
367 lines
14 KiB

//! The `GetBlockTempate` type is the output of the `getblocktemplate` RPC method in the
//! default 'template' mode. See [`ProposalResponse`] for the output in 'proposal' mode.
use std::fmt;
use zebra_chain::{
block::{ChainHistoryBlockTxAuthCommitmentHash, MAX_BLOCK_BYTES, ZCASH_BLOCK_VERSION},
work::difficulty::{CompactDifficulty, ExpandedDifficulty},
use zebra_consensus::MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS;
use zebra_state::GetBlockTemplateChainInfo;
use crate::methods::{
default_roots::DefaultRoots, long_poll::LongPollId, transaction::TransactionTemplate,
pub mod parameters;
pub mod proposal;
pub use parameters::{GetBlockTemplateCapability, GetBlockTemplateRequestMode, JsonParameters};
pub use proposal::{proposal_block_from_template, ProposalResponse};
/// A serialized `getblocktemplate` RPC response in template mode.
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct GetBlockTemplate {
/// The getblocktemplate RPC capabilities supported by Zebra.
/// At the moment, Zebra does not support any of the extra capabilities from the specification:
/// - `proposal`: <https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/BIP_0023#Block_Proposal>
/// - `longpoll`: <https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/BIP_0022#Optional:_Long_Polling>
/// - `serverlist`: <https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/BIP_0023#Logical_Services>
/// By the above, Zebra will always return an empty vector here.
pub capabilities: Vec<String>,
/// The version of the block format.
/// Always 4 for new Zcash blocks.
pub version: u32,
/// The hash of the previous block.
#[serde(rename = "previousblockhash")]
pub previous_block_hash: GetBlockHash,
/// The block commitment for the new block's header.
/// Same as [`DefaultRoots.block_commitments_hash`], see that field for details.
#[serde(rename = "blockcommitmentshash")]
#[serde(with = "hex")]
pub block_commitments_hash: ChainHistoryBlockTxAuthCommitmentHash,
/// Legacy backwards-compatibility header root field.
/// Same as [`DefaultRoots.block_commitments_hash`], see that field for details.
#[serde(rename = "lightclientroothash")]
#[serde(with = "hex")]
pub light_client_root_hash: ChainHistoryBlockTxAuthCommitmentHash,
/// Legacy backwards-compatibility header root field.
/// Same as [`DefaultRoots.block_commitments_hash`], see that field for details.
#[serde(rename = "finalsaplingroothash")]
#[serde(with = "hex")]
pub final_sapling_root_hash: ChainHistoryBlockTxAuthCommitmentHash,
/// The block header roots for [`GetBlockTemplate.transactions`].
/// If the transactions in the block template are modified, these roots must be recalculated
/// [according to the specification](https://zcash.github.io/rpc/getblocktemplate.html).
#[serde(rename = "defaultroots")]
pub default_roots: DefaultRoots,
/// The non-coinbase transactions selected for this block template.
pub transactions: Vec<TransactionTemplate<amount::NonNegative>>,
/// The coinbase transaction generated from `transactions` and `height`.
#[serde(rename = "coinbasetxn")]
pub coinbase_txn: TransactionTemplate<amount::NegativeOrZero>,
/// An ID that represents the chain tip and mempool contents for this template.
#[serde(rename = "longpollid")]
pub long_poll_id: LongPollId,
/// The expected difficulty for the new block displayed in expanded form.
#[serde(with = "hex")]
pub target: ExpandedDifficulty,
/// > For each block other than the genesis block, nTime MUST be strictly greater than
/// > the median-time-past of that block.
/// <https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#blockheader>
#[serde(rename = "mintime")]
pub min_time: DateTime32,
/// Hardcoded list of block fields the miner is allowed to change.
pub mutable: Vec<String>,
/// A range of valid nonces that goes from `u32::MIN` to `u32::MAX`.
#[serde(rename = "noncerange")]
pub nonce_range: String,
/// Max legacy signature operations in the block.
#[serde(rename = "sigoplimit")]
pub sigop_limit: u64,
/// Max block size in bytes
#[serde(rename = "sizelimit")]
pub size_limit: u64,
/// > the current time as seen by the server (recommended for block time).
/// > note this is not necessarily the system clock, and must fall within the mintime/maxtime rules
/// <https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/BIP_0022#Block_Template_Request>
#[serde(rename = "curtime")]
pub cur_time: DateTime32,
/// The expected difficulty for the new block displayed in compact form.
#[serde(with = "hex")]
pub bits: CompactDifficulty,
/// The height of the next block in the best chain.
// Optional TODO: use Height type, but check that deserialized heights are within Height::MAX
pub height: u32,
/// > the maximum time allowed
/// <https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/BIP_0023#Mutations>
/// Zebra adjusts the minimum and current times for testnet minimum difficulty blocks,
/// so we need to tell miners what the maximum valid time is.
/// This field is not in `zcashd` or the Zcash RPC reference yet.
/// Currently, some miners just use `min_time` or `cur_time`. Others calculate `max_time` from the
/// fixed 90 minute consensus rule, or a smaller fixed interval (like 1000s).
/// Some miners don't check the maximum time. This can cause invalid blocks after network downtime,
/// a significant drop in the hash rate, or after the testnet minimum difficulty interval.
#[serde(rename = "maxtime")]
pub max_time: DateTime32,
/// > only relevant for long poll responses:
/// > indicates if work received prior to this response remains potentially valid (default)
/// > and should have its shares submitted;
/// > if false, the miner may wish to discard its share queue
/// <https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/BIP_0022#Optional:_Long_Polling>
/// This field is not in `zcashd` or the Zcash RPC reference yet.
/// In Zebra, `submit_old` is `false` when the tip block changed or max time is reached,
/// and `true` if only the mempool transactions have changed.
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
#[serde(rename = "submitold")]
pub submit_old: Option<bool>,
impl fmt::Debug for GetBlockTemplate {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
// A block with a lot of transactions can be extremely long in logs.
let mut transactions_truncated = self.transactions.clone();
if self.transactions.len() > 4 {
// Remove transaction 3 onwards, but leave the last transaction
let end = self.transactions.len() - 2;
transactions_truncated.splice(3..=end, Vec::new());
.field("capabilities", &self.capabilities)
.field("version", &self.version)
.field("previous_block_hash", &self.previous_block_hash)
.field("block_commitments_hash", &self.block_commitments_hash)
.field("light_client_root_hash", &self.light_client_root_hash)
.field("final_sapling_root_hash", &self.final_sapling_root_hash)
.field("default_roots", &self.default_roots)
.field("transaction_count", &self.transactions.len())
.field("transactions", &transactions_truncated)
.field("coinbase_txn", &self.coinbase_txn)
.field("long_poll_id", &self.long_poll_id)
.field("target", &self.target)
.field("min_time", &self.min_time)
.field("mutable", &self.mutable)
.field("nonce_range", &self.nonce_range)
.field("sigop_limit", &self.sigop_limit)
.field("size_limit", &self.size_limit)
.field("cur_time", &self.cur_time)
.field("bits", &self.bits)
.field("height", &self.height)
.field("max_time", &self.max_time)
.field("submit_old", &self.submit_old)
impl GetBlockTemplate {
/// Returns a `Vec` of capabilities supported by the `getblocktemplate` RPC
pub fn capabilities() -> Vec<String> {
/// Returns a new [`GetBlockTemplate`] struct, based on the supplied arguments and defaults.
/// The result of this method only depends on the supplied arguments and constants.
/// If `like_zcashd` is true, try to match the coinbase transactions generated by `zcashd`
/// in the `getblocktemplate` RPC.
pub fn new(
network: Network,
miner_address: transparent::Address,
chain_tip_and_local_time: &GetBlockTemplateChainInfo,
long_poll_id: LongPollId,
mempool_txs: Vec<VerifiedUnminedTx>,
submit_old: Option<bool>,
like_zcashd: bool,
extra_coinbase_data: Vec<u8>,
) -> Self {
// Calculate the next block height.
let next_block_height =
(chain_tip_and_local_time.tip_height + 1).expect("tip is far below Height::MAX");
// Convert transactions into TransactionTemplates
let mut mempool_txs_with_templates: Vec<(
)> = mempool_txs
.map(|tx| ((&tx).into(), tx))
// Transaction selection returns transactions in an arbitrary order,
// but Zebra's snapshot tests expect the same order every time.
if like_zcashd {
// Sort in serialized data order, excluding the length byte.
// `zcashd` sometimes seems to do this, but other times the order is arbitrary.
mempool_txs_with_templates.sort_by_key(|(tx_template, _tx)| tx_template.data.clone());
} else {
// Sort by hash, this is faster.
.sort_by_key(|(tx_template, _tx)| tx_template.hash.bytes_in_display_order());
let (mempool_tx_templates, mempool_txs): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) =
// Generate the coinbase transaction and default roots
// TODO: move expensive root, hash, and tree cryptography to a rayon thread?
let (coinbase_txn, default_roots) = generate_coinbase_and_roots(
// Convert difficulty
let target = chain_tip_and_local_time
.expect("state always returns a valid difficulty value");
// Convert default values
let capabilities: Vec<String> = Self::capabilities();
selected_txs = ?mempool_txs
.map(|tx| (tx.transaction.id.mined_id(), tx.unpaid_actions))
"creating template ... "
GetBlockTemplate {
previous_block_hash: GetBlockHash(chain_tip_and_local_time.tip_hash),
block_commitments_hash: default_roots.block_commitments_hash,
light_client_root_hash: default_roots.block_commitments_hash,
final_sapling_root_hash: default_roots.block_commitments_hash,
transactions: mempool_tx_templates,
min_time: chain_tip_and_local_time.min_time,
nonce_range: GET_BLOCK_TEMPLATE_NONCE_RANGE_FIELD.to_string(),
sigop_limit: MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS,
size_limit: MAX_BLOCK_BYTES,
cur_time: chain_tip_and_local_time.cur_time,
bits: chain_tip_and_local_time.expected_difficulty,
height: next_block_height.0,
max_time: chain_tip_and_local_time.max_time,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
/// A `getblocktemplate` RPC response.
pub enum Response {
/// `getblocktemplate` RPC request in template mode.
/// `getblocktemplate` RPC request in proposal mode.
impl Response {
/// Returns the inner template, if the response is in template mode.
pub fn try_into_template(self) -> Option<GetBlockTemplate> {
match self {
Response::TemplateMode(template) => Some(*template),
Response::ProposalMode(_) => None,
/// Returns the inner proposal, if the response is in proposal mode.
pub fn try_into_proposal(self) -> Option<ProposalResponse> {
match self {
Response::TemplateMode(_) => None,
Response::ProposalMode(proposal) => Some(proposal),