
280 lines
10 KiB

//! Test sending transactions using a lightwalletd instance connected to a zebrad instance.
//! This test requires a cached chain state that is partially synchronized close to the
//! network chain tip height. It will finish the sync and update the cached chain state.
//! After finishing the sync, it will get the first 20 blocks in the non-finalized state
//! (past the MAX_BLOCK_REORG_HEIGHT) via getblock rpc calls, shuts down the zebrad instance
//! so that the retrieved blocks aren't finalized into the cached state, and get the finalized
//! tip height of the updated cached state.
//! The transactions to use to send are obtained from those blocks that are above the finalized
//! tip height of the updated cached state.
//! The zebrad instance connected to lightwalletd uses the cached state and does not connect to any
//! external peers, which prevents it from downloading the blocks from where the test transactions
//! were obtained. This is to ensure that zebra does not reject the transactions because they have
//! already been seen in a block.
use std::{cmp::min, sync::Arc};
use color_eyre::eyre::Result;
use zebra_chain::{
parameters::Network::{self, *},
transaction::{self, Transaction},
use zebra_rpc::queue::CHANNEL_AND_QUEUE_CAPACITY;
use zebrad::components::mempool::downloads::MAX_INBOUND_CONCURRENCY;
use crate::common::{
launch::{can_spawn_zebrad_for_rpc, spawn_zebrad_for_rpc},
can_spawn_lightwalletd_for_rpc, spawn_lightwalletd_for_rpc,
wallet_grpc::{self, connect_to_lightwalletd, Empty, Exclude},
test_type::TestType::{self, *},
/// The maximum number of transactions we want to send in the test.
/// This avoids filling the mempool queue and generating errors.
/// TODO: replace with a const when `min()` stabilises as a const function:
/// https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/92391
fn max_sent_transactions() -> usize {
/// Number of blocks past the finalized to load transactions from.
const MAX_NUM_FUTURE_BLOCKS: u32 = 50;
/// The test entry point.
pub async fn run() -> Result<()> {
let _init_guard = zebra_test::init();
// We want a zebra state dir and a lightwalletd data dir in place,
// so `UpdateCachedState` can be used as our test type
let test_type = UpdateCachedState;
let test_name = "send_transaction_test";
let network = Mainnet;
// Skip the test unless the user specifically asked for it
if !can_spawn_zebrad_for_rpc(test_name, test_type) {
return Ok(());
if test_type.launches_lightwalletd() && !can_spawn_lightwalletd_for_rpc(test_name, test_type) {
tracing::info!("skipping test due to missing lightwalletd network or cached state");
return Ok(());
let zebrad_state_path = test_type.zebrad_state_path(test_name);
let zebrad_state_path = match zebrad_state_path {
Some(zebrad_state_path) => zebrad_state_path,
None => return Ok(()),
"running gRPC send transaction test using lightwalletd & zebrad",
let mut transactions =
load_transactions_from_future_blocks(network, test_type, test_name).await?;
transaction_count = ?transactions.len(),
partial_sync_path = ?zebrad_state_path,
"got transactions to send, spawning isolated zebrad...",
// We run these gRPC tests without a network connection.
let use_internet_connection = false;
// Start zebrad with no peers, we want to send transactions without blocks coming in. If `wallet_grpc_test`
// runs before this test (as it does in `lightwalletd_test_suite`), then we are the most up to date with tip we can.
let (mut zebrad, zebra_rpc_address) = if let Some(zebrad_and_address) =
spawn_zebrad_for_rpc(network, test_name, test_type, use_internet_connection)?
} else {
// Skip the test, we don't have the required cached state
return Ok(());
let zebra_rpc_address = zebra_rpc_address.expect("lightwalletd test must have RPC port");
"spawned isolated zebrad with shorter chain, waiting for zebrad to open its RPC port..."
zebrad.expect_stdout_line_matches(&format!("Opened RPC endpoint at {zebra_rpc_address}"))?;
"zebrad opened its RPC port, spawning lightwalletd...",
let (lightwalletd, lightwalletd_rpc_port) =
spawn_lightwalletd_for_rpc(network, test_name, test_type, zebra_rpc_address)?
.expect("already checked cached state and network requirements");
"spawned lightwalletd connected to zebrad, waiting for them both to sync...",
let (_lightwalletd, _zebrad) = wait_for_zebrad_and_lightwalletd_sync(
// We want to send transactions to the mempool, but we aren't syncing with the network
"connecting gRPC client to lightwalletd...",
let mut rpc_client = connect_to_lightwalletd(lightwalletd_rpc_port).await?;
// To avoid filling the mempool queue, limit the transactions to be sent to the RPC and mempool queue limits
let transaction_hashes: Vec<transaction::Hash> =
transactions.iter().map(|tx| tx.hash()).collect();
transaction_count = ?transactions.len(),
"connected gRPC client to lightwalletd, sending transactions...",
for transaction in transactions {
let transaction_hash = transaction.hash();
let expected_response = wallet_grpc::SendResponse {
error_code: 0,
error_message: format!("\"{transaction_hash}\""),
tracing::info!(?transaction_hash, "sending transaction...");
let request = prepare_send_transaction_request(transaction);
let response = rpc_client.send_transaction(request).await?.into_inner();
assert_eq!(response, expected_response);
// The timing of verification logs are unreliable, so we've disabled this check for now.
// TODO: when lightwalletd starts returning transactions again:
// re-enable this check, find a better way to check, or delete this commented-out check
//tracing::info!("waiting for mempool to verify some transactions...");
//zebrad.expect_stdout_line_matches("sending mempool transaction broadcast")?;
tracing::info!("calling GetMempoolTx gRPC to fetch transactions...");
let mut transactions_stream = rpc_client
.get_mempool_tx(Exclude { txid: vec![] })
// We'd like to check that lightwalletd queries the mempool, but it looks like it doesn't do it after each GetMempoolTx request.
//zebrad.expect_stdout_line_matches("answered mempool request req=TransactionIds")?;
// GetMempoolTx: make sure at least one of the transactions were inserted into the mempool.
let mut counter = 0;
while let Some(tx) = transactions_stream.message().await? {
let hash: [u8; 32] = tx.hash.clone().try_into().expect("hash is correct length");
let hash = transaction::Hash::from_bytes_in_display_order(&hash);
"unexpected transaction {hash:?}\n\
in isolated mempool: {tx:?}",
counter += 1;
// This RPC has temporarily been disabled in `lightwalletd`:
// https://github.com/adityapk00/lightwalletd/blob/b563f765f620e38f482954cd8ff3cc6d17cf2fa7/frontend/service.go#L529-L531
// TODO: re-enable it when lightwalletd starts returning transactions again.
//assert!(counter >= 1, "all transactions from future blocks failed to send to an isolated mempool");
counter, 0,
"developers: update this test for lightwalletd sending transactions"
// GetMempoolTx: make sure at least one of the transactions were inserted into the mempool.
tracing::info!("calling GetMempoolStream gRPC to fetch transactions...");
let mut transaction_stream = rpc_client.get_mempool_stream(Empty {}).await?.into_inner();
let mut counter = 0;
while let Some(_tx) = transaction_stream.message().await? {
// TODO: check tx.data or tx.height here?
counter += 1;
// This RPC has temporarily been disabled in `lightwalletd`:
// https://github.com/adityapk00/lightwalletd/blob/b563f765f620e38f482954cd8ff3cc6d17cf2fa7/frontend/service.go#L515-L517
// TODO: re-enable it when lightwalletd starts streaming transactions again.
//assert!(counter >= 1, "all transactions from future blocks failed to send to an isolated mempool");
counter, 0,
"developers: update this test for lightwalletd sending transactions"
/// Loads transactions from a few block(s) after the chain tip of the cached state.
/// Returns a list of non-coinbase transactions from blocks that have not been finalized to disk
/// ## Panics
/// If the provided `test_type` doesn't need an rpc server and cached state
async fn load_transactions_from_future_blocks(
network: Network,
test_type: TestType,
test_name: &str,
) -> Result<Vec<Arc<Transaction>>> {
let transactions = get_future_blocks(network, test_type, test_name, MAX_NUM_FUTURE_BLOCKS)
.flat_map(|block| block.transactions)
.filter(|transaction| !transaction.is_coinbase())
/// Prepare a request to send to lightwalletd that contains a transaction to be sent.
fn prepare_send_transaction_request(transaction: Arc<Transaction>) -> wallet_grpc::RawTransaction {
let transaction_bytes = transaction.zcash_serialize_to_vec().unwrap();
wallet_grpc::RawTransaction {
data: transaction_bytes,
height: -1,