response>>;
/// Returns mining-related information.
/// zcashd reference: [`getmininginfo`](https://zcash.github.io/rpc/getmininginfo.html)
#[rpc(name = "getmininginfo")]
fn get_mining_info(&self) -> BoxFuture<Result<get_mining_info::Response>>;
/// Returns the estimated network solutions per second based on the last `num_blocks` before `height`.
/// If `num_blocks` is not supplied, uses 120 blocks.
/// If `height` is not supplied or is 0, uses the tip height.
/// zcashd reference: [`getnetworksolps`](https://zcash.github.io/rpc/getnetworksolps.html)
#[rpc(name = "getnetworksolps")]
fn get_network_sol_ps(
num_blocks: Option<usize>,
height: Option<i32>,
) -> BoxFuture<Result<u64>>;
/// Returns the estimated network solutions per second based on the last `num_blocks` before `height`.
/// If `num_blocks` is not supplied, uses 120 blocks.
/// If `height` is not supplied or is 0, uses the tip height.
/// zcashd reference: [`getnetworkhashps`](https://zcash.github.io/rpc/getnetworkhashps.html)
#[rpc(name = "getnetworkhashps")]
fn get_network_hash_ps(
num_blocks: Option<usize>,
height: Option<i32>,
) -> BoxFuture<Result<u64>> {
self.get_network_sol_ps(num_blocks, height)
/// Returns data about each connected network node.
/// zcashd reference: [`getpeerinfo`](https://zcash.github.io/rpc/getpeerinfo.html)
#[rpc(name = "getpeerinfo")]
fn get_peer_info(&self) -> BoxFuture<Result<Vec<PeerInfo>>>;
/// RPC method implementations.
pub struct GetBlockTemplateRpcImpl<Mempool, State, Tip, ChainVerifier, SyncStatus, AddressBook>
Mempool: Service<
Response = mempool::Response,
Error = zebra_node_services::BoxError,
State: Service<
Response = zebra_state::ReadResponse,
Error = zebra_state::BoxError,
ChainVerifier: Service<zebra_consensus::Request, Response = block::Hash, Error = zebra_consensus::BoxError>
+ Clone
+ Send
+ Sync
+ 'static,
SyncStatus: ChainSyncStatus + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
AddressBook: AddressBookPeers,
// Configuration
/// The configured network for this RPC service.
network: Network,
/// The configured miner address for this RPC service.
/// Zebra currently only supports transparent addresses.
miner_address: Option<transparent::Address>,
// Services
/// A handle to the mempool service.
mempool: Buffer<Mempool, mempool::Request>,
/// A handle to the state service.
state: State,
/// Allows efficient access to the best tip of the blockchain.
latest_chain_tip: Tip,
/// The chain verifier, used for submitting blocks.
chain_verifier: ChainVerifier,
/// The chain sync status, used for checking if Zebra is likely close to the network chain tip.
sync_status: SyncStatus,
/// Address book of peers, used for `getpeerinfo`.
address_book: AddressBook,
impl<Mempool, State, Tip, ChainVerifier, SyncStatus, AddressBook>
GetBlockTemplateRpcImpl<Mempool, State, Tip, ChainVerifier, SyncStatus, AddressBook>
Mempool: Service<
Response = mempool::Response,
Error = zebra_node_services::BoxError,
> + 'static,
State: Service<
Response = zebra_state::ReadResponse,
Error = zebra_state::BoxError,
> + Clone
+ Send
+ Sync
+ 'static,
Tip: ChainTip + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
ChainVerifier: Service<zebra_consensus::Request, Response = block::Hash, Error = zebra_consensus::BoxError>
+ Clone
+ Send
+ Sync
+ 'static,
SyncStatus: ChainSyncStatus + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
AddressBook: AddressBookPeers + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
/// Create a new instance of the handler for getblocktemplate RPCs.
pub fn new(
network: Network,
mining_config: config::Config,
mempool: Buffer<Mempool, mempool::Request>,
state: State,
latest_chain_tip: Tip,
chain_verifier: ChainVerifier,
sync_status: SyncStatus,
address_book: AddressBook,
) -> Self {
Self {
miner_address: mining_config.miner_address,
impl<Mempool, State, Tip, ChainVerifier, SyncStatus, AddressBook> GetBlockTemplateRpc
for GetBlockTemplateRpcImpl<Mempool, State, Tip, ChainVerifier, SyncStatus, AddressBook>
Mempool: Service<
Response = mempool::Response,
Error = zebra_node_services::BoxError,
> + 'static,
Mempool::Future: Send,
State: Service<
Response = zebra_state::ReadResponse,
Error = zebra_state::BoxError,
> + Clone
+ Send
+ Sync
+ 'static,
<State as Service<zebra_state::ReadRequest>>::Future: Send,
Tip: ChainTip + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
ChainVerifier: Service<zebra_consensus::Request, Response = block::Hash, Error = zebra_consensus::BoxError>
+ Clone
+ Send
+ Sync
+ 'static,
<ChainVerifier as Service<zebra_consensus::Request>>::Future: Send,
SyncStatus: ChainSyncStatus + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
AddressBook: AddressBookPeers + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
fn get_block_count(&self) -> Result<u32> {
best_chain_tip_height(&self.latest_chain_tip).map(|height| height.0)
// TODO: use a generic error constructor (#5548)
fn get_block_hash(&self, index: i32) -> BoxFuture<Result<GetBlockHash>> {
let mut state = self.state.clone();
let latest_chain_tip = self.latest_chain_tip.clone();
async move {
// TODO: look up this height as part of the state request?
let tip_height = best_chain_tip_height(&latest_chain_tip)?;
let height = height_from_signed_int(index, tip_height)?;
let request = zebra_state::ReadRequest::BestChainBlockHash(height);
let response = state
.and_then(|service| service.call(request))
.map_err(|error| Error {
code: ErrorCode::ServerError(0),
message: error.to_string(),
data: None,
match response {
zebra_state::ReadResponse::BlockHash(Some(hash)) => Ok(GetBlockHash(hash)),
zebra_state::ReadResponse::BlockHash(None) => Err(Error {
message: "Block not found".to_string(),
data: None,
_ => unreachable!("unmatched response to a block request"),
// TODO: use a generic error constructor (#5548)
fn get_block_template(
parameters: Option<get_block_template::JsonParameters>,
) -> BoxFuture<Result<get_block_template::Response>> {
// Should we generate coinbase transactions that are exactly like zcashd's?
// This is useful for testing, but either way Zebra should obey the consensus rules.
const COINBASE_LIKE_ZCASHD: bool = true;
// Clone Config
let network = self.network;
let miner_address = self.miner_address;
// Clone Services
let mempool = self.mempool.clone();
let mut latest_chain_tip = self.latest_chain_tip.clone();
let sync_status = self.sync_status.clone();
let state = self.state.clone();
if let Some(HexData(block_proposal_bytes)) = parameters
return validate_block_proposal(self.chain_verifier.clone(), block_proposal_bytes)
// To implement long polling correctly, we split this RPC into multiple phases.
async move {
let client_long_poll_id = parameters
.and_then(|params| params.long_poll_id.clone());
// - One-off checks
// Check config and parameters.
// These checks always have the same result during long polling.
let miner_address = check_miner_address(miner_address)?;
// - Checks and fetches that can change during long polling
// Set up the loop.
let mut max_time_reached = false;
// The loop returns the server long poll ID,
// which should be different to the client long poll ID.
let (server_long_poll_id, chain_tip_and_local_time, mempool_txs, submit_old) = loop {
// Check if we are synced to the tip.
// The result of this check can change during long polling.
// Optional TODO:
// - add `async changed()` method to ChainSyncStatus (like `ChainTip`)
check_synced_to_tip(network, latest_chain_tip.clone(), sync_status.clone())?;
// We're just about to fetch state data, then maybe wait for any changes.
// Mark all the changes before the fetch as seen.
// Changes are also ignored in any clones made after the mark.
// Fetch the state data and local time for the block template:
// - if the tip block hash changes, we must return from long polling,
// - if the local clock changes on testnet, we might return from long polling
// We always return after 90 minutes on mainnet, even if we have the same response,
// because the max time has been reached.
let chain_tip_and_local_time =
// Fetch the mempool data for the block template:
// - if the mempool transactions change, we might return from long polling.
// If the chain fork has just changed, miners want to get the new block as fast
// as possible, rather than wait for transactions to re-verify. This increases
// miner profits (and any delays can cause chain forks). So we don't wait between
// the chain tip changing and getting mempool transactions.
// Optional TODO:
// - add a `MempoolChange` type with an `async changed()` method (like `ChainTip`)
let mempool_txs = fetch_mempool_transactions(mempool.clone()).await?;
// - Long poll ID calculation
let server_long_poll_id = LongPollInput::new(
mempool_txs.iter().map(|tx| tx.transaction.id),
// The loop finishes if:
// - the client didn't pass a long poll ID,
// - the server long poll ID is different to the client long poll ID, or
// - the previous loop iteration waited until the max time.
if Some(&server_long_poll_id) != client_long_poll_id.as_ref() || max_time_reached {
let mut submit_old = client_long_poll_id
.map(|old_long_poll_id| server_long_poll_id.submit_old(old_long_poll_id));
// On testnet, the max time changes the block difficulty, so old shares are
// invalid. On mainnet, this means there has been 90 minutes without a new
// block or mempool transaction, which is very unlikely. So the miner should
// probably reset anyway.
if max_time_reached {
submit_old = Some(false);
break (
// - Polling wait conditions
// TODO: when we're happy with this code, split it into a function.
// Periodically check the mempool for changes.
// Optional TODO:
// Remove this polling wait if we switch to using futures to detect sync status
// and mempool changes.
let wait_for_mempool_request = tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(
// Return immediately if the chain tip has changed.
let wait_for_best_tip_change = latest_chain_tip.best_tip_changed();
// Wait for the maximum block time to elapse. This can change the block header
// on testnet. (On mainnet it can happen due to a network disconnection, or a
// rapid drop in hash rate.)
// This duration might be slightly lower than the actual maximum,
// if cur_time was clamped to min_time. In that case the wait is very long,
// and it's ok to return early.
// It can also be zero if cur_time was clamped to max_time. In that case,
// we want to wait for another change, and ignore this timeout. So we use an
// `OptionFuture::None`.
let duration_until_max_time = chain_tip_and_local_time
let wait_for_max_time: OptionFuture<_> = if duration_until_max_time.seconds() > 0 {
} else {
// Optional TODO:
// `zcashd` generates the next coinbase transaction while waiting for changes.
// When Zebra supports shielded coinbase, we might want to do this in parallel.
// But the coinbase value depends on the selected transactions, so this needs
// further analysis to check if it actually saves us any time.
// TODO: change logging to debug after testing
tokio::select! {
// Poll the futures in the listed order, for efficiency.
// We put the most frequent conditions first.
// This timer elapses every few seconds
_elapsed = wait_for_mempool_request => {
max_time = ?chain_tip_and_local_time.max_time,
cur_time = ?chain_tip_and_local_time.cur_time,
"checking for a new mempool change after waiting a few seconds"
// The state changes after around a target block interval (75s)
tip_changed_result = wait_for_best_tip_change => {
match tip_changed_result {
Ok(()) => {
max_time = ?chain_tip_and_local_time.max_time,
cur_time = ?chain_tip_and_local_time.cur_time,
"returning from long poll because state has changed"
Err(recv_error) => {
// This log should stay at info when the others go to debug,
// it will help with debugging.
max_time = ?chain_tip_and_local_time.max_time,
cur_time = ?chain_tip_and_local_time.cur_time,
"returning from long poll due to a state error.\
Is Zebra shutting down?"
return Err(Error {
code: ErrorCode::ServerError(0),
message: recv_error.to_string(),
data: None,
// The max time does not elapse during normal operation on mainnet,
// and it rarely elapses on testnet.
Some(_elapsed) = wait_for_max_time => {
// This log should stay at info when the others go to debug,
// it's very rare.
max_time = ?chain_tip_and_local_time.max_time,
cur_time = ?chain_tip_and_local_time.cur_time,
"returning from long poll because max time was reached"
max_time_reached = true;
// - Processing fetched data to create a transaction template
// Apart from random weighted transaction selection,
// the template only depends on the previously fetched data.
// This processing never fails.
// Calculate the next block height.
let next_block_height =
(chain_tip_and_local_time.tip_height + 1).expect("tip is far below Height::MAX");
// Randomly select some mempool transactions.
// TODO: sort these transactions to match zcashd's order, to make testing easier.
let mempool_txs = zip317::select_mempool_transactions(
// - After this point, the template only depends on the previously fetched data.
let response = GetBlockTemplate::new(
fn submit_block(
HexData(block_bytes): HexData,
_parameters: Option<submit_block::JsonParameters>,
) -> BoxFuture<Result<submit_block::Response>> {
let mut chain_verifier = self.chain_verifier.clone();
async move {
let block: Block = match block_bytes.zcash_deserialize_into() {
Ok(block_bytes) => block_bytes,
Err(_) => return Ok(submit_block::ErrorResponse::Rejected.into()),
let chain_verifier_response = chain_verifier
.map_err(|error| Error {
code: ErrorCode::ServerError(0),
message: error.to_string(),
data: None,
let chain_error = match chain_verifier_response {
// Currently, this match arm returns `null` (Accepted) for blocks committed
// to any chain, but Accepted is only for blocks in the best chain.
// TODO (#5487):
// - Inconclusive: check if the block is on a side-chain
// The difference is important to miners, because they want to mine on the best chain.
Ok(_block_hash) => return Ok(submit_block::Response::Accepted),
// Turns BoxError into Result<VerifyChainError, BoxError>,
// by downcasting from Any to VerifyChainError.
Err(box_error) => box_error
.map(|boxed_chain_error| *boxed_chain_error),
let response = match chain_error {
Ok(source) if source.is_duplicate_request() => {
// Currently, these match arms return Reject for the older duplicate in a queue,
// but queued duplicates should be DuplicateInconclusive.
// Optional TODO (#5487):
// - DuplicateInconclusive: turn these non-finalized state duplicate block errors
// into BlockError enum variants, and handle them as DuplicateInconclusive:
// - "block already sent to be committed to the state"
// - "replaced by newer request"
// - keep the older request in the queue,
// and return a duplicate error for the newer request immediately.
// This improves the speed of the RPC response.
// Checking the download queues and ChainVerifier buffer for duplicates
// might require architectural changes to Zebra, so we should only do it
// if mining pools really need it.
Ok(_verify_chain_error) => submit_block::ErrorResponse::Rejected,
// This match arm is currently unreachable, but if future changes add extra error types,
// we want to turn them into `Rejected`.
Err(_unknown_error_type) => submit_block::ErrorResponse::Rejected,
fn get_mining_info(&self) -> BoxFuture<Result<get_mining_info::Response>> {
let network = self.network;
let solution_rate_fut = self.get_network_sol_ps(None, None);
async move {
fn get_network_sol_ps(
num_blocks: Option<usize>,
height: Option<i32>,
) -> BoxFuture<Result<u64>> {
let num_blocks = num_blocks
.map(|num_blocks| num_blocks.max(1))
let height = height.and_then(|height| (height > 1).then_some(Height(height as u32)));
let mut state = self.state.clone();
async move {
let request = ReadRequest::SolutionRate { num_blocks, height };
let response = state
.and_then(|service| service.call(request))
.map_err(|error| Error {
code: ErrorCode::ServerError(0),
message: error.to_string(),
data: None,
let solution_rate = match response {
ReadResponse::SolutionRate(solution_rate) => solution_rate.ok_or(Error {
code: ErrorCode::ServerError(0),
message: "No blocks in state".to_string(),
data: None,
_ => unreachable!("unmatched response to a solution rate request"),
.expect("per-second solution rate always fits in u64"))
fn get_peer_info(&self) -> BoxFuture<Result<Vec<PeerInfo>>> {
let address_book = self.address_book.clone();
async move {
// Put support functions in a submodule, to keep this file small.