
621 lines
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//! Provides high-level access to database:
//! - unspent [`transparent::Output`]s (UTXOs), and
//! - transparent address indexes.
//! This module makes sure that:
//! - all disk writes happen inside a RocksDB transaction, and
//! - format-specific invariants are maintained.
//! # Correctness
//! The [`crate::constants::DATABASE_FORMAT_VERSION`] constant must
//! be incremented each time the database format (column, serialization, etc) changes.
use std::{
collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet, HashMap, HashSet},
use zebra_chain::{
amount::{self, Amount, NonNegative},
transaction::{self, Transaction},
transparent::{self, Input},
use crate::{
disk_db::{DiskDb, DiskWriteBatch, ReadDisk, WriteDisk},
AddressBalanceLocation, AddressLocation, AddressTransaction, AddressUnspentOutput,
BoxError, FinalizedBlock,
impl ZebraDb {
// Read transparent methods
/// Returns the [`AddressBalanceLocation`] for a [`transparent::Address`],
/// if it is in the finalized state.
pub fn address_balance_location(
address: &transparent::Address,
) -> Option<AddressBalanceLocation> {
let balance_by_transparent_addr = self.db.cf_handle("balance_by_transparent_addr").unwrap();
self.db.zs_get(&balance_by_transparent_addr, address)
/// Returns the balance for a [`transparent::Address`],
/// if it is in the finalized state.
pub fn address_balance(&self, address: &transparent::Address) -> Option<Amount<NonNegative>> {
.map(|abl| abl.balance())
/// Returns the first output that sent funds to a [`transparent::Address`],
/// if it is in the finalized state.
/// This location is used as an efficient index key for addresses.
pub fn address_location(&self, address: &transparent::Address) -> Option<AddressLocation> {
.map(|abl| abl.address_location())
/// Returns the [`OutputLocation`] for a [`transparent::OutPoint`].
/// This method returns the locations of spent and unspent outpoints.
/// Returns `None` if the output was never in the finalized state.
pub fn output_location(&self, outpoint: &transparent::OutPoint) -> Option<OutputLocation> {
.map(|transaction_location| {
OutputLocation::from_outpoint(transaction_location, outpoint)
/// Returns the transparent output for a [`transparent::OutPoint`],
/// if it is unspent in the finalized state.
pub fn utxo(&self, outpoint: &transparent::OutPoint) -> Option<transparent::OrderedUtxo> {
let output_location = self.output_location(outpoint)?;
/// Returns the transparent output for an [`OutputLocation`],
/// if it is unspent in the finalized state.
pub fn utxo_by_location(
output_location: OutputLocation,
) -> Option<transparent::OrderedUtxo> {
let utxo_by_out_loc = self.db.cf_handle("utxo_by_outpoint").unwrap();
let output = self.db.zs_get(&utxo_by_out_loc, &output_location)?;
let utxo = transparent::OrderedUtxo::new(
/// Returns the unspent transparent outputs for a [`transparent::Address`],
/// if they are in the finalized state.
pub fn address_utxos(
address: &transparent::Address,
) -> BTreeMap<OutputLocation, transparent::Output> {
let address_location = match self.address_location(address) {
Some(address_location) => address_location,
None => return BTreeMap::new(),
let output_locations = self.address_utxo_locations(address_location);
// Ignore any outputs spent by blocks committed during this query
.flat_map(|&addr_out_loc| {
/// Returns the unspent transparent output locations for a [`transparent::Address`],
/// if they are in the finalized state.
pub fn address_utxo_locations(
address_location: AddressLocation,
) -> BTreeSet<AddressUnspentOutput> {
let utxo_loc_by_transparent_addr_loc = self
// Manually fetch the entire addresses' UTXO locations
let mut addr_unspent_outputs = BTreeSet::new();
// An invalid key representing the minimum possible output
let mut unspent_output = AddressUnspentOutput::address_iterator_start(address_location);
loop {
// Seek to a valid entry for this address, or the first entry for the next address
unspent_output = match self
.zs_next_key_value_from(&utxo_loc_by_transparent_addr_loc, &unspent_output)
Some((unspent_output, ())) => unspent_output,
// We're finished with the final address in the column family
None => break,
// We found the next address, so we're finished with this address
if unspent_output.address_location() != address_location {
// A potentially invalid key representing the next possible output
/// Returns the transaction hash for an [`TransactionLocation`].
pub fn tx_id_by_location(&self, tx_location: TransactionLocation) -> Option<transaction::Hash> {
let hash_by_tx_loc = self.db.cf_handle("hash_by_tx_loc").unwrap();
self.db.zs_get(&hash_by_tx_loc, &tx_location)
/// Returns the transaction IDs that sent or received funds to `address`,
/// in the finalized chain `query_height_range`.
/// If address has no finalized sends or receives,
/// or the `query_height_range` is totally outside the finalized block range,
/// returns an empty list.
pub fn address_tx_ids(
address: &transparent::Address,
query_height_range: RangeInclusive<Height>,
) -> BTreeMap<TransactionLocation, transaction::Hash> {
let address_location = match self.address_location(address) {
Some(address_location) => address_location,
None => return BTreeMap::new(),
// Skip this address if it was first used after the end height.
// The address location is the output location of the first UTXO sent to the address,
// and addresses can not spend funds until they receive their first UTXO.
if address_location.height() > *query_height_range.end() {
return BTreeMap::new();
let transaction_locations =
self.address_transaction_locations(address_location, query_height_range);
.map(|&tx_loc| {
.expect("transactions whose locations are stored must exist"),
/// Returns the locations of any transactions that sent or received from a [`transparent::Address`],
/// if they are in the finalized state.
pub fn address_transaction_locations(
address_location: AddressLocation,
query_height_range: RangeInclusive<Height>,
) -> BTreeSet<AddressTransaction> {
let tx_loc_by_transparent_addr_loc =
// Manually fetch the entire addresses' transaction locations
let mut addr_transactions = BTreeSet::new();
// A potentially invalid key representing the first UTXO send to the address,
// or the query start height.
let mut transaction_location = AddressTransaction::address_iterator_start(
loop {
// Seek to a valid entry for this address, or the first entry for the next address
transaction_location = match self
.zs_next_key_value_from(&tx_loc_by_transparent_addr_loc, &transaction_location)
Some((transaction_location, ())) => transaction_location,
// We're finished with the final address in the column family
None => break,
// We found the next address, so we're finished with this address
if transaction_location.address_location() != address_location {
// We're past the end height, so we're finished with this query
if transaction_location.transaction_location().height > *query_height_range.end() {
// A potentially invalid key representing the next possible output
// Address index queries
/// Returns the total transparent balance for `addresses` in the finalized chain.
/// If none of the addresses has a balance, returns zero.
/// # Correctness
/// Callers should apply the non-finalized balance change for `addresses` to the returned balance.
/// The total balance will only be correct if the non-finalized chain matches the finalized state.
/// Specifically, the root of the partial non-finalized chain must be a child block of the finalized tip.
pub fn partial_finalized_transparent_balance(
addresses: &HashSet<transparent::Address>,
) -> Amount<NonNegative> {
let balance: amount::Result<Amount<NonNegative>> = addresses
.filter_map(|address| self.address_balance(address))
"unexpected amount overflow: value balances are valid, so partial sum should be valid",
/// Returns the UTXOs for `addresses` in the finalized chain.
/// If none of the addresses has finalized UTXOs, returns an empty list.
/// # Correctness
/// Callers should apply the non-finalized UTXO changes for `addresses` to the returned UTXOs.
/// The UTXOs will only be correct if the non-finalized chain matches or overlaps with
/// the finalized state.
/// Specifically, a block in the partial chain must be a child block of the finalized tip.
/// (But the child block does not have to be the partial chain root.)
pub fn partial_finalized_transparent_utxos(
addresses: &HashSet<transparent::Address>,
) -> BTreeMap<OutputLocation, transparent::Output> {
.flat_map(|address| self.address_utxos(address))
/// Returns the transaction IDs that sent or received funds to `addresses`,
/// in the finalized chain `query_height_range`.
/// If none of the addresses has finalized sends or receives,
/// or the `query_height_range` is totally outside the finalized block range,
/// returns an empty list.
/// # Correctness
/// Callers should combine the non-finalized transactions for `addresses`
/// with the returned transactions.
/// The transaction IDs will only be correct if the non-finalized chain matches or overlaps with
/// the finalized state.
/// Specifically, a block in the partial chain must be a child block of the finalized tip.
/// (But the child block does not have to be the partial chain root.)
/// This condition does not apply if there is only one address.
/// Since address transactions are only appended by blocks, and this query reads them in order,
/// it is impossible to get inconsistent transactions for a single address.
pub fn partial_finalized_transparent_tx_ids(
addresses: &HashSet<transparent::Address>,
query_height_range: RangeInclusive<Height>,
) -> BTreeMap<TransactionLocation, transaction::Hash> {
.flat_map(|address| self.address_tx_ids(address, query_height_range.clone()))
impl DiskWriteBatch {
/// Prepare a database batch containing `finalized.block`'s transparent transaction indexes,
/// and return it (without actually writing anything).
/// If this method returns an error, it will be propagated,
/// and the batch should not be written to the database.
/// # Errors
/// - Propagates any errors from updating note commitment trees
pub fn prepare_transparent_transaction_batch(
&mut self,
db: &DiskDb,
finalized: &FinalizedBlock,
new_outputs_by_out_loc: &BTreeMap<OutputLocation, transparent::Utxo>,
spent_utxos_by_outpoint: &HashMap<transparent::OutPoint, transparent::Utxo>,
spent_utxos_by_out_loc: &BTreeMap<OutputLocation, transparent::Utxo>,
mut address_balances: HashMap<transparent::Address, AddressBalanceLocation>,
) -> Result<(), BoxError> {
let FinalizedBlock { block, height, .. } = finalized;
// Update created and spent transparent outputs
&mut address_balances,
&mut address_balances,
// Index the transparent addresses that spent in each transaction
for (tx_index, transaction) in block.transactions.iter().enumerate() {
let spending_tx_location = TransactionLocation::from_usize(*height, tx_index);
self.prepare_transparent_balances_batch(db, address_balances)
/// Prepare a database batch for the new UTXOs in `new_outputs_by_out_loc`.
/// Adds the following changes to this batch:
/// - insert created UTXOs,
/// - insert transparent address UTXO index entries, and
/// - insert transparent address transaction entries,
/// without actually writing anything.
/// Also modifies the `address_balances` for these new UTXOs.
/// # Errors
/// - This method doesn't currently return any errors, but it might in future
pub fn prepare_new_transparent_outputs_batch(
&mut self,
db: &DiskDb,
new_outputs_by_out_loc: &BTreeMap<OutputLocation, transparent::Utxo>,
address_balances: &mut HashMap<transparent::Address, AddressBalanceLocation>,
) -> Result<(), BoxError> {
let utxo_by_out_loc = db.cf_handle("utxo_by_outpoint").unwrap();
let utxo_loc_by_transparent_addr_loc =
let tx_loc_by_transparent_addr_loc =
// Index all new transparent outputs
for (new_output_location, utxo) in new_outputs_by_out_loc {
let unspent_output = &utxo.output;
let receiving_address = unspent_output.address(self.network());
// Update the address balance by adding this UTXO's value
if let Some(receiving_address) = receiving_address {
// TODO: fix up tests that use missing outputs,
// then replace entry() with get_mut().expect()
// In memory:
// - create the balance for the address, if needed.
// - create or fetch the link from the address to the AddressLocation
// (the first location of the address in the chain).
let address_balance_location = address_balances
.or_insert_with(|| AddressBalanceLocation::new(*new_output_location));
let receiving_address_location = address_balance_location.address_location();
// Update the balance for the address in memory.
.expect("balance overflow already checked");
// Create a link from the AddressLocation to the new OutputLocation in the database.
let address_unspent_output =
AddressUnspentOutput::new(receiving_address_location, *new_output_location);
// Create a link from the AddressLocation to the new TransactionLocation in the database.
// Unlike the OutputLocation link, this will never be deleted.
let address_transaction = AddressTransaction::new(
self.zs_insert(&tx_loc_by_transparent_addr_loc, address_transaction, ());
// Use the OutputLocation to store a copy of the new Output in the database.
// (For performance reasons, we don't want to deserialize the whole transaction
// to get an output.)
self.zs_insert(&utxo_by_out_loc, new_output_location, unspent_output);
/// Prepare a database batch for the spent outputs in `spent_utxos_by_out_loc`.
/// Adds the following changes to this batch:
/// - delete spent UTXOs, and
/// - delete transparent address UTXO index entries,
/// without actually writing anything.
/// Also modifies the `address_balances` for these new UTXOs.
/// # Errors
/// - This method doesn't currently return any errors, but it might in future
pub fn prepare_spent_transparent_outputs_batch(
&mut self,
db: &DiskDb,
spent_utxos_by_out_loc: &BTreeMap<OutputLocation, transparent::Utxo>,
address_balances: &mut HashMap<transparent::Address, AddressBalanceLocation>,
) -> Result<(), BoxError> {
let utxo_by_out_loc = db.cf_handle("utxo_by_outpoint").unwrap();
let utxo_loc_by_transparent_addr_loc =
// Mark all transparent inputs as spent.
// Coinbase inputs represent new coins, so there are no UTXOs to mark as spent.
for (spent_output_location, utxo) in spent_utxos_by_out_loc {
let spent_output = &utxo.output;
let sending_address = spent_output.address(self.network());
// Fetch the balance, and the link from the address to the AddressLocation, from memory.
if let Some(sending_address) = sending_address {
let address_balance_location = address_balances
.expect("spent outputs must already have an address balance");
// Update the address balance by subtracting this UTXO's value, in memory.
.expect("balance underflow already checked");
// Delete the link from the AddressLocation to the spent OutputLocation in the database.
let address_spent_output = AddressUnspentOutput::new(
self.zs_delete(&utxo_loc_by_transparent_addr_loc, address_spent_output);
// Delete the OutputLocation, and the copy of the spent Output in the database.
self.zs_delete(&utxo_by_out_loc, spent_output_location);
/// Prepare a database batch indexing the transparent addresses that spent in this transaction.
/// Adds the following changes to this batch:
/// - index spending transactions for each spent transparent output
/// (this is different from the transaction that created the output),
/// without actually writing anything.
/// # Errors
/// - This method doesn't currently return any errors, but it might in future
pub fn prepare_spending_transparent_tx_ids_batch(
&mut self,
db: &DiskDb,
spending_tx_location: TransactionLocation,
transaction: &Transaction,
spent_utxos_by_outpoint: &HashMap<transparent::OutPoint, transparent::Utxo>,
address_balances: &HashMap<transparent::Address, AddressBalanceLocation>,
) -> Result<(), BoxError> {
let tx_loc_by_transparent_addr_loc =
// Index the transparent addresses that spent in this transaction.
// Coinbase inputs represent new coins, so there are no UTXOs to mark as spent.
for spent_outpoint in transaction.inputs().iter().filter_map(Input::outpoint) {
let spent_utxo = spent_utxos_by_outpoint
.expect("unexpected missing spent output");
let sending_address = spent_utxo.output.address(self.network());
// Fetch the balance, and the link from the address to the AddressLocation, from memory.
if let Some(sending_address) = sending_address {
let sending_address_location = address_balances
.expect("spent outputs must already have an address balance")
// Create a link from the AddressLocation to the spent TransactionLocation in the database.
// Unlike the OutputLocation link, this will never be deleted.
// The value is the location of this transaction,
// not the transaction the spent output is from.
let address_transaction =
AddressTransaction::new(sending_address_location, spending_tx_location);
self.zs_insert(&tx_loc_by_transparent_addr_loc, address_transaction, ());
/// Prepare a database batch containing `finalized.block`'s:
/// - transparent address balance changes,
/// and return it (without actually writing anything).
/// # Errors
/// - This method doesn't currently return any errors, but it might in future
pub fn prepare_transparent_balances_batch(
&mut self,
db: &DiskDb,
address_balances: HashMap<transparent::Address, AddressBalanceLocation>,
) -> Result<(), BoxError> {
let balance_by_transparent_addr = db.cf_handle("balance_by_transparent_addr").unwrap();
// Update all the changed address balances in the database.
for (address, address_balance_location) in address_balances.into_iter() {
// Some of these balances are new, and some are updates