
139 lines
4.4 KiB

//! Prints Zebra checkpoints as "height hash" output lines.
//! Get all the blocks up to network current tip and print the ones that are
//! checkpoints according to rules.
//! For usage please refer to the program help: `zebra-checkpoints --help`
//! zebra-consensus accepts an ordered list of checkpoints, starting with the
//! genesis block. Checkpoint heights can be chosen arbitrarily.
use std::process::Stdio;
use std::os::unix::process::ExitStatusExt;
use color_eyre::eyre::{ensure, Result};
use serde_json::Value;
use structopt::StructOpt;
use zebra_chain::{block, transparent::MIN_TRANSPARENT_COINBASE_MATURITY};
use zebra_node_services::constants::{MAX_CHECKPOINT_BYTE_COUNT, MAX_CHECKPOINT_HEIGHT_GAP};
use zebra_utils::init_tracing;
mod args;
/// Return a new `zcash-cli` command, including the `zebra-checkpoints`
/// passthrough arguments.
fn passthrough_cmd() -> std::process::Command {
let args = args::Args::from_args();
let mut cmd = std::process::Command::new(&args.cli);
if !args.zcli_args.is_empty() {
/// Run `cmd` and return its output as a string.
fn cmd_output(cmd: &mut std::process::Command) -> Result<String> {
// Capture stdout, but send stderr to the user
let output = cmd.stderr(Stdio::inherit()).output()?;
// Make sure the command was successful
"Process failed: exit status {:?}, signal: {:?}",
"Process failed: exit status {:?}",
// Make sure the output is valid UTF-8
let s = String::from_utf8(output.stdout)?;
fn main() -> Result<()> {
// initialise
// get the current block count
let mut cmd = passthrough_cmd();
// calculate the maximum height
let height_limit: block::Height = cmd_output(&mut cmd)?.trim().parse()?;
assert!(height_limit <= block::Height::MAX);
// Checkpoints must be on the main chain, so we skip blocks that are within the
// Zcash reorg limit.
let height_limit = height_limit
.expect("zcashd has some mature blocks: wait for zcashd to sync more blocks");
let starting_height = args::Args::from_args().last_checkpoint.map(block::Height);
if starting_height.is_some() {
// Since we're about to add 1, height needs to be strictly less than the maximum
assert!(starting_height.unwrap() < block::Height::MAX);
// Start at the next block after the last checkpoint.
// If there is no last checkpoint, start at genesis (height 0).
let starting_height = starting_height.map_or(0, |block::Height(h)| h + 1);
starting_height < height_limit.0,
"No mature blocks after the last checkpoint: wait for zcashd to sync more blocks"
// set up counters
let mut cumulative_bytes: u64 = 0;
let mut height_gap: block::Height = block::Height(0);
// loop through all blocks
for x in starting_height..height_limit.0 {
// unfortunately we need to create a process for each block
let mut cmd = passthrough_cmd();
// get block data
cmd.args(["getblock", &x.to_string()]);
let output = cmd_output(&mut cmd)?;
// parse json
let v: Value = serde_json::from_str(&output)?;
// get the values we are interested in
let hash: block::Hash = v["hash"].as_str().unwrap().parse()?;
let height = block::Height(v["height"].as_u64().unwrap() as u32);
assert!(height <= block::Height::MAX);
assert_eq!(x, height.0);
let size = v["size"].as_u64().unwrap();
// compute
cumulative_bytes += size;
height_gap = block::Height(height_gap.0 + 1);
// check if checkpoint
if height == block::Height(0)
|| cumulative_bytes >= MAX_CHECKPOINT_BYTE_COUNT
|| height_gap.0 >= MAX_CHECKPOINT_HEIGHT_GAP as u32
// print to output
println!("{} {hash}", height.0);
// reset counters
cumulative_bytes = 0;
height_gap = block::Height(0);