
337 lines
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//! Zcash `addrv2` message node address serialization.
//! Zebra parses received IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in the [`AddrV2`] format.
//! But it ignores all other address types.
//! Zebra never sends `addrv2` messages, because peers still accept `addr` (v1) messages.
use std::{
convert::{TryFrom, TryInto},
net::{IpAddr, SocketAddr},
use byteorder::{BigEndian, ReadBytesExt};
use thiserror::Error;
use zebra_chain::serialization::{
CompactSize64, DateTime32, SerializationError, TrustedPreallocate, ZcashDeserialize,
use crate::{
protocol::external::{types::PeerServices, MAX_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE_LEN},
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"))]
use proptest_derive::Arbitrary;
use byteorder::WriteBytesExt;
use std::io::Write;
use zebra_chain::serialization::{zcash_serialize_bytes, ZcashSerialize};
/// The maximum permitted size of the `addr` field in `addrv2` messages.
/// > Field addr has a variable length, with a maximum of 512 bytes (4096 bits).
/// > Clients MUST reject messages with a longer addr field, irrespective of the network ID.
/// <https://zips.z.cash/zip-0155#specification>
pub const MAX_ADDR_V2_ADDR_SIZE: usize = 512;
/// The network ID of [`Ipv4Addr`]s in `addrv2` messages.
/// > 0x01 IPV4 4 IPv4 address (globally routed internet)
/// <https://zips.z.cash/zip-0155#specification>
/// [`Ipv4Addr`]: std::net::Ipv4Addr
pub const ADDR_V2_IPV4_NETWORK_ID: u8 = 0x01;
/// The size of [`Ipv4Addr`]s in `addrv2` messages.
/// <https://zips.z.cash/zip-0155#specification>
/// [`Ipv4Addr`]: std::net::Ipv4Addr
pub const ADDR_V2_IPV4_ADDR_SIZE: usize = 4;
/// The network ID of [`Ipv6Addr`]s in `addrv2` messages.
/// > 0x02 IPV6 16 IPv6 address (globally routed internet)
/// <https://zips.z.cash/zip-0155#specification>
/// [`Ipv6Addr`]: std::net::Ipv6Addr
pub const ADDR_V2_IPV6_NETWORK_ID: u8 = 0x02;
/// The size of [`Ipv6Addr`]s in `addrv2` messages.
/// <https://zips.z.cash/zip-0155#specification>
/// [`Ipv6Addr`]: std::net::Ipv6Addr
pub const ADDR_V2_IPV6_ADDR_SIZE: usize = 16;
/// The second format used for Bitcoin node addresses.
/// Contains a node address, its advertised services, and last-seen time.
/// This struct is serialized and deserialized into `addrv2` messages.
/// [ZIP 155](https://zips.z.cash/zip-0155#specification)
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
#[cfg_attr(any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"), derive(Arbitrary))]
pub(in super::super) enum AddrV2 {
/// An IPv4 or IPv6 node address, in `addrv2` format.
IpAddr {
/// The unverified "last seen time" gossiped by the remote peer that sent us
/// this address.
/// See the [`MetaAddr::last_seen`] method for details.
untrusted_last_seen: DateTime32,
/// The unverified services for the peer at `ip_addr`:`port`.
/// These services were advertised by the peer at that address,
/// then gossiped via another peer.
/// ## Security
/// `untrusted_services` on gossiped peers may be invalid due to outdated
/// records, older peer versions, or buggy or malicious peers.
untrusted_services: PeerServices,
/// The peer's IP address.
/// Unlike [`AddrV1`], this can be an IPv4 or IPv6 address.
/// [`AddrV1`]: super::v1::AddrV1
ip: IpAddr,
/// The peer's TCP port.
port: u16,
/// A node address with an unsupported `networkID`, in `addrv2` format.
// Just serialize in the tests for now.
// We can't guarantee that peers support addrv2 until it activates,
// and outdated peers are excluded from the network by a network upgrade.
// (Likely NU5 on mainnet, and NU6 on testnet.)
// https://zips.z.cash/zip-0155#deployment
// And Zebra doesn't use different codecs for different peer versions.
impl From<MetaAddr> for AddrV2 {
fn from(meta_addr: MetaAddr) -> Self {
let untrusted_services = meta_addr.services.expect(
"unexpected MetaAddr with missing peer services: \
MetaAddrs should be sanitized before serialization",
let untrusted_last_seen = meta_addr.last_seen().expect(
"unexpected MetaAddr with missing last seen time: \
MetaAddrs should be sanitized before serialization",
AddrV2::IpAddr {
ip: meta_addr.addr.ip(),
port: meta_addr.addr.port(),
/// The error returned when converting `AddrV2::Unsupported` fails.
#[derive(Error, Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
#[cfg_attr(any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"), derive(Arbitrary))]
#[error("can not parse this addrv2 variant: unimplemented or unrecognised AddrV2 network ID")]
pub struct UnsupportedAddrV2NetworkIdError;
impl TryFrom<AddrV2> for MetaAddr {
type Error = UnsupportedAddrV2NetworkIdError;
fn try_from(addr: AddrV2) -> Result<MetaAddr, UnsupportedAddrV2NetworkIdError> {
if let AddrV2::IpAddr {
} = addr
let addr = SocketAddr::new(ip, port);
} else {
impl AddrV2 {
/// Deserialize `addr_bytes` as an IPv4 or IPv6 address, using the `addrv2` format.
/// Returns the corresponding [`IpAddr`].
/// The returned IP version is chosen based on `IP_ADDR_SIZE`,
/// which should be [`ADDR_V2_IPV4_ADDR_SIZE`] or [`ADDR_V2_IPV6_ADDR_SIZE`].
fn ip_addr_from_bytes<const IP_ADDR_SIZE: usize>(
addr_bytes: Vec<u8>,
) -> Result<IpAddr, SerializationError>
IpAddr: From<[u8; IP_ADDR_SIZE]>,
// > Clients MUST reject messages that contain addresses that have
// > a different length than specified in this table for a specific network ID,
// > as these are meaningless.
if addr_bytes.len() != IP_ADDR_SIZE {
let error_msg = if IP_ADDR_SIZE == ADDR_V2_IPV4_ADDR_SIZE {
"IP address field length did not match expected IPv4 address size in addrv2 message"
"IP address field length did not match expected IPv6 address size in addrv2 message"
} else {
unreachable!("unexpected IP address size when converting from bytes");
return Err(SerializationError::Parse(error_msg));
// > The IPV4 and IPV6 network IDs use addresses encoded in the usual way
// > for binary IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in network byte order (big endian).
let ip: [u8; IP_ADDR_SIZE] = addr_bytes.try_into().expect("just checked length");
// Just serialize in the tests for now.
// See the detailed note about ZIP-155 activation above.
impl ZcashSerialize for AddrV2 {
fn zcash_serialize<W: Write>(&self, mut writer: W) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
if let AddrV2::IpAddr {
} = self
// > uint32 Time that this node was last seen as connected to the network.
untrusted_last_seen.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
// > Service bits. A CompactSize-encoded bit field that is 64 bits wide.
let untrusted_services: CompactSize64 = untrusted_services.bits().into();
untrusted_services.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
match ip {
IpAddr::V4(ip) => {
// > Network identifier. An 8-bit value that specifies which network is addressed.
// > The IPV4 and IPV6 network IDs use addresses encoded in the usual way
// > for binary IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in network byte order (big endian).
let ip: [u8; ADDR_V2_IPV4_ADDR_SIZE] = ip.octets();
// > CompactSize The length in bytes of addr.
// > uint8[sizeAddr] Network address. The interpretation depends on networkID.
zcash_serialize_bytes(&ip.to_vec(), &mut writer)?;
// > uint16 Network port. If not relevant for the network this MUST be 0.
IpAddr::V6(ip) => {
let ip: [u8; ADDR_V2_IPV6_ADDR_SIZE] = ip.octets();
zcash_serialize_bytes(&ip.to_vec(), &mut writer)?;
} else {
unreachable!("unexpected AddrV2 variant: {:?}", self);
/// Deserialize an `addrv2` entry according to:
/// <https://zips.z.cash/zip-0155#specification>
/// Unimplemented and unrecognised addresses are deserialized as [`AddrV2::Unsupported`].
/// (Deserialization consumes the correct number of bytes for unsupported addresses.)
impl ZcashDeserialize for AddrV2 {
fn zcash_deserialize<R: Read>(mut reader: R) -> Result<Self, SerializationError> {
// > uint32 Time that this node was last seen as connected to the network.
let untrusted_last_seen = (&mut reader).zcash_deserialize_into()?;
// > Service bits. A CompactSize-encoded bit field that is 64 bits wide.
let untrusted_services: CompactSize64 = (&mut reader).zcash_deserialize_into()?;
let untrusted_services = PeerServices::from_bits_truncate(untrusted_services.into());
// > Network identifier. An 8-bit value that specifies which network is addressed.
// See the list of reserved network IDs in ZIP 155.
let network_id = reader.read_u8()?;
// > CompactSize The length in bytes of addr.
// > uint8[sizeAddr] Network address. The interpretation depends on networkID.
let addr: Vec<u8> = (&mut reader).zcash_deserialize_into()?;
// > uint16 Network port. If not relevant for the network this MUST be 0.
let port = reader.read_u16::<BigEndian>()?;
if addr.len() > MAX_ADDR_V2_ADDR_SIZE {
return Err(SerializationError::Parse(
"addr field longer than MAX_ADDR_V2_ADDR_SIZE in addrv2 message",
let ip = if network_id == ADDR_V2_IPV4_NETWORK_ID {
} else if network_id == ADDR_V2_IPV6_NETWORK_ID {
} else {
// unimplemented or unrecognised network ID, just consume the bytes
// > Clients MUST NOT gossip addresses from unknown networks,
// > because they have no means to validate those addresses
// > and so can be tricked to gossip invalid addresses.
return Ok(AddrV2::Unsupported);
Ok(AddrV2::IpAddr {
/// A serialized `addrv2` has:
/// * 4 byte time,
/// * 1-9 byte services,
/// * 1 byte networkID,
/// * 1-9 byte sizeAddr,
/// * 0-512 bytes addr,
/// * 2 bytes port.
pub(in super::super) const ADDR_V2_MIN_SIZE: usize = 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 0 + 2;
impl TrustedPreallocate for AddrV2 {
fn max_allocation() -> u64 {
// Since ADDR_V2_MIN_SIZE is less than 2^5, the length of the largest list takes up 5 bytes.