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//! Top-level semantic block verification for Zebra.
//! Verifies blocks using the [`CheckpointVerifier`] or full [`SemanticBlockVerifier`],
//! depending on the config and block height.
//! # Correctness
//! Block and transaction verification requests should be wrapped in a timeout, because:
//! - checkpoint verification waits for previous blocks, and
//! - full block and transaction verification wait for UTXOs from previous blocks.
//! Otherwise, verification of out-of-order and invalid blocks and transactions can hang
//! indefinitely.
use std::{
task::{Context, Poll},
use displaydoc::Display;
use futures::{FutureExt, TryFutureExt};
use thiserror::Error;
use tokio::task::JoinHandle;
use tower::{buffer::Buffer, util::BoxService, Service, ServiceExt};
use tracing::{instrument, Instrument, Span};
use zebra_chain::{
block::{self, Height},
use zebra_state as zs;
use crate::{
block::{Request, SemanticBlockVerifier, VerifyBlockError},
checkpoint::{CheckpointList, CheckpointVerifier, VerifyCheckpointError},
transaction, BoxError, Config,
mod tests;
/// The bound for the chain verifier and transaction verifier buffers.
/// We choose the verifier buffer bound based on the maximum number of
/// concurrent verifier users, to avoid contention:
/// - the `ChainSync` block download and verify stream
/// - the `Inbound` block download and verify stream
/// - the `Mempool` transaction download and verify stream
/// - a block miner component, which we might add in future, and
/// - 1 extra slot to avoid contention.
/// We deliberately add extra slots, because they only cost a small amount of
/// memory, but missing slots can significantly slow down Zebra.
const VERIFIER_BUFFER_BOUND: usize = 5;
/// The block verifier router routes requests to either the checkpoint verifier or the
/// semantic block verifier, depending on the maximum checkpoint height.
/// # Correctness
/// Block verification requests should be wrapped in a timeout, so that
/// out-of-order and invalid requests do not hang indefinitely. See the [`router`](`crate::router`)
/// module documentation for details.
struct BlockVerifierRouter<S, V>
S: Service<zs::Request, Response = zs::Response, Error = BoxError> + Send + Clone + 'static,
S::Future: Send + 'static,
V: Service<transaction::Request, Response = transaction::Response, Error = BoxError>
+ Send
+ Clone
+ 'static,
V::Future: Send + 'static,
/// The checkpointing block verifier.
/// Always used for blocks before `Canopy`, optionally used for the entire checkpoint list.
checkpoint: CheckpointVerifier<S>,
/// The highest permitted checkpoint block.
/// This height must be in the `checkpoint` verifier's checkpoint list.
max_checkpoint_height: block::Height,
/// The full semantic block verifier, used for blocks after `max_checkpoint_height`.
block: SemanticBlockVerifier<S, V>,
/// An error while semantically verifying a block.
// One or both of these error variants are at least 140 bytes
#[derive(Debug, Display, Error)]
pub enum RouterError {
/// Block could not be checkpointed
Checkpoint { source: Box<VerifyCheckpointError> },
/// Block could not be full-verified
Block { source: Box<VerifyBlockError> },
impl From<VerifyCheckpointError> for RouterError {
fn from(err: VerifyCheckpointError) -> Self {
RouterError::Checkpoint {
source: Box::new(err),
impl From<VerifyBlockError> for RouterError {
fn from(err: VerifyBlockError) -> Self {
RouterError::Block {
source: Box::new(err),
impl RouterError {
/// Returns `true` if this is definitely a duplicate request.
/// Some duplicate requests might not be detected, and therefore return `false`.
pub fn is_duplicate_request(&self) -> bool {
match self {
RouterError::Checkpoint { source, .. } => source.is_duplicate_request(),
RouterError::Block { source, .. } => source.is_duplicate_request(),
impl<S, V> Service<Request> for BlockVerifierRouter<S, V>
S: Service<zs::Request, Response = zs::Response, Error = BoxError> + Send + Clone + 'static,
S::Future: Send + 'static,
V: Service<transaction::Request, Response = transaction::Response, Error = BoxError>
+ Send
+ Clone
+ 'static,
V::Future: Send + 'static,
type Response = block::Hash;
type Error = RouterError;
type Future =
Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Self::Response, Self::Error>> + Send + 'static>>;
fn poll_ready(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
// The current task must be scheduled for wakeup every time we return
// `Poll::Pending`.
// If either verifier is unready, this task is scheduled for wakeup when it becomes
// ready.
// We acquire checkpoint readiness before block readiness, to avoid an unlikely
// hang during the checkpoint to block verifier transition. If the checkpoint and
// block verifiers are contending for the same buffer/batch, we want the checkpoint
// verifier to win, so that checkpoint verification completes, and block verification
// can start. (Buffers and batches have multiple slots, so this contention is unlikely.)
use futures::ready;
// The chain verifier holds one slot in each verifier, for each concurrent task.
// Therefore, any shared buffers or batches polled by these verifiers should double
// their bounds. (For example, the state service buffer.)
fn call(&mut self, request: Request) -> Self::Future {
let block = request.block();
match block.coinbase_height() {
#[cfg(feature = "getblocktemplate-rpcs")]
// There's currently no known use case for block proposals below the checkpoint height,
// so it's okay to immediately return an error here.
Some(height) if height <= self.max_checkpoint_height && request.is_proposal() => {
async {
// TODO: Add a `ValidateProposalError` enum with a `BelowCheckpoint` variant?
"block proposals must be above checkpoint height".into(),
Some(height) if height <= self.max_checkpoint_height => {
// This also covers blocks with no height, which the block verifier
// will reject immediately.
_ => self.block.call(request).map_err(Into::into).boxed(),
/// Initialize block and transaction verification services,
/// and pre-download Groth16 parameters if requested by the `debug_skip_parameter_preload`
/// config parameter and if the download is not already started.
/// Returns a block verifier, transaction verifier,
/// the Groth16 parameter download task [`JoinHandle`],
/// and the maximum configured checkpoint verification height.
/// The consensus configuration is specified by `config`, and the Zcash network
/// to verify blocks for is specified by `network`.
/// The block verification service asynchronously performs semantic verification
/// checks. Blocks that pass semantic verification are submitted to the supplied
/// `state_service` for contextual verification before being committed to the chain.
/// The transaction verification service asynchronously performs semantic verification
/// checks. Transactions that pass semantic verification return an `Ok` result to the caller.
/// Pre-downloads the Sapling and Sprout Groth16 parameters if needed,
/// checks they were downloaded correctly, and loads them into Zebra.
/// (The transaction verifier automatically downloads the parameters on first use.
/// But the parameter downloads can take around 10 minutes.
/// So we pre-download the parameters, to avoid verification timeouts.)
/// This function should only be called once for a particular state service.
/// Dropped requests are cancelled on a best-effort basis, but may continue to be processed.
/// # Correctness
/// Block and transaction verification requests should be wrapped in a timeout,
/// so that out-of-order and invalid requests do not hang indefinitely.
/// See the [`router`](`crate::router`) module documentation for details.
pub async fn init<S>(
config: Config,
network: Network,
mut state_service: S,
debug_skip_parameter_preload: bool,
) -> (
Buffer<BoxService<Request, block::Hash, RouterError>, Request>,
BoxService<transaction::Request, transaction::Response, TransactionError>,
S: Service<zs::Request, Response = zs::Response, Error = BoxError> + Send + Clone + 'static,
S::Future: Send + 'static,
// Give other tasks priority before spawning the download and checkpoint tasks.
// Pre-download Groth16 parameters in a separate thread.
// The parameter download thread must be launched before initializing any verifiers.
// Otherwise, the download might happen on the startup thread.
let span = Span::current();
let groth16_download_handle = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
span.in_scope(|| {
if !debug_skip_parameter_preload {
// The lazy static initializer does the download, if needed,
// and the file hash checks.
// Make sure the state contains the known best chain checkpoints, in a separate thread.
let checkpoint_state_service = state_service.clone();
let checkpoint_sync = config.checkpoint_sync;
let state_checkpoint_verify_handle = tokio::task::spawn(
// TODO: move this into an async function?
async move {
tracing::info!("starting state checkpoint validation");
// # Consensus
// We want to verify all available checkpoints, even if the node is not configured
// to use them for syncing. Zebra's checkpoints are updated with every release,
// which makes sure they include the latest settled network upgrade.
// > A network upgrade is settled on a given network when there is a social
// > consensus that it has activated with a given activation block hash.
// > A full validator that potentially risks Mainnet funds or displays Mainnet
// > transaction information to a user MUST do so only for a block chain that
// > includes the activation block of the most recent settled network upgrade,
// > with the corresponding activation block hash. Currently, there is social
// > consensus that NU5 has activated on the Zcash Mainnet and Testnet with the
// > activation block hashes given in § 3.12 Mainnet and Testnet on p. 20.
// <https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#blockchain>
let full_checkpoints = CheckpointList::new(network);
for (height, checkpoint_hash) in full_checkpoints.iter() {
let checkpoint_state_service = checkpoint_state_service.clone();
let request = zebra_state::Request::BestChainBlockHash(*height);
match checkpoint_state_service.oneshot(request).await {
Ok(zebra_state::Response::BlockHash(Some(state_hash))) => assert_eq!(
*checkpoint_hash, state_hash,
"invalid block in state: a previous Zebra instance followed an \
incorrect chain. Delete and re-sync your state to use the best chain"
Ok(zebra_state::Response::BlockHash(None)) => {
if checkpoint_sync {
"state is not fully synced yet, remaining checkpoints will be \
verified during syncing"
} else {
"state is not fully synced yet, remaining checkpoints will be \
verified next time Zebra starts up. Zebra will be less secure \
until it is restarted. Use consensus.checkpoint_sync = true \
in zebrad.toml to make sure you are following a valid chain"
Ok(response) => {
unreachable!("unexpected response type: {response:?} from state request")
Err(e) => {
"unexpected error: {e:?} in state request while verifying previous \
state checkpoints. Is Zebra shutting down?"
// This error happens a lot in some tests.
// TODO: fix the tests so they don't cause this error,
// or change the tracing filter
"unexpected error: {e:?} in state request while verifying previous \
state checkpoints. Is Zebra shutting down?"
tracing::info!("finished state checkpoint validation");
// transaction verification
let transaction = transaction::Verifier::new(network, state_service.clone());
let transaction = Buffer::new(BoxService::new(transaction), VERIFIER_BUFFER_BOUND);
// block verification
let (list, max_checkpoint_height) = init_checkpoint_list(config, network);
let tip = match state_service
zs::Response::Tip(tip) => tip,
_ => unreachable!("wrong response to Request::Tip"),
"initializing block verifier router"
let block = SemanticBlockVerifier::new(network, state_service.clone(), transaction.clone());
let checkpoint = CheckpointVerifier::from_checkpoint_list(list, network, tip, state_service);
let router = BlockVerifierRouter {
let router = Buffer::new(BoxService::new(router), VERIFIER_BUFFER_BOUND);
let task_handles = BackgroundTaskHandles {
(router, transaction, task_handles, max_checkpoint_height)
/// Parses the checkpoint list for `network` and `config`.
/// Returns the checkpoint list and maximum checkpoint height.
pub fn init_checkpoint_list(config: Config, network: Network) -> (CheckpointList, Height) {
// TODO: Zebra parses the checkpoint list three times at startup.
// Instead, cache the checkpoint list for each `network`.
let list = CheckpointList::new(network);
let max_checkpoint_height = if config.checkpoint_sync {
} else {
.expect("hardcoded checkpoint list extends past canopy activation")
(list, max_checkpoint_height)
/// The background task handles for `zebra-consensus` verifier initialization.
pub struct BackgroundTaskHandles {
/// A handle to the Groth16 parameter download task.
/// Finishes when the parameters are downloaded and their checksums verified.
pub groth16_download_handle: JoinHandle<()>,
/// A handle to the state checkpoint verify task.
/// Finishes when all the checkpoints are verified, or when the state tip is reached.
pub state_checkpoint_verify_handle: JoinHandle<()>,