
490 lines
18 KiB

//! Provides high-level access to database [`Block`]s and [`Transaction`]s.
//! This module makes sure that:
//! - all disk writes happen inside a RocksDB transaction, and
//! - format-specific invariants are maintained.
//! # Correctness
//! The [`crate::constants::DATABASE_FORMAT_VERSION`] constant must
//! be incremented each time the database format (column, serialization, etc) changes.
use std::{
collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap, HashSet},
use itertools::Itertools;
use zebra_chain::{
block::{self, Block, Height},
parameters::{Network, GENESIS_PREVIOUS_BLOCK_HASH},
transaction::{self, Transaction},
use crate::{
disk_db::{DiskDb, DiskWriteBatch, ReadDisk, WriteDisk},
transparent::{AddressBalanceLocation, OutputLocation},
zebra_db::{metrics::block_precommit_metrics, shielded::NoteCommitmentTrees, ZebraDb},
BoxError, HashOrHeight,
mod tests;
impl ZebraDb {
// Read block methods
/// Returns true if the database is empty.
// TODO: move this method to the tip section
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
let hash_by_height = self.db.cf_handle("hash_by_height").unwrap();
/// Returns the tip height and hash, if there is one.
// TODO: move this method to the tip section
pub fn tip(&self) -> Option<(block::Height, block::Hash)> {
let hash_by_height = self.db.cf_handle("hash_by_height").unwrap();
/// Returns the finalized hash for a given `block::Height` if it is present.
pub fn hash(&self, height: block::Height) -> Option<block::Hash> {
let hash_by_height = self.db.cf_handle("hash_by_height").unwrap();
self.db.zs_get(&hash_by_height, &height)
/// Returns the height of the given block if it exists.
pub fn height(&self, hash: block::Hash) -> Option<block::Height> {
let height_by_hash = self.db.cf_handle("height_by_hash").unwrap();
self.db.zs_get(&height_by_hash, &hash)
/// Returns the [`Block`] with [`block::Hash`](zebra_chain::block::Hash) or
/// [`Height`](zebra_chain::block::Height), if it exists in the finalized chain.
// TODO: move this method to the start of the section
pub fn block(&self, hash_or_height: HashOrHeight) -> Option<Arc<Block>> {
// Blocks
let block_header_by_height = self.db.cf_handle("block_by_height").unwrap();
let height_by_hash = self.db.cf_handle("height_by_hash").unwrap();
let height =
hash_or_height.height_or_else(|hash| self.db.zs_get(&height_by_hash, &hash))?;
let header = self.db.zs_get(&block_header_by_height, &height)?;
// Transactions
let tx_by_loc = self.db.cf_handle("tx_by_loc").unwrap();
// Manually fetch the entire block's transactions
let mut transactions = Vec::new();
// TODO: is this loop more efficient if we store the number of transactions?
// is the difference large enough to matter?
for tx_index in 0..=Transaction::max_allocation() {
let tx_loc = TransactionLocation::from_u64(height, tx_index);
if let Some(tx) = self.db.zs_get(&tx_by_loc, &tx_loc) {
} else {
Some(Arc::new(Block {
/// Returns the Sapling
/// [`NoteCommitmentTree`](sapling::tree::NoteCommitmentTree) specified by a
/// hash or height, if it exists in the finalized `db`.
pub fn sapling_tree(
hash_or_height: HashOrHeight,
) -> Option<Arc<sapling::tree::NoteCommitmentTree>> {
let height = hash_or_height.height_or_else(|hash| self.height(hash))?;
let sapling_tree_handle = self.db.cf_handle("sapling_note_commitment_tree").unwrap();
self.db.zs_get(&sapling_tree_handle, &height)
/// Returns the Orchard
/// [`NoteCommitmentTree`](orchard::tree::NoteCommitmentTree) specified by a
/// hash or height, if it exists in the finalized `db`.
pub fn orchard_tree(
hash_or_height: HashOrHeight,
) -> Option<Arc<orchard::tree::NoteCommitmentTree>> {
let height = hash_or_height.height_or_else(|hash| self.height(hash))?;
let orchard_tree_handle = self.db.cf_handle("orchard_note_commitment_tree").unwrap();
self.db.zs_get(&orchard_tree_handle, &height)
// Read tip block methods
/// Returns the hash of the current finalized tip block.
pub fn finalized_tip_hash(&self) -> block::Hash {
.map(|(_, hash)| hash)
// if the state is empty, return the genesis previous block hash
/// Returns the height of the current finalized tip block.
pub fn finalized_tip_height(&self) -> Option<block::Height> {
self.tip().map(|(height, _)| height)
/// Returns the tip block, if there is one.
pub fn tip_block(&self) -> Option<Arc<Block>> {
let (height, _hash) = self.tip()?;
// Read transaction methods
/// Returns the [`TransactionLocation`] for [`transaction::Hash`],
/// if it exists in the finalized chain.
pub fn transaction_location(&self, hash: transaction::Hash) -> Option<TransactionLocation> {
let tx_loc_by_hash = self.db.cf_handle("tx_by_hash").unwrap();
self.db.zs_get(&tx_loc_by_hash, &hash)
/// Returns the [`transaction::Hash`] for [`TransactionLocation`],
/// if it exists in the finalized chain.
pub fn transaction_hash(&self, location: TransactionLocation) -> Option<transaction::Hash> {
let hash_by_tx_loc = self.db.cf_handle("hash_by_tx_loc").unwrap();
self.db.zs_get(&hash_by_tx_loc, &location)
/// Returns the [`Transaction`] with [`transaction::Hash`], and its [`Height`],
/// if a transaction with that hash exists in the finalized chain.
// TODO: move this method to the start of the section
pub fn transaction(&self, hash: transaction::Hash) -> Option<(Arc<Transaction>, Height)> {
let tx_by_loc = self.db.cf_handle("tx_by_loc").unwrap();
let transaction_location = self.transaction_location(hash)?;
.zs_get(&tx_by_loc, &transaction_location)
.map(|tx| (tx, transaction_location.height))
// Write block methods
/// Write `finalized` to the finalized state.
/// Uses:
/// - `history_tree`: the current tip's history tree
/// - `network`: the configured network
/// - `source`: the source of the block in log messages
/// # Errors
/// - Propagates any errors from writing to the DB
/// - Propagates any errors from updating history and note commitment trees
pub(in super::super) fn write_block(
&mut self,
finalized: FinalizedBlock,
history_tree: HistoryTree,
network: Network,
source: &str,
) -> Result<block::Hash, BoxError> {
let finalized_hash = finalized.hash;
let tx_hash_indexes: HashMap<transaction::Hash, usize> = finalized
.map(|(index, hash)| (*hash, index))
// Get a list of the new UTXOs in the format we need for database updates.
// TODO: index new_outputs by TransactionLocation,
// simplify the spent_utxos location lookup code,
// and remove the extra new_outputs_by_out_loc argument
let new_outputs_by_out_loc: BTreeMap<OutputLocation, transparent::Utxo> = finalized
.map(|(outpoint, utxo)| {
lookup_out_loc(finalized.height, outpoint, &tx_hash_indexes),
// Get a list of the spent UTXOs, before we delete any from the database
let spent_utxos: Vec<(transparent::OutPoint, OutputLocation, transparent::Utxo)> =
.flat_map(|tx| tx.inputs().iter())
.flat_map(|input| input.outpoint())
.map(|outpoint| {
// Some utxos are spent in the same block, so they will be in
// `tx_hash_indexes` and `new_outputs`
self.output_location(&outpoint).unwrap_or_else(|| {
lookup_out_loc(finalized.height, &outpoint, &tx_hash_indexes)
.map(|ordered_utxo| ordered_utxo.utxo)
.or_else(|| finalized.new_outputs.get(&outpoint).cloned())
.expect("already checked UTXO was in state or block"),
let spent_utxos_by_outpoint: HashMap<transparent::OutPoint, transparent::Utxo> =
.map(|(outpoint, _output_loc, utxo)| (*outpoint, utxo.clone()))
let spent_utxos_by_out_loc: BTreeMap<OutputLocation, transparent::Utxo> = spent_utxos
.map(|(_outpoint, out_loc, utxo)| (out_loc, utxo))
// Get the transparent addresses with changed balances/UTXOs
let changed_addresses: HashSet<transparent::Address> = spent_utxos_by_out_loc
.filter_map(|utxo| utxo.output.address(network))
// Get the current address balances, before the transactions in this block
let address_balances: HashMap<transparent::Address, AddressBalanceLocation> =
.filter_map(|address| Some((address, self.address_balance_location(&address)?)))
let mut batch = DiskWriteBatch::new(network);
// In case of errors, propagate and do not write the batch.
tracing::trace!(?source, "committed block from");
/// Lookup the output location for an outpoint.
/// `tx_hash_indexes` must contain `outpoint.hash` and that transaction's index in its block.
fn lookup_out_loc(
height: Height,
outpoint: &transparent::OutPoint,
tx_hash_indexes: &HashMap<transaction::Hash, usize>,
) -> OutputLocation {
let tx_index = tx_hash_indexes
.expect("already checked UTXO was in state or block");
let tx_loc = TransactionLocation::from_usize(height, *tx_index);
OutputLocation::from_outpoint(tx_loc, outpoint)
impl DiskWriteBatch {
// Write block methods
/// Prepare a database batch containing `finalized.block`,
/// and return it (without actually writing anything).
/// If this method returns an error, it will be propagated,
/// and the batch should not be written to the database.
/// # Errors
/// - Propagates any errors from updating history tree, note commitment trees, or value pools
// TODO: move db, finalized, and maybe other arguments into DiskWriteBatch
pub fn prepare_block_batch(
&mut self,
db: &DiskDb,
finalized: FinalizedBlock,
new_outputs_by_out_loc: BTreeMap<OutputLocation, transparent::Utxo>,
spent_utxos_by_outpoint: HashMap<transparent::OutPoint, transparent::Utxo>,
spent_utxos_by_out_loc: BTreeMap<OutputLocation, transparent::Utxo>,
address_balances: HashMap<transparent::Address, AddressBalanceLocation>,
mut note_commitment_trees: NoteCommitmentTrees,
history_tree: HistoryTree,
value_pool: ValueBalance<NonNegative>,
) -> Result<(), BoxError> {
let FinalizedBlock {
} = &finalized;
// Commit block and transaction data.
// (Transaction indexes, note commitments, and UTXOs are committed later.)
self.prepare_block_header_transactions_batch(db, &finalized)?;
// # Consensus
// > A transaction MUST NOT spend an output of the genesis block coinbase transaction.
// > (There is one such zero-valued output, on each of Testnet and Mainnet.)
// https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#txnconsensus
// By returning early, Zebra commits the genesis block and transaction data,
// but it ignores the genesis UTXO and value pool updates.
if self.prepare_genesis_batch(db, &finalized) {
return Ok(());
// Commit transaction indexes
self.prepare_shielded_transaction_batch(db, &finalized, &mut note_commitment_trees)?;
self.prepare_note_commitment_batch(db, &finalized, note_commitment_trees, history_tree)?;
// Commit UTXOs and value pools
self.prepare_chain_value_pools_batch(db, &finalized, spent_utxos_by_outpoint, value_pool)?;
// The block has passed contextual validation, so update the metrics
block_precommit_metrics(block, *hash, *height);
/// Prepare a database batch containing the block header and transactions
/// from `finalized.block`, and return it (without actually writing anything).
/// # Errors
/// - This method does not currently return any errors.
pub fn prepare_block_header_transactions_batch(
&mut self,
db: &DiskDb,
finalized: &FinalizedBlock,
) -> Result<(), BoxError> {
// Blocks
let block_header_by_height = db.cf_handle("block_by_height").unwrap();
let hash_by_height = db.cf_handle("hash_by_height").unwrap();
let height_by_hash = db.cf_handle("height_by_hash").unwrap();
// Transactions
let tx_by_loc = db.cf_handle("tx_by_loc").unwrap();
let hash_by_tx_loc = db.cf_handle("hash_by_tx_loc").unwrap();
let tx_loc_by_hash = db.cf_handle("tx_by_hash").unwrap();
let FinalizedBlock {
} = finalized;
// Commit block header data
self.zs_insert(&block_header_by_height, height, block.header);
// Index the block hash and height
self.zs_insert(&hash_by_height, height, hash);
self.zs_insert(&height_by_hash, hash, height);
for (transaction_index, (transaction, transaction_hash)) in block
let transaction_location = TransactionLocation::from_usize(*height, transaction_index);
// Commit each transaction's data
self.zs_insert(&tx_by_loc, transaction_location, transaction);
// Index each transaction hash and location
self.zs_insert(&hash_by_tx_loc, transaction_location, transaction_hash);
self.zs_insert(&tx_loc_by_hash, transaction_hash, transaction_location);
/// If `finalized.block` is a genesis block,
/// prepare a database batch that finishes initializing the database,
/// and return `true` (without actually writing anything).
/// Since the genesis block's transactions are skipped,
/// the returned genesis batch should be written to the database immediately.
/// If `finalized.block` is not a genesis block, does nothing.
/// This method never returns an error.
pub fn prepare_genesis_batch(&mut self, db: &DiskDb, finalized: &FinalizedBlock) -> bool {
let FinalizedBlock { block, .. } = finalized;
if block.header.previous_block_hash == GENESIS_PREVIOUS_BLOCK_HASH {
self.prepare_genesis_note_commitment_tree_batch(db, finalized);
return true;