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//! `download` subcommand - pre-download required parameter files
//! `zebrad download` automatically downloads required parameter files the first time it is run.
//! This command should be used if you're launching lots of `zebrad start` instances for testing,
//! or you want to include the parameter files in a distribution package.
use abscissa_core::{Command, Runnable};
/// Pre-download required Zcash Sprout and Sapling parameter files
#[derive(Command, Debug, Default, clap::Parser)]
pub struct DownloadCmd {}
impl DownloadCmd {
/// Download the Sapling and Sprout Groth16 parameters if needed,
/// check they were downloaded correctly, and load them into Zebra.
/// # Panics
/// If the downloaded or pre-existing parameter files are invalid.
fn download_and_check(&self) {
// The lazy static initializer does the download, if needed,
// and the file hash checks.
impl Runnable for DownloadCmd {
/// Run the download command.
fn run(&self) {
info!("checking if Zcash Sapling and Sprout parameters have been downloaded");