
611 lines
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//! Handles outbound requests from our node to the network.
use std::{
task::{Context, Poll},
use futures::{
channel::{mpsc, oneshot},
future, ready,
stream::{Stream, StreamExt},
use tokio::{sync::broadcast, task::JoinHandle};
use tower::Service;
use crate::{
external::{types::Version, InventoryHash},
internal::{Request, Response},
use super::{ErrorSlot, PeerError, SharedPeerError};
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"))]
pub mod tests;
/// The "client" duplex half of a peer connection.
pub struct Client {
/// Used to shut down the corresponding heartbeat.
/// This is always Some except when we take it on drop.
pub(crate) shutdown_tx: Option<oneshot::Sender<CancelHeartbeatTask>>,
/// Used to send [`Request`]s to the remote peer.
pub(crate) server_tx: mpsc::Sender<ClientRequest>,
/// Used to register missing inventory in client [`Response`]s,
/// so that the peer set can route retries to other clients.
pub(crate) inv_collector: broadcast::Sender<InventoryChange>,
/// The peer address for registering missing inventory.
pub(crate) transient_addr: Option<SocketAddr>,
/// A slot for an error shared between the Connection and the Client that uses it.
/// `None` unless the connection or client have errored.
pub(crate) error_slot: ErrorSlot,
/// The peer connection's protocol version.
pub(crate) version: Version,
/// A handle to the task responsible for connecting to the peer.
pub(crate) connection_task: JoinHandle<()>,
/// A handle to the task responsible for sending periodic heartbeats.
pub(crate) heartbeat_task: JoinHandle<()>,
/// A signal sent by the [`Client`] half of a peer connection,
/// to cancel a [`Client`]'s heartbeat task.
/// When it receives this signal, the heartbeat task exits.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct CancelHeartbeatTask;
/// A message from the `peer::Client` to the `peer::Server`.
pub(crate) struct ClientRequest {
/// The actual network request for the peer.
pub request: Request,
/// The response `Message` channel, included because `peer::Client::call`
/// returns a future that may be moved around before it resolves.
pub tx: oneshot::Sender<Result<Response, SharedPeerError>>,
/// Used to register missing inventory in responses on `tx`,
/// so that the peer set can route retries to other clients.
pub inv_collector: Option<broadcast::Sender<InventoryChange>>,
/// The peer address for registering missing inventory.
pub transient_addr: Option<SocketAddr>,
/// The tracing context for the request, so that work the connection task does
/// processing messages in the context of this request will have correct context.
pub span: tracing::Span,
/// A receiver for the `peer::Server`, which wraps a `mpsc::Receiver`,
/// converting `ClientRequest`s into `InProgressClientRequest`s.
pub(super) struct ClientRequestReceiver {
/// The inner receiver
inner: mpsc::Receiver<ClientRequest>,
/// A message from the `peer::Client` to the `peer::Server`,
/// after it has been received by the `peer::Server`.
#[must_use = "tx.send() must be called before drop"]
pub(super) struct InProgressClientRequest {
/// The actual request.
pub request: Request,
/// The return message channel, included because `peer::Client::call` returns a
/// future that may be moved around before it resolves.
/// INVARIANT: `tx.send()` must be called before dropping `tx`.
/// JUSTIFICATION: the `peer::Client` translates `Request`s into
/// `ClientRequest`s, which it sends to a background task. If the send is
/// `Ok(())`, it will assume that it is safe to unconditionally poll the
/// `Receiver` tied to the `Sender` used to create the `ClientRequest`.
/// We also take advantage of this invariant to route inventory requests
/// away from peers that did not respond with that inventory.
/// We enforce this invariant via the type system, by converting
/// `ClientRequest`s to `InProgressClientRequest`s when they are received by
/// the background task. These conversions are implemented by
/// `ClientRequestReceiver`.
pub tx: MustUseClientResponseSender,
/// The tracing context for the request, so that work the connection task does
/// processing messages in the context of this request will have correct context.
pub span: tracing::Span,
/// A `oneshot::Sender` for client responses, that must be used by calling `send()`.
/// Also handles forwarding missing inventory to the inventory registry.
/// Panics on drop if `tx` has not been used or canceled.
/// Panics if `tx.send()` is used more than once.
#[must_use = "tx.send() must be called before drop"]
pub(super) struct MustUseClientResponseSender {
/// The sender for the oneshot client response channel.
/// `None` if `tx.send()` has been used.
pub tx: Option<oneshot::Sender<Result<Response, SharedPeerError>>>,
/// Forwards missing inventory in the response to the inventory collector.
/// Boxed to reduce the size of containing structures.
pub missing_inv: Option<Box<MissingInventoryCollector>>,
/// Forwards missing inventory in the response to the inventory registry.
pub(super) struct MissingInventoryCollector {
/// A clone of the original request, if it is an inventory request.
/// This struct is only ever created with inventory requests.
request: Request,
/// Used to register missing inventory from responses,
/// so that the peer set can route retries to other clients.
collector: broadcast::Sender<InventoryChange>,
/// The peer address for registering missing inventory.
transient_addr: SocketAddr,
impl std::fmt::Debug for Client {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
// skip the channels, they don't tell us anything useful
.field("error_slot", &self.error_slot)
impl From<ClientRequest> for InProgressClientRequest {
fn from(client_request: ClientRequest) -> Self {
let ClientRequest {
} = client_request;
let tx = MustUseClientResponseSender::new(tx, &request, inv_collector, transient_addr);
InProgressClientRequest { request, tx, span }
impl ClientRequestReceiver {
/// Forwards to `inner.close()`.
pub fn close(&mut self) {
/// Closes `inner`, then gets the next pending [`Request`].
/// Closing the channel ensures that:
/// - the request stream terminates, and
/// - task notifications are not required.
pub fn close_and_flush_next(&mut self) -> Option<InProgressClientRequest> {
// # Correctness
// The request stream terminates, because the sender is closed,
// and the channel has a limited capacity.
// Task notifications are not required, because the sender is closed.
.expect("channel is closed")
impl Stream for ClientRequestReceiver {
type Item = InProgressClientRequest;
/// Converts the successful result of `inner.poll_next()` to an
/// `InProgressClientRequest`.
fn poll_next(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
match self.inner.poll_next_unpin(cx) {
Poll::Ready(client_request) => Poll::Ready(client_request.map(Into::into)),
// The current task must be scheduled for wakeup every time we
// return `Poll::Pending`.
// inner.poll_next_unpin` schedules this task for wakeup when
// there are new items available in the inner stream.
Poll::Pending => Poll::Pending,
/// Returns `inner.size_hint()`
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
impl From<mpsc::Receiver<ClientRequest>> for ClientRequestReceiver {
fn from(rx: mpsc::Receiver<ClientRequest>) -> Self {
ClientRequestReceiver { inner: rx }
impl MustUseClientResponseSender {
/// Returns a newly created client response sender for `tx`.
/// If `request` or the response contains missing inventory,
/// it is forwarded to the `inv_collector`, for the peer at `transient_addr`.
pub fn new(
tx: oneshot::Sender<Result<Response, SharedPeerError>>,
request: &Request,
inv_collector: Option<broadcast::Sender<InventoryChange>>,
transient_addr: Option<SocketAddr>,
) -> Self {
Self {
tx: Some(tx),
missing_inv: MissingInventoryCollector::new(request, inv_collector, transient_addr),
/// Forwards `response` to `tx.send()`, and missing inventory to `inv_collector`,
/// and marks this sender as used.
/// Panics if `tx.send()` is used more than once.
pub fn send(
mut self,
response: Result<Response, SharedPeerError>,
) -> Result<(), Result<Response, SharedPeerError>> {
// Forward any missing inventory to the registry.
if let Some(missing_inv) = self.missing_inv.take() {
// Forward the response to the internal requester.
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
"multiple uses of response sender: response must be sent exactly once: {:?}",
/// Returns `tx.cancellation()`.
/// Panics if `tx.send()` has previously been used.
pub fn cancellation(&mut self) -> oneshot::Cancellation<'_, Result<Response, SharedPeerError>> {
.map(|tx| tx.cancellation())
.unwrap_or_else( || {
panic!("called cancellation() after using oneshot sender: oneshot must be used exactly once")
/// Returns `tx.is_canceled()`.
/// Panics if `tx.send()` has previously been used.
pub fn is_canceled(&self) -> bool {
.map(|tx| tx.is_canceled())
|| panic!("called is_canceled() after using oneshot sender: oneshot must be used exactly once: {:?}", self))
impl Drop for MustUseClientResponseSender {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// we don't panic if we are shutting down anyway
if !zebra_chain::shutdown::is_shutting_down() {
// is_canceled() will not panic, because we check is_none() first
self.tx.is_none() || self.is_canceled(),
"unused client response sender: oneshot must be used or canceled: {:?}",
impl MissingInventoryCollector {
/// Returns a newly created missing inventory collector, if needed.
/// If `request` or the response contains missing inventory,
/// it is forwarded to the `inv_collector`, for the peer at `transient_addr`.
pub fn new(
request: &Request,
inv_collector: Option<broadcast::Sender<InventoryChange>>,
transient_addr: Option<SocketAddr>,
) -> Option<Box<MissingInventoryCollector>> {
if !request.is_inventory_download() {
return None;
if let (Some(inv_collector), Some(transient_addr)) = (inv_collector, transient_addr) {
Some(Box::new(MissingInventoryCollector {
request: request.clone(),
collector: inv_collector,
} else {
/// Forwards any missing inventory to the registry.
/// `zcashd` doesn't send `notfound` messages for blocks,
/// so we need to track missing blocks ourselves.
/// This can sometimes send duplicate missing inventory,
/// but the registry ignores duplicates anyway.
pub fn send(self, response: &Result<Response, SharedPeerError>) {
let missing_inv: HashSet<InventoryHash> = match (self.request, response) {
// Missing block hashes from partial responses.
(_, Ok(Response::Blocks(block_statuses))) => block_statuses
.filter_map(|b| b.missing())
// Missing transaction IDs from partial responses.
(_, Ok(Response::Transactions(tx_statuses))) => tx_statuses
.filter_map(|tx| tx.missing())
.map(|tx| tx.into())
// Other response types never contain missing inventory.
(_, Ok(_)) => iter::empty().collect(),
// We don't forward NotFoundRegistry errors,
// because the errors are generated locally from the registry,
// so those statuses are already in the registry.
// Unfortunately, we can't access the inner error variant here,
// due to TracedError.
(_, Err(e)) if e.inner_debug().contains("NotFoundRegistry") => iter::empty().collect(),
// Missing inventory from other errors, including NotFoundResponse, timeouts,
// and dropped connections.
(request, Err(_)) => {
// The request either contains blocks or transactions,
// but this is a convenient way to collect them both.
let missing_blocks = request
let missing_txs = request
if let Some(missing_inv) =
InventoryChange::new_missing_multi(missing_inv.iter(), self.transient_addr)
// if all the receivers are closed, assume we're in tests or an isolated connection
let _ = self.collector.send(missing_inv);
impl Client {
/// Check if this connection's heartbeat task has exited.
fn check_heartbeat(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Result<(), SharedPeerError> {
let is_canceled = self
.expect("only taken on drop")
if is_canceled {
return self.set_task_exited_error("heartbeat", PeerError::HeartbeatTaskExited);
match self.heartbeat_task.poll_unpin(cx) {
Poll::Pending => {
// Heartbeat task is still running.
Poll::Ready(Ok(())) => {
// Heartbeat task stopped unexpectedly, without panicking.
self.set_task_exited_error("heartbeat", PeerError::HeartbeatTaskExited)
Poll::Ready(Err(error)) => {
// Heartbeat task stopped unexpectedly with a panic.
panic!("heartbeat task has panicked: {}", error);
/// Check if the connection's task has exited.
fn check_connection(&mut self, context: &mut Context<'_>) -> Result<(), SharedPeerError> {
match self.connection_task.poll_unpin(context) {
Poll::Pending => {
// Connection task is still running.
Poll::Ready(Ok(())) => {
// Connection task stopped unexpectedly, without panicking.
self.set_task_exited_error("connection", PeerError::ConnectionTaskExited)
Poll::Ready(Err(error)) => {
// Connection task stopped unexpectedly with a panic.
panic!("connection task has panicked: {}", error);
/// Properly update the error slot after a background task has unexpectedly stopped.
fn set_task_exited_error(
&mut self,
task_name: &str,
error: PeerError,
) -> Result<(), SharedPeerError> {
// Make sure there is an error in the slot
let task_error = SharedPeerError::from(error);
let original_error = self.error_slot.try_update_error(task_error.clone());
latest_error = ?task_error,
"client {} task exited", task_name
if let Err(AlreadyErrored { original_error }) = original_error {
} else {
/// Poll for space in the shared request sender channel.
fn poll_request(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), SharedPeerError>> {
if ready!(self.server_tx.poll_ready(cx)).is_err() {
.expect("failed servers must set their error slot")))
} else if let Some(error) = self.error_slot.try_get_error() {
} else {
/// Shut down the resources held by the client half of this peer connection.
/// Stops further requests to the remote peer, and stops the heartbeat task.
fn shutdown(&mut self) {
// Prevent any senders from sending more messages to this peer.
// Stop the heartbeat task
if let Some(shutdown_tx) = self.shutdown_tx.take() {
let _ = shutdown_tx.send(CancelHeartbeatTask);
impl Service<Request> for Client {
type Response = Response;
type Error = SharedPeerError;
type Future =
Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Self::Response, Self::Error>> + Send + 'static>>;
fn poll_ready(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
// # Correctness
// The current task must be scheduled for wakeup every time we return
// `Poll::Pending`.
// `check_heartbeat` and `check_connection` schedule the client task for wakeup
// if either task exits, or if the heartbeat task drops the cancel handle.
//`ready!` returns `Poll::Pending` when `server_tx` is unready, and
// schedules this task for wakeup.
let mut result = self
.and_then(|()| self.check_connection(cx));
if result.is_ok() {
result = ready!(self.poll_request(cx));
if let Err(error) = result {
} else {
fn call(&mut self, request: Request) -> Self::Future {
let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
// get the current Span to propagate it to the peer connection task.
// this allows the peer connection to enter the correct tracing context
// when it's handling messages in the context of processing this
// request.
let span = tracing::Span::current();
match self.server_tx.try_send(ClientRequest {
inv_collector: Some(self.inv_collector.clone()),
transient_addr: self.transient_addr,
}) {
Err(e) => {
if e.is_disconnected() {
let ClientRequest { tx, .. } = e.into_inner();
let _ = tx.send(Err(PeerError::ConnectionClosed.into()));
.expect("failed servers must set their error slot")))
} else {
// sending fails when there's not enough
// channel space, but we called poll_ready
panic!("called call without poll_ready");
Ok(()) => {
// The receiver end of the oneshot is itself a future.
rx.map(|oneshot_recv_result| {
.expect("ClientRequest oneshot sender must not be dropped before send")
impl Drop for Client {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// Make sure there is an error in the slot
let drop_error: SharedPeerError = PeerError::ClientDropped.into();
let original_error = self.error_slot.try_update_error(drop_error.clone());
latest_error = ?drop_error,
"client struct dropped"