
172 lines
6.2 KiB

use std::{borrow::Borrow, convert::TryInto, io};
use byteorder::{LittleEndian, ReadBytesExt, WriteBytesExt};
use chrono::{TimeZone, Utc};
use crate::{
ReadZcashExt, SerializationError, ZcashDeserialize, ZcashDeserializeInto, ZcashSerialize,
work::{difficulty::CompactDifficulty, equihash},
use super::{merkle, Block, CountedHeader, Hash, Header};
/// The maximum size of a Zcash block, in bytes.
/// Post-Sapling, this is also the maximum size of a transaction
/// in the Zcash specification. (But since blocks also contain a
/// block header and transaction count, the maximum size of a
/// transaction in the chain is approximately 1.5 kB smaller.)
pub const MAX_BLOCK_BYTES: u64 = 2_000_000;
impl ZcashSerialize for Header {
fn zcash_serialize<W: io::Write>(&self, mut writer: W) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
self.previous_block_hash.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
.expect("deserialized and generated timestamps are u32 values"),
self.solution.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
impl ZcashDeserialize for Header {
fn zcash_deserialize<R: io::Read>(mut reader: R) -> Result<Self, SerializationError> {
// The Zcash specification says that
// "The current and only defined block version number for Zcash is 4."
// but this is not actually part of the consensus rules, and in fact
// broken mining software created blocks that do not have version 4.
// There are approximately 4,000 blocks with version 536870912; this
// is the bit-reversal of the value 4, indicating that that mining pool
// reversed bit-ordering of the version field. Because the version field
// was not properly validated, these blocks were added to the chain.
// The only possible way to work around this is to do a similar hack
// as the overwintered field in transaction parsing, which we do here:
// treat the high bit (which zcashd interprets as a sign bit) as an
// indicator that the version field is meaningful.
let (version, future_version_flag) = {
const LOW_31_BITS: u32 = (1 << 31) - 1;
let raw_version = reader.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?;
(raw_version & LOW_31_BITS, raw_version >> 31 != 0)
if future_version_flag {
return Err(SerializationError::Parse(
"high bit was set in version field",
// # Consensus
// > The block version number MUST be greater than or equal to 4.
// https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#blockheader
if version < 4 {
return Err(SerializationError::Parse("version must be at least 4"));
Ok(Header {
previous_block_hash: Hash::zcash_deserialize(&mut reader)?,
merkle_root: merkle::Root(reader.read_32_bytes()?),
commitment_bytes: reader.read_32_bytes()?,
// This can't panic, because all u32 values are valid `Utc.timestamp`s
time: Utc.timestamp(reader.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?.into(), 0),
difficulty_threshold: CompactDifficulty(reader.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?),
nonce: reader.read_32_bytes()?,
solution: equihash::Solution::zcash_deserialize(reader)?,
impl ZcashSerialize for CountedHeader {
fn zcash_serialize<W: io::Write>(&self, mut writer: W) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
self.header.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
self.transaction_count.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
impl ZcashDeserialize for CountedHeader {
fn zcash_deserialize<R: io::Read>(mut reader: R) -> Result<Self, SerializationError> {
Ok(CountedHeader {
header: (&mut reader).zcash_deserialize_into()?,
transaction_count: (&mut reader).zcash_deserialize_into()?,
impl ZcashSerialize for Block {
fn zcash_serialize<W: io::Write>(&self, mut writer: W) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
// All block structs are validated when they are parsed.
// So we don't need to check MAX_BLOCK_BYTES here, until
// we start generating our own blocks (see #483).
self.header.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
self.transactions.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
impl ZcashDeserialize for Block {
fn zcash_deserialize<R: io::Read>(reader: R) -> Result<Self, SerializationError> {
// # Consensus
// > The size of a block MUST be less than or equal to 2000000 bytes.
// https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#blockheader
// If the limit is reached, we'll get an UnexpectedEof error
let limited_reader = &mut reader.take(MAX_BLOCK_BYTES);
Ok(Block {
header: limited_reader.zcash_deserialize_into()?,
transactions: limited_reader.zcash_deserialize_into()?,
/// A serialized block.
/// Stores bytes that are guaranteed to be deserializable into a [`Block`].
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
pub struct SerializedBlock {
bytes: Vec<u8>,
/// Build a [`SerializedBlock`] by serializing a block.
impl<B: Borrow<Block>> From<B> for SerializedBlock {
fn from(block: B) -> Self {
SerializedBlock {
bytes: block
.expect("Writing to a `Vec` should never fail"),
/// Access the serialized bytes of a [`SerializedBlock`].
impl AsRef<[u8]> for SerializedBlock {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8] {
impl From<Vec<u8>> for SerializedBlock {
fn from(bytes: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
Self { bytes }