
292 lines
11 KiB

use std::{
task::{Context, Poll},
use futures::{
channel::{mpsc, oneshot},
use indexmap::IndexMap;
use tower::{
discover::{Change, Discover},
use tower_load::Load;
use crate::{
protocol::internal::{Request, Response},
use super::unready_service::{Error as UnreadyError, UnreadyService};
/// A [`tower::Service`] that abstractly represents "the rest of the network".
/// This implementation is adapted from the one in `tower-balance`, and as
/// described in that crate's documentation, it
/// > Distributes requests across inner services using the [Power of Two Choices][p2c].
/// >
/// > As described in the [Finagle Guide][finagle]:
/// >
/// > > The algorithm randomly picks two services from the set of ready endpoints and
/// > > selects the least loaded of the two. By repeatedly using this strategy, we can
/// > > expect a manageable upper bound on the maximum load of any server.
/// > >
/// > > The maximum load variance between any two servers is bound by `ln(ln(n))` where
/// > > `n` is the number of servers in the cluster.
/// This should work well for many network requests, but not all of them: some
/// requests, e.g., a request for some particular inventory item, can only be
/// made to a subset of connected peers, e.g., the ones that have recently
/// advertised that inventory hash, and other requests require specialized logic
/// (e.g., transaction diffusion).
/// Implementing this specialized routing logic inside the `PeerSet` -- so that
/// it continues to abstract away "the rest of the network" into one endpoint --
/// is not a problem, as the `PeerSet` can simply maintain more information on
/// its peers and route requests appropriately. However, there is a problem with
/// maintaining accurate backpressure information, because the `Service` trait
/// requires that service readiness is independent of the data in the request.
/// For this reason, in the future, this code will probably be refactored to
/// address this backpressure mismatch. One possibility is to refactor the code
/// so that one entity holds and maintains the peer set and metadata on the
/// peers, and each "backpressure category" of request is assigned to different
/// `Service` impls with specialized `poll_ready()` implementations. Another
/// less-elegant solution (which might be useful as an intermediate step for the
/// inventory case) is to provide a way to borrow a particular backing service,
/// say by address.
/// [finagle]: https://twitter.github.io/finagle/guide/Clients.html#power-of-two-choices-p2c-least-loaded
/// [p2c]: http://www.eecs.harvard.edu/~michaelm/postscripts/handbook2001.pdf
pub struct PeerSet<D>
D: Discover,
discover: D,
ready_services: IndexMap<D::Key, D::Service>,
cancel_handles: HashMap<D::Key, oneshot::Sender<()>>,
unready_services: FuturesUnordered<UnreadyService<D::Key, D::Service, Request>>,
next_idx: Option<usize>,
demand_signal: mpsc::Sender<()>,
impl<D> PeerSet<D>
D: Discover + Unpin,
D::Key: Clone + Debug,
D::Service: Service<Request, Response = Response> + Load,
D::Error: Into<BoxedStdError>,
<D::Service as Service<Request>>::Error: Into<BoxedStdError> + 'static,
<D::Service as Service<Request>>::Future: Send + 'static,
<D::Service as Load>::Metric: Debug,
/// Construct a peerset which uses `discover` internally.
pub fn new(discover: D, demand_signal: mpsc::Sender<()>) -> Self {
Self {
ready_services: IndexMap::new(),
cancel_handles: HashMap::new(),
unready_services: FuturesUnordered::new(),
next_idx: None,
fn poll_discover(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), BoxedStdError>> {
use futures::ready;
loop {
match ready!(Pin::new(&mut self.discover).poll_discover(cx)).map_err(Into::into)? {
Change::Remove(key) => {
trace!(?key, "got Change::Remove from Discover");
Change::Insert(key, svc) => {
trace!(?key, "got Change::Insert from Discover");
self.push_unready(key, svc);
fn remove(&mut self, key: &D::Key) {
// Remove key from either the set of ready services,
// or else from the set of unready services.
if let Some((i, _, _)) = self.ready_services.swap_remove_full(key) {
// swap_remove perturbs the position of the last element of
// ready_services, so we may have invalidated self.next_idx, in
// which case we need to fix it. Specifically, swap_remove swaps the
// position of the removee and the last element, then drops the
// removee from the end, so we compare the active and removed indices:
let len = self.ready_services.len();
self.next_idx = match self.next_idx {
None => None, // No active index
Some(j) if j == i => None, // We removed j
Some(j) if j == len => Some(i), // We swapped i and j
Some(j) => Some(j), // We swapped an unrelated service.
// No Heisenservices: they must be ready or unready.
} else if let Some(handle) = self.cancel_handles.remove(key) {
let _ = handle.send(());
fn push_unready(&mut self, key: D::Key, svc: D::Service) {
let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
self.cancel_handles.insert(key.clone(), tx);
self.unready_services.push(UnreadyService {
key: Some(key),
service: Some(svc),
cancel: rx,
_req: PhantomData,
fn poll_unready(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) {
loop {
match Pin::new(&mut self.unready_services).poll_next(cx) {
Poll::Pending | Poll::Ready(None) => return,
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok((key, svc)))) => {
trace!(?key, "service became ready");
let _cancel = self.cancel_handles.remove(&key);
debug_assert!(_cancel.is_some(), "missing cancel handle");
self.ready_services.insert(key, svc);
Poll::Ready(Some(Err((key, UnreadyError::Canceled)))) => {
Poll::Ready(Some(Err((key, UnreadyError::Inner(e))))) => {
let error = e.into();
debug!(%error, "service failed while unready, dropped");
let _cancel = self.cancel_handles.remove(&key);
debug_assert!(_cancel.is_some(), "missing cancel handle");
/// Performs P2C on inner services to select a ready service.
fn select_next_ready_index(&mut self) -> Option<usize> {
match self.ready_services.len() {
0 => None,
1 => Some(0),
len => {
// XXX avoid relying on rand complexity
let (a, b) = {
let idxs = rand::seq::index::sample(&mut rand::thread_rng(), len, 2);
(idxs.index(0), idxs.index(1))
let a_load = self.ready_index_load(a);
let b_load = self.ready_index_load(b);
let selected = if a_load <= b_load { a } else { b };
trace!(a.idx = a, a.load = ?a_load, b.idx = b, b.load = ?b_load, selected, "selected service by p2c");
/// Accesses a ready endpoint by index and returns its current load.
fn ready_index_load(&self, index: usize) -> <D::Service as Load>::Metric {
let (_, svc) = self.ready_services.get_index(index).expect("invalid index");
impl<D> Service<Request> for PeerSet<D>
D: Discover + Unpin,
D::Key: Clone + Debug,
D::Service: Service<Request, Response = Response> + Load,
D::Error: Into<BoxedStdError>,
<D::Service as Service<Request>>::Error: Into<BoxedStdError> + 'static,
<D::Service as Service<Request>>::Future: Send + 'static,
<D::Service as Load>::Metric: Debug,
type Response = Response;
type Error = BoxedStdError;
type Future =
Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Self::Response, Self::Error>> + Send + 'static>>;
fn poll_ready(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
// Process peer discovery updates.
let _ = self.poll_discover(cx)?;
// Poll unready services to drive them to readiness.
num_ready = self.ready_services.len(),
num_unready = self.unready_services.len(),
loop {
// Re-check that the pre-selected service is ready, in case
// something has happened since (e.g., it failed, peer closed
// connection, ...)
if let Some(index) = self.next_idx {
let (key, service) = self
.expect("preselected index must be valid");
trace!(preselected_index = index, ?key);
match service.poll_ready(cx) {
Poll::Ready(Ok(())) => return Poll::Ready(Ok(())),
Poll::Pending => {
trace!("preselected service is no longer ready");
let (key, service) = self
.expect("preselected index must be valid");
self.push_unready(key, service);
Poll::Ready(Err(e)) => {
let error = e.into();
trace!(%error, "preselected service failed, dropping it");
.expect("preselected index must be valid");
trace!("preselected service was not ready, reselecting");
self.next_idx = self.select_next_ready_index();
if self.next_idx.is_none() {
trace!("no ready services, sending demand signal");
let _ = self.demand_signal.try_send(());
return Poll::Pending;
fn call(&mut self, req: Request) -> Self::Future {
let index = self
.expect("ready service must have valid preselected index");
let (key, mut svc) = self
.expect("preselected index must be valid");
let fut = svc.call(req);
self.push_unready(key, svc);
use futures::future::TryFutureExt;