
1001 lines
40 KiB

//! Checkpoint-based block verification.
//! Checkpoint-based verification uses a list of checkpoint hashes to
//! speed up the initial chain sync for Zebra. This list is distributed
//! with Zebra.
//! The checkpoint verifier queues pending blocks. Once there is a
//! chain from the previous checkpoint to a target checkpoint, it
//! verifies all the blocks in that chain, and sends accepted blocks to
//! the state service as finalized chain state, skipping contextual
//! verification checks.
//! Verification starts at the first checkpoint, which is the genesis
//! block for the configured network.
use std::{
ops::{Bound, Bound::*},
sync::{mpsc, Arc},
task::{Context, Poll},
use futures::{Future, FutureExt, TryFutureExt};
use thiserror::Error;
use tokio::sync::oneshot;
use tower::{Service, ServiceExt};
use tracing::instrument;
use zebra_chain::{
block::{self, Block},
parameters::{Network, GENESIS_PREVIOUS_BLOCK_HASH},
use zebra_state as zs;
use crate::{block::VerifyBlockError, error::BlockError, BoxError};
pub(crate) mod list;
mod types;
mod tests;
pub(crate) use list::CheckpointList;
use types::{Progress, Progress::*};
use types::{TargetHeight, TargetHeight::*};
/// An unverified block, which is in the queue for checkpoint verification.
struct QueuedBlock {
/// The block data.
block: Arc<Block>,
/// `block`'s cached header hash.
hash: block::Hash,
/// The transmitting end of the oneshot channel for this block's result.
tx: oneshot::Sender<Result<block::Hash, VerifyCheckpointError>>,
/// A list of unverified blocks at a particular height.
/// Typically contains a single block, but might contain more if a peer
/// has an old chain fork. (Or sends us a bad block.)
/// The CheckpointVerifier avoids creating zero-block lists.
type QueuedBlockList = Vec<QueuedBlock>;
/// The maximum number of queued blocks at any one height.
/// This value is a tradeoff between:
/// - rejecting bad blocks: if we queue more blocks, we need fewer network
/// retries, but use a bit more CPU when verifying,
/// - avoiding a memory DoS: if we queue fewer blocks, we use less memory.
/// Memory usage is controlled by the sync service, because it controls block
/// downloads. When the verifier services process blocks, they reduce memory
/// usage by committing blocks to the disk state. (Or dropping invalid blocks.)
pub const MAX_QUEUED_BLOCKS_PER_HEIGHT: usize = 4;
/// We limit the maximum number of blocks in each checkpoint. Each block uses a
/// constant amount of memory for the supporting data structures and futures.
/// We choose a checkpoint gap that allows us to verify one checkpoint for
/// every `ObtainTips` or `ExtendTips` response.
/// `zcashd`'s maximum `FindBlocks` response size is 500 hashes. `zebrad` uses
/// 1 hash to verify the tip, and discards 1-2 hashes to work around `zcashd`
/// bugs. So the most efficient gap is slightly less than 500 blocks.
pub const MAX_CHECKPOINT_HEIGHT_GAP: usize = 400;
/// We limit the memory usage and download contention for each checkpoint,
/// based on the cumulative size of the serialized blocks in the chain.
/// Deserialized blocks (in memory) are slightly larger than serialized blocks
/// (on the network or disk). But they should be within a constant factor of the
/// serialized size.
pub const MAX_CHECKPOINT_BYTE_COUNT: u64 = 32 * 1024 * 1024;
/// Convert a tip into its hash and matching progress.
fn progress_from_tip(
checkpoint_list: &CheckpointList,
tip: Option<(block::Height, block::Hash)>,
) -> (Option<block::Hash>, Progress<block::Height>) {
match tip {
Some((height, hash)) => {
if height >= checkpoint_list.max_height() {
(None, Progress::FinalCheckpoint)
} else {
metrics::gauge!("checkpoint.verified.height", height.0 as f64);
metrics::gauge!("checkpoint.processing.next.height", height.0 as f64);
(Some(hash), Progress::InitialTip(height))
// We start by verifying the genesis block, by itself
None => (None, Progress::BeforeGenesis),
/// A checkpointing block verifier.
/// Verifies blocks using a supplied list of checkpoints. There must be at
/// least one checkpoint for the genesis block.
pub struct CheckpointVerifier<S>
S: Service<zs::Request, Response = zs::Response, Error = BoxError> + Send + Clone + 'static,
S::Future: Send + 'static,
/// The checkpoint list for this verifier.
checkpoint_list: CheckpointList,
/// The network rules used by this verifier.
network: Network,
/// The hash of the initial tip, if any.
initial_tip_hash: Option<block::Hash>,
/// The underlying state service, possibly wrapped in other services.
state_service: S,
/// A queue of unverified blocks.
/// Contains a list of unverified blocks at each block height. In most cases,
/// the checkpoint verifier will store zero or one block at each height.
/// Blocks are verified in order, once there is a chain from the previous
/// checkpoint to a target checkpoint.
/// The first checkpoint does not have any ancestors, so it only verifies the
/// genesis block.
queued: BTreeMap<block::Height, QueuedBlockList>,
/// The current progress of this verifier.
verifier_progress: Progress<block::Height>,
/// A channel to receive requests to reset the verifier,
/// receiving the tip of the state.
reset_receiver: mpsc::Receiver<Option<(block::Height, block::Hash)>>,
/// A channel to send requests to reset the verifier,
/// passing the tip of the state.
reset_sender: mpsc::Sender<Option<(block::Height, block::Hash)>>,
impl<S> CheckpointVerifier<S>
S: Service<zs::Request, Response = zs::Response, Error = BoxError> + Send + Clone + 'static,
S::Future: Send + 'static,
/// Return a checkpoint verification service for `network`, using the
/// hard-coded checkpoint list, and the provided `state_service`.
/// If `initial_tip` is Some(_), the verifier starts at that initial tip.
/// The initial tip can be between the checkpoints in the hard-coded
/// checkpoint list.
/// The checkpoint verifier holds a state service of type `S`, into which newly
/// verified blocks will be committed. This state is pluggable to allow for
/// testing or instrumentation.
/// This function should be called only once for a particular network, rather
/// than constructing multiple verification services for the same network. To
/// clone a CheckpointVerifier, you might need to wrap it in a
/// `tower::Buffer` service.
pub fn new(
network: Network,
initial_tip: Option<(block::Height, block::Hash)>,
state_service: S,
) -> Self {
let checkpoint_list = CheckpointList::new(network);
let max_height = checkpoint_list.max_height();
"initialising CheckpointVerifier"
Self::from_checkpoint_list(checkpoint_list, network, initial_tip, state_service)
/// Return a checkpoint verification service using `list`, `network`,
/// `initial_tip`, and `state_service`.
/// Assumes that the provided genesis checkpoint is correct.
/// Callers should prefer `CheckpointVerifier::new`, which uses the
/// hard-coded checkpoint lists, or `CheckpointList::from_list` if you need
/// to specify a custom checkpoint list. See those functions for more
/// details.
/// This function is designed for use in tests.
pub(crate) fn from_list(
list: impl IntoIterator<Item = (block::Height, block::Hash)>,
network: Network,
initial_tip: Option<(block::Height, block::Hash)>,
state_service: S,
) -> Result<Self, VerifyCheckpointError> {
/// Return a checkpoint verification service using `checkpoint_list`,
/// `network`, `initial_tip`, and `state_service`.
/// Assumes that the provided genesis checkpoint is correct.
/// Callers should prefer `CheckpointVerifier::new`, which uses the
/// hard-coded checkpoint lists. See that function for more details.
pub(crate) fn from_checkpoint_list(
checkpoint_list: CheckpointList,
network: Network,
initial_tip: Option<(block::Height, block::Hash)>,
state_service: S,
) -> Self {
// All the initialisers should call this function, so we only have to
// change fields or default values in one place.
let (initial_tip_hash, verifier_progress) =
progress_from_tip(&checkpoint_list, initial_tip);
let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::channel();
CheckpointVerifier {
queued: BTreeMap::new(),
reset_receiver: receiver,
reset_sender: sender,
/// Reset the verifier progress back to given tip.
fn reset_progress(&mut self, tip: Option<(block::Height, block::Hash)>) {
let (initial_tip_hash, verifier_progress) = progress_from_tip(&self.checkpoint_list, tip);
self.initial_tip_hash = initial_tip_hash;
self.verifier_progress = verifier_progress;
/// Return the current verifier's progress.
/// If verification has not started yet, returns `BeforeGenesis`,
/// or `InitialTip(height)` if there were cached verified blocks.
/// If verification is ongoing, returns `PreviousCheckpoint(height)`.
/// `height` increases as checkpoints are verified.
/// If verification has finished, returns `FinalCheckpoint`.
fn previous_checkpoint_height(&self) -> Progress<block::Height> {
/// Return the start of the current checkpoint range.
/// Returns None if verification has finished.
fn current_start_bound(&self) -> Option<Bound<block::Height>> {
match self.previous_checkpoint_height() {
BeforeGenesis => Some(Unbounded),
InitialTip(height) | PreviousCheckpoint(height) => Some(Excluded(height)),
FinalCheckpoint => None,
/// Return the target checkpoint height that we want to verify.
/// If we need more blocks, returns `WaitingForBlocks`.
/// If the queued blocks are continuous from the previous checkpoint to a
/// target checkpoint, returns `Checkpoint(height)`. The target checkpoint
/// can be multiple checkpoints ahead of the previous checkpoint.
/// `height` increases as checkpoints are verified.
/// If verification has finished, returns `FinishedVerifying`.
fn target_checkpoint_height(&self) -> TargetHeight {
// Find the height we want to start searching at
let start_height = match self.previous_checkpoint_height() {
// Check if we have the genesis block as a special case, to simplify the loop
BeforeGenesis if !self.queued.contains_key(&block::Height(0)) => {
tracing::trace!("Waiting for genesis block");
metrics::counter!("checkpoint.waiting.count", 1);
return WaitingForBlocks;
BeforeGenesis => block::Height(0),
InitialTip(height) | PreviousCheckpoint(height) => height,
FinalCheckpoint => return FinishedVerifying,
// Find the end of the continuous sequence of blocks, starting at the
// last verified checkpoint. If there is no verified checkpoint, start
// *after* the genesis block (which we checked above).
// If `btree_map::Range` implements `ExactSizeIterator`, it would be
// much faster to walk the checkpoint list, and compare the length of
// the `btree_map::Range` to the block height difference between
// checkpoints. (In maps, keys are unique, so we don't need to check
// each height value.)
// But at the moment, this implementation is slightly faster, because
// it stops after the first gap.
let mut pending_height = start_height;
for (&height, _) in self.queued.range((Excluded(pending_height), Unbounded)) {
// If the queued blocks are continuous.
if height == block::Height(pending_height.0 + 1) {
pending_height = height;
} else {
let gap = height.0 - pending_height.0;
// Try to log a useful message when checkpointing has issues
tracing::trace!(contiguous_height = ?pending_height,
next_height = ?height,
"Waiting for more checkpoint blocks");
pending_height.0 as f64
// Now find the start of the checkpoint range
let start = self.current_start_bound().expect(
"if verification has finished, we should have returned earlier in the function",
// Find the highest checkpoint below pending_height, excluding any
// previously verified checkpoints
let target_checkpoint = self
.max_height_in_range((start, Included(pending_height)));
checkpoint_start = ?start,
highest_contiguous_block = ?pending_height,
if let Some(block::Height(target_checkpoint)) = target_checkpoint {
target_checkpoint as f64
} else {
// Use the start height if there is no potential next checkpoint
metrics::gauge!("checkpoint.processing.next.height", start_height.0 as f64);
metrics::counter!("checkpoint.waiting.count", 1);
/// Return the most recently verified checkpoint's hash.
/// See `previous_checkpoint_height()` for details.
fn previous_checkpoint_hash(&self) -> Progress<block::Hash> {
match self.previous_checkpoint_height() {
BeforeGenesis => BeforeGenesis,
InitialTip(_) => self
.expect("initial tip height must have an initial tip hash"),
PreviousCheckpoint(height) => self
.expect("every checkpoint height must have a hash"),
FinalCheckpoint => FinalCheckpoint,
/// Check that `height` is valid and able to be verified.
/// Returns an error if:
/// - the block's height is greater than the maximum checkpoint
/// - there are no checkpoints
/// - the block's height is less than or equal to the previously verified
/// checkpoint
/// - verification has finished
fn check_height(&self, height: block::Height) -> Result<(), VerifyCheckpointError> {
if height > self.checkpoint_list.max_height() {
Err(VerifyCheckpointError::TooHigh {
max_height: self.checkpoint_list.max_height(),
match self.previous_checkpoint_height() {
// Any height is valid
BeforeGenesis => {}
// Greater heights are valid
InitialTip(previous_height) | PreviousCheckpoint(previous_height)
if (height <= previous_height) =>
let e = Err(VerifyCheckpointError::AlreadyVerified {
verified_height: previous_height,
InitialTip(_) | PreviousCheckpoint(_) => {}
// We're finished, so no checkpoint height is valid
FinalCheckpoint => Err(VerifyCheckpointError::Finished)?,
/// Increase the current checkpoint height to `verified_height`,
fn update_progress(&mut self, verified_height: block::Height) {
if let Some(max_height) = self.queued.keys().next_back() {
metrics::gauge!("checkpoint.queued.max.height", max_height.0 as f64);
} else {
// use f64::NAN as a sentinel value for "None", because 0 is a valid height
metrics::gauge!("checkpoint.queued.max.height", f64::NAN);
metrics::gauge!("checkpoint.queued_slots", self.queued.len() as f64);
// Ignore blocks that are below the previous checkpoint, or otherwise
// have invalid heights.
// We ignore out-of-order verification, such as:
// - the height is less than the previous checkpoint height, or
// - the previous checkpoint height is the maximum height (checkpoint verifies are finished),
// because futures might not resolve in height order.
if self.check_height(verified_height).is_err() {
// Ignore heights that aren't checkpoint heights
if verified_height == self.checkpoint_list.max_height() {
metrics::gauge!("checkpoint.verified.height", verified_height.0 as f64);
self.verifier_progress = FinalCheckpoint;
} else if self.checkpoint_list.contains(verified_height) {
metrics::gauge!("checkpoint.verified.height", verified_height.0 as f64);
self.verifier_progress = PreviousCheckpoint(verified_height);
// We're done with the initial tip hash now
self.initial_tip_hash = None;
/// Check that the block height, proof of work, and Merkle root are valid.
/// ## Security
/// Checking the proof of work makes resource exhaustion attacks harder to
/// carry out, because malicious blocks require a valid proof of work.
/// Checking the Merkle root ensures that the block hash binds the block
/// contents. To prevent malleability (CVE-2012-2459), we also need to check
/// whether the transaction hashes are unique.
fn check_block(&self, block: &Block) -> Result<block::Height, VerifyCheckpointError> {
let hash = block.hash();
let height = block
.ok_or(VerifyCheckpointError::CoinbaseHeight { hash })?;
crate::block::check::difficulty_is_valid(&block.header, self.network, &height, &hash)?;
let transaction_hashes = block
.map(|tx| tx.hash())
crate::block::check::merkle_root_validity(self.network, block, &transaction_hashes)?;
/// Queue `block` for verification, and return the `Receiver` for the
/// block's verification result.
/// Verification will finish when the chain to the next checkpoint is
/// complete, and the caller will be notified via the channel.
/// If the block does not have a coinbase height, sends an error on `tx`,
/// and does not queue the block.
fn queue_block(
&mut self,
block: Arc<Block>,
) -> oneshot::Receiver<Result<block::Hash, VerifyCheckpointError>> {
// Set up a oneshot channel to send results
let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
// Check that the height and Merkle roots are valid.
let height = match self.check_block(&block) {
Ok(height) => height,
Err(error) => {
tx.send(Err(error)).expect("rx has not been dropped yet");
return rx;
// Since we're using Arc<Block>, each entry is a single pointer to the
// Arc. But there are a lot of QueuedBlockLists in the queue, so we keep
// allocations as small as possible.
let qblocks = self
.or_insert_with(|| QueuedBlockList::with_capacity(1));
let hash = block.hash();
// Replace older requests by newer ones by swapping the oneshot.
for qb in qblocks.iter_mut() {
if qb.hash == hash {
let e = VerifyCheckpointError::NewerRequest { height, hash };
tracing::trace!(?e, "failing older of duplicate requests");
let old_tx = std::mem::replace(&mut qb.tx, tx);
let _ = old_tx.send(Err(e));
return rx;
// Memory DoS resistance: limit the queued blocks at each height
if qblocks.len() >= MAX_QUEUED_BLOCKS_PER_HEIGHT {
let e = VerifyCheckpointError::QueuedLimit;
let _ = tx.send(Err(e));
return rx;
// Add the block to the list of queued blocks at this height
let new_qblock = QueuedBlock { block, hash, tx };
// This is a no-op for the first block in each QueuedBlockList.
.expect("queued has at least one entry")
.0 as f64
let is_checkpoint = self.checkpoint_list.contains(height);
tracing::debug!(?height, ?hash, ?is_checkpoint, "queued block");
/// During checkpoint range processing, process all the blocks at `height`.
/// Returns the first valid block. If there is no valid block, returns None.
fn process_height(
&mut self,
height: block::Height,
expected_hash: block::Hash,
) -> Option<QueuedBlock> {
let mut qblocks = self
.expect("the current checkpoint range has continuous Vec<QueuedBlock>s");
"the current checkpoint range has continous Blocks"
// Check interim checkpoints
if let Some(checkpoint_hash) = self.checkpoint_list.hash(height) {
// We assume the checkpoints are valid. And we have verified back
// from the target checkpoint, so the last block must also be valid.
// This is probably a bad checkpoint list, a zebra bug, or a bad
// chain (in a testing mode like regtest).
assert_eq!(expected_hash, checkpoint_hash,
"checkpoints in the range should match: bad checkpoint list, zebra bug, or bad chain"
// Find a queued block at this height, which is part of the hash chain.
// There are two possible outcomes here:
// - one of the blocks matches the chain (the common case)
// - no blocks match the chain, verification has failed for this range
// If there are any side-chain blocks, they fail validation.
let mut valid_qblock = None;
for qblock in qblocks.drain(..) {
if qblock.hash == expected_hash {
if valid_qblock.is_none() {
// The first valid block at the current height
valid_qblock = Some(qblock);
} else {
unreachable!("unexpected duplicate block {:?} {:?}: duplicate blocks should be rejected before being queued",
height, qblock.hash);
} else {
tracing::info!(?height, ?qblock.hash, ?expected_hash,
"Side chain hash at height in CheckpointVerifier");
let _ = qblock
.send(Err(VerifyCheckpointError::UnexpectedSideChain {
found: qblock.hash,
expected: expected_hash,
/// Try to verify from the previous checkpoint to a target checkpoint.
/// Send `Ok` for the blocks that are in the chain, and `Err` for side-chain
/// blocks.
/// Does nothing if we are waiting for more blocks, or if verification has
/// finished.
fn process_checkpoint_range(&mut self) {
// If this code shows up in profiles, we can try the following
// optimisations:
// - only check the chain when the length of the queue is greater
// than or equal to the length of a checkpoint interval
// (note: the genesis checkpoint interval is only one block long)
// - cache the height of the last continuous chain as a new field in
// self, and start at that height during the next check.
// Return early if verification has finished
let previous_checkpoint_hash = match self.previous_checkpoint_hash() {
// Since genesis blocks are hard-coded in zcashd, and not verified
// like other blocks, the genesis parent hash is set by the
// consensus parameters.
InitialTip(hash) | PreviousCheckpoint(hash) => hash,
FinalCheckpoint => return,
// Return early if we're still waiting for more blocks
let (target_checkpoint_height, mut expected_hash) = match self.target_checkpoint_height() {
Checkpoint(height) => (
.expect("every checkpoint height must have a hash"),
WaitingForBlocks => {
FinishedVerifying => {
unreachable!("the FinalCheckpoint case should have returned earlier")
// Keep the old previous checkpoint height, to make sure we're making
// progress
let old_prev_check_height = self.previous_checkpoint_height();
// Work out which blocks and checkpoints we're checking
let current_range = (
.expect("earlier code checks if verification has finished"),
let range_heights: Vec<block::Height> = self
.map(|(key, _)| *key)
// A list of pending valid blocks, in reverse chain order
let mut rev_valid_blocks = Vec::new();
// Check all the blocks, and discard all the bad blocks
for current_height in range_heights {
let valid_qblock = self.process_height(current_height, expected_hash);
if let Some(qblock) = valid_qblock {
expected_hash = qblock.block.header.previous_block_hash;
// Add the block to the end of the pending block list
// (since we're walking the chain backwards, the list is
// in reverse chain order)
} else {
// The last block height we processed did not have any blocks
// with a matching hash, so chain verification has failed.
"No valid blocks at height in CheckpointVerifier"
// We kept all the matching blocks down to this height, in
// anticipation of the chain verifying. But the chain is
// incomplete, so we have to put them back in the queue.
// The order here shouldn't matter, but add the blocks in
// height order, for consistency.
for vblock in rev_valid_blocks.drain(..).rev() {
let height = vblock
.expect("queued blocks have a block height");
// Make sure the current progress hasn't changed
"we must not change the previous checkpoint on failure"
// We've reduced the target
// This check should be cheap, because we just reduced the target
let current_target = self.target_checkpoint_height();
current_target == WaitingForBlocks
|| current_target < Checkpoint(target_checkpoint_height),
"we must decrease or eliminate our target on failure"
// Stop verifying, and wait for the next valid block
// The checkpoint and the parent hash must match.
// See the detailed checkpoint comparison comment above.
expected_hash, previous_checkpoint_hash,
"the previous checkpoint should match: bad checkpoint list, zebra bug, or bad chain"
let block_count = rev_valid_blocks.len();
tracing::info!(?block_count, ?current_range, "verified checkpoint range");
metrics::counter!("checkpoint.verified.block.count", block_count as _);
// All the blocks we've kept are valid, so let's verify them
// in height order.
for qblock in rev_valid_blocks.drain(..).rev() {
// Sending can fail, but there's nothing we can do about it.
let _ = qblock.tx.send(Ok(qblock.hash));
// Finally, update the checkpoint bounds
// Ensure that we're making progress
let new_progress = self.previous_checkpoint_height();
new_progress > old_prev_check_height,
"we must make progress on success"
// We met the old target
if new_progress == FinalCheckpoint {
"we finish at the maximum checkpoint"
} else {
"the new previous checkpoint must match the old target"
// We processed all available checkpoints
// We've cleared the target range, so this check should be cheap
let new_target = self.target_checkpoint_height();
new_target == WaitingForBlocks || new_target == FinishedVerifying,
"processing must cover all available checkpoints"
/// CheckpointVerifier rejects pending futures on drop.
impl<S> Drop for CheckpointVerifier<S>
S: Service<zs::Request, Response = zs::Response, Error = BoxError> + Send + Clone + 'static,
S::Future: Send + 'static,
/// Send an error on `tx` for any `QueuedBlock`s that haven't been verified.
/// We can't implement `Drop` on QueuedBlock, because `send()` consumes
/// `tx`. And `tx` doesn't implement `Copy` or `Default` (for `take()`).
fn drop(&mut self) {
let drop_keys: Vec<_> = self.queued.keys().cloned().collect();
for key in drop_keys {
let mut qblocks = self
.expect("each entry is only removed once");
for qblock in qblocks.drain(..) {
// Sending can fail, but there's nothing we can do about it.
let _ = qblock.tx.send(Err(VerifyCheckpointError::Dropped));
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum VerifyCheckpointError {
#[error("checkpoint request after the final checkpoint has been verified")]
#[error("block at {height:?} is higher than the maximum checkpoint {max_height:?}")]
TooHigh {
height: block::Height,
max_height: block::Height,
#[error("block {height:?} is less than or equal to the verified tip {verified_height:?}")]
AlreadyVerified {
height: block::Height,
verified_height: block::Height,
#[error("rejected older of duplicate verification requests for block at {height:?} {hash:?}")]
NewerRequest {
height: block::Height,
hash: block::Hash,
#[error("the block {hash:?} does not have a coinbase height")]
CoinbaseHeight { hash: block::Hash },
#[error("merkle root {actual:?} does not match expected {expected:?}")]
BadMerkleRoot {
actual: block::merkle::Root,
expected: block::merkle::Root,
#[error("duplicate transactions in block")]
#[error("checkpoint verifier was dropped")]
#[error("too many queued blocks at this height")]
#[error("the block hash does not match the chained checkpoint hash, expected {expected:?} found {found:?}")]
UnexpectedSideChain {
expected: block::Hash,
found: block::Hash,
#[error("zebra is shutting down")]
impl From<VerifyBlockError> for VerifyCheckpointError {
fn from(err: VerifyBlockError) -> VerifyCheckpointError {
impl From<BlockError> for VerifyCheckpointError {
fn from(err: BlockError) -> VerifyCheckpointError {
impl From<equihash::Error> for VerifyCheckpointError {
fn from(err: equihash::Error) -> VerifyCheckpointError {
/// The CheckpointVerifier service implementation.
/// After verification, the block futures resolve to their hashes.
impl<S> Service<Arc<Block>> for CheckpointVerifier<S>
S: Service<zs::Request, Response = zs::Response, Error = BoxError> + Send + Clone + 'static,
S::Future: Send + 'static,
type Response = block::Hash;
type Error = VerifyCheckpointError;
type Future =
Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Self::Response, Self::Error>> + Send + 'static>>;
fn poll_ready(&mut self, _: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
#[instrument(name = "checkpoint", skip(self, block))]
fn call(&mut self, block: Arc<Block>) -> Self::Future {
// Reset the verifier back to the state tip if requested
// (e.g. due to an error when committing a block to to the state)
if let Ok(tip) = self.reset_receiver.try_recv() {
// Immediately reject all incoming blocks that arrive after we've finished.
if let FinalCheckpoint = self.previous_checkpoint_height() {
return async { Err(VerifyCheckpointError::Finished) }.boxed();
let rx = self.queue_block(block.clone());
metrics::gauge!("checkpoint.queued_slots", self.queued.len() as f64);
// Because the checkpoint verifier duplicates state from the state
// service (it tracks which checkpoints have been verified), we must
// commit blocks transactionally on a per-checkpoint basis. Otherwise,
// the checkpoint verifier's state could desync from the underlying
// state service. Among other problems, this could cause the checkpoint
// verifier to reject blocks not already in the state as
// already-verified.
// To commit blocks transactionally on a per-checkpoint basis, we must
// commit all verified blocks in a checkpoint range, regardless of
// whether or not the response futures for each block were dropped.
// We accomplish this by spawning a new task containing the
// commit-if-verified logic. This task will always execute, except if
// the program is interrupted, in which case there is no longer a
// checkpoint verifier to keep in sync with the state.
let state_service = self.state_service.clone();
let commit_finalized_block = tokio::spawn(async move {
let hash = rx
.expect("CheckpointVerifier does not leave dangling receivers")?;
// We use a `ServiceExt::oneshot`, so that every state service
// `poll_ready` has a corresponding `call`. See #1593.
match state_service
zs::Response::Committed(committed_hash) => {
assert_eq!(committed_hash, hash, "state must commit correct hash");
_ => unreachable!("wrong response for CommitFinalizedBlock"),
let state_service = self.state_service.clone();
let reset_sender = self.reset_sender.clone();
async move {
let result = commit_finalized_block.await;
// Avoid a panic on shutdown
// When `zebrad` is terminated using Ctrl-C, the `commit_finalized_block` task
// can return a `JoinError::Cancelled`. We expect task cancellation on shutdown,
// so we don't need to panic here. The persistent state is correct even when the
// task is cancelled, because block data is committed inside transactions, in
// height order.
let result = if zebra_chain::shutdown::is_shutting_down() {
} else {
result.expect("commit_finalized_block should not panic")
if result.is_err() {
// If there was an error comitting the block, then this verifier
// will be out of sync with the state. In that case, reset
// its progress back to the state tip.
let tip = match state_service
zs::Response::Tip(tip) => tip,
_ => unreachable!("wrong response for Tip"),
// Ignore errors since send() can fail only when the verifier
// is being dropped, and then it doesn't matter anymore.
let _ = reset_sender.send(tip);